

Nov 19th, 2014
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  1. “Ey book fagget, did you follow my comands and get me the writing supplies I wanted?” Anon leans over and flicks twilights ear while she’s studying.
  2. >”Anon, bucking stop bothering me. I’m trying to read!”
  3. >Anon places his hands onto her shoulder blades. Massaging the muscles underneath her soft fur and skin.
  4. “Is that anyway to talk to me? my purple pet princess pony?” Anon whispers into her ear.
  5. >”Mmm…. Anon, no.” Her tail swishes up almost snapping Anon in the face. Twilight lets out a moan.
  6. >Anon takes his hands off her.
  7. “Hands up don’t shoot. I am Micheal Brown.” He takes a step back from the princess. “I didn’t know lil Twilly was so sensitive.”. Bringing one of his hand
  8. s to cover his smile.
  9. >Twilight is giving Anon her normal face. A mix of confusion, add in some contempt, and well, this time she has her eyes half lidded in a seductive glare. With a wrinkled forehead and questioning eyes. She is stuck in between quite a lot of emotions currently. It shows on her face.
  10. After a few seconds of silence, Anon decides that whenever you go too far, it’s always best to keep going, for science. “Was it the massage? I mean fingers are pretty damn nice feeling.”
  11. >She shakes her head. “Anon, drop it, it was an accident. I should have better control over my mind.”
  12. “Mind? not body? looks like someone has an odd fetish. It was the ‘pet’ thing wasn’t it? Oh, I bet it was.” Anon flashes his devilish smile.
  13. >”Anon, drop it. I need to find something to write to Celestia about. You aren’t helping.”
  14. “Maybe you should write to her about how much of a dirty cumslut you are?”
  15. >Twilight gets the deepest blush.
  16. “Oh, my do you actually enjoy that?”
  17. >Twilight furiously shakes her head no. “Of course not Anon, I’m a princess. I can’t like things like that.”
  18. “Me thinks thou doth protest too much.” Anon lowers his voice and lowers himself to make his eyes level with Twilight. He places a hand underneath her chin and tilts her head up.
  19. “Don’t lie to me Twilight. I know you want to tell me the truth.”
  20. >With her flushed red, she retreats from Anons grasp. “Anon, I umm, need you to leave. Y-you’re distracting me too much.”
  21. “Alright Twilly, I understand, no means no, but hey, if you ever want to explore this side of you. I’m very knowledgable about such antics.”
  23. >A few days later Anon sees Spike at SugarCube corner. Being the bro their individual that he is he starts a small chit chat. After a few minutes he admits something interesting to Anon.
  24. >”Anon, what did you do to get Twilight so crazy last time you left?”
  25. “What do you mean?”
  26. >He looks around nervously. “Well, I mean, she’s been acting abit weird, and at times I can hear her call out your name in the shower.” He looks around again. “Even worse, I had to start sleeping downstairs,” Now he starts blushing. “Well, let’s just say that she thinks about you late at night and it is awkward to be next to that.”
  27. >Anon almost chokes on his cupcake. He thought he was just teasing her, but fuck, he might actually have found someone to take as his first pet in equestria. A princess no less.
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