
Domo Arigato, Pony Robot: Part II

Aug 6th, 2014
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  1. >"C-Careful!"
  2. >My god
  3. >Why the fuck did you let her be awake for this
  4. >Horn-replacement surgery was one of the most delicate, intricate procedures possible
  5. >A highly magical organ, the horn is connected to the skull by an intricate mesh of bone, neurons, special magically-conductive tissue called "Arcanetrion," and skin
  6. >A good portion of this tissue goes directly to the brain
  7. >Specifically, the areas of higher cognition
  8. >One wrong move and you're going to lobotomize Twilight
  9. >Not that it strictly matters
  10. >You have weekly backups of her for the past two and a half centuries
  11. >"B-Be sure not to cut into the magic-conducting lobe!"
  12. >You roll your eyes, leaning forward
  13. >Twilight's head is secured by metal bolts in several places
  14. >You do have her horn sawed half off, after all
  15. "You do realize I could just make a robot body for you, right?"
  16. >"Y-Yeah, but-- This one is special! C'mon, you haven't gone full-robot yet either!"
  17. "Pretty fucking close, ain't I?"
  18. >You show off a bit, extending most of the gadgets out of yourself
  19. >You look sort of like an octopus when you do that, due to all the cables
  20. "Besides. If it was so 'special,' you wouldn't have blown your horn out trying to conduct the 'quatuor alveo' spell by yourself."
  21. >"I-- I did all the calculations beforehand! I have no idea what went wrong!"
  22. "Well don't look at me! I can barely do basic magic! I don't know anything about that shit."
  23. >Twilight rolls her eyes
  24. >"You're only had magic since I installed that panel in your chest. And that was, what, two years ago?"
  25. >You shrug, turning your attention back to her half-off horn
  26. "Yeah. I think."
  27. >"You could try to take a more active interest in it."
  28. "I know, I know. I already promised to take classes from you. But you better bet your ass I'm going to make you sit down in front of a terminal too."
  29. >Twilight probably would nod, if she could move her skull at all
  30. >"For now, can you focus on replacing my horn?"
  31. "I'm trying, okay? Jesus."
  32. >You move the bone tool in again, making another incision around the base of her horn
  33. >It vibrates at rapid speeds, cutting into her flesh
  34. >It's slow work
  35. >Horns are incredibly strong
  36. >Twilight actually toyed around with the idea of growing them in vats and making ships out of the material, but they turned out to be too dense to fly or float
  37. >And way too hard to work with
  38. "Almost... there..."
  39. >Finally, you make it through the hard outer shell, and into the soft tissue inside
  40. >Now it's pretty simple
  41. >First off, cut off all connections
  42. >You draw the bone tool back, inserting a micro-scalpel into the hole
  43. >You easily go through the connective tissue
  44. >"Uhhh..."
  45. "Something wrong?"
  46. >You tilt your head, looking down at Twilight
  47. >Shit
  48. >She's going green
  49. >"Is this... Is this what Humans feel like all the time?"
  50. "What?"
  51. >"N-no magic?"
  52. >You shrug
  53. "Pretty sure you're feeling a lot worse. I'm... Not actually aware of any awake horn amputations that have been done intentionally."
  54. >She smiles, weakly
  55. >"C-Couldn't let you do it alone."
  56. "Of course. Now..."
  57. >A much larger bone-removal-device drops from the ceiling, stopping in the air just above Twilight
  58. >It looks almost like a giant nail-clipper
  59. >As primitive as it is, this is the most effective way of horn removal
  60. >You draw it downwards, aiming at the base of the horn
  61. "Even with those anesthetics, this is... Going to suck a bit."
  62. >You position her horn between the things jaws
  63. "On three-"
  64. >"Don't count! Counting is just going to make it-"
  65. >She doesn't get time to finish her sentence as your mind sends a command to close the clippers
  66. >With several hundred tons of hydraulic force, they snap Twilight's horn clean off
  67. >She screams in agony
  68. >Only for a second, though
  69. >The machines she's hooked up (specifically, the needle 5 inches deep into her brain) quickly relieve her of the pain
  70. >"Ahhh... That's so weird."
  71. "You're tellin' me. Normally I have you to do this part when we do these surgeries."
  72. >"Not like I can do it on myself."
  73. "No. Of course not. Now..."
  74. >You open up the jaws and collect her horn, setting it in a jar of disinfectant
  75. >Although it's totally useless, a lot of unicorns liked to keep it as a souvenir
  76. >Apparently a lot of them mounted it somewhere, like a deer's head. You'd even seen a few pictures of horn-based-coathangers
  77. >Maybe Twilight would do something with it
  78. >Now that her old horn is out of the way, you turn your attention to the hole that's left in her skull
  79. >You direct a beam of light down it
  80. >Let's see...
  81. >There's still a big mass of nerves, bundled up against her brain
  82. >Now's the really dangerous part
  83. >You let another tool drop from the ceiling
  84. >This thing has some sort of technical name, but you always called it a chomper
  85. >Designed to remove the dense bundle of various tissues directly below the horn, it's essentially a tiny little mouth. It takes a bite out of tissue, sucks it up, and disposes of it safely
  86. >Clean, efficient, precise
  87. >A buddy of yours from the old research group designed it, with another Stallion
  88. >You were actually a groomsman at their wedding
  89. >Fun stuff. That was... What, two years before you started to work on Luna's project?
  90. >Man, you really need to call him...
  91. >But right now, you have tissue to remove
  92. >You slowly lower the tool, sweat starting to collect on your brow
  93. >Okay, Anonymous
  94. >No big deal
  95. >Just... The most complex and sensitive tissue in Twilight's entire body
  96. >And if you fuck up by even a millimeter you are going to murder her
  97. >You take a deep breath, then lower the chomper
  98. >C'mon... Not that hard...
  99. >You aim for the sparkling purple tissue, thoroughly cleaning it out
  100. >You have to get every last bit or this isn't going to work
  101. >You descend deeper into her head, being sure not to hit any lobes
  102. >"S-So. Going well up there?"
  103. "Yeah. Perfectly fine."
  104. >You zoom in your vision for a particularly tricky bit
  105. >Oh Christ
  106. >Why the fuck did you agree to do this
  107. >"Is, uh-- Is Luna doing okay?"
  108. >Surprisingly, her talking is actually helping you out
  109. >Making you feel less stressed
  110. >Worst thing that happens, she gets a new body
  111. >It's not that terrible
  112. "Yeah. She's doing very well."
  113. >Okay
  114. >Now for the bit by the Starswirl artery
  115. >Not that complicated
  116. >The vessel is responsible for circulation to the magical areas of the brain
  117. >It's fucking huge, but pretty durable
  118. >You're fine
  119. "Her and her sister are out to lunch right now, actually."
  120. >"R-Really?"
  121. "Yeah. I think they're buying you get-well presents."
  122. >You notice the beeps on Twilight's heart-rate monitor speed up slightly
  123. >"Oh. That's... Uh, that's nice."
  124. "Yeah. Celestia's really worried about you."
  125. >The beats increase in pace again
  126. >"Worried?"
  127. "Yeah, worried sick. Luna says she can't stop talking about you. If I didn't- FUCKING HELL!"
  128. >WHAT
  129. >THAT
  133. >And yet, defying all logic, your chompers just got zapped
  134. >By a pretty fucking powerful surge, too
  135. >It's not that huge of an effect
  136. >They move about a half centimeter to the right
  137. >That tiny movement, though, has huge fucking consequences
  138. >"W-What is it?"
  139. >You feel your arm shake
  140. >Oh, Jesus, this is going to be like something out of a horror movie
  141. "Twilight. Listen to me, okay?"
  142. >You lean downward
  143. >Twilight screams
  144. >Which she's apt to do
  145. >Since the fourth-largest artery in her body was just spewing blood all over your surgical mask and face
  146. "Don't worry, okay? I have you on tape. I'm flushing your consciousness right now."
  148. "You surged-- magically! Your Starswirl artery, it's..."
  149. >You see tears stream down her face
  150. >"Am-- Am I-"
  151. "Yeah this body is a fucking goner."
  152. >Shit
  153. >The engineer in you kicked in for a second there
  154. >Twilight tries to put on a brave face as the color starts to drain from her
  155. >She has about 3 seconds of organic life left
  156. >Max
  157. >You reach out a hand and stroke her face
  158. "Ssshh. It's okay. It's fine. Everything will be fine. I promise."
  159. >The life is already almost entirely gone from her eyes
  160. >You listen to the heart monitor as it flatlines and the pony in front of you goes limp
  161. >You stare into her dead eyes for a moment
  162. "...Well."
  163. >You send signals firing down the cable in your arm
  164. >A blast of water hits you in the face, cleaning all the blood off it
  165. >A burst of hot air dries you off a second later
  166. >You stand up, twisting your wrist and removing all the instruments out of Twilight's body, including her head-brace
  167. >She slumps forward, and you push her back upwards, flattening out the surgical chair
  168. >You send it wheeling off to the other end of the room, into a scanning chamber
  169. >Always best to get the dimensions down when they're fresh
  170. >You sit down in a chair, spinning over to a keyboard
  171. >You open up a terminal and crack your knuckles
  172. "Let's get to work."
  173. >Celestia and Luna knock on your door three hours later
  174. >"A-Anonymous? Is everything okay?"
  175. >Oh, fuck
  176. >You forgot to tell them
  177. >Without looking over your shoulder, you open the door
  178. >They step inside
  179. >Celestia is the first to speak
  180. >"W-Where's Twilight?"
  181. >You point at the server in front of you
  182. "/user/Anonymous/brainfiles/TwilightSparkle.brn, on the third SSD on that server."
  183. >Celestia gasps
  184. >"Y-You mean?"
  185. "Her body's getting scanned right now."
  186. >You turn around, just in time to see Celestia's ears droop and her back slump
  187. >"I-- Is she going to be okay?"
  188. "Her body? FUCK no. I hit the Starswirl artery. She bled out in ten seconds."
  189. >Celestia looks like she's going to puke
  190. "Don't worry, though. I got it handled."
  191. >You scoot your chair out a bit, gesturing to the screen
  192. "I'm setting up a nice little virtual enviroment. Lots of books and keyboards and shit. She can help me design the new one!"
  193. >Celestia looks at you, raising an eyebrow
  194. >"Can't you just use Luna's designs?"
  195. "Yeah, if she was Luna. I could also use a stock pony if she was an Earth, Unicorn, or Pegasus. But she's an Alicorn. A bit more tricky."
  196. >Celestia nods
  197. >"I-- I should call her parents."
  198. "Nah, let her brother do it. I'll call him up in a minute. Let her speak to him."
  199. >You go back to typing
  200. >You weren't telling Celestia the whole truth
  201. >Before you made that environment for Twilight, you were checking her core dumps
  202. >You actually figured out why she sparked
  203. >What emotion set it off
  204. >And it was directed at Celestia...
  205. >From the way she's freaking out about it, you have a feeling she might feel the same way...
  206. >You don't look up from your keyboard
  207. "I, uh... I think I know what caused her to spark."
  208. >"W-What is it?"
  209. >Celestia is obviously holding back tears
  210. "Well, uh, I did a core dump. Pretty much a brain-scan of the minute or so right before she, uh, died."
  211. >You keep typing
  212. >"(cons ("...
  213. "There was pretty much a big, uh, emotion surge. Of, well, a combination hope, lust, and love emotion."
  214. >You keep clacking away
  215. >"(call/cc (lambda (x)(simulate"...
  216. "Basically, uh, I said that you couldn't stop talking about her, and she, uh... Kinda got excited."
  217. >You don't look back, but you can hear total silence
  218. >Shit
  219. >"S-She-- what do you mean?"
  220. >You turn around, sighing
  221. >You continue to mash the ")" key with your finger
  222. >Fucking Lisp
  223. "She likes you. Uh-- A lot."
  224. >"Likes?"
  225. "Or loves. Maybe."
  226. >Celestia blinks, and you see tears welling up in her eyes
  227. >"She... truly?"
  228. "Yeah. I mean... Ask her yourself, in a second."
  229. >You finish closing up the function, then press the "compile" button
  230. >It takes about two minutes, but you soon hear a voice come through your speakers
  231. >"H-Hello? Where am I?"
  232. >You lean over, speaking into the stick microphone just above your computer
  233. "Yo, Twilight. You remember me fucking up the surgery, right?"
  234. >"N- Oh my god. I-- I'm dead."
  235. "Your body is. You're fine."
  236. >"I'm-- Where is this?"
  237. "Simulation. Figured you'd want to read and shit while I make you a new body. But, uh-- I have somebody here with a question for you."
  238. >You lean backwards, pointing the mic at Celestia
  239. >"T-Twilight?"
  240. >The room goes silent for a moment
  241. >"Yes... Princess?"
  242. >"I... Anonymous said that he, uh-- you sparked because of-- of me. Because you-- You lo-"
  243. >Celestia grits her teeth, hanging her head
  244. >You can hear Twilight quietly sobbing through the speakers
  245. >Luna is able to restrain herself for about a minute before groaning and leaning into the mic herself
  246. >"Twilight, my sister has had a massive crush on you for two hundred years. She needs to know if you feel the same way."
  247. >The room stays silent for a while
  248. >"I-Is that true?"
  249. >Celestia nods
  250. >You wait for her to realize that Twilight can't see her, then roll your eyes and speak yourself
  251. "She just nodded. Also, she doesn't understand the concept of a microphone"
  252. >You get a death glare from Luna
  253. >Shit
  254. >She's so going to yell at you for that later
  255. >"P-P-Princess, I- I--"
  256. >Twilight's eyes are probably filling up with tears right now
  257. >"I wish I could-- Could run into your arms and tell you that I- I love you too, but- I can't because I'm-- I'm-- I'm dead!"
  258. >Twilight unleashes a new wave of sobs
  259. >You roll your eyes agin
  260. "Digital. Big difference."
  261. >"I still don't have a body!"
  262. "Yeah, I know, but I bet I could make ya a new one in like... a month and a half."
  263. >"T-That quick?"
  264. "I already have experience from Luna, and technology has progressed quite a bit. I'll get ya up and running in no time."
  265. >"B-But- If I'm n-not me, C-Celestia, would you still...?"
  266. >The princess rushes to the microphone and grabs it with a hoof
  267. >"Of course I would! Did I abandon my sister when she lost her biological form?"
  268. >"N-No."
  269. >"Then why would I abandon you? You are still going to be the most loving, kind, wonderfu-"
  270. "Jeez, alright already. Christ. To be honest, I thought you guys already did this shit, and you were like, fucking behind the throne room or something."
  271. >"Y-You suspected?"
  272. >"Sister, it was obvious. I too thought you were already involved in a secretive relationship."
  273. >"B-But when did you gain these suspicions?"
  274. "Our wedding. You guys danced the entire fucking time."
  275. >Twilight sniffles
  276. >"He- He has a point."
  277. >Celestia touches the monitor in front of her with a hoof, where Twilight's simulation is currently displaying diagnostic information in a terminal
  278. >You twitch, but let her touch it
  279. >"I-- I have been separate from you for too long, Twilight. I too long to touch you, to feel you, to-- Express what I have kept hidden."
  280. >You roll your eyes again
  281. >You turn back to your terminal, opening up the Scheme REPL
  282. "Yo, Celestia. Could you press the power button on that monitor over there?"
  283. >"Wh- Oh. Yes."
  284. >She taps it with her horn
  285. >The monitor flickers to life, showing your desktop
  286. "Let's see here. First, I add a Camera..."
  287. >You type away for a few seconds
  288. "Then, I just add a render-frame step for each loop through the simulation, and..."
  289. >A window appears on your screen
  290. >You move it over to the one in front of Celestia and maximize it
  291. >Twilight appears on the screen, looking into the distance
  292. >Holy shit, you fucked up the colors on that bookshelf something fierce
  293. >And the luminosity value
  294. >They look like they're make of fucking ice, or something
  295. >You need to fix that
  296. >That can come later, though
  297. >Celestia stares at her
  298. >"T-Twilight?"
  299. >"Yes, Princess?"
  300. >Twilight continues to look in the opposite direction
  301. >Right, shit
  302. >You type some more lines
  303. >"(add-object (file-load-object "~/Documents/render/resources/camera) (get-position camera))"
  304. >You lean into the mic
  305. "To your left."
  306. >Twilight turns left
  307. >Her eyes center on the Camera, widening
  308. >She bounds over to it
  309. >"Princess!"
  310. >She stands, looking at it
  311. >"C-Can you see me?"
  312. "Yeah. She can. Now, let's see..."
  313. >You type some more stuff
  314. >Thankfully, you already have most of this program finished
  315. >Lots of good abstractions
  316. >Celestia murmurs to herself, putting her hand on the screen
  317. >"You're so beautiful..."
  318. >It doesn't take you long to add a video screen, then replace the Camera with it
  319. >Now, let's see...
  320. >You have a robot bring you a webcam, then plug it in
  321. >You position it under the screen, then type a few more commands
  322. >"Princess!"
  323. >Twilight gasps
  324. >"I-- Wow, Anonymous. You did that fast."
  325. "Scheme is cool. Anyway, the I/O on this is abstracted away. So I can easily run this through the palace network. Put something up in Celestia's room, or something."
  326. >Luna trots over next to you and sits down
  327. >Twilight and Celestia's eyes both light up
  328. >"That would be great!"
  329. >You smile and nod
  330. "I'll write some client-side software today. Shouldn't take that long. I'll just use some random open video protocol."
  331. >Celestia and Twilight both nod, happily
  332. >"Thank you so much, Anonymous."
  333. "Anytime."
  334. >"Mind if I, uh, stay with her? Until you can finish it?"
  335. "Sure. Here."
  336. >You grab a pair of headphones from the side of your desk, tossing them to her
  337. "Grab that and the webcam and go into the guest room. There's a monitor there that's connected to this computer. Plug both things in and you guys can talk while I write this."
  338. >Celestia nods, leaving the room
  339. >Luna waits until she's out of earshoot, then turns to you
  340. >"You do realize that they're going to be cyber-fucking like rabbits by a week from now, right?"
  341. "Oh, hell yeah. I'd offer to connect an artificial vagina to Twilight's brain, but I think that might be too forward."
  342. >Luna snorts
  343. >"I did rather enjoy that one time we did that. We should do it again."
  344. >You shrug
  345. "Eh, if I have another business trip that you can't go on, sure. It was great last time."
  346. >"Indeed. Now. You need to get to work, yes?"
  347. "Yeah."
  348. >"I'll look over Twilight's measurements"
  349. >Recently, Luna has been getting into your area of work
  350. >She learned surprisingly fast
  351. >Of course, she's not even close to being ready to design anything, but she was a really helpful assistant
  352. >Thank god, too
  353. >You have a huge project, and your old partner is, well, inside a computer
  354. >Without her, you'd be flying solo
  355. >You turn back to your terminal, still keeping Twilight's diagnostics on another screen
  356. >Now, let's see...
  357. >Two months later, you're planning out the magical circuitry for Twilight's brain
  358. >As the princess of Magic, she's... Well, fucking magic
  359. >Really fucking magic
  360. >So creating that kind of energy, and regulating it, is probably your hardest task on this particular job
  361. >Luna stands over you
  362. >Twilight, meanwhile, is on a nearby screen
  363. "Could we just use a Poole Transformer?"
  364. >"Can you really make one small enough to fit inside my skull, while leaving room for my brain?"
  365. "Well, no, but maybe I put the brain in the chest cavity, and... No, fuck, then you'd get miniscule sight lag."
  366. >"Yeah. Hm. You could put the transformer into my chest cavity."
  367. "Yeah, but where am I going to find a magical conductor that can transport that amount of energy up to the horn without being half a foot thick?"
  368. >"You have a point."
  369. >You hold your head in your hands
  370. >Shit, fuck, shit
  371. >You have to give Twilight all her magic, but...
  372. >How the fuck are you supposed to do that?
  373. >Luna, to your surprise, speaks up
  374. >"Anonymous. There's room in her chest for a transformer, correct?"
  375. "Well, yeah."
  376. >"So."
  377. >She taps you on the chest
  378. >Right where you got your magic implant
  379. >"Why not just pipe the magic out of a transmitter in her chest directly?"
  380. >You and Twilight both look at her
  381. "That would work. Wow."
  382. >"And we could give a secondary magic source in the horn, for small tasks."
  383. "Yeah. Holy shit."
  384. >You move your mouse around, sketching out the idea
  385. "Yeah. Holy shit. That's going to work. Luna, you're a genius."
  386. >You kiss her on the mouth
  387. "Oh, shit. We could use a Stallman Chrystal for conducting if it's that close."
  388. >"Stallman Chrystal? With that, I might-- I might gain magical ability!"
  389. >You clap your hands
  390. "Hot shit. Awesome. Let's get to work on those diagrams..."
  391. >Two months after that, you're finally working on the gritty details of implementation
  392. >There's a lot of possible tradeoffs to make
  393. >Battery capacity for maneuverability
  394. >Desirableness for weight
  395. >And, of course...
  396. >"I think we need to include a dick attachment right out of the box. Just hand it to her. She's going to need it."
  397. "Well, I mean... She's like, a lesbian, right? Don't they dislike dicks?"
  398. >"Well, a generic strap-on attachment, then!"
  399. "How do you know she's going to... Y'know, ever be on top?"
  400. >Luna rolls her eyes
  401. >"I've known my sister for a few hundred thousand years, and Twilight from the moment my banishment ended. Trust me, Twilight is going to be pounding her as she screams for more."
  402. "Jesus. That's a weird thought to have about your fucking sister."
  403. >"We're not technically biologically related."
  404. >You freeze for a second, suppressing a suggestion that is definitely going to result in her divorcing your ass
  405. "Still weird. But, if you say so..."
  406. >"You have to make it hot-swappable. A two-step process, at most."
  407. "Yeah. And let her keep the vagina, right?"
  408. >"Certainly."
  409. "Maybe something like this?"
  410. >You start to sketch out the idea
  411. "Basically, there's these holes right around her stomach, which are really more like slots. They close when not in use. So, you grab the dick..."
  412. >You draw a crude penis
  413. "And you slot it into place, but then we also use the things which secure it in for I/O."
  414. >Luna claps her hooves together
  415. >"Wonderful, Anonymous. I'm sure my sister will enjoy it."
  416. >You nod
  417. >"...And speaking of enjoyment. I think we need a break."
  418. "Oh?"
  419. >"Yes. A break to... relax."
  420. >You move your head in a bit closer to hers
  421. "Relax?"
  422. >She responds in kind, inching towards you
  423. >"We've been working very hard."
  424. "Very hard indeed."
  425. >At this point, your heads are right next to each other
  426. >Luna makes the first move, grabbing the back of your head with magic and pulling in
  427. >Work forgotten, you kiss your wife
  428. >Two weeks after that, the day has finally arrived
  429. >Assembly day
  430. >All of Twilight's parts are laid out in front of you on a massive table
  431. >Luna stands at your side
  432. >Both of you are in lab coats
  433. "Right. Let's get to work, then?"
  434. >"Affirmative."
  435. >You grab her chest cavity, turning it so it opens to you
  436. >All of her wires are already exposed
  437. >So. First things first.
  438. >You socket in her artificial stomach, connecting the proper wires
  439. >Luna, meanwhile, works on assembling a leg
  440. >You keep catching her eye
  441. >Man, those eyes...
  442. >No
  443. >Back to work
  444. >Her digestive system safely in place, you grab an esophagus
  445. >It's relatively quick work
  446. >Soon, a rough outline of Twilight is in front of you
  447. >You wipe off the sweat from your brow
  448. "Shit. You wanna get the configuration going?"
  449. >"On it."
  450. >Luna grabs a cable off the wall
  451. >She plugs one end into Twilight's flank
  452. >The other into the back of her head
  453. >You can see the gears turn in her head
  454. >"Hm. Any idea what Twilight's hunger threshold should be?"
  455. "Fuck. How much did she eat?"
  456. >"A surprising amount."
  457. "Set it pretty low, then. It'll feel natural."
  458. >Luna nods, going back to work
  459. >You, meanwhile, continue adding in small parts
  460. DT !bRLoBgV8Ko 08/07/14(Thu)09:52:27 No.19135232▶
  461. >>19135343 >>19135530
  463. >>19129964
  464. >You try to concentrate on your work, but it's becoming difficult
  465. >Your wife keeps catching your eye
  466. >The way her main falls across her neck, and how she looks at the new body in front of you...
  467. >She's never been more beautiful
  468. >She notices you looking, blushing
  469. >"Is there something on my face?"
  470. "No. You just... Look good working."
  471. >She smirks
  472. >"Thanks, Anonymous."
  473. >You go back to your work
  474. >Two auxiliary batteries in her legs
  475. >Servos in the elbows
  476. >Eventually, her limbs are fully assembled
  477. >You snap them into place
  478. >A few seconds later, your wife takes the cable out of her neck
  479. >"Configuration is done."
  480. "Cool. Wanna help me put in this Stallman transformer?"
  481. >"Of course. Here. I'll hold these panels back."
  482. >Luna spreads Twilight's chest cavity open with her hooves
  483. >You grab the transformer and lower it into place
  484. >Your arms brush against hers as you do so
  485. >You both stare into each others' eyes for a second, then get back to work
  486. >You connect all the magically-conductive wires
  487. >"Good?"
  488. "Good."
  489. >Luna legs go of Twilight's chest panels
  490. >They snap shut
  491. >Luna grabs the Stallman Chrystal and fits it into place
  492. >You look at your creation
  493. >A fully-functional robot body
  494. >Luna turns to you, smiling
  495. >"That felt good."
  496. "Y-Yeah. Making, uh... a body with you."
  497. >She avoids your gaze
  498. >"This, uh... Reminded me of other things a husband and wife do."
  499. "Like, what... kids?"
  500. >"Y-yeah. I've always, uh, wanted to make new life with you. So even thought I can't do it naturally, in a way, I just got my wish."
  501. "Who says you can't do it naturally?"
  502. >Luna's head whips back to you, eyes widening
  503. >"What?"
  504. "You-- I mean, there's a womb implant in you for a reason."
  505. >"I-- I assumed that was cosmetic!"
  506. "Did you read the manual? Of course it isn't. It's fully-functional."
  507. >Luna leans into you
  508. >"I'm... I'm fertile?"
  509. "Yeah. I mean, I have to do some modifications like 4 months in to accommodate the stretching -- 2 months in if you have twins, probably -- but yeah. You can have kids."
  510. >Luna closes her eyes
  511. >"Anonymous. I have a confession."
  512. "Yes?"
  513. >"I have been fantasizing about Twilight's new body as if it were our child for the past month."
  514. >You stand, silently, waiting for her to continue.
  515. >"Ever since I-- Since I married you, I wanted to bear you children. I've always wanted foals, and-- And perhaps I am being irrational, but I believe that assembling Twilight has only increased my reproductive instincts. In short, Anonymous, I would like to have kids with you. At the nearest possible opportunity."
  516. >You bite your lip
  517. >Part of you didn't know if you were ready
  518. >The other part...
  519. >Visions of playing with foals dance in your head
  520. >Teaching them basic programming and electronic engineering
  521. >Taking them to band practice
  522. >You sigh
  523. "I'd love to, but-- Well, You can have kids, but I can't with you. We'll need to find donor sperm."
  524. >"What?"
  525. >Luna looks at you, confused
  526. >"I did not know you were infertile."
  527. "I'm not. I just-- I'm human, y'know?"
  528. >"So?"
  529. "What do you mean, 'so?' There's no way we're biologically compatible."
  530. >Luna shakes her head slightly, confused
  531. >"I'm an Alicorn, Anonymous. We can reproduce with just about anything."
  532. >You feel your breathing increasing in pace
  533. >H-Holy shit.
  534. >You can be a dad.
  535. >That's-- That's actually possible.
  536. "You, uh- I can regulate your ovulation. I can, uh-- You can be ready for sperm in a few minutes."
  537. >Luna's eyes widen
  538. >"Do- Would you really want to do this now?"
  539. "Why not? Twilight has to get her consciousness downloaded, and we've been married for a while. I think-- I think I'm ready. Are you ready?"
  540. >"I-- I don't know, but- I don't really care that much. Let's-- Let's do it. Let's have foals."
  541. >You pull her into an intense kiss
  542. >It's like some animal urge has taken over you
  543. >You need to reproduce with her
  544. >Right now
  545. >You plug a cable into the port just underneath one of her flanks, slotting the other end into your arm
  546. >You only take a few seconds to navigate the menus
  547. >"Organs -> Reproductive -> Ovulation -> Start"
  548. >Luna stares at your eyes
  549. >"Well?"
  550. >You grab her head behind her neck
  551. "It's done. You-- You've in season right now."
  552. >She tackles you to the ground before you can react, shoving her tongue in your mouth
  553. >She pulls back, a long strand of artificial saliva branching between you
  554. >"I'm going to make you a Daddy."
  555. "Y-Yeah. Oh, wait, really quick-"
  556. >You raise your arm
  557. >A bunch of cables crash into Twilight's body, starting the final configuration and download step
  558. >You wrap the arm around Luna
  559. "I love you."
  560. >"Show me."
  561. >You smirk
  562. >Luna makes quick work of your pants with her magic, throwing them off yourself
  563. >You can feel the end of her labcoat on the bare skin of your upper thighs
  564. "You're positive about this, right?"
  565. >"Give me foals, dammit."
  566. >She kisses you again, rocking her hips forward
  567. >Your head rests at her entrance, and she pushes back
  568. >You stroke her back as she takes you inside her
  569. >"You're amazing."
  570. "Not as much as you."
  571. >She smirks, kissing you again
  572. >Her hips starts to rock across your body
  573. >She does all the work, taking full control
  574. >God, she's so beautiful
  575. >It almost hurts to look at
  576. >You imagine what she's going to look like in a few months
  577. >Massive, stretched belly
  578. >A nurturing home for your kids
  579. >She's going to be the best mother ever
  580. >You just know it
  581. >Luna gasps, increasing in pace
  582. >You look into her eyes
  583. >"Ah-- Ah--"
  584. >She's building up, getting close to her climax
  585. >You can feel yourself doing the same
  586. >"F-Fuck! Anonymous, I love you!"
  587. "Y-- You too!"
  588. >She climaxes
  589. >You can practically feel it going through her body as she shivers
  590. >"Aaah!"
  591. >She pants, but doesn't stop thrusting
  592. "I'm- I'm close."
  593. >"Do it! Fuc- Give me foals!"
  594. >Luna's eyes are wild with animal need
  595. >She almost looks crazed
  596. >Like if you don't reproduce with her right now, something terrible is going to happen
  597. >It's enough to make you cum
  598. >You shoot thick, hot spurts of seed into her fertile womb
  599. >Somewhere, in the back of your mind, you know they took
  600. >They have to
  601. >Luna leans down and kisses you
  602. >You grab the back of her head, pulling in closer
  603. >She's-- She's not just your wife now
  604. >She's the mother of your kids
  605. >God...
  606. >The moment, sadly, is ruined
  607. >"What the hell?"
  608. >Oh, fuck
  609. >Twilight's process must have just finished
  610. >Luna quickly pops off you, turning around
  611. >You cover yourself with your labcoat
  612. "Uh-- Hi. Me and Luna were just, uh-"
  613. >"You were having sex! On the floor! Why?"
  614. "Uh-- purposes of reproduction?"
  615. >Twilight blinks
  616. >"What?"
  617. >Luna coughs
  618. >"Uh, assembling your body, uh, inspired us to, uh, assemble a different kind of body, where, uh--"
  619. >Luna groans loudly
  620. >"Don't worry. You're free to go. Anonymous?"
  621. >You nod, making a fist
  622. >All the cables detach from Twilight
  623. >"Now, uh-- Go and have 'I just got my body back' sex with my sister, or something."
  624. >Twilight looks mortified
  625. >"Luna!"
  626. >"Oh, hush. I have to regulate her dreams too, y'know. She's had visions of you pounding her from behind for weeks. Go to her. C'mon now."
  627. >Shit
  628. >At this rate, you're going to have to replace Twilight's blushin -LEDs on her first day in the body
  629. >Still, she does as Luna says, hopping down off the platform
  630. >She walks to the door and opens it
  631. >Good
  632. >You must have correctly configured everything, because she doesn't look wobbly at all
  633. >She exits your lab
  634. >Immediately afterward, Luna turns to you
  635. >She holds a hoof over her belly
  636. >"D-Do you think it worked?"
  637. "I hope so."
  638. >You kiss her on the cheek
  639. "You're going to be the best mother ever."
  640. >Luna blushes, nodding
  641. >"And you the best father."
  642. "Hopefully. Now... Wanna get dinner?"
  643. >Luna shrugs
  644. >"We'll need to shower first. Your semen is still dripping out of me."
  645. "Yeah, I know. Let's go."
  646. >You hold a hand on Luna's back as you walk to the bathroom door
  647. >She's so fucking perfect
  648. >Best thing that ever happened to you
  649. >And...
  650. >You're going to get to raise kids with her
  651. >Nothing could be better.
  652. >Four months later...
  653. >"Anonymous. Cheese. Now."
  654. >You groan, checking the clock
  655. >4 AM
  656. "Are you serious?"
  657. >"Now."
  658. "It's 4 AM."
  659. >"Please?"
  660. >You look over to your wife
  661. >"I'll... Make it worth your while."
  662. >She gives you a sultry look
  663. "You don't have to offer sex to get me to-"
  664. >She rolls on top of you, putting a hoof on your chest
  665. >Her belly is already starting to stretch a bit
  666. >Just a bump that will be your child
  667. >"You are going to get me some cheese, and then you are going to rut me."
  668. "Jeez, okay, okay! Get off me!"
  669. >She rolls off you, and you get out of bed
  670. >You put on some shorts
  671. >Can't be running around the palace in your boxers
  672. >It's a pretty short walk to the nearest kitchen
  673. >Two staircases and a left
  674. >To your surprise, you see light under the door
  675. >Huh
  676. >Must have forgotten to turn it off
  677. >Sleepily, you open the door
  678. >It takes your eyes a moment to register what you're seeing
  679. >Twilight Sparkle
  680. >Face covered in cool whip
  681. >Head buried in Celestia's dripping-
  682. >You put a hand over your eyes and step out the door
  683. >Maybe they didn't not-
  684. >"Anonymous!"
  685. >Celestia's voice is desperate
  686. >"Didn't you learn to knock?"
  687. "I-- I'm sorry, Jesus. Luna wanted a snack."
  688. >"A snack?"
  689. "Cheese. She has all sorts of weird cravings right now, with the baby and all."
  690. >Celestia groans
  691. >"Here."
  692. >A huge wheel of cheese rolls its way out the door
  693. >It turns to the left, coming to a rest in front of you
  694. >"Give that to her. And close the door!"
  695. "Yeah. Jeez, sorry."
  696. >You slam the door shut, picking up the wheel
  697. >You feel the hydraulics in your arm working to lift it
  698. >Thing must be heavy
  699. >You lug it back up to your wife
  700. >She's sitting on the bed, waiting impatiently
  701. >"Well?"
  702. >You drop the wheel of cheese at your feet
  703. "Dig in."
  704. >Luna jumps on it, cutting off a huge slice with magic
  705. >She takes a giant bite
  706. >"Oh, heavenly."
  707. >She stands on the ground, leaning her head down
  708. >She has her ass tilted upwards slightly, baby bump hanging downwards
  709. >From her position, it's almost like...
  710. >"Well?"
  712. >One month later, she's sitting on your operating table
  713. >The modification is simple
  714. >Luna is, of course, worried sick anyway
  715. >"B-Be sure to be extra careful."
  716. "I will honey, I will."
  717. >"And stop if anything gets too far."
  718. "I know."
  719. >"And-- And make sure to-"
  720. >You put a finger over her lips, then pop open her stomach panels
  721. >With another thought, they come clean off, revealing a latex coating underneath
  722. >That's the womb-cover
  723. >It can stretch really fucking far (to the point where she could have quintuplets, if she so desires), but her outer casing... Not so much
  724. >You send another thought into her body, and the outer panels pop clean off
  725. >You set them aside, bringing in new, larger ones
  726. >They pop themselves into place in seconds
  727. >"Careful!"
  728. "I know, honey. I know."
  729. >The panels slowly seal themselves shut
  730. "All good."
  731. >Luna sits up on the table, pulling you into a hug
  732. >You can feel her tightly pressing herself against you
  733. >"Thanks."
  734. "No need."
  735. >"No. Thanks."
  736. >The room is silent for a moment
  737. >"For everything."
  738. >You nod, patting her on the back
  739. "If anything, I should be the one thanking you."
  740. >And, a month and a half after that...
  741. >You have a son
  742. >It almost doesn't seem real
  743. >Mainly because you didn't actually experience the total shock that labor normally is
  744. >Luna laid down in a medical bed one hour, and the next...
  745. >She was in mild post-partem care, and the foal was in a bed
  746. >You were able to leave the palace hospital that day
  747. >Which brings you to now
  748. >Luna is laying down on your bed, on her side
  749. >The foal is suckling on her, hungry on its first day in reality
  750. >You stroke his mane
  751. "He's so beautiful..."
  752. >Luna nods, closing her eyes
  753. >She looks in pure bliss
  754. >"He is."
  755. >You kiss him on the back
  756. >You have never loved anything like this in your life
  757. >Eventually, he starts to doze, letting go of his mother's nipple
  758. >You pick him up, gently
  759. >He's warm and soft in your hands
  760. >You bridge the gap to his crib in just a few steps, setting him inside
  761. >You crawl back into bed with his mother
  762. >You kiss her lightly, on the cheek
  763. "I love you."
  764. >Luna curls her head into your neck
  765. >"I love you too."
  766. >And, in that moment, everything is perfect
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