
Treasure Hunt

May 12th, 2012
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  3. Incoming shit. Will cause butthurt. Read at your own risk. I thought it would turn out less shitty, but oh well. You have been warned. Please, not the face.
  5. >you are an executive at Hasbro BioToys
  6. >after those animal activists set the fluffies free, everything went to hell
  7. >HBT's investment became all but worthless since fluffies could be picked up on the street and in shelters for free
  8. >you were hired after the government bailed out the company and forced everyone filing lawsuits to settle
  9. >goddamn corporate welfare
  10. >your job is to get them out of the shithole they're in, now that they've exhausted all the qualified hiring choices who only succeeded in digging a deeper grave for the company in order to line their own pockets
  11. >a corrupt richfag, go figure
  12. >designer fluffies were still selling, but with capitalism sucking the lifeblood out of the middle class there were fewer and fewer willing to pony up the cash for a fluffy
  13. >you yourself received one of these designer fluffies as part of your compensation package for joining the HBT team
  14. >it was a white fluffy alicorn with an elegant and colorful mane
  15. >being a clopper, you were a fan of both MLP and Molestia
  16. >just couldn't pass up the opportunity to get your own Celestia fluffy
  17. >but you named her Treasure instead
  19. >the fluffy was designed to be smarter than the average fluffy and very well behaved
  20. >she even speaks perfect american english
  21. >this both rustles your jimmies and creeps you the fuck out, having owned multiple fluffies in the past who all died horribly violent deaths due to their own stupidity and never once showed the slightest bit of intelligence
  22. >you're not used to a fluffy who you could truly call your beloved pet
  23. >but you can't concern yourself with that right now
  24. >the company is leaking money and will inevitably go into bankruptcy in the coming years if you don't find a new product fast
  25. >you spend entire nights scribbling on paper and working things out, but you're no scientist
  26. >one night you just break down into tears, the stress from the job causing you to completely melt down
  27. >Treasure levitates a blanket over you
  28. >after suffering through four now dissolved marriages and graduating to a bunch of capitalist pigs who know nothing of making a real product yelling at you all day, Treasure is the only thing in the world that keeps you from /wristing right there on the spot
  29. >foreveralone.jpg
  31. >one day you get home from work especially stressed out
  32. >the boss gave you one week's notice
  33. >he's going to fire your ass, kill all the jobs and move the company to China if you can't come up with something quick
  34. >you wonder how you'll pay to take care of Treasure without a job
  35. >speaking of which, she wasn't there to greet you at the door today
  36. >you smell the sweet aroma of something baking in the oven
  37. >maybe your pent up but relatively attractive secretary decided to surprise you with dinner
  38. >you knew all those times she maced you in the face were just her way of showing affection
  39. >wandering into the kitchen, you see Treasure flying and teleporting around
  40. >she's using her magic to make your favorite meal, a juicy cut of prime rib with some broccoli and mashed yams
  41. >Treasure is wearing that apron your old high school crush used to when the two of you played "house"
  42. >no, not the doctor even Chuck Norris respects
  43. >try to remember what she was wearing under that apron
  44. >ohwait.jpg
  46. >seeing Treasure in it makes you feel things you'd rather not feel, especially nostalgia for the good old days before your first wife took the kids and all your money
  47. >it hurts to think of the mistakes you made, how it could've all been avoided, how terrible your life's become since then
  48. "Daddy! The prime rib is just about finished. If you'd please take a seat, I'll be serving it to you in a minute."
  49. >too hungry and exhausted to argue, you sit your whipped white collar ass down at the table
  50. >she slides the plate in front of you and begins cutting your steak
  51. >an ominous feeling of overwhelming dread overtakes every fiber of your being
  52. >the only thing stopping you from jumping up and diving through the nearest window is the fact that you can't move
  53. >you skipped breakfast to go in early and the boss man told you not to eat lunch until you came up with a new product idea
  54. >it takes all your strength just to not pass out right then and there
  55. >ohwell.jpg
  56. >you let treasure feed you your meal
  57. >she also pours a homemade smoothie down your throat
  58. >suddenly, with food and an energy drink in your stomach, you feel like you're a barely functioning corporate tool again rather than simply a dead man walking
  59. >with your meal finished, you leave her to clean up like the hard working man of the house you are
  60. >a shower awaits you, a nice long one to wash away the filth you're covered in
  61. >it's partly the feeling of working for the company responsible for creating the fluffy vermin that now terrorize and defecate all over once clean towns and cities
  62. >but mostly it's the spit that left their mouths while they were chastizing you all day for your poor performance
  64. >once you vacate your bathing quarters, a strange sight lies in front of you
  65. >there's a trail of rose petals leading into your bedroom
  66. >you try to run away, but your curiosity as a man of science gets the better of you
  67. >it never bothered you like this before
  68. >but that's because you never had it before being hired as the head honcho of a genetic engineering outfit
  69. >you can't bring yourself to believe the suspicions swirling in your head without seeing it for yourself
  70. >you slowly open the door to your bedroom, careful of what might await you
  71. >Treasure is lying their on her side, still wearing the apron, and gesturing you to come over
  72. >why the hell did you have to get a smart fluffy?
  73. >why didn't you just get one of those dumb shits that shits everywhere, breaks everything and causes its owner to become a psychotic animal abuser?
  74. >oh, right
  76. "Treasure, sweetie, you know I love you with all of my heart, but it would be wrong for Daddy to let this happen. Please, just go to your room and sleep."
  77. >she blinks a couple times and then turns on the waterworks
  78. >she musters all the cuteness she can and pleads with you
  79. "D-daddy no wuv Tweasuw? Daddy no wike Tweasuw anymow? Daddy jus wan Tweasuw ta go 'way?"
  81. >you can't believe your fluffy's pulling the ol' 'you'll fuck me if you love me' trick that fluffy molesters are so fond of, and it's even going so far as to use fluffy talk
  82. >what has science done
  83. "Aw, Treasure, I still love you. But we just can't be together like thi-"
  84. >she does not take it well, not even letting you finish before she rips your heart out and tears it to shreds
  86. >she magically holds a razor blade to her hooves as tears stream down her adorable little fluffy face
  88. >you gave it all up just to get Treasure
  89. >now she's mentally unstable and completely suicidal
  91. >the time has come for you to be THE DECIDER
  92. >you can either let your expensive pet fluffy kill herself
  93. >or you can blow a load and get a good night's sleep
  94. >fuckitall.jpg
  95. >you leap into action!
  96. >well, more like a slow, hesitant walk
  97. >but you've no choice other than to give in
  98. >still doesn't stop you from crying like a bitch for letting yourself get blackmailed by a fluffy pony
  99. >you close your eyes, drop your trousers and prepare for imminent humiliation
  100. >nothing happens
  101. >you open them to see your high school crush, only years older and still just as attractive
  102. >dafuq.jpg
  103. >you wonder why you never married her instead of your bitch of an ex
  105. "Brad you bastard! It's your baby! If you don't take responsibility, I...I'll-!"
  106. "You'll what?! I never asked for this! It was only supposed to be casual! How the fuck was I supposed to know that you'd get knocked up?!"
  108. "Oh, so now it's my fault. You know what? You and that spawn of yours can go fuck off and die."
  109. >she left you a note at school the next day telling you to come over one last time before her parents came back from their vacation in the bahamas
  110. >you found her in her room, hanging from her ceiling fan
  111. >at least you don't have to worry about paying for an abortion now
  112. >not that you couldn't afford it, being rich and all
  113. >at least you were rich, until your parents found out what happened and disowned your inconsiderate ass
  114. >now you remember why you never married her
  115. >it would be kind of awkward, what with you still being alive
  116. >that still didn't explain why she was standing there in front of you, making you almost piss yourself in fear
  117. >yfw the girl you drove to suicide is standing before you again in nothing but a sexy apron
  118. >maybe she came back for revenge
  119. >maybe...that would be for the best
  120. >no more work
  121. >no more fluffies
  122. >no more endless misery and depression
  123. >finally, a moment of peace and tranquility
  125. >the woman before you sees the terrified look on your face and giggles
  126. "Daddy, don't you recognize me? It's me, Treasure."
  127. >your brain is full of fuck right now
  128. >you try to ask her why, but you can't even choke out any words
  129. >she eventually gets the idea when you write it down on a nearby pad of paper
  130. How?
  131. Why?
  132. What?
  133. "Magic! I saw a picture book in your closet one day. There was this one picture of a girl on it. It seemed like you really liked her that way, so I wanted to surprise you as thanks for taking care of me all this time."
  134. >that photo album was in an electronically locked safe
  135. >it was your most guarded possession
  136. >and she was snooping through your most valued things without your permission
  137. >that, coupled with the shock of seeing the girl you killed, made you want to strangle the life out of her right then and there
  138. >you grab her throat with both hands and started squeezing with all your might
  139. >the look of horror and betrayal didn't phase you one bit
  140. >thinking back on it, your face must have contorted into high octane nightmare fuel
  141. >not that you could even think about anything when filled with pure berserker rage
  142. >a single tear rolls down her cheek as she smiles
  143. "Love...Daddy..."
  145. >somewhere in your cold, shriveled heart, a faint bit of blood started pumping through your ice cold veins again
  146. >you release your grip and fell to the floor, a sobbing unintelligable mess
  147. >so much for peace and tranquility
  148. >all you feel is the sudden urge to use that razor blade on yourself
  149. >before you can get up and grab it, a pair of white angelic wings envelopes you
  150. >Treasure tightly embraces you, even after you just tried to choke her to death
  151. >maybe it's from the adrenaline crash, or no longer having any desire to live, but everything became blurry after that
  152. >not for her, though
  153. >she was beaming at your lack of resistance
  154. >first the two of you share a kiss
  155. >then things got really intimate
  156. >while you faded in and out of consciousness, you couldn't really tell much about what was going on
  157. >you later remembered only two things about that night
  158. >you were bangin' an angel
  159. >and it felt awesome
  161. >the next morning you woke up feeling like the million buck they'll be paying you daily until you're fired in 6 days
  162. >Treasure is curled up next to you, a wide smile permanently plastered on her face
  163. >what a crazy dream you had
  164. >like you'd ever fuck a fluffy pony
  165. >ha! you're not that kind of sick fuck
  166. >you go about your morning routine
  167. >shower, get dressed, go off to work
  168. >you don't care that you're getting fire anymore
  169. >somehow, that dream fixed something broken inside you
  170. >and as long as you had treasure, everything would work out one way or another
  171. >another day filled with corporate cockblocking and projectile salivating
  172. >yay.jpg
  174. >you come home to see Treasure waiting on the couch for you
  175. "Daddy...we need to talk."
  176. >even if it's your fluffy pony saying it, your heart instinctually skips a beat when that line is said
  177. >it's the bane of men everywhere, a telltale sign that they should brace themselves and prepare for a shitstorm
  178. >you sit down next to her without saying anything
  179. >it couldn't be about that silly dream, it just couldn't
  180. >and then your jimmies spontaneously combust
  181. "I'm pregnant."
  182. >if your head could implode right then and there, by golly it would have
  183. >you're about to tell her that couldn't possibly true, but she delivers the knockout punch before you get the chance
  184. "It's yours, Brad."
  185. >BAM! POW! Straight into cardiac arrest!
  186. >you start hyperventilating as she tries to calm you down
  187. >it doesn't work
  188. >your chest feels like someone just put it through a blender
  189. >Brad's daily life has never been worse
  190. >fuckitall.jpg
  192. >suddenly a realization dawns on you
  193. >this is finally your chance to make it right
  194. >sure, you're going straight to hell when you die
  195. >but until then, you're not going to waste your second chance at this
  196. >you take Treasure to the scientists at Hasbro BioToys
  197. >nobody knows fluffies better than them
  198. >they designed Treasure, after all
  199. >you're surprised to find out that she's only carrying one foal
  200. >it's larger and a bit different than normal fluffy foals
  201. >scientists at HBT analyze it
  202. >they shit bricks
  203. >your unholy and immoral one night stand with that angel has created a real life G4 pony
  204. >scientists never actually bothered to test what would happen if the fluffy you designed ever gave special hugs to a human, but then again, why would they?
  205. >if they'd been asked to test the outcome of a fluffy turning into a human and having relations with one, they would've locked you up in an asylum
  207. >well, you still are
  208. >but now you'll be crazy AND rich
  209. >again
  210. >take that, mom and dad
  211. >and they said you'd never amount to anything
  213. >a week later your foal is born
  214. >it ages and develops similar to a human
  215. >the scientists at Hasbro BioToys cloned your daughter and created a new line of designer bio toys
  216. >they were ready for those goddamn animal activists this time
  217. >there wasn't enough bleach to wash away the red staining the facility's walls
  218. >unfortunately, the scientists forgot to make the Real G4 Ponies (copyright Hasbro BioToys) sterile
  219. >not that they cared
  220. >after their union was crushed by their greedy corporate bosses, their hearts just weren't as into the work anymore
  221. >years passed, with the human population slowly declining
  222. >G4 ponies were selling like hotcakes
  223. >they were smart like humans, capable like humans and considered nothing more than toys, making them an ever more appealing alternative to real relationships in a country where those of opposite genders were growing increasingly frustrated with one another
  224. >all girls wanted ponies
  225. >all boys wanted something to fuck with reckless abandon
  227. >while this all happened, you and Treasure raised the original G4 Pony, Wind, the best a human and fluffy pairing could
  228. >getting filthy fuckin' rich from the sale of G4 ponies helped alot, though
  229. >but your happy family life didn't last long
  230. >Treasure was still a fluffy pony
  231. >due to her accelerated aging and fucked up genetics, she died from sudden organ failure
  232. >you and Wind shed all your tears that day
  233. >life went on, and eventually the heartache became more of a dull throb
  234. >decades went by, with Wind eventually succeeding you at the company
  235. >it was time for you to retire and watch the world you once knew disappear
  236. >G4 ponies had almost completely replaced humanity
  237. >they were no longer mere toys
  238. >those ponies were now people, with all the civil rights that once upon a time only applied to humans
  239. >at first you were rather distressed that you'd caused the extinction of the human race
  240. >but every time you looked at Wind, you felt your heart melt
  241. >you knew that even if people were no longer around, well, maybe the world would be better that way
  242. >it's a shame you wouldn't be around to see it
  243. >all those years of heavy drinking finally caught up with you
  244. >not that you ever drank any less
  245. >you still needed help coping with the fact that you fucked a fluffy pony
  246. >but your liver wasn'tvery understanding
  247. >it died on you, taking you with it
  249. >moments before breathing your final breath, you pulled Wind close to you
  250. >she'd been crying at your bedside the whole time
  251. "Wind, my dear sweet Wind, please, take care of this planet. Take care of your kind. Don't make the same mistakes we humans did. Don't let hatred and intolerance tear you apart."
  252. >she smiles and kisses you on the cheek
  253. "Don't worry, an alicorn goddess has ascended to take power of all ponykind. Her came from old pony lore. Maybe you've heard of it. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic."
  254. >ohfuck.jpg
  255. >they've become religious
  256. >can't be bothered to care that much
  257. >you're gonna be dead in a minute or two, after all
  258. "Wind, my precious Wind, tell your papa what that pony's name is."
  259. "Father, her name is Faust."
  260. >you can't help but chuckle at the irony
  261. >for a moment, you wonder what other fantastic creatures HBT has been spawning in your absence
  262. >oh well, Wind's got it all covered
  263. >now it's time for you to rest
  264. >and that's how Equestria was made
  265. >BELIEVE IT!
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