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Jan 5th, 2013
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  1. [01:17:49] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: Hello, i'm LilleCarl. I'm tired of your completely retarded bullshit! Lets talk :D
  2. [01:18:06] Lindsey Flowers: Lindsey Flowers has shared contact details with Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl.
  3. [01:18:12] Lindsey Flowers: Kay. 30 seconds, gogogo.
  4. [01:18:33] Lindsey Flowers: 15..
  5. [01:18:58] Lindsey Flowers: Times up
  6. [01:18:59] Lindsey Flowers: You failed.
  7. [01:19:20] Lindsey Flowers: So you added me to ignore me? K.
  8. [01:19:31] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: Umm....
  9. [01:19:47] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: Got adhd? I was messaging with a friend....
  10. [01:19:54] Lindsey Flowers: I have really bad ADHD
  11. [01:19:57] Lindsey Flowers: but thats irrelevant
  12. [01:19:57] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: I see so
  13. [01:20:24] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: Anyways, hi! How come you accuss mangos of being a hack based core?
  14. [01:20:36] Lindsey Flowers: Well, its a bit more complex than that.
  15. [01:21:10] Lindsey Flowers: MaNGOS is Trinity, except Trinity has done much better a few ways, shall I go into detaiL?
  16. [01:21:24] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: Its not really complex at all if you look at it from the correct point of view
  17. [01:21:34] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: Trinity is MaNGOS, not the opposite
  18. [01:21:34] Lindsey Flowers: There is no correct point of view.
  19. [01:21:45] Lindsey Flowers: Yes, but Trinity took themselves to improve upon the core.
  20. [01:21:49] Lindsey Flowers: Heres the issue.
  21. [01:21:51] Lindsey Flowers: We will never agree.
  22. [01:21:53] Lindsey Flowers: Its hopeless to try.
  23. [01:21:59] Lindsey Flowers: I love Trinity, you love MaNGOS.
  24. [01:22:19] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: The issue is that you do not know what you are talking about, you might hate mangos. But do not accuss it for something it isnt
  25. [01:22:27] Lindsey Flowers: It IS a hack based core.
  26. [01:22:35] Lindsey Flowers: Any hacks Trinity has are just leftovers from WoWd and MaNGOS
  27. [01:22:38] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: Even the trinitycore developers agree that mangos is clean code and trinitycore is not xD
  28. [01:22:43] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: NO! xD
  29. [01:23:16] Lindsey Flowers: Heres the issue.
  30. [01:23:21] Lindsey Flowers: Trinity has uesd hacks - yes.
  31. [01:23:26] Lindsey Flowers: But the hacks Trinity uses are essential.
  32. [01:23:43] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: Awh fuck, do not keep unlimited IRC logs, yesterday a TC dev said "The vehicle system was just a big hack until very rescently"
  33. [01:23:51] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: Yes, and mangos doesnt use any hacks at all
  34. [01:23:55] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: Which makes is useless to play on
  35. [01:23:56] Lindsey Flowers: Thats bullshit.
  36. [01:24:01] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: No
  37. [01:24:04] Lindsey Flowers: Yes.
  38. [01:24:06] Lindsey Flowers: You know it is
  39. [01:24:10] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: No, its not
  40. [01:24:13] Lindsey Flowers: Let me go into my MaNGOS Zero core and sniff some hacks.
  41. [01:24:17] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: sniff
  42. [01:24:19] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: Go hard
  43. [01:24:37] Lindsey Flowers: Already spotted 1 hack but thats in ScriptDev
  44. [01:24:54] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: Yeah really? Tell me which line
  45. [01:25:02] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: In which file
  46. [01:25:05] Lindsey Flowers: All of the Jin'do script in ScriptDevZero
  47. [01:25:16] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: So what is the hacky part about it?
  48. [01:25:24] Lindsey Flowers: Mindcontrol - many hacks
  49. [01:25:36] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: The mindcontrol system isnt even working properly on mangos
  50. [01:25:45] Lindsey Flowers: (:
  51. [01:25:51] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: Because they do not want to use hacks
  52. [01:25:55] Lindsey Flowers: My ass.
  53. [01:26:08] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: Else they could copy trinitycores implementation
  54. [01:26:13] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: But they do not because it is hacky
  55. [01:26:23] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: mangosR2, heard of that?
  56. [01:26:32] Lindsey Flowers: Yep, the russian MaNGOS - correct?
  57. [01:26:52] Lindsey Flowers: /* ScriptData
  58. SDName: Boss_Jin'do the Hexxer
  59. SD%Complete: 85
  60. SDComment: Mind Control not working because of core bug. Shades invisible is removed as of Attacking (core bug) - MANY HACKZ!!
  61. SDCategory: Zul'Gurub
  62. EndScriptData */
  64. #include "precompiled.h"
  65. #include "zulgurub.h"
  67. enum
  68. {
  69. SAY_AGGRO = -1309014,
  73. SPELL_HEX = 24053,
  75. SPELL_SHADE_OF_JINDO = 24308, // Spell was removed from DBC around TBC; will summon npcs manually!
  79. // Shade of Jindo Spell
  80. SPELL_SHADOWSHOCK = 19460,
  81. SPELL_SHADE_OF_JINDO_PASSIVE = 24307, // shade invisibility, needs core support to prevent removing when attacking
  83. // npcs
  84. NPC_SHADE_OF_JINDO = 14986,
  88. MAX_SKELETONS = 9,
  89. };
  91. static const float aPitTeleportLocs[4] =
  92. {
  93. -11583.7783f, -1249.4278f, 77.5471f, 4.745f
  94. };
  96. struct MANGOS_DLL_DECL boss_jindoAI : public ScriptedAI
  97. {
  98. boss_jindoAI(Creature* pCreature) : ScriptedAI(pCreature)
  99. {
  100. m_pInstance = (ScriptedInstance*)pCreature->GetInstanceData();
  101. Reset();
  102. }
  104. ScriptedInstance* m_pInstance;
  106. uint32 m_uiBrainWashTotemTimer;
  107. uint32 m_uiHealingWardTimer;
  108. uint32 m_uiHexTimer;
  109. uint32 m_uiDelusionsTimer;
  110. uint32 m_uiTeleportTimer;
  112. void Reset()
  113. {
  114. m_uiBrainWashTotemTimer = 20000;
  115. m_uiHealingWardTimer = 16000;
  116. m_uiHexTimer = 8000;
  117. m_uiDelusionsTimer = 10000;
  118. m_uiTeleportTimer = 5000;
  119. }
  121. void Aggro(Unit* pWho)
  122. {
  123. DoScriptText(SAY_AGGRO, m_creature);
  124. }
  126. void SummonedCreatureJustDied(Creature* pSummoned)
  127. {
  128. if (pSummoned->GetEntry() == NPC_POWERFULL_HEALING_WARD)
  129. m_uiHealingWardTimer = 15000; // how long delay?
  130. }
  132. void UpdateAI(const uint32 uiDiff)
  133. {
  134. if (!m_creature->SelectHostileTarget() || !m_creature->getVictim())
  135. return;
  137. // Brain Wash Totem Timer
  138. if (m_uiBrainWashTotemTimer < uiDiff)
  139. {
  140. if (DoCastSpellIfCan(m_creature, SPELL_BRAINWASH_TOTEM) == CAST_OK)
  141. m_uiBrainWashTotemTimer = urand(18000, 26000);
  142. }
  143. else
  144. m_uiBrainWashTotemTimer -= uiDiff;
  146. // Healing Ward Timer
  147. if (m_uiHealingWardTimer)
  148. {
  149. if (m_uiHealingWardTimer <= uiDiff)
  150. {
  151. if (DoCastSpellIfCan(m_creature, SPELL_POWERFULL_HEALING_WARD) == CAST_OK)
  152. m_uiHealingWardTimer = 0;
  153. }
  154. else
  155. m_uiHealingWardTimer -= uiDiff;
  156. }
  158. // Hex Timer
  159. if (m_uiHexTimer < uiDiff)
  160. {
  161. if (DoCastSpellIfCan(m_creature->getVictim(), SPELL_HEX) == CAST_OK)
  162. m_uiHexTimer = urand(12000, 20000);
  163. }
  164. else
  165. m_uiHexTimer -= uiDiff;
  167. // Casting the delusion curse with a shade. So shade will attack the same target with the curse.
  168. if (m_uiDelusionsTimer < uiDiff)
  169. {
  170. // random target except the tank
  171. Unit* pTarget = m_creature->SelectAttackingTarget(ATTACKING_TARGET_RANDOM, 1);
  172. if (!pTarget)
  173. pTarget = m_creature->getVictim();
  175. if (DoCastSpellIfCan(pTarget, SPELL_DELUSIONS_OF_JINDO) == CAST_OK)
  176. {
  177. float fX, fY, fZ;
  178. m_creature->GetRandomPoint(pTarget->GetPositionX(), pTarget->GetPositionY(), pTarget->GetPositionZ(), 5.0f, fX, fY, fZ);
  179. if (Creature* pSummoned = m_creature->SummonCreature(NPC_SHADE_OF_JINDO, fX, fY, fZ, 0, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 15000))
  180. pSummoned->AI()->AttackStart(pTarget);
  182. m_uiDelusionsTimer = urand(4000, 12000);
  183. }
  184. }
  185. else
  186. m_uiDelusionsTimer -= uiDiff;
  188. // Teleporting a random player and spawning 9 skeletons that will attack this player
  189. if (m_uiTeleportTimer < uiDiff)
  190. {
  191. if (Unit* pTarget = m_creature->SelectAttackingTarget(ATTACKING_TARGET_RANDOM, 0))
  192. {
  193. DoTeleportPlayer(pTarget, aPitTeleportLocs[0], aPitTeleportLocs[1], aPitTeleportLocs[2], aPitTeleportLocs[3]);
  195. // summon 9 skeletons in the pit at random points
  196. float fX, fY, fZ;
  197. for (uint8 i = 0; i < MAX_SKELETONS; ++i)
  198. {
  199. m_creature->GetRandomPoint(aPitTeleportLocs[0], aPitTeleportLocs[1], aPitTeleportLocs[2], 4.0f, fX, fY, fZ);
  200. if (Creature* pSummoned = m_creature->SummonCreature(NPC_SACRIFICED_TROLL, fX, fY, fZ, 0.0f, TEMPSUMMON_TIMED_DESPAWN_OUT_OF_COMBAT, 15000))
  201. pSummoned->AI()->AttackStart(pTarget);
  202. }
  204. m_uiTeleportTimer = urand(15000, 23000);
  205. }
  206. }
  207. else
  208. m_uiTeleportTimer -= uiDiff;
  210. DoMeleeAttackIfReady();
  211. }
  212. };
  214. // HACK script! Should not need to have totems in SD0
  215. struct MANGOS_DLL_DECL mob_healing_wardAI : public ScriptedAI
  216. {
  217. mob_healing_wardAI(Creature* pCreature) : ScriptedAI(pCreature) { Reset(); }
  219. uint32 m_uiHealTimer;
  221. void Reset()
  222. {
  223. m_uiHealTimer = 3000; // Timer unknown, sources go over 1s, per tick to 3s, keep 3s as in original script
  224. }
  226. void AttackStart(Unit* pWho) {}
  227. void MoveInLineOfSight(Unit* pWho) {}
  229. void UpdateAI(const uint32 uiDiff)
  230. {
  231. // Heal Timer
  232. if (m_uiHealTimer < uiDiff)
  233. {
  234. DoCastSpellIfCan(m_creature, SPELL_HEALING_WARD_HEAL);
  235. m_uiHealTimer = 3000;
  236. }
  237. else
  238. m_uiHealTimer -= uiDiff;
  239. }
  240. };
  242. // TODO Move to Acid
  243. struct MANGOS_DLL_DECL mob_shade_of_jindoAI : public ScriptedAI
  244. {
  245. mob_shade_of_jindoAI(Creature* pCreature) : ScriptedAI(pCreature)
  246. {
  247. m_pInstance = (ScriptedInstance*)pCreature->GetInstanceData();
  248. Reset();
  249. }
  251. ScriptedInstance* m_pInstance;
  253. uint32 m_uiShadowShockTimer;
  255. void Reset()
  256. {
  257. m_uiShadowShockTimer = 1000;
  258. DoCastSpellIfCan(m_creature, SPELL_SHADE_OF_JINDO_PASSIVE);
  259. }
  261. void UpdateAI(const uint32 uiDiff)
  262. {
  263. if (!m_creature->SelectHostileTarget() || !m_creature->getVictim())
  264. return;
  266. // ShadowShock Timer
  267. if (m_uiShadowShockTimer < uiDiff)
  268. {
  269. if (DoCastSpellIfCan(m_creature->getVictim(), SPELL_SHADOWSHOCK) == CAST_OK)
  270. m_uiShadowShockTimer = 2000;
  271. }
  272. else
  273. m_uiShadowShockTimer -= uiDiff;
  275. DoMeleeAttackIfReady();
  276. }
  277. };
  279. CreatureAI* GetAI_boss_jindo(Creature* pCreature)
  280. {
  281. return new boss_jindoAI(pCreature);
  282. }
  284. CreatureAI* GetAI_mob_healing_ward(Creature* pCreature)
  285. {
  286. return new mob_healing_wardAI(pCreature);
  287. }
  289. CreatureAI* GetAI_mob_shade_of_jindo(Creature* pCreature)
  290. {
  291. return new mob_shade_of_jindoAI(pCreature);
  292. }
  294. void AddSC_boss_jindo()
  295. {
  296. Script* pNewScript;
  298. pNewScript = new Script;
  299. pNewScript->Name = "boss_jindo";
  300. pNewScript->GetAI = &GetAI_boss_jindo;
  301. pNewScript->RegisterSelf();
  303. pNewScript = new Script;
  304. pNewScript->Name = "mob_healing_ward";
  305. pNewScript->GetAI = &GetAI_mob_healing_ward;
  306. pNewScript->RegisterSelf();
  308. pNewScript = new Script;
  309. pNewScript->Name = "mob_shade_of_jindo";
  310. pNewScript->GetAI = &GetAI_mob_shade_of_jindo;
  311. pNewScript->RegisterSelf();
  312. }
  313. [01:26:52] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: not really russian mangos, but yeah its a fork with russian developers :P
  314. [01:27:14] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: So where is the actual hack?
  315. [01:27:24] Lindsey Flowers: (facepalm)
  316. [01:27:29] Lindsey Flowers: The shades are a completely hacked mob.
  317. [01:27:45] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: rly ez to see in skype tbh
  318. [01:28:04] Lindsey Flowers: The Shades of Jin'do are a hacked mob aswell as the spell itself.
  319. [01:28:16] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: How is that script hacky?
  320. [01:28:30] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: It looks very proper in every way (the shades, didnt look at the rest)
  321. [01:28:42] Lindsey Flowers: *sigh* I'm going to go make some ramen, bebr.
  322. [01:28:43] Lindsey Flowers: berb*
  323. [01:29:04] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: No idea to sigh when you are either trolling or not knowing anything
  324. [01:29:16] Lindsey Flowers: You can't judge my knowledge.
  325. [01:29:30] Lindsey Flowers: We're both releasing biased opinions.
  326. [01:29:36] Lindsey Flowers: You're a MaNGOS Whiteknight and I'm a Trinityfag.
  327. [01:29:45] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: Not at all
  328. [01:29:49] Lindsey Flowers: Completel.
  329. [01:29:51] Lindsey Flowers: Completely*
  330. [01:29:53] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: Not at all
  331. [01:29:56] Lindsey Flowers: Completely.
  332. [01:29:59] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: I like trinity alot
  333. [01:30:19] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: I would choose either mangosr2 or trinitycore for a 3.3.5, prolly trinitycore since it is far more widely used
  334. [01:30:28] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: If i would run a server
  335. [01:30:50] Lindsey Flowers: I just think that MaNGOS devs are way too slow.
  336. [01:30:57] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: But when i run a server i just want stuff to work for the end user, in mangos they care about how its handled in the core
  337. [01:31:08] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: They are very productive, have you seen schmoozerd lately?
  338. [01:31:19] Lindsey Flowers: my views are from 2011.
  339. [01:31:22] Lindsey Flowers: but heres the issue
  340. [01:31:24] Lindsey Flowers: For about 2 years
  341. [01:31:31] Lindsey Flowers: MaNGOS would trip on itself with over 200 online.
  342. [01:31:44] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: Cool, that is not the case now
  343. [01:32:02] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: And you used mangos last time not too long ago when you raged on mangos forum
  344. [01:32:04] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl:
  345. [01:32:13] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: This is productive development
  346. [01:32:23] Lindsey Flowers: 16 days for 1 fix? xD
  347. [01:32:28] Lindsey Flowers: 2*
  348. [01:32:35] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: Not bad at all
  349. [01:32:41] Lindsey Flowers: and tahts not MaNGOS
  350. thats CMaNGOS
  351. [01:32:50] Lindsey Flowers: My opinions are going from mainstream cores that EVERY knows about
  352. [01:32:53] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: NO
  353. [01:32:57] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: THAT IS MOTHERFUCKING MANGOS
  354. [01:33:01] Lindsey Flowers: With different devs.
  355. [01:33:06] Lindsey Flowers: Jesus you're fucking moronic.
  356. [01:33:09] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: No, with the original devs
  357. [01:33:25] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: The mangos with the "original mangos repos" was invaded with stupid germans
  358. [01:33:35] Lindsey Flowers: Racist bitch
  359. [01:33:37] Lindsey Flowers: Salja is german
  360. [01:33:42] Lindsey Flowers: and a twat if I may add
  361. [01:33:50] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: I know salja is german
  362. [01:33:56] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: Zakamurite as well
  363. [01:33:57] Lindsey Flowers: I hate Salja.
  364. [01:34:00] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: so do i
  365. [01:34:03] Lindsey Flowers: I*
  366. [01:34:04] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: Or well not really hate
  367. [01:34:07] Lindsey Flowers: Capitalize your I's.
  368. [01:34:18] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: No need, you understand me anyways
  369. [01:34:25] Lindsey Flowers: And my eyes bleed.
  370. [01:34:58] Lindsey Flowers: Although, welcome to the internet I guess.
  371. [01:35:13] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: Sounds like soo much fun! i love making your eyes bleed with my stupid text, because i am having issues with capitalizing i.
  372. [01:35:16] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: (y)
  373. [01:35:43] Carl Hjerpe/LilleCarl: And i have been on the internet for awhile. But i have never met someone who knows so little and says soo much about something
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