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  1. /ffg/'s guide to Final Fantasy IV: Rebirth
  3. Quick links:
  5. BYOND download:
  6. Game link: byond://
  9. [0] What is this?
  10. [1] Installation
  11. [2] Game menus
  12. [3] Making a party
  13. [4] General Walkthrough
  14. [4.2] The Underworld
  15. [4.3] Moon and endgame
  18. ================================================================================
  19. [0] What is this?
  20. ================================================================================
  22. Final Fantasy IV: Rebirth is a retooled version of Final Fantasy IV that makes it play more like a MMO. Players start at Baron and work their way up to Zeromus, following the plot of the original FFIV. There have been some tweaks here and there to make it more unique such as new classes to play around with, new abilities to learn, and new bosses to fight after Zeromus. The game runs off of BYOND (the same engine used to play Space Station 13) which means lag and UI freezes out the wazoo.
  24. FFIV:R was previously known as Final Fantasy Remnants (which in turn was previously known as Final Fantasy Legacy). All versions of the game still followed the "FFIV but as an MMO" trend and just built off of previous versions.
  26. The game has an..."interesting" history of being killed by the autism of the evil hacker known as 4chan (or rather, /vr/ drama), which is why it tends to go underground and enter secret club status. Hence why the posting the link to the game is a touchy subject, since you never know when the scandalous Anonymous people will kill it again. Generally speaking, it's seen as "impolite" to post the link freely, but so long as it isn't posted literally everywhere 24/7 at all times, it should be fine. The link is easy to find on your own thanks to the power of Google Search, anyway.
  28. ================================================================================
  29. [1] Installation
  30. ================================================================================
  32. Getting ready to play FFIV:R isn't too difficult. TL;DR, download BYOND, make an account and use the link to access it. Here's a more detailed guide for those who need it:
  34. 1) Download BYOND. ( Use the stable version preferably, though it doesn't matter much in the end.
  36. 2) Register an account on the BYOND website. Using the link above, click on "Register" and fill out the forms needed to make an account.
  38. 3) Run BYOND on your computer. Now, log-in to BYOND using the PROGRAM and not on the website.
  40. 4) Look on the top left for an "Open..." button. Click it, and paste the game link (byond:// in there. Let it download.
  42. Protip: If the download looks huge, sometimes canceling and attempting to redownload it can skip the long download times. I don't know why it works, but that's BYOND for you.
  44. 5) The game should boot up. You're in!
  46. ================================================================================
  47. [2] Game menus
  48. ================================================================================
  51. The game has two different control schemes you can toggle between: NUMPAD and ALTERNATIVE. Use the "Configuration" tab up top to toggle between them.
  55. Menu = NUMPAD 9 Menu = W
  56. Cancel/Close = NUMPAD 7 Cancel/Close = S
  57. Confirm = NUMPAD 5 Confirm = D
  58. Run in Battle = NUMPAD 1/3 Run in Battle = Q/E
  59. Sprint while Moving = NUMPAD 0 Sprint while Moving = Insert
  61. From there, you can make your character and get ready to roll. Once in-game, there are some screens to interact with:
  63. On the bottom is the command line you can use to switch chat channels. Type...
  64. /wsay: Talk to EVERYONE in game
  65. /say: Talk to people on the same screen/area as you
  66. /psay: Talk to people in your party only
  69. The 3 tabs near the top right:
  71. Status: Show party stats and what skills they're prepping during battle.
  72. Party: Mainly used to allow for/not allow for new people to join you.
  73. Social: circlejerking tools, although cchat (erases messages popping up in the chat), who (see who is currently online), and whisper (PM other players) are pretty handy.
  75. For the tabs on top:
  77. File: Switch between characters. Take screenshots to meme in the thread with.
  78. Icons: Adjust how everything is "stretched".
  79. Configuration: Toggle between control schemes. Also change the battle music and make your own custom OST!
  80. Social: Show who is in a party, look up who is online, or whisper (PM) other players.
  81. World: Check if there are any EXP/AP/Drop rate bonuses active.
  82. Help: Check lists of abilities your class might learn, or read the changelog.
  84. ================================================================================
  85. [3] Making a party
  86. ================================================================================
  88. The meat of the game.
  90. 1) Unlock your party underneath the party tab, first of all.
  92. 2) Anyone who wants to join you has to walk up to your character in game and press "Confirm".
  94. READ THIS! You can hold shift to adjust the direction your character faces WITHOUT MOVING. This way, if you're in a dungeon, your party won't have to watch you get ass ravaged by monsters when they're one tile away.
  96. 3) Once you're in a party, make sure to adjust your row. In the menu, go left and double press on your guy to adjust whether or not you are in the front or back row.
  98. ================================================================================
  99. [4] General Walkthrough
  100. ================================================================================
  102. If you know your IV, you should roughly know where to go next and what bosses to expect, but there are some changes to accommodate the MMO nature of the game. Boss opponents spawn on specific tiles (usually near the end), so be prepared. You can refight a boss if someone in your party doesn't have them killed, but you won't gain any extra loot.
  104. 1) Start in Baron. Reminder to go UP first and buy starting equipment.
  106. 2) On the world map, walk up to the Mist Cave. BOSS: Mist Dragon
  108. 3) Enter Mist, and use the new house on the right. Enter the cave and use the rightmost door to get to Kaipo.
  110. *As a note, Cactuars can spawn in Kaipo's desert area. They give a good amount of EXP and other goodies, but hunting AND killing them can prove to be difficult. Multi-hit attacks are your friends.
  112. 4) Head upwards and navigate through the Underground Waterway. BOSS: Octomammoth
  114. *The void is around here too. This is an endgame zone you can visit.
  116. 5) Go to Damcyan. Speak with the king (make sure everyone does) to get the hovercraft.
  118. 6) Go right and enter the Antlion's Den. BOSS: Antlion
  120. 7) From the Antlion's Den, go rightwards again to find Mt. Hobbs. BOSS: Mom Bomb
  122. 8) Walk to Fabul. Speak with the king to gain access to the Devil's Road back in Baron.
  124. 9) Go to Fabul's inn and use the teleporter to go to Baron. Use the Devil's Road in the town (house near the bottom left) to get to Mysidia.
  126. 10) Head all the way to the right and use enter Mt. Ordeals. There's a Chocobo Forest south of the entrance if needed to refill MP. BOSS: Scarmiglione (remember, both forms!)
  128. *You can enter the shrine and meet Dark Knight Cecil. He's meant to be tackled endgame.
  130. 11) Teleport back to Mist. Using the pathway/cave to Kaipo's region, enter the center door.
  132. 12) Navigate the cave. BOSSES: Baigan, Cagnazzo
  134. 13) You're in Troia's region. Visit the town/loot the castle, then head north from the castle to get the Black Chocobo.
  136. 14) Use the Black Chocobo to enter the Magnes Cave. No heavy armor mechanics! BOSS: Dark Elf
  138. 15) Return to the castle and speak with the maids before the crystal room. One of them will let you into the Tower of Zot. BOSSES: Magus Sisters, Barbariccia
  140. 16) Back to Troia's Chocobo Forest. Get a Black Chocobo and cross the sea northwards to reach the region of Eblan. Land in the nearby forest patch.
  142. 17) Enter Eblan and find the purple-ish guy to transport the hovercraft over. Go over the rocks into the Eblan Cave.
  144. 18) Reach the Tower of Babil. BOSSES: Lugae, Lugae-2, Rubicante
  146. ---------------------
  147. [4.2] The Underworld
  148. ---------------------
  150. 19) Welcome to the underworld! Stick to the left and find the a new town connected to the land where the Sylvan Cave is. Visit it so you can teleport here later. Afterwards, walk to the Dwarf's Castle and speak to the king. BONUS BOSS: Super Calcabrina (endgameish content)
  152. 20) Walk back out or teleport to the town connected to the Sylvan Cave. Navigate to find the house Yang used to be in. BOSS: Calcabrina
  154. 21) Return to the Dwarf King and get the airship. There's a lot of things you can do now, such as explore the overworld (go north to find the exit crater in the underworld).
  156. *With the airship, some optional content opens up.
  158. 21b) Stop by the Feymarch. From the castle, fly in a straight line to the left and you'll pass by (or at least, be in the general area of) it. BOSSES: Asura, then Leviathan. You may be outmatched, but even non-summoners have to get them out of the way eventually to get new armors down the line.
  160. *Make sure to pick up the Rat's Tail here. Deliver it to the town of Mythril (go to Fabul and fly south), call the hovercraft there, and give the tail to the smithy in the small cave nearby.
  162. 21c) Stop by Tomra and Kokkol. Hug the lower wall of the underworld to find them. You can pick up new armors here, but Kokkol will need the Rat's Tail first.
  164. 22) Fly to the Sealed Cave. It's near Tomra. BOSS: Demon Wall
  166. --------------------
  167. [4.3] Moon and endgame
  168. --------------------
  170. 23) Back to Eblan, speak with a man in the right side of the castle to enter the Giant of Babil. BOSS: Four Fiends, CPU
  172. *Make sure to talk to the guy who let you in the Giant after defeating the CPU! He will give you a control chip for then Lunar Whale.
  174. 23b) While you're here, go to Baron Castle and locate Odin in the basement. He can be done only after Leviathan.
  176. 24) Locate the Lunar Whale in the overworld. It's southeast of Kaipo, or directly to the west of Mythril. Use it to get to the moon.
  178. 24b) Find Bahamut's Lair. He can be fought, and like Odin, is optional.
  180. 25) Enter the Lunar Castle through the caves. BONUS BOSSES: Golbez, Zemus
  182. 26) Time for the subterranean! The bosses can only be fought if you've killed all the Eidolons. They are:
  183. White Dragon: near the entrance. Pass through a wall on the left to find a teleporting tile.
  184. Wyvern/Dark Bahamut: Off the normal path, has his own savepoint in front of him.
  185. Lunasaurs: Cave near level 7 savepoint.
  186. Plague: ...Cave near Lunasaurs.
  187. Ogopogo: Crystal area in the depths.
  189. Once killed, return to Asura yet again to pick up ore for more armor at Kokkol.
  191. *After killing the lunar bosses (Eidolons should count too for unlocks), talk to the changing man sitting where FuSoYa used to hang out, right in the center of the Lunar Castle. He'll grant you new jobs to play with, and if you gather enough, you can challenge him to a boss fight.
  193. 27) Fight Zeromus!
  195. To be continued...
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