
Dragon Migrations and Pacts

Dec 19th, 2013
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  1. Long ago in the annuals of Equestrian history before the sisters, before the founding of Equestria itself, there were dragons. In those days it was more common to see a dragon then it was to see a pony! Now naturally as all dragons are wont to do, they tend to accumulate large hoards of coin and gems for their nests. Seeing as how the dragons themselves being of great stature to mint the coins themselves found it far easier to pillage and steal the coins of the various pony villages of the old world.
  3. Earth Pony, Unicorn and even Pegasus were raided and pillaged on a near monthly basis! Yet the harshest time when the dragon raids were at their peak was during the dragon migration, an event where dragons from all across the world gather and meet with one another to discuss tales of their travels, as well as compare hoard sizes of course! Some villages attempted to do a tribute to the local dragon in the hopes it would make the dragon keep others from raiding their villages, others banged the drums of war to beat back the dragons, and some were successful while others were not resulting in the burning of their homes. Some even attempted to hide their gold and gems burying them in large vaults underground, but to a dragons nose the scent of wealth is never too far to be found.
  5. During this draconian reign of terror in which many a coin and gem was lost to the dragons and more villages were destroyed in retaliation, a pair of dragons roar at one another before colliding in a fury of scales and teeth! Pulling away from one another the two dragons’ eye each other wearily as they circle in the air, one a majestic gold, the other a cool blue, the gold smirks suddenly before opening its maw to shoot out molten flame at the blue which dives to the side but exhaustion and bruising from the multiple crashes between the two mighty wyrms slows his reactions as the blue roars in agony as his side is burnt from the flames and molten earth! Spiraling down in the air the blue dragon falls to the forest below and crashes sending many a timber to fall.
  7. In the sky the gold snorts in contempt seeing its foe fall down to earth; twisting in the air the beast gives a flap of its giant wings flying off into the distance.
  8. Time passes as it’s wont to do and when the blue awoke on the ground he found to his amazement that he was not dead for one and for another his wounds appear to be bound in a poultice. Nearby was a small campfire in which a young filly earth pony is seen with cotton pink hair and a white coat poking a stick into the fire sending embers into the air? Shaking off the drowsiness of sleep the blue inquires as to what a pony, a filly at that was doing helping a dragon of all things. In response the filly merely grinned and explained that just because he was a dragon didn’t mean he had to suffer from being in pain.
  10. Grumbling to him the blue attempts to move only to wince at the sudden flare of pain from the wound, seeing this filly stood up and reached back to a satchel bringing out more of the poultice to renew the bandage. Chiding the giant lizard gently for trying to move while hurt the young mare ties off the last knot on the bandage as the blue responds sullenly that he wouldn’t need to be staying still. From then on the dragon rested from his wound as the filly cared for him finding him fish and gems if they were nearby as she tended to the dragon. One night as they sat below the stars the blue asked why she seemed to be alone in reply she merely stared up at the sky and said she wasn’t, her father and mother were still here with her even after a dragon raid had taken them from her she knew that they were still watching over her.
  12. Hearing this guilt tore through the blue as he thought back to the various raids he had gone on to start his own hoard and how this filly, whom had her parents taken from her by dragons still cared to treat him as any pony else. Then an idea struck the blue with the full force of giants club atop his head. The blue could rally his fellow dragons, curb their enthusiasm in gathering coins and instead focus on gems themselves; coins were merely filler for a dragons hoard anyway. Looking over to the filly that for the past few weeks had tended to his wounds he spoke with words of power as a promise was made that night; that so long as his winds did beat and his fire still burned, no dragon would pillage pony land.
  14. Of course when this promise was made the filly was shocked and confused asking how could he do such a thing, wouldn’t it be impossible to do just by himself? Looking over to the pony the blue asked softly if she would be willing to help him in this endeavor as he explains that he felt a debt to her something in which he felt he must repay so the two would be even so to speak. The filly thought it over and being of a young age did not quite see the circular logic that was presented to her before agreeing to aid the young blue.
  16. So the two set out once the blue’s wings and side had healed from the burn, as the blue traveled with the filly atop his back they traded words with all those dragons they came across starting with the ones the blue had known since his days as a hatchling a few nodded at his urgings and after actually getting to know the young filly began to agree with the young dragon. However they were the few as the majority of the dragons that they had visited merely scoffed atop their larger hoards at the mere idea of stopping their pillaging for the sakes of mere mortals. One such drake spat at the blue’s feet flame flying up as she remarked that for him to even think of enforcing such a idea he would need to become the next dragon king!
  18. Seeing the blue sink in despair at this tidbit of new, the young filly confused softly asked the blue why he seemed so worried. The reason why the blue explained as he breathed out a cloud of black smoke that began to take shapes in the morning air as he began his tale, that long ago when the world was young and dragons already old the various dragons boasted and fought and lived and died as they had for millennia before even they knew when the beginning had started. However that all changed when a young dragon, a wyrm of small size called Yolsoldol or Heart-Within-Fire, had tunneled and dug out a new cave for the winter when he came across a curious sight. A gem the size of his head! Now to be fair even for a young dragon they are no small creatures so this gem that sparkled with an iridescent shine almost in the dim light was quite large indeed. Now naturally Yolsoldol tried to hide his find and keep it to himself as he was a small dragon compared to the others and so for a time he was safe, but as any good dragon will tell you treasure sings out to them with its melody and before too long dragons from nearby began to fight Yolsoldol for his gem which he had taken to calling Durusa, Child-of-Earth, and as a farther protecting his mate and hatchlings Yolsoldol fought and triumphed over each dragon that attempted to best him for the gem. What was strange was that after each fight Yolsoldol seemed to grow larger, stronger and even faster as the fights and time wore on until finally even the largest of dragons could not best him.
  20. A moot was called on that day, when dragon kind gathered and discussed what should be done when one dragon suggested why not make him king of the hoard? After all his gem Durusa was of such coveted want that all dragons could acknowledge, now to be fair this idea was laughed and ridiculed at first as dragons tend to be a prideful lot, but after the assault of ten different dragons in one attack, which is a feat in and of itself as dragons are notorious for working alone, did the idea of a dragon king begin to have merit. From then on when the dragons approached Yolsoldol who was at this point a reasonably paranoid and weary dragon after the many attempts to steal his Durusa was shocked at being declared king. At this point when dragons had a dispute and the old way of settling the argument could not be reached they would have Yolsoldol reach a decision on the matter. Something that hardly happened as was mentioned before dragons hate asking for help even for the simplest of things.
  22. At this point in the story the young filly asked fascinated by the smoke play that showed her the story what happened to Yolsoldol and his Durusa. The blue at this point breathed out blowing the smoke away into the clear morning sky as he explained that no one truly knows as Yolsoldol had in his old age began to hibernate longer and longer until finally the memory of his resting place faded from the minds of even dragons. Some said that Yolsoldol had passed away, others that he had merely fallen asleep and has never woken up, whatever they say they all agree that Durusa was lost to dragon kind as its owner was which was a terrible thing, now it was regarded as folktales and something tell hatchlings when they were particularly fussy in the nights.
  24. Looking determined the filly sat up from where she had been resting against the blue and declared that the best thing to do then was to find the Durusa and make him king. The blue chuckled at the little filly’s optimism before asking how they would even start searching for Yolsoldol’s resting place if they had no idea where to start. Curling her brow in thought the filly paced a moment or two before saying why not use the scent of Durusa to find it, after all the little filly reasoned why couldn’t dragons find the gem if they could smell it out. The blue thought a moment before saying that those who had gone and tried to find Durausa that why were never heard from again but it would at the very least be a start.
  26. And so the dragon and pony flew together across the land searching for the Durusa, they flew and asked all they could me of the location of Yolsoldol, most laughing them off when they came across a small cave that housed a booking looking dragon a hatchling no less that had collected a great many tomes of knowledge pointing out that the last location of Yolsoldol was near the Sormoncri, South-Mountain-Crystals. Thanking the bookish hatchling whom became good friends with the filly much to the blue’s chagrin, the two could put him to sleep with the excessive talk of paper and records as a matter of fact it did happen twice in fact!
  28. The pony and dragon soon left the cave of their new friend flying to the Sormoncri in high spirits when the blue jerked downwards as his treasure sense was screaming almost from the constant barrage of scents and smells that wafted up from the mountain side. Landing a ways from the range the filly asked what was wrong concerned for her friend whom explained that the reason why no one could have found Durusa was because the mountains themselves were so full of other lesser treasures it was the equivalent of finding a needle in a haystack! The scents were so strong and eye watering that the blue had to cover his nose from the smell lest he be overwhelmed by the various treasures. Hearing this the filly seemed to ponder a moment before an idea sprang into being for her as she told the blue to wait a moment before leaving the blue who cautioned her to be careful as he stared at the mountain range. After a few minutes or so the filly returned carrying a plant in her mouth and began to make a paste from the plant sitting near the blue who asked what she was up to. Ragweed was the response the filly said mashing the plant and adding water some of her flour to it in which a clean sharp scent was beginning to emanate from the pedestal. Confused the blue asked what was she going to do with ragweed when she slathered some upon his nose by jumping up to do so!
  30. Shrinking back and reaching up to wipe the paste from his scaled nose, he sniffed before pausing the scents of before seemed to have lessened! To an extent at least they were still there but the dragon could fly without fear of blacking out from all the conflicting scents. With that the two then take off once more over the mountain range where the blue soon began to feel a pulse that echoed in his bones at a specific mountain where a crater could be seen. Landing there the filly jumped off the blue and looked around seeing that the crater seemed to have punched a hole into the earth itself! Intrigued the blue and filly investigate as the thrumming that was singing in the blues veins grew ever stronger as they entered the cavern. Lighting up a small flame of dragon fire the blue held it aloft as the light splayed out that soon was reflected back to the duo as the interior was covered in crystals! Going further into the cavern as they admired the geological wonder before them the filly tripped over crystal and landed face first on the ground right before a plume of fire shot out from the sides of the wall right in front of her nearly singing her pink mane right off! Grabbing the young filly before anymore harm could come to the mare the blue cautioned her after checking she was alright. This seemed to be the place as Yolsoldol had no doubt trapped the cavern so as to be not disturbed.
  32. Extending his wings the blue gave a small leap forward past the flame trap only to land on ground that soon gave way to a pit trap leading down a slide! With a startled oath the blue threw the mare ahead as he dropped and slide down the slide out of sight! Terrified her new friend was hurt or even worse the filly called out for the blue but to no avail. Worry gnawing in her breast the mare turned to look deeper in the cavern and determination crossed her features as she trotted down the path. The next section the filly soon discovered was enormous pit that lead into darkness with pillars that looked to be the only away across and would be easy enough to support a pony but never a dragon. Concerned for another trap the mare threw a rock ahead that landed on the pillar, in two, eyebrows raising the filly pulls out a small vial of smoke she had captured from the blues storytelling to play with but releases it to reveal to her shock thousands of tiny wires that hung in the abyss! The majority of them seemed to be in the air as if it was prepared for a dragon, what it was not prepared for was a resourceful filly. At this point the mare judges her leap and soon jumps across the gap avoiding the wires least she suffer the same fate as the poor rock.
  33. Landing on the other side of the cavern the mare takes a moment to giggle and bounce in delight at her success before returning to the task at hoof once the feeling of success fades. Heading further within the cave she discovers much to her shock a giant slab of pure ebony crystal that blocks her way looking about for some other way reveals nothing for the mare, worried and confused she stops and thinks to herself before looking at the black crystal. Laying a hoof on it she tries to gain a better understanding of the crystal itself when she discovers as her hoof lays on it that the crystal is incredibly fragile! Well at least on one point the rest of the crystal is almost flawless in its structure with not a crack or crevice upon it, why even a dragon could swing at full force at this and still not be able to break through, however due to a little bit of Earth pony magic the mare knew exactly where to strike. Reaching down to the bottom of the crystal the filly gives the spot a tiny nudge and the entire crystal begins to crack and splinter before falling like black rain onto the ground.
  35. Picking her way through the shards the mare stops and nearly drops her jaw at the sight before her, with a sky roof that casts a ray of sunlight down into the interior of the cavern lays a giant specimen of a dragon or at least the bones of one. The cavern which was enormous to begin with was nearly cramped by how large the bones were of this dragon but what drew the mare’s eye was clutched in the skeletons claw. Durusa whispered the mare eyes wide at the gem which in the claw was nearly tiny when in fact as the mare trotted up to it was as big as her in size! Fascinated by the gem she tears her eyes away and looks about before spotting some written words on the wall in what appears to be chicken scratch, the other thing she notices is a pressure plate near the back of the room.
  36. Intrigued the mare steps on the pressure plate weary of any traps that might spring out when before her part of the cave wall slides open and out pours hundreds of dragon skeletons of all sizes as well as a rather surprised blue dragon! Kirini cried out the mare joyfully seeing her friend the filly jumps past many a dragon bone and scale before landing on the surprised blue with a happy laugh. Kirini bewildered by this turn of events looks down at the mare and smiles as he returns the hug, as well as any dragon could at least before seeing the Durusa and remains of Yolsoldol. Amazed the blue looks to the mare and thanks her for her help as he couldn’t have done it without her. The mare remembering the marks on the wall pointed it out to Kirini and asked of their meaning to which the blue answered that it was a message from Yolsoldol himself, it read ‘To whom so ever finds my hold and survive its traps, welcome and rejoice, I bequeath to you Durusa may you lead our kinds in wisdom and ferocity.’ Turning to regard the little filly the blue laughs saying that if Yolsoldol would see who had actually beaten his traps and tricks how he would laugh no doubt! Smiling in return the filly scuffed her hoof and said she couldn’t have found the place were it not for the blue to lead her and fly her to the site not to mention saving her from the pit trap so that she could survive.
  38. Happily the duo after a few more rounds of trying to show the other they were more humble than the other in which the two soon laughed at how silly they were being they approached the bones of the great wrym and after a quiet moment of reflection for the sheer size and majesty of the dragon pried the gem from the ancient dragon kings grasp. Once that was done and Durusa collected the duo navigated their way past the traps back tracking their way to the entrance of the cave. The blue turned and regarded the cavern thinking upon the words of Yolsoldol he must have been lonely the blue thought to himself before looking down at the filly who trotted on her way to the top of the crater who called to the blue to hurry up. Smiling the blue turned away from the cave and picked up the mare to ride upon his back as they flew up into the sky and into history.
  40. Author’s Note
  41. The tale Dragon Migrations and Pacts is a romanticized version of events of the agreement between the recent dragon king and the two royal pony sisters in which the dragons agree to refrain from pillaging the lands of pony kind so long as they are allowed free reign to travel to their ancestral mountain for the dragon migration.
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