
Fuck you Alex Jones

Jun 16th, 2017
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  1. Alex Jones isn't the standard of Youtube.
  2. He's one of the rare cases where a person, who at one point, thought they were a Youtuber, and then made the conscious choice of fucking it up.
  3. Alex Jones is a singer, he got famous by screeching horrific notes into a camera, and uploading the resulting constipation screaming mistaken for music to Youtube.
  4. I don't know why, and this may be just a pet peeve, but I think you should start covering the more positive aspects of the Youtuber community, hell, ANY video sharing site, Reddit, Vidme, Youtube, facebook, Twitter, whatever demented piece of weirdness ColossalisCrazy decides to bless us with next (Kidding, Colossal, you do you, you awesome statue of David smashing man you!) The reason I'm writing this is remind you that there are good people out there, they aren't Kimye, and Beibmez, or Saggestamos, because you KNOW there are people out there wanting the love children of those two to spring out and sell us poop themed Greek yogurt.
  5. One day!
  8. But, beyond this, beyond Alex Jones, who in my opinion is a Pedophile who fucks the corpses thrown out by abortion clinics when they're done using them for their annual charity calander.
  9. Youtube and vidme are places of fucking awesomeness.
  10. Take Markiplier, TheRightOpnion, Yoo_Tubah, myself, Braininacat, Traingledays, Gameskies, and many others. There are many of us who are going to eventually break through the cloud of "WTF do I punch the Youtube Algorithm in the dick to get famous?" who are regular people, doing regular things, and then uploading those things to the wonderful internet.
  11. Alex Jones, nay, any piece of idiocy happening on the internet, should not be used to make Youtubers as a whole or in part, look like a bunch of creeps sitting in their basement, attic, room, kitchen, park, circus tent, or popcorn factory, (That's right Daniel Keem, I'm talking about your hidden cache of stale buttered popcorn, you fucking corn eating shit freak.) making videos about lightsaber wielding, dramatic gopher scaring, Nyan Cat loving furries.
  12. We're people too!
  13. With hopes, dreams, loves, hates, and other such niceties.
  14. We have a hard enough time making three cents from the thousand videos we post every minute, because Youtube fucks us all when earning money.
  15. A buck for every thousand views?
  16. Are you shitting me?
  17. No, in internet land, we shit Youtube... Without the needless slathering of the Mainstream fucking us all with viking capped condoms by way of posting articles about stupid dead baby fucking pedophiles like Alex Jones.
  18. I don't care what the fuck he actually did.
  19. Nor how the fuck he actually went about it.
  20. Nor what the fuck his Instagram hot'oh'not score is.
  21. E!, for a long time, the mainstream media has shit on Youtubers, consciously triying to make us feel like idiots for playing games for others enjoyment, doing makeup tutorials, or sliding around our kitchens, dressed as creepy sonic(Marki- OHMYFUCKINGGODTHERESASPIDERONMYKEYBOARD-plier) never mind, just a fly.
  22. Fuckers are getting WAY too big, my point still stands that MAYBE you should start paying attention to the positive aspects of the community. We already have enough people focusing on the negative that we've got homicidal and suicidal people going out on human hunting parties, because fuck logic.
  23. We've already got a 24 hour news cycle of "What stupid thing did the President slap out this time on the internet"
  24. We've already got AFV, Dancing with the stars, and "Children say the damnedest things" Seriously Steve Harvey, what won't you do and then immediately recant?
  25. Alex Jones is a fucking idiot.
  26. A misconception of humanities worst ideology. A freak of genetic recombination.
  27. A wine bottle fucking sociopath. A remorseless idiot.
  28. A man constantly clicking his face with a half-dead taser just to get off.
  29. Alex Jones, and roughly, the Alex Jones Show, should now only be considered a social experiment of idiotic proportions.
  30. We focus on the Negative, because the negative draws the positive towards it. Meaning, the Negativity of Alex Jones faces makes me want to be absolutely positive I want to hit him repeatedly with a rubberized sledge hammer till he can no longer make a middle finger to point towards the cruel and unjust god that allowed him to make a youtube account.
  31. That being said, and this is a sidebar, sometimes gaining a huge amount of fame in a short time at such a young age, (Alex is how old 24? 25? Pedophiles don't have birthdays, just the day the abortionist failed to do their jobs correctly.) can leave them feeling like a veritable god. Like they are infallible, but they're human, stupid, stupid, stupid humans, just like us. Obviously, Alex Jones ins't a human, but rather a shit covered ass-haired version of humanity left in the deserted and occasionally mistakenly sprinkled with the piss of the dead to bring him into fruition. Young famous people are bound to make bad choices, but he didn't make a bad choice, he became a monster, a fucked up idiot with mommy issues that could only be solved by watching underage twerking videos, because once Alex Jones ran out of abortion clinics that would give unto him a supply of dead babies unto which he could deliver his most unholy of phallic objects commonly mistaken for a penis, he decided to move on to this.
  32. In closing, focus more on the positive, like livestreams for charities, cat videos, the latest dumb thing any dork of a famous does, Santa Santa Clause, or any number of things that make the day magical. The point being, focus more on the positive, not on the negative, and tell Perez Hilton I've got an awesome Recipe he should try making!
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