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a guest
Jun 24th, 2015
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  1. $ lsmod
  2. aead 4272 2 authenc
  3. af_alg 4003 1 algif_hash
  4. af_key 24144 0
  5. ah4 4704 0
  6. ah6 4736 0
  7. algif_hash 2336 0
  8. authenc 5419 0
  9. crc_ccitt 1019 1 ppp_async
  10. crypto_blkcipher 10487 1 authenc
  11. crypto_hash 9666 7 authenc
  12. crypto_wq 448 0
  13. deflate 1344 0
  14. des_generic 18123 0
  15. esp4 4960 0
  16. gpio_button_hotplug 4512 0
  17. gre 3387 2 pptp
  18. hmac 2288 0
  19. ip6_tables 9185 3 ip6table_raw
  20. ip6_udp_tunnel 1319 1 l2tp_core
  21. ip6t_REJECT 1184 2
  22. ip6table_filter 608 1
  23. ip6table_mangle 1040 1
  24. ip6table_raw 576 1
  25. ip_gre 6688 0
  26. ip_tables 9389 4 iptable_nat
  27. ip_tunnel 10451 1 ip_gre
  28. ipcomp 1552 0
  29. ipcomp6 1552 0
  30. ipt_MASQUERADE 624 2
  31. ipt_REJECT 912 2
  32. ipt_ah 688 0
  33. iptable_filter 672 1
  34. iptable_mangle 928 1
  35. iptable_nat 768 1
  36. iptable_raw 640 1
  37. ipv6 269379 45 l2tp_core
  38. krng 672 0
  39. l2tp_core 12781 2 l2tp_ppp
  40. l2tp_netlink 6616 1 l2tp_ppp
  41. l2tp_ppp 12976 0
  42. leds_gpio 1680 0
  43. md5 1312 0
  44. nf_conntrack 49022 27 nf_nat_pptp
  45. nf_conntrack_amanda 1824 1 nf_nat_amanda
  46. nf_conntrack_broadcast 845 1 nf_conntrack_snmp
  47. nf_conntrack_ftp 5280 1 nf_nat_ftp
  48. nf_conntrack_h323 34511 1 nf_nat_h323
  49. nf_conntrack_ipv4 5152 8
  50. nf_conntrack_ipv6 5536 3
  51. nf_conntrack_irc 2832 1 nf_nat_irc
  52. nf_conntrack_pptp 3200 1 nf_nat_pptp
  53. nf_conntrack_proto_gre 2766 1 nf_conntrack_pptp
  54. nf_conntrack_rtcache 2480 0
  55. nf_conntrack_sip 17981 1 nf_nat_sip
  56. nf_conntrack_snmp 784 1 nf_nat_snmp_basic
  57. nf_conntrack_tftp 2832 1 nf_nat_tftp
  58. nf_defrag_ipv4 838 1 nf_conntrack_ipv4
  59. nf_defrag_ipv6 9047 1 nf_conntrack_ipv6
  60. nf_log_common 2559 2 nf_log_ipv4
  61. nf_log_ipv4 3248 0
  62. nf_log_ipv6 3376 0
  63. nf_nat 10028 12 nf_nat_pptp
  64. nf_nat_amanda 784 0
  65. nf_nat_ftp 1216 0
  66. nf_nat_h323 4992 0
  67. nf_nat_ipv4 4257 1 iptable_nat
  68. nf_nat_irc 1008 0
  69. nf_nat_masquerade_ipv4 1372 1 ipt_MASQUERADE
  70. nf_nat_pptp 1504 0
  71. nf_nat_proto_gre 880 1 nf_nat_pptp
  72. nf_nat_sip 7024 0
  73. nf_nat_snmp_basic 6960 0
  74. nf_nat_tftp 560 0
  75. nf_reject_ipv4 1939 1 ipt_REJECT
  76. nf_reject_ipv6 2215 1 ip6t_REJECT
  77. ppp_async 6352 0
  78. ppp_generic 20658 9 pptp
  79. pppoe 8112 2
  80. pppox 1354 3 pptp
  81. pptp 13520 0
  82. rng 1375 1 krng
  83. sha1_generic 1507 0
  84. slhc 4347 1 ppp_generic
  85. ts_bm 1392 0
  86. ts_fsm 2528 0
  87. ts_kmp 1328 5
  88. tun 15135 2
  89. tunnel4 1726 1 xfrm4_tunnel
  90. tunnel6 1630 1 xfrm6_tunnel
  91. udp_tunnel 1348 1 l2tp_core
  92. wl 1500067 0
  93. wl_glue 1871 1 wl
  94. x_tables 10741 29 xt_policy
  95. xfrm4_mode_beet 1488 0
  96. xfrm4_mode_transport 736 0
  97. xfrm4_mode_tunnel 1344 0
  98. xfrm4_tunnel 1120 0
  99. xfrm6_mode_beet 1232 0
  100. xfrm6_mode_transport 800 0
  101. xfrm6_mode_tunnel 1232 0
  102. xfrm6_tunnel 2207 1 ipcomp6
  103. xfrm_algo 3653 6 esp4
  104. xfrm_ipcomp 2813 2 ipcomp6
  105. xfrm_user 18672 2
  106. xt_CT 2224 0
  107. xt_LOG 768 0
  108. xt_REDIRECT 1056 0
  109. xt_TCPMSS 2656 2
  110. xt_comment 480 53
  111. xt_conntrack 2144 10
  112. xt_esp 768 0
  113. xt_id 480 0
  114. xt_limit 992 20
  115. xt_mac 624 0
  116. xt_mark 672 0
  117. xt_multiport 1200 0
  118. xt_nat 1072 0
  119. xt_policy 1936 0
  120. xt_state 688 0
  121. xt_tcpudp 1728 8
  122. xt_time 1648 0
  123. zlib_deflate 18472 1 deflate
  124. zlib_inflate 12466 1 deflate
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