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- import std.stdio;
- import std.algorithm;
- import std.random;
- import std.array;
- import std.math;
- struct city{
- int x;
- int y;
- }
- struct chromosome{
- city[] dna;
- }
- chromosome[2] crossOver(chromosome mother, chromosome father){
- assert(mother.dna.length==father.dna.length);
- foreach(a;mother.dna)
- assert(mother.dna.count(a)==father.dna.count(a));
- //we map 1 dna unit from the mother to a corresponding unit of the father (and vice versa)
- // 4 1 2 3 5
- // 5 3 1 2 4
- //
- // if we map 1 => 3
- // 4 3 2 1 5
- // 5 1 3 2 4
- int mapIndex=uniform(0,mother.dna.length);
- auto point1=mother.dna.dup[mapIndex];
- auto point2=father.dna.dup[mapIndex];
- //we're mapping point1 to point1
- swap(mother.dna[mother.dna.countUntil(point1)],mother.dna[mother.dna.countUntil(point2)]);
- swap(father.dna[father.dna.countUntil(point1)],father.dna[father.dna.countUntil(point2)]);
- return [mother,father];
- }
- chromosome mutate(chromosome victim){
- int from=uniform(0,victim.dna.length);
- int to=uniform(0,victim.dna.length);
- swap(victim.dna[from],victim.dna[to]);
- return victim;
- }
- chromosome[] reproduce(chromosome mother,chromosome father){
- //we reproduce
- //mother's and father's dna are preserved because they contain a good solution
- //we also add a mutation of mother/father
- //a crossing over of mother/father
- //and a crossing over + mutation
- chromosome[] returnvalue;
- returnvalue~=mother;
- returnvalue~=father;
- returnvalue~=mutate(mother);
- returnvalue~=mutate(father);
- chromosome[] crossedOver=crossOver(mother,father);
- chromosome[] crossedOverAndMutated=array(map!(x => mutate(x))(crossedOver));
- returnvalue~=crossedOver;
- returnvalue~=crossedOverAndMutated;
- return returnvalue;
- }
- void main(){
- city[] cities=[city(20,0),city(50,50),city(75,30),city(0,10),city(25,25),city(10,65)];
- chromosome[] workers;
- while(workers.length<60){
- randomShuffle(cities);
- if(!canFind(workers,chromosome(cities)))
- workers~=chromosome(cities.dup);
- }
- bool fitnessCompare(chromosome first,chromosome second){
- return fitness(first)>fitness(second);
- }
- while(true){
- workers=array(sort!(fitnessCompare)(workers));
- writeln(workers[0]);
- stdout.flush();
- chromosome[] newWorkers;
- for(int x=0;x<10;x+=2)
- newWorkers~=reproduce(workers[x],workers[x+1]);
- workers=newWorkers;
- }
- }
- float fitness(chromosome victim){
- city[] cities=victim.dna;
- //we need to start from home and return to home
- cities=city(0,0) ~ cities;
- cities~=city(0,0);
- float travelled=0f;
- for(int x=0;x<cities.length-1;x++)
- travelled+=distance(cities[x],cities[x+1]);
- writeln(100/travelled);
- return 100/travelled;
- }
- float distance(city from,city to){
- return sqrt(cast(float)(pow(to.x-from.x,2) + pow(to.y-from.y,2)));
- }
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