
TSW 14: Reagan's Talk

May 28th, 2016
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  1. [20:52] IcePickLobotomy Reagan: There's a knock on your door later that evening. "Reagan? It's Walker. You busy?"
  2. [20:53] Reagan lays her pencil down on her desk-slash-vanity and turns to the door. "Come in."
  3. [20:53] IcePickLobotomy Walker steps inside and closes the door behind her. "Hey, I was looking to touch base and see how you're holding up."
  4. [20:55] Reagan smiles and gestures to her bed. "Oh, thank you..would you sit down?"
  5. [20:56] IcePickLobotomy "Of course." Walker takes a seat on the bed.
  6. [21:01] Reagan "Actually, I've been meaning to ask you, ma'am..." She shifts around and leans her arms against the back of her chair. "What was it exactly that happened with Kasra?"
  7. [21:06] IcePickLobotomy "Verbeck contacted me about that. Kasra suffered from SyncroTruamitic injuries in his sleep. He thinks it's something unique to Kasra due to his prolonged use of the Units and high Sync Ratio."
  8. [21:07] Reagan "Now what's this SyncroTruamictic talk about?'
  9. [21:08] IcePickLobotomy "If your SR gets high enough, you will receive the same injuries your Unit does. Something to do with pattern encoding of the AT Field being copied to the pilot's AT Field and then reflecting onto their body."
  10. [21:08] Reagan gasps. "Oh my goodness."
  11. [21:11] IcePickLobotomy "There's nothing we can do really other than keep an eye on Kasra and support him."
  12. [21:13] Reagan "Is that gonna happen to the rest of us as well?"
  13. [21:14] IcePickLobotomy "No, it shouldn't. Or at least not outside of the units, and even then we have limiters in place to prevent that. Kasra is a a outlier."
  14. [21:15] Reagan "Cause his SR is so high, I suppose?"
  15. [21:15] IcePickLobotomy "As well as being one of the first test pilots as well, from what I understand."
  16. [21:16] Reagan "Poor thing... How long has he been at this, exactly?"
  17. [21:16] IcePickLobotomy "His parents both worked for METI, so he was born into it. Though he wasn't brought in as a pilot until he was 6."
  18. [21:17] Reagan "Six--? Now wait a moment, he--hasn't been goin' through this since then, has he?"
  19. [21:18] IcePickLobotomy "He has. He was identified in a METI hospital following a car crash. His parents didn't survive it."
  20. [21:21] Reagan blinks at Walker for a moment, before her eyebrows furrow. "Who raised him now?
  21. [21:22] IcePickLobotomy "METI did from what I understand. Mostly SciDiv. He's close to Verbeck, but from what I can tell her got bounced around to whoever was free to look after him."
  22. [21:24] Reagan "That can't be right." She says, frowning. She's visibly upset.
  23. [21:26] IcePickLobotomy "It is what it is. And considering the state of things he was lucky to not go to a orphanage, lord knows they were overcrowded following the Red Death."
  24. [21:30] Reagan "Well sure, nobody can argue that--me least of all, I was one a' the lucky ones, too, but...he acts so normal for somebody who grew up without a mama or a daddy."
  25. [21:31] IcePickLobotomy "Well he was raised by normal, well as normal as a bunch of super nerds can be, people. If nothing else they gave him a damn good education."
  26. [21:32] Reagan "Education ain't got nothing to do with love and support, ma'am."
  27. [21:48] IcePickLobotomy "True, though he was a bit lonely, he didn't have much of a chance to interact with peers before you all showed up."
  28. [22:10] Reagan (oh jeez, i didnt hit enter either, lmao)
  29. [22:10] IcePickLobotomy (lololol)
  30. [22:11] Reagan "...Ma'am, I suppose you've never been a mother before, have you?"
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