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May 7th, 2012
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  1. [size=40]Smile![/size]
  3. Pink.
  5. Pink surrounded you on every side. Your eyes saw pink, your nose smelled pink, and your skin felt pink. It was just another morning, but you never stopped reminding yourself how lucky you really were.
  7. It was early in the morning. The crack of dawn, and Pinkie Pie had yet to wake up. She was a "sleep late, wake early" kind of girl but that didn't mean that you didn't occasionally manage to wake up before her. Whenever you did you managed to find a scant few minutes of perfect tranquillity, something normally hidden beneath Pinkie's energetic exterior.
  9. She lay in the bed next to you lightly sleeping with a tiny smile plastered over her face. Her eyes were clamped shut and her nose rested an inch or less away from yours; She'd fallen asleep staring at you again. Her four legs were wrapped around your torso, and her tail had wound its way around your legs for a tight and warm embrace. Her mane billowed around her head like a giant cloud of cotton candy occluding your view, and it shivered just a little with every tiny breath she took.
  11. She was gorgeous. It was almost a shame that she'd have to wake up and break the perfection of lying next to her and hearing nothing but her quiet breaths. She was normally so much more active; You didn't mind, but it was tiring sometimes. You didn't often get to just lie there in her arms, and that made it all the easier to savour the moment.
  13. The thick pink blanket covering the two of you was rustled and messy. It had been hastily pulled over your forms the night before and neither of you had taken much care to ensure neatness; Rarity would be ashamed, but you did lots of things that Rarity would disapprove of.
  15. Pinkie's bedroom was in its typical state of utter chaos. A small box of unblown balloons was held aloft by a few helium ones at one corner of the room, and Gummy slept on top of a baking tray at another. Pinkie Pie's bedroom didn't make sense to you at the best of times, and much less so when you were so distracted by her proximity.
  17. "Hi!" Pinkie squeaked, waking up the instant the rising sun became high enough to tickle the very bottom of her hoof with a warm tendril of light. The tranquillity was shattered.
  19. Pinkie somehow propelled herself away from the bed in an instant, rolling up onto your chest and resting with her nose pressed against yours. She giggled and flexed her tail, pulling herself down into you and exciting your body further. Pinkie Pie was very, [i]very[/i] good at that.
  21. "Good morning," she whispered knowing that her lips were close enough to yours that any movement would distract you enough that her words were meaningless; You weren't listening anyway. She moved her head upwards just a little and gave your nose a light suck. "Boop."
  23. With that out of the way, Pinkie jumped. The blanket was cruelly ripped away from you, quickly replaced by a torrent of freezing air. Pinkie landed by the side of the bed and gave your hand a quick nuzzle.
  25. "C'mon, sleepyhead! We've got a big day ahead of us!"
  27. Why, what was so special about today?
  29. "Every day is special, silly! I get to spend it with you, and all my friends!" Pinkie grinned, before turning and bouncing towards the bathroom, leaving you very cold and rather unfairly excited. A near-miss Pinkie-kiss would do that to any hot blooded creature, and you were no exception.
  31. You lay back down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. Something Twilight Sparkle had once said bubbled to the front of your mind. "Pinkie Pie is an enigma wrapped in a mystery hiding in a flowerpot." She'd been paraphrasing from something else, but it described Pinkie perfectly to you. She was something else entirely.
  33. Pinkie Pie was unpredictable, inexplicable, incredible, and amazing. She oozed childlike glee and took a mixture of pride and enjoyment out of everything she did. She'd throw a party at the slightest provocation regardless of how thin the excuse was—the [i]Thank Celestia It's Friday[/i] party which had taken place on a Wednesday came to mind—and she'd do anything to make somebody else smile. You'd call her selfless, but that would imply she didn't take just as much joy from it as she gave.
  35. The noise of the shower drifted out from within the bathroom, and you heard Pinkie begin to hum a familiar tune that you couldn't quite place. Most of your thought processes stopped as a vision of Pinkie with water streaming down her body hammered its way into your mind, proving quite distracting.
  37. Distracting and inspiring.
  39. Without hesitation you rolled out of bed and sneaked to the bathroom. The door was ajar and you could open it without alerting her to your presence. The mirror hadn't steamed up yet, and you could see her through it. She was sitting under the shower with her eyes closed and her head held high, letting the water rush over her and smother her mane, which had fallen flat against her sides. There wasn't a force in Equestria that could keep Pinkie's mane flat permanently, so whenever you saw it it was a novelty.
  41. Hoping that the torrent of steaming water was overpowering Pinkie's senses, you sneaked forward until you were immediately behind her. The water splashed against you—it was as hot as both of you liked it—and you were fairly sure Pinkie hadn't noticed you were there yet. Time for a surprise.
  43. Pinkie squeaked as you grabbed her head under her chin and pulled it further upwards until her head was upside-down and looking straight at you. Before she could react further, you dived forward and pressed your lips against hers. Pinkie Pie was like a pony-shaped blob of unstoppable energy, and that was never more obvious than in the midst of a kiss. Her eyes closed and she stopped fidgeting as her lips slowly shifted against yours, not caring that she was the wrong way up or that her neck probably shouldn't be able to bend that way. She grew warmer to the touch, though that could have just been the water, and pushed herself closer to you.
  45. After a few moments, she parted her lips slightly and teased out her tongue, pressing it between your lips to prise them apart too. Her hindlegs twisted around to hold your cheeks and pull you further in as Pinkie took control, running her tongue along your teeth as if asking to be allowed inside. Every tiny brush of her felt like a shooting heat and a jolt of electricity, and she was nimbly proving once again that as hot as you liked your shower water, it couldn't compare to her.
  47. You opened your mouth and allowed her inside, but not without meeting her tongue with your own and giving her a little more to play with. She took it eagerly, rolling her tongue around your mouth as if she were lapping frosting from a cupcake. Her giggles began to fill the room as she tasted, and as much as you tried to respond with your own tongue, there were things Pinkie could do with her tongue that you simply couldn't dream of.
  49. Eventually, Pinkie pulled back. You knelt there panting for a moment while she smiled and stared into your eyes, before all of a sudden bursting into a grin. With a giggle and a snort, she returned her hindlegs to the floor and raised her forehooves to grab you around the neck. With a sharp pull, she brought you against her back. From there, a quick buck sent both of you tumbling head over heels into the shower, ending with you being thrown against the wall just hard enough to daze you for a few moments.
  51. Pinkie righted herself in mid-air and hit the slick bathroom floor with all four hooves. You were less lucky, ending up propped against a wall entirely the wrong way up, with your shoulders resting against the floor and your head staring directly at Pinkie's. She giggled and returned your earlier favour of an upside-down kiss, which you eagerly accepted.
  53. An all-too-short moment later, however, she broke off. "You can't sneak up on me, silly!" she giggled. "If you want a bit of fun, all you have to do is-" She raised a hoof to your chest slowly pressed it against your skin- "ask."
  55. Before you were allowed to ask, though, her mouth found its way to yours once again, stealing every word from your mouth. She pulled half an inch back and whispered straight into your open mouth. "Ask nicely."
  57. Please?
  59. Pinkie's hoof trailed a little further up your body, and her head moved around to the side of your neck for a quick nuzzle. Her soaked mane fell against the side of your head as her dripping wet nose rubbed against you. She giggled, and pulled her nose along to your ear, lightly breathing against your skin all the way. "Nicer," she whispered straight into your ear, before giggling and giving your earlobe a little lick.
  61. Pretty please?
  63. Her hoof journeyed a higher, scraping against your stomach as it rose to between your legs. Her lips clamped around the side of your ear as she started to suck and lightly nip, and her hoof rested an inch or less away from your fully erect penis. Pinkie Pie wasn't always subtle, but she understood the importance of anticipation. "Ask as nicely as I'd ask," she commanded, underscoring her point by shifting her hoof almost imperceptibly and sending a jolt of pleasure through your body.
  65. Pretty please with a cherry on top? No, two cherries. And a banana.
  67. Pinkie giggled and jumped up, keeping her hoof entirely still as she bounced in place. "Bingo!" She giggled, and jumped to the side, landing with her legs to either side of you. You could see her entire underside from your viewpoint—most interestingly, you could see the water snaking down around her legs and hugging every curve in her deliciously curvy body.
  69. You lifted your head and tried to look past her chest, hoping to spot what she was doing. Pinkie Pie was currently having a staring contest with the end of your penis. Her nose was almost, but not quite, touching the underside, and her eyes remained unblinking as she stared it down. After a few seconds it was clear they were in a stalemate - Pinkie Pie never lost a staring contest, and your penis was physically incapable of blinking.
  71. There was only one thing for it. Flexing your hips, you pushed forward and stabbed her on the end of the nose with it. Boop.
  73. Pinkie blinked in surprise before bursting out in laughter. "I'll get you next time!" she promised. "But you did say pretty please, and this [i]is[/i] a banana on top!"
  75. Pinkie brought her other forehoof alongside and started to use both to slowly stroke along the length of your shaft. Her entire body was wet and slick, and her well-lubricated hooves had no issue rubbing you down. Her hindlegs rested against your shoulders and ensured you wouldn't slip away from her and escape. Her soaked-through tail tickled the end of your nose while her body shifted from side to side as she moved her head to stare at you from every angle.
  77. Every touch sent a spike of sensation running through your body, and every time a light breath fell against your exposed skin it made your heart beat a little faster, until you felt like you'd explode just from being near her. Pinkie seemed to sense this, and decided to escalate the situation.
  79. She lowered her head so that her mouth was perfectly aligned with the end of your penis, and let out the very tip of her tongue for an exploratory lick. It enveloped the first inch or so easily, and for a few ecstasy filled moments she spun it around the end of your rod like a propeller. "Mmm, salty!" she exclaimed a moment later, and dived in.
  81. Her forelegs pushed against your legs as she anchored herself and lowered her body to get a better angle, ending up almost kneeling on top of you. The top of her tail still tickled your forehead, but her rear end was only inches away. She held her lips tight and forced herself down onto you, pushing herself every inch of the way. After a few moments, she pulled back and slowly released you. The end of your penis fell out of her mouth with an audible [i]pop[/i], and a few strands of saliva bridged the gap between you and her. She giggled and lifted one of her forehooves, before bringing it down on your own rear—hard. "Come on, lazypants! Everything's more fun with friends!"
  83. That was as close to an invitation to join in as you were expecting, and one you were eager to accept. The moment you raised your head and ejected your tongue Pinkie got back to work slowly running her lips up and down your shaft.
  85. In return, you raised your arms to grasp both sides of her rear end and pulled yourself up to her. Immediately in front of you was the pink pony's pinker slit, this set of lips slightly parted and very very wet—from more than just shower water. Her tail flicked, sending water flying everywhere, as your tongue made contact with her skin and began to slowly scrape over it.
  87. Her ears wiggled and rested back as her eyes closed and she began to settle into a routine of sucking down a few inches before pulling mostly back, letting her tongue twirl around you as she went, and starting again with another impassioned push forward.
  89. Your actions were less measured and more spur of the moment as you began to slowly lick down her slit, occasionally diving a little deeper and probing inside, but mostly she was just happy to feel your hot, wet tongue pressing against her. Every half dozen or so licks, you switched it up a little and moved along to her exposed clitoris for a tiny suck, a teasing lick, or if you were feeling particularly adventurous a light nibble. Not too much, though—Pinkie hated finishing first.
  91. As your assault continued, Pinkie's motions grew sloppier as the tiny sparks of pleasure and shots of ecstasy began to build up. Her breaths were deep and heavy during the short times she allowed herself to recover, and her eyes remained closed. After a few minutes, every time you so much as breathed against her clit she would have to stop for a moment and moan around your shaft as her body begged her to give into the pleasure. She resisted.
  93. Your own body wasn't faring much better. Pinkie's tongue scraping against you was an almost indescribable sensation; Like an imperfectly smooth whisk spinning around and around with all the love and affection that only Pinkie could provide. Every time she pulled back, you were forced to shamelessly groan into her, but still you continued.
  95. Before long, Pinkie was happily moaning and groaning along to every movement you made, and you weren't much different. The only important things in the world were you, her, and the shower that kept both of you hot and wet—not that you would have had trouble staying that way without it.
  97. You felt the muscles in your body begin to clench as the white hot pleasure became overwhelming and your body ceased to be under your own control, and started working completely on autopilot. Your tongue moved of its own volition, eagerly lapping up Pinkie's juices and bringing her ever closer to the edge.
  99. Pinkie's body was almost vibrating under your hands as your eager tongue took her to the edge, and her already overwhelmingly joyful mind was overtaken by ecstasy. She pulled back, releasing your shaft from her mouth's iron grip. Her eyes opened even as her face contorted in ecstasy and she exclaimed "Whee!"
  101. Her hooves found their way to your shaft even as the sensation of orgasm began to slowly overwhelm her. Her mouth hung open in pleasure and her voice was only capable of creating a constant low groan, but her hooves moved through sheer willpower—Pinkie hated leaving people cold.
  103. With a grip you would have thought impossible for two hooves, Pinkie grasped your slick shaft and stroked it as strongly as she could. You were close enough to the edge that it took almost no time at all before you joined her in mindless ecstasy and you felt the familiar feeling of orgasm. Though you couldn't see it, due to Pinkie practically sitting on your face, your rod jerked up and down as it let loose string after string of thick, hot semen.
  105. Though Pinkie wasn't paying much attention to the outside world, she managed to catch a decent amount of it in her mouth and eagerly swallowed it down. The rest splattered over her eyelid and cheek, and slowly began to drip down her face. She didn't care, she was too busy resting there in complete happiness to even really notice. A few moments later, she slipped to the side and fell into the side of the shower, and you finally stopped licking.
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