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Oct 31st, 2014
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  1. documentclass[tikz, border=0]{standalone}
  2. begin{document}
  3. begin{tikzpicture}
  4. fill [black] (-7,-8) rectangle (7,6);
  5. begin{scope}
  6. foreach c [count=i from 0] in {orange, yellow, yellow!50, white}
  7. clip [preaction={fill=c}, xscale=1-i/10]
  8. (0:1) to [bend right] ++(315:2) to [bend right] ++(60:4) to [bend right, looseness=0.5] cycle [xscale=-1]
  9. (0:1) to [bend right] ++(315:2) to [bend right] ++(60:4) to [bend right, looseness=0.5] cycle;
  10. end{scope}
  11. begin{scope}
  12. foreach c [count=i from 0] in {orange, yellow, yellow!50, white}
  13. clip [preaction={fill=c}, xscale=1-i/20, shift=(270:i/2), yscale=1-i/5] (0:5) arc (360:330:5 and 3)
  14. foreach i in {330, 300, 270, 240}
  15. { arc (i:i-10:5 and 3) -- (i-15:5 and 5) -- (i-20:5 and 3) arc (i-20:i-30:5 and 3) } arc (210:180:5 and 3)
  16. arc (180:225:5 and 6)
  17. foreach i in {225, 255, 285, 315}
  18. { arc (i:i+10:5 and 6) -- (i+15:5 and 4) -- (i+20:5 and 6) arc (i+20:i+30:5 and 6) } arc (345:360:5 and 6) -- cycle;
  19. end{scope}
  20. end{tikzpicture}
  21. end{document}
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