
Crincap Webb-64-d

Nov 10th, 2017
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  1. Hanging in the sky ten million, two hundred and fifty three thousand, twenty five and a half miles above the planet Webb-64-d, was a great orange-hot ball. Its magnetic field twisted and churned like some kind of motorized toy, building up energy as the star rotated faster than a red dwarf really ought to. As it had the habit of doing every couple days or so, it unleashed that wound-up energy in a solar storm, trying its best to rival the energies of much larger stars, towards the direction of an orbiting planet.
  3. On Webb-64-d, locally called Crincap, in a blocky building which ruined the lines of an otherwise ornate campus, sparks flew from an experimental apparatus--a twisted up jumble of wires, jars of fluid, and a flywheel.
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