
CanterU: The Amazing Possibly-Canon Christmas Story

Jan 1st, 2014
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  1. Welcome to CanterU: Christmas Time is Here+ Edition
  3. The Legacy:
  4. Last Thread with Posts:
  6. So, I tried doing spin-off's last time...
  7. But there's never a wrong time for a Christmas special, right
  9. "Tonight at 7, alright guys?"
  10. >The rest of the table nods.
  11. >Pinkie jumps and runs off, probably to get some party supplies.
  12. "A Christmas party? But we leave for winter break tomorrow."
  13. >Which is why Pinkie wants to party now, Rarity.
  14. >It only makes sense.
  15. >Considering how short the winter break is for CU, this is probably the best way for the gang to stay together for the holidays.
  16. "I suppose so."
  17. >Rarity takes another sip of her tea.
  18. >You look at your watch.
  19. >Synchronization activated.
  21. A. Gym
  22. B. Dorm
  23. C. Outside
  24. D. Girls Hall
  26. >In the meantime...
  27. >You grab your stuff and say goodbye to the gang.
  28. >Wait, if everyone's in the lounge, why are you going to the girls hall?
  29. >Maybe you can find something to do in the B building.
  30. >You cross the campus and enter the B building.
  31. >You spot Lyra coming down the hall towards you.
  32. "Oh, hey Anon. You coming in?"
  33. >It looks that way.
  34. "You're in luck. I was just about to leave."
  35. >What's she up too?
  36. "I was thinking that I could buy presents for my friends over here, before we leave and all."
  37. >That's sweet of her.
  39. A. Lyra
  40. B. Vinyl
  41. C. Nurses
  43. >You head on inside and knock on Vinyl's door.
  44. >She's totally not busy, being CU's primary source of original music.
  45. >Maybe she's playing at Pinkie's party?
  46. >...
  47. >Of course she is.
  48. >You knock on her door again.
  49. >No answer... again.
  50. >What's going on?
  51. >Usually she would've answered by now.
  52. >Without Octavia rooming with her, it's sort of hard to tell if Vinyl's in.
  53. >The arguments really made these visits exciting.
  54. >But still, Vinyl's not answering...
  56. A. Barge in
  57. B. Nurses
  58. C. Lyra
  59. D. Gym
  61. >You start tapping the door with your knuckles.
  62. >Gotta find those weak points.
  63. >You finally find your target.
  64. >Take the stance...
  65. >HI-YAAAAH!
  66. >Hopefully the school doesn't bill you for the door.
  67. >Those weak hinges...
  68. >You scan the room in detective mode.
  69. >Vinyl!
  70. >She's... She's...
  71. >Listening to music.
  72. >She hasn't even noticed that her door's been kicked down...
  73. >Er... let's not make this awkward.
  74. >You quickly backtrack into the hallway, picking up the door to make it look like it's connected again.
  75. >Well, that was a bust.
  76. >...
  77. >Literally.
  78. >The puns never stop.
  80. A. Redheart & Colgate
  81. B. Gym
  82. C. Dorm
  84. >You walk backwards until you hit another door.
  85. >Oh, it's Redheart's room.
  86. >You could say Colgate's room, but you know who really leads that relationship.
  87. >They're probably munching the carpet in there.
  88. >Not that you wouldn't mind joining in.
  89. >You knock on the door and wait patiently for your favorite [not] lesbian friends.
  90. >Redheart answers the door.
  91. "Oh, hi Anon. What's up?"
  92. >Er... what's up with her?
  93. >She looks like a zombie.
  94. >And not the good kind, like in Warm Bodies.
  95. >Like, classic Night of the Living Dead type.
  96. "You know just how to make a woman feel pretty, don't you?"
  97. >Sorry, it's just facts.
  98. >What's going on?
  99. >Redheart sighs and lets you inside.
  100. "It's the holiday season, Anon. A lot of drunk driving and accidents. That means overtime for everyone, and I'm not even paid!"
  101. >She slumps down into her chair.
  102. "I even have to work tonight! Can you believe that?"
  103. >Well, it's not like it's Christmas yet.
  104. "Yeah, but still..."
  106. A. Offer to help
  107. B. Invite her to the party
  108. C. Bizness
  110. >It might not be Christmas yet, but you still have the spirit.
  111. >Redheart looks like she could use some help.
  112. "You... You'd actually go to the hospital with me?"
  113. >Yeah, sure.
  114. >You can go to the party late.
  115. "That's... really sweet of you."
  116. >She looks away and blushes.
  117. "Thanks."
  118. >No problem.
  120. >An hour later, you and Redheart step off the bus and start the walk to the hospital.
  121. >She knows that you could've asked Dr. Discord for a ride here, right?
  122. "I... I thought he'd be too busy."
  123. >Fair enough.
  124. >The hospital looms ominously over you and you walk in.
  125. >This should be fun.
  126. "Redheart! There you are!"
  127. >A man in scrubs runs up to your friend.
  128. "We need you upstairs, now!"
  129. >Redheart nods and starts to follow the man.
  130. >Is she doing real medical stuff now?
  131. "There's a huge load of paperwork that needs to get filed!"
  132. >Oh.
  133. >That makes more sense.
  135. A. Redheart
  136. B. Explore
  137. C. Leave
  139. >You follow Redheart.
  140. >She looks totally beat, and it's only been five minutes.
  141. >She could use some help with the paperwork.
  142. >Redheart takes a seat at the lobby desk.
  143. >You look over at the stack of papers next to her.
  144. >Yeah, she can use the help.
  145. >You pull up a chair next to Redheart.
  146. >Ready to get started?
  147. "I... uh... yeah..."
  148. >What're we doing, anyway?
  149. "You just take those papers, stamp them, and put them in that container over there."
  150. >She points towards a box next to you.
  151. >That seems simple enough.
  152. >You take the first paper and stamp it.
  153. >Only 12,304 papers to go!
  155. >You take your tired hand and force it to stamp another paper.
  156. >Dat lactic acid.
  157. >You look at Redheart.
  158. >She's not faring any better.
  159. >Dang, this is hard work.
  161. A. Break time
  162. B. Keep working
  163. C. Explore
  164. D. Quit
  166. >You fight back your laziness and keep working.
  167. >You're almost done anyway.
  168. >Only about 50 papers to do.
  169. >C'mon Redheart, wake up!
  170. "Uh... right... work..."
  171. >She takes her pen and resumes signing documents.
  172. >What are these for, anyway?
  173. "Mostly just-" *yawn* "medical reports and receipts."
  174. >That's... interesting.
  175. >And this is what she does all day?
  176. "More or less."
  177. >This is the path to becoming a nurse?
  178. "I... I don't have the time to question it. I just work. As long as I get my credits, I'm happy."
  179. >Redheart gives you a weak smile.
  180. "Tired, but happy."
  181. >Of course.
  183. >One more stamp... and...
  184. >Done!
  185. "Woo-hoo!"
  186. >Redheart practically jumps for joy.
  187. "Finally!"
  188. "Shh"
  189. >The nurse-in-waiting blushes and sits back down.
  190. "Finally, we can get out of here!"
  191. "Not so fast, Miss Redheart."
  192. >Oh, hey.
  193. >It's that doctor from last quarter.
  194. >The one who saved Pinkie.
  195. >The selfless hero shakes your hand.
  196. "Good to see you again, Anon. How's Pinkie Pie?"
  197. >She's doing pretty well.
  198. >So, there's more work to be done.
  199. "Just a few boxes that need to be moved, nothing so bad."
  200. >Redheart nods and takes your hand.
  201. "Let's get this done, fast."
  203. A. Work
  204. B. Break
  205. C. Explore
  207. >You let Redheart lead you down the hall way.
  208. >You see quite a few occupied gurneys along the way.
  209. >The holiday's really are dangerous.
  210. "Alright, here, take this."
  211. >Oof!
  212. >She could at least give you some more warning next time.
  213. "You remember where we're going, right?"
  214. >Downstairs to the basement?
  215. >Redheart nods and leads you to the elevator.
  216. >She could help with the boxes...
  217. "Really, Anon?"
  218. >Reverse-Chivalry really is dead.
  219. >The elevator stops and lets the two of you off.
  220. >Redheart takes a key out of her pocket and opens a nearby door.
  221. "Just put them next to the other boxes."
  222. >Er... which other box?
  223. "Oh... wrong room..."
  224. >She must really be tired.
  225. >Inside, there's a spare bed.
  226. >Must be faulty or something.
  227. "Sorry. Put it in this room."
  228. >Sure thing.
  229. >You drop the boxes and leave the other room.
  231. A. Business
  232. B. Bizness
  233. C. Leave
  235. >Redheart's leaning against the wall, looking totally beat.
  236. >She looks like she could use some excitement.
  237. >Or just a relief.
  238. >Speaking of relief, how are things with her and Colgate going.
  239. "W-what do you mean by that?"
  240. >She know exactly what you're talking about.
  241. "I... um..."
  242. >Yes?
  243. "We haven't really... done that in a while. I've been so busy with work, I hardly get to see her anymore."
  244. >The intern gives you a look.
  245. "It's not like I actually like her, you know. I'm straight."
  246. >Yeah, you know.
  247. >It's always nice to have a little reminder from time to time.
  248. "I... um... what?"
  249. >Redheart has always been the cuter one of the two.
  250. "A-Anon..."
  251. >You move in and kiss her softly, the surprise keeping her from giving back...
  252. >For a second, at least.
  253. >Her outfit is thing, giving you easy access to her body.
  254. >A quick grab at her tits, another hand down her pants.
  255. >Now you're getting somewhere.
  256. "A-Anon, not in the hallway..."
  257. >Smart girl.
  258. >You lift Redheart and bring her back to the room with the bed.
  259. >She's tired enough as it is.
  260. >And since you're a gentleman, you decide to do all the work this time.
  261. "What do you mean by that?"
  262. >Your actions do the talking.
  263. >You pull down Redheart's skirt and panties, sliding your hands upwards.
  264. "Oh..."
  265. >Contact.
  266. >You move in and start eating her out.
  267. >Salty milk and coins?
  268. >Nah, it's more fleshy.
  269. >You start moving your tongue around her cli-
  270. "Oh... Anon!"
  271. >Er... what?
  272. >Redheart blushes and looks away from you.
  273. "Sorry, Anon. It's just that... um.. Colgate used to do that."
  274. >The nostalgia is turning her on?
  275. "Yeah... I mean, no! Shut up!"
  276. >She pushes your head back down into her crotch.
  277. >Thank God for soft mattresses.
  279. >That's enough of that...
  280. >You move up and kiss Redheart again.
  281. "Anon... put it inside, now..."
  282. >Sure thing, master.
  283. >You take it slow at first, building up speed as you go.
  284. "Unf... yeah... it's been so long..."
  285. >Since what?
  286. mfw writing dialogue during sex
  287. "Since I had... ah... a real dick inside... ooh... me..."
  288. >Make sense, since lesbians aren't a real fan of dicks.
  289. >And men.
  290. >Haha.
  291. "Anon... I'm close..."
  292. >And so are you.
  293. >One last thrust...
  294. >And... you're spent.
  295. >You roll off of Redheart, letting the girl catch her breath.
  296. "Oh... Anon... I really needed that..."
  297. >She takes your hand in hers.
  298. >Uh... yeah, no problem.
  299. >So, how about-
  300. *snore*
  301. >Is... Is she sleeping?
  302. >Wow, she really was tired.
  303. >You'd think the afterglow would keep her going.
  305. A. Leave her
  306. B. Stay
  307. C. Explore
  309. >You check the time.
  310. >It's almost 6.
  311. >When did Pinkie say her party starts?
  312. >Probably 7.
  313. >You could get there early, but fashionably late is the Anon way.
  314. >And leaving Redheart alone here might be the dick move of the century.
  315. >At least by CU standards.
  316. >You look around for a blanket.
  317. >A storage room with a bed, and no blanket?
  318. >Weird.
  319. >You pick your jacket up off the floor and cover yourself with it.
  320. >Nice and wa-
  321. >You didn't know this bed vibrated.
  322. >You turn over and see Redheart shivering.
  323. >It was so hot a few minutes ago, you didn't even notice how cold it was.
  324. >You look at your jacket.
  325. >The spirit of giving commands you...
  326. >You cover Redheart with your jacket and move in.
  327. >The spooning should keep you warm for a bit
  328. >*Snore*
  330. >You roll over...
  331. >Ouch!
  332. >Apparently you rolled too far.
  333. >You get up and check the time.
  334. >Good, it's only-
  335. >8:00?!
  336. >Fashionably late?
  337. >More like literally late...
  338. *Yawn* "Leaving already?"
  339. >You turn and see Redheart getting dressed.
  340. "I was thinking we could go get something to eat, seeing as how the dining hall is almost ready to close."
  341. >She looks at you expectantly.
  342. >Um...
  344. A. Party
  345. B. Dinner with Redheart
  346. C. Just go back home
  348. >You'd love to go...
  349. >Some other time.
  350. >But right now you have to go to a Christmas party.
  351. "Oh. I see..."
  352. >Redheart looks down at her feet.
  353. "Maybe some other time?"
  354. >You already said that.
  355. >Definitely.
  356. >But hey, she should go with you to the party.
  357. "I... I'll have to check with the doctor, but sure."
  358. >She smiles.
  359. >Good thinking, Anon.
  361. >A few minutes later, you're on the bus with Redheart back to CU.
  362. "Anon, I just... um... want to say thanks."
  363. >She's blushing again.
  364. >Must be the air or something.
  365. "Seriously, Anon. I wouldn't have gotten all that work done if it wasn't for you."
  366. >She looks down at your crotch.
  367. "Or have gotten done..."
  368. >Oo, word play.
  369. >Redheart quickly looks around.
  370. "No one can see us, right?"
  371. >Um... yeah.
  372. >The backseat has never been known as a vantage point.
  373. "Good."
  374. >Redheart undoes your zipper and takes out your dick.
  375. >Uh, what's she doing?
  376. "Just rewarding you."
  377. >The sex wasn't enough?
  378. "This is just a bonus, then."
  379. >Good call.
  381. >You finish just as the bus pulls up at your stop.
  382. >Redheart wipes her mouth off and smiles.
  383. "Ready to go?"
  384. >As ready as your dick ten minutes ago
  386. "Nonny! You made it!"
  387. >Pinkie tackles you as you enter the room.
  388. >Luckily the fake snow cushions your fall.
  389. >There's at least a foot of it everywhere.
  390. >The lounge has never looked so good in white.
  391. "Where were you? I've been looking for you."
  392. >You were helping a friend out.
  393. >Redheart appears from behind, quietly walking into the room.
  394. >Pinkie watches her.
  395. "Ooh, I get it."
  396. >She nudges you in the ribs.
  397. "I never knew you had a thing for nurses, Nonny."
  398. >Er, what?
  399. "Just kidding!"
  400. >Pinkie runs off, leaving a trail of kicked-up faux snow behind her.
  402. A. Dance
  403. B. Music
  404. C. Socialize (dubs)
  406. >You make your way over to the dance floor.
  407. >Vinyl's bass has dropped at least 5 times before you got there.
  408. >It's new music too.
  409. >She must've been really busy when you broke her door.
  410. >Hopefully she didn't notice the door.
  411. "Howdy, Anon."
  412. >A familiar hand takes yours.
  413. >How's it going, Applejack?
  414. "Ah've been good. Ah fell like Ah haven't seen ya in a while."
  415. >True.
  416. >Considering the two of you don't have any classes together and AJ doesn't dorm anymore...
  417. "Hey, Ah'm just glad that Ah can still take a few classes here. Granny Smith spared me that much."
  418. >Still, the amount of work needed to pay off the farm's debt and pay for CU...
  419. >Hey, live in the moment, right?
  420. >You're just happy that she could come tonight.
  421. "Ah... yeah, 'course!"
  422. >Applejack gives you a smile.
  423. "Now hows about we git back ta dancin'?"
  424. >You have no issue with that.
  425. >Applejack turns around and starts the nightly grind.
  426. >You run your hands up and down the side of her body, moving closer to her ti-
  427. "Anon... not in front'a everyone..."
  428. >Darn.
  429. >Public sex is your fetish.
  430. >Along with showers, soccer, and nurses.
  431. >Applejack rolls her eyes.
  432. "Yer not int'a farm girls anymore?"
  433. >No one said that.
  434. >You move one hand to her ass.
  435. >Is that proof enough?
  436. "Ah'd say you could prove it a little more."
  438. A. Give her the evidence
  439. B. Music
  440. C. Socialize
  442. >Who are you to deny the evidence?
  443. >Definitely not Bernie Madoff.
  444. >Are those jokes still funny?
  445. >...
  446. >Totally.
  447. >You slide one hand in front and back into Applejack's jeans.
  448. >Down until you find something wet.
  449. >Applejack shudders a little as you make contact, grabbing onto your wrist.
  450. "A-Anon..."
  451. >She wants you to stop?
  452. "Keep... Keep going."
  453. >Anything for an Apple.
  454. >Your hands a little faster.
  455. >Not unlike tuning a radio.
  456. >Ok, it's totally unlike tuning a radio.
  457. >As you finger her, Applejack moves her hands closer to your dick.
  458. >Too bad a few layers of clothing are separating her hands from your manhood.
  459. "That... ooh... C'n be changed..."
  460. >Applejack takes your hand out of her pants and leads you off the dance floor...
  461. >Out of the lounge...
  462. >Into the girls hall...
  463. >And into her old room.
  464. >AJ still has access to this place?
  465. "The school never took back mah card, Ah guess."
  466. >Makes sense.
  467. "Now, back ta business..."
  468. >Applejack grabs your collar and kisses you hard.
  469. >Like, Casablanca hard.
  470. >She breaks the kiss and pushes you on the bed, unbuttoning her shirt.
  471. >You follow suit.
  472. >Er... follow [un]suit.
  474. >A few minutes later, she's riding you like a mechanical bull.
  475. >She probably has experience with those, living on a farm and all.
  476. >Lol implying AJ's into bestiality.
  477. "A-Anon... Ah'm..."
  478. >You kiss her as she cums, bringing you to the brink as well.
  479. "N-not inside..."
  480. >You pull out quickly, allowing Applejack's tongue access to your dick.
  481. >A few seconds later, she's swallowing your seed.
  482. >Probably a good idea, since you're doing this in Pinkie's bed.
  483. >Applejack's so poor, she took the school's mattress with her back home.
  484. >Okay, that's not true.
  485. >You're so harsh.
  486. >Applejack gets her clothes off the floor and starts putting them back on.
  487. "We should git back ta the party, before people start git'n suspicious."
  488. >Of what?
  489. >Most people know that you and Applejack were together.
  490. >And broke up...
  491. >Oh, right.
  492. >Rumors are pretty powerful.
  493. "Exactly."
  494. >Applejack smiles and kisses you again.
  495. "Not that Ah mind, of course..."
  496. >Good to know.
  497. >You open the door to the dorm and step o-
  498. "Hiya Nonny!"
  499. >Fuck.
  501. "H-Howdy, Pinkie Pie..."
  502. >Yeah, howdy.
  503. "Hiya Applejack! What are you guys doing here? The party's in the lounge!"
  504. >Oh, right.
  505. >Good thing Pinkie is pretty innocent.
  506. >After all that happened last quarter, that's pretty surprising.
  507. >We were headed right ther-
  508. "Wait a second... I saw both of you at the party before, which means..."
  509. >[insert gasp]
  510. "You two were..."
  511. >Applejack takes Pinkie's hand.
  512. "Look, Pinkie. Anon an' Ah were just git'n caught up. We haven't seen each other for a while..."
  513. >Pinkie's shocked look fades into one of understanding.
  514. "I totally understand. You two are getting back together!"
  516. A. Go with that
  517. B. Make up something
  518. C. Come clean
  520. >You... what?
  521. >Uh... no.
  522. >That's not it at all.
  523. >You and Applejack were having sex.
  524. >It's that simple.
  525. "Oooooh! That makes way more sense."
  526. >Applejack gives you a look.
  527. >Hey, it was better than just lying to Pinkie.
  528. "Ah guess..."
  529. >Pinkie squeezes between you and AJ and opens her door.
  530. "I totally get it. The sexual tension between you two is always crazy."
  531. >Er... sure?
  532. >Pinkie smiles.
  533. "I'll see you guys at the party!"
  534. >Of course.
  535. >You and Applejack walk back to the party in silence.
  536. >For a little while, anyway.
  537. "Ya didn't have ta tell her that, ya know."
  538. >Again, you don't like lying to Pinkie.
  539. >If anything, she deserves honesty.
  540. >Applejack sighs, but nods.
  541. "Ah guess yer right."
  542. >She squeezes your hand.
  543. "Yer way too nice, ya know that?"
  544. >Sugar, spice, and everything nice.
  545. >That makes sense.
  546. >You enter the party for a second time, and Applejack leaves for parts unknown.
  547. >You notice Lyra, Colgate, Redheart, and some other girl on the sofa, exchanging presents.
  548. >And Rarity and Spike are dancing together, with Twilight being the ever present third wheel.
  549. >Or is it the other way around?
  551. A. Socialize
  552. B. Dance
  553. C. Music
  555. >You move over to the sofa, just as the new girl gives Lyra a present.
  556. >Her hair...
  557. >It's, like, split down the middle in two colors.
  558. >Sort of like boysenberry ice cream.
  559. >And you never even had that flavor in your life.
  560. "Thank you so much, Bon Bon!"
  561. >Lyra hugs Bon Bon and takes a seat next to Colgate.
  562. >Um... what about your present?
  563. "Anon! I've been looking for you!"
  564. >Oh, she has?
  565. >You sit down next to Lyra, after getting hugged by Colgate.
  566. >Redheart looks at you and blushes, waving weakly at you.
  567. >She doesn't... like you, does she?
  568. >Maybe she-
  569. "Hey, Anon! This is Bon Bon."
  570. >The girl gives you a harsh look, but it softens into a smile.
  571. "Nice to meet you."
  572. >The tsundere never stops.
  573. Gotta replace Octavia somehow
  575. A. Lyra
  576. B. Colgate
  577. C. Redheart
  578. D. Bon Bon
  579. E. Dance
  581. >You look towards the dance floor.
  582. >Spike seems to be having fun, sandwiched between Rarity and Twilight.
  583. >Wait, that should be you in that position!
  584. >Later, girls.
  585. "Hey, wait!"
  586. >Lyra grabs your wrist.
  587. "Come back when your finished, okay? I have something for you."
  588. >For... you?
  589. >That's so sweet.
  590. >You go over to the dance floor.
  591. >Mind if you cut in?
  592. "Anon!"
  593. >Twilight wraps her arms around you.
  594. "I was wondering where you were!"
  595. >Of course she was.
  596. >Her clingy is showing.
  597. >You fist Spike and hug Rarity before resuming your normal, MJ style dance moves.
  598. >Because, like, you're black
  600. A. Rarity
  601. B. Spike
  602. C. Twilight
  603. D. Music
  605. >Rarity looks over you as you finish your corkscrew.
  606. >Dat dance terminology.
  607. "I must say, Anonymous, you are certainly an amazing dancer."
  608. >She hasn't seen anything yet.
  609. >Coincidentally, Vinyl changes the song to something slow.
  610. >You heard musicians had perfect timing.
  611. >Rarity bats her eyelashes at you.
  612. >You bow, the eternal gentleman.
  613. >May you have this dance?
  614. >Rarity giggles and takes your hand.
  615. "You may, darling."
  616. >Good.
  617. >You spin Rarity and bring her in close, swaying with the music.
  618. "Oh, Anonymous!"
  619. >Yeah, you're good like that.
  620. >Out of the corner of your eye, you spot Twilight looking at you.
  621. >She seems worried about something.
  622. >It's probably nothing.
  623. >You give Rarity the old razzle-dazzle.
  624. >A simply turn, and a dip.
  626. A. Kiss her
  627. B. Twilight
  628. C. Music
  629. D. Socialize
  631. >The perfect setup.
  632. >You close your eyes and lean in.
  633. "A-Anon..."
  634. >Yes, Rarity?
  635. "I... um... would you put me upright?"
  636. >Oh, right.
  637. >Way to ruin the moment.
  638. >Leave it to a woman...
  639. >Rarity stands up and gives you a half-smile.
  640. "Anon, I... I appreciate all you've done for me, but I don't think you should do that..."
  641. >She means kiss her?
  642. "Y-Yes."
  643. >Rarity takes your hand.
  644. "It was a nice gesture, but I..."
  645. >She looks over at Twilight.
  646. >Purple Smart averts her eyes.
  647. >Yeah, she noticed.
  648. "I don't we should do that right now. That's all."
  649. >She waves to Spike.
  650. "Spike, come! I'm parched."
  651. "Oh, I'll get us drinks."
  652. >Spike and Rarity go off somewhere.
  653. >You might as well get back to dancin-
  654. "What was that all about, Anon?"
  655. >Oh, Twilight.
  656. >Whatever is she talking about?
  657. "You tried to kiss Rarity!"
  658. >Oh, right.
  659. "Did you stop to consider her feelings at all?"
  660. >Well, the moment was right, an-
  661. "And what about us?"
  662. >"us?"
  663. >Twilight looks at you with wide-eyes.
  664. "I... I thought that... you and I..."
  665. >Oh.
  666. >Right...
  668. A. Business
  669. B. Bizness
  670. C. Socialize
  671. D. Music
  673. >You... and Twilight?
  674. >It's not like it couldn't happen.
  675. >But you're not really looking for a girlfriend right now.
  676. >You've been really satisfied with the bachelor lifestyle so far.
  677. "But then what about all the times we..."
  678. >You were... um...
  679. >C'mon, think of something good
  680. >You were horny.
  681. >Yeah, great excuse.
  682. >That won't work.
  683. >You look over at Applejack.
  684. >Idea!
  685. >You turn back to Twilight.
  686. >You thought that maybe you and Twilight could have a thing, but... um... Applejack have been talking again.
  687. >Twilight looks down, the realization coursing through her like electricity.
  688. "You're... getting back together with her?"
  689. >You might.
  690. >You don't want to hurt Twilight, but this is the best excuse that you could come up with in 20 seconds.
  691. "I... I understand, Anon. I didn't think someone like you could really like me anyway..."
  692. >She tries her best to smile, but you can see she's hurting inside.
  693. >What a nice present before you leave.
  694. >A broken heart.
  695. >You hug Twilight and wipe away a forming tear.
  696. >Still friends?
  697. "Y-Yeah. Of course."
  699. A. Music
  700. B. Dorm
  701. C. Social
  703. >Twilight runs off somewhere.
  704. >She's... definitely not about to cry.
  705. >You need to take your mind off it...
  706. >You go to the DJ booth.
  707. >Sup Vinyl?
  708. "Hey Anon! What's up!"
  709. >She fists you while changing the song.
  710. >You've been better.
  711. >Breaking hearts and getting caught having sex isn't your ideal Christmas party.
  712. "Oh, seriously? I didn't know you were such a heartbreaker, dude."
  713. >She nudges you in the ribs.
  714. >So, what's up with her.
  715. "Not much. Just writing music."
  716. >Nothing... interesting happen today?
  717. "Now that you mention it, something strange did happen today."
  718. >Penny for her thoughts.
  719. "I opened my door after writing some cool bars, and all of a sudden, the door came off its hinge. The whole thing is broken!"
  720. >Well, how about that?
  721. >Any idea who did it?
  722. "No clue. Maybe the security tapes will catch the guy, but, like, it's only a door."
  723. >True.
  724. "I guess i'll just have to find somewhere else to do my business is private."
  725. >lol wut?
  726. "Just messin' with ya, dude."
  727. >Right, right.
  728. >You fist Vinyl before heading back to the dance floor.
  729. >It's going to be a long night.
  731. >After what seems like hours, people finally start filing out of the lounge.
  732. >Pinkie's crashed on the sofa, and Fluttershy's putting a blanket on her.
  733. >Wait, Fluttershy came to the party?
  734. >Wow.
  735. >Didn't even notice the doormat.
  736. >You might as well get going too.
  737. >As you head back, you notice Lyra waiting by your hall entrance.
  738. >Is she going to open this door for you, too?
  739. "There you are! I've been waiting for you."
  740. >Well, here you are.
  741. >What's she hiding behind her back?
  742. "You mean this?"
  743. >Lyra smiles and shows you her present.
  744. "It's not really from me, actually. It's from... Actually, you can see for yourself."
  745. >You take it from her.
  746. >It's wrapped in black, with white music notes spread around it.
  747. >In white ink, it says 'To Anon.'
  748. >Who's it from?
  749. "There should be a card in there..."
  750. >You unwrap the gift.
  751. >It's a CD...
  752. >From Octavia...
  753. >...
  754. "Well, I won't keep you. I'll see you later, Anon."
  755. >Yeah, laters.
  756. >You go into your dorm with your present.
  757. >Spike's already asleep, not even changed into his Pj's.
  758. >Poor kid is totally tuckered out.
  759. >You put on some headphones and pop in Octavia's CD.
  760. >The first track starts to play after a few seconds of silence.
  761. >But instead of classical music, you hear her voice instead.
  762. "Hello, Anonymous. I hope you haven't forgotten me already. I made you this just in case. Maybe I'll see you soon..."
  763. >You can imagine her giving you that cold smile of hers.
  764. >You start to drift off as the sweet sounds of a cello reach your ears.
  766. >Merry Christmas.
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