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has been modified.">View Here</a></p></div><h3 style="padding-right:0.5em;font-size:0.75em;"><a href="#" style="font-weight:bold;">09/15/10 8:45 PM&nbsp;-&nbsp;Blog:&nbsp;New Post</a></h3><div style="font-size:0.75em;" class="content">A new post titled, "Blahblah" has been created.<p><a href="" title="A new post titled, &quot;Blahblah&quot; has been created.">View Here</a></p></div><h3 style="padding-right:0.5em;font-size:0.75em;"><a href="#" style="font-weight:bold;">09/15/10 7:57 PM&nbsp;-&nbsp;Blog:&nbsp;Post Modified</a></h3><div style="font-size:0.75em;" class="content">Test Two" has been modified.<p><a href="" title="Test Two&quot; has been modified.">View Here</a></p></div><h3 style="padding-right:0.5em;font-size:0.75em;"><a href="#" style="font-weight:bold;">09/15/10 7:32 PM&nbsp;-&nbsp;Blog:&nbsp;New Post</a></h3><div style="font-size:0.75em;" class="content">A new post titled, "Test Two" has been created.<p><a href="" title="A new post titled, &quot;Test Two&quot; has been created.">View Here</a></p></div><h3 style="padding-right:0.5em;font-size:0.75em;"><a href="#" style="font-weight:bold;">09/15/10 7:10 PM&nbsp;-&nbsp;Blog:&nbsp;New Post</a></h3><div style="font-size:0.75em;" class="content">A new post titled, "This is a test" has been created.<p><a href="" title="A new post titled, &quot;This is a test&quot; has been created.">View Here</a></p></div></div><h3 class="content" style="display: inline;padding-right: 4.0em;">Development Reflections</h3><p class="indent">Hello and welcome to the personal (<em>and I suppose, business</em>) website of Charles  Grunwald / Juntalis. What you'll find here is an odd collaboration of development projects,  past works, scripts, snippets, and maybe even a few rants or doodles.</p><p class="indent">Besides my recreational development projects, I've also recently began taking on projects as an independent web developer. I'm currently taking on projects of varying sizes, and I've started a portfolio in the <a href="work/" title="My Portfolio">Work  Section</a>, and will try to keep it updated over this website's lifetime. If you'd interested  in hiring me, and would like to contact me, my contact information and a contact form can both  be found <a title="Contact Me" href="central/contact/">here</a>. Feel free to use either, and  I'll get back to you as soon as possible.</p><p class="indent">Having been developing (<em>both web and desktop applications</em>) recreationally for the  past five or six years, I've written a number of programs and scripts, and so I needed a  place to dump of all of that. You can find these items in the <a title=  "Utilities, scripts, snippets, and source code." href="/play/">Play Section</a> of my  website. For the most part, I've tried to release the source code to any of the programs I've  written. The only exceptions are for programs that I wrote years ago and have since lost the  source code to. The source code you do find will range from being heavily documented and  explained to not documented at all. The larger the project, however, the more likely it is  that I provided some sort of documentation.</p><p class="indent">Finally, I've created an <a title="About Me" href="/central/about/">About</a> section, as  well as a <a title="My Blog" href="/blog/">Blog</a> if you'd like to know more about me  personally. I post occasionally on the blog to give status updates about projects I'm working  on, rant about something that's most likely trivial, and basically anything else that happens  to cross my mind or take my interest. In addition to my projects, I often post examples of  how to use a development framework or library. Since I didn't write the framework, and I'm  not extending the framework at all, I don't really feel write posting the example in my code  section. Any of my snippets of code or referenced projects that I post however, will also be  found in its appropriate section on the website. The only difference is, you might find the  reason/scenario that sparked the project there.</p></div></div> <!--[if IE]><div class="filler right">&nbsp;</div> <![endif]--></div> <!--[if IE]><div class="bottom botL">&nbsp;</div><div class="bottom">&nbsp;</div><div class="bottom botR">&nbsp;</div> <![endif]--><div id="Footer"><p class="cp">&copy; 2010 Reversing Juntalis</p><p><a rel="bookmark index home permalink" href="/">Home</a> - <a rel="bookmark index" href="/blog/">Blog</a> - <a rel="bookmark index" href="/work/">Portfolio</a> - <a rel="me author permalink" href="/contact/">Contact</a> - <a href="/sitemap/">Sitemap</a></p><p class="design">Powered by <a rel="external muse endorsed" href="" title="JQuery">JQuery</a> &amp; <a rel="external muse endorsed" href="" title="Kohana">Kohana</a></p></div></body></html>
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