
Chia Anon (Luna)

May 3rd, 2014
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  1. >You are Princess Luna, ruler of the night!
  2. >And you are incredibly tired
  3. >Tonight has been a very exhausting night to rule
  4. >First off, night court took much longer than usual
  5. >That is to say, a few ponies actually showed up and were begging for handouts
  6. >Secondly, choosing tonight to help perform patrol was a terrible idea
  7. >It is quite depressing how nothing happens on patrol, you should have learned from last time, and the time before that but sister was all "It might be different this time"
  8. >Never again
  9. >Lastly, much too many mares were having very... happy dreams
  10. >A few here and there is alright, but the amount that would leave juices in the bed to clean when they woke was much too high
  11. >Very uncharacteristic of the ponies if you say so yourself, but it is approaching that time of the year, so who knows
  12. >So, you're no less than five hands away from reaching your comfy bed when
  13. >*Knock knock knock*
  14. >...
  15. >How can someone disturb your personal quarters? They literally have to get past the guards
  16. >Some pony is going to have nightmares for a week for disturbing you
  17. >Opening the door reveals an absence of bodies to take your anger out on however
  18. >The only thing in eyesight is a box, laying just in front of your door
  19. >Strange
  20. >At least a box can't bother you after you bring it inside
  21. >And it won't ask for tea or complain when you drop it on your desk
  22. >It is peculiar how some pony got a box past your guards though
  23. >And, what might be in the box? It could be anything!
  24. >What if some dastardly assassin has put something deadly in the box, and hopes you leave it unattended?
  25. >What if inside the box is a prank of some kind, like a spring loaded pie?
  26. >What if it's all a ruse and merely trying to get you to ask too many questions?
  27. >Aargh!
  28. >So much for it not bothering you
  29. >Bringing the box into better view you look it over, finding nothing particularly strange about it
  30. >Slowly, you tear open the top with your magic, making sure to point it away from yourself lest something devious spring out
  31. >When the top is completely off you give it one final shake just in case, and then look inside
  32. >It's another box!
  33. >Only this one seems to be labelled
  34. >The front reads 'Watch it grow: Anonymous' with a picture of an odd green biped on the front, near the bottom it reads 'Guaranteed to please' in big bold letters
  35. >What?
  36. >Inspection of the finer print on the back is in order
  37. >'Thank you for trying our patented Anon-in-a-box. Here at Unnamed Inc. we pride ourselves on our ability to please any and all species. This Anonymous is sure to brighten your day. It's as easy as one, two, three! Please see full instructions for details.'
  38. >That didn't help at all
  39. >Oh well, at least it isn't an assassination attempt
  40. >But maybe this will help brighten your 'day'
  41. >Faust knows you could use some cheering up
  42. >Opening the box, you find 2 simple items: a pamphlet and a small green ball
  43. >Apparently the pamphlet is the instructions
  44. >'Step 1: Place ball in an adequately sized tub of water. Step 2: Let ball sit. Step 3: ??????? Step 4: Enjoy.'
  45. >'Warning: -' Oh screw the warnings, ever since you came back those have been filled with nothing but legal nonsense
  46. >And how do they not know step three? It's their own product!
  47. >Whatever, you wager your bathtub will suffice in space
  48. >In short order, your royal bathing quarters are filled to the brim with water
  49. >*Plop* goes the ball as you unceremoniously drop it into the water
  50. >And now you wait
  51. >...
  52. >After a minute you only shake your head
  53. >This is silly and you are wasting precious time you could be enjoying sleeping
  54. >And so, you make your way back to bed
  55. >With a soft *pomf* you land on the cushiony surface and let your self drift off to sleep...
  57. >You are princess Luna, and you are dreaming
  58. >Most ponies assume that you have control over your own dreams, but alas, you do not
  59. >At least, not to the extent that they would assume you do
  60. >Sure, you can alter other ponies dreams while in the dreamscape, but those dreams are not your own
  61. >Within the confines of your own mind, you are almost just as helpless to your subconscious as the ponies you guard
  62. >And your subconscious has chosen a wonderful place to relax
  63. >Yes, laying back in the soft sand of a beach, hearing the soft sounds of waves crashing, feeling that divine tongue on your marehood, and basking in the nice warmth of the sun is an amazing way to relax yourself
  64. >Of course you'd never actually tell your sister exactly how much you enjoyed her sun
  65. >Especially not when you have several fingers deep in your snatch
  66. >That would be incredibly embarrassing
  67. >Oh yeah, right there
  68. >That feels so good
  69. >Maybe she secretly enjoys the night as much as you do her sun
  70. >The thought of such a thing seems far fetched though
  71. >Why yes, a ride does sound nice
  72. >Odd, a train shaped like a capital D?
  73. >Then again, maybe it isn't such a far fetched thought
  74. >Oh lord that's hilting
  75. >After all, surely the night is calmer for her than the day is
  76. >Come to think of it, sister virtually disappears as soon as night falls unless it's a special occasion
  77. >Yes, stroke the horn
  78. >Deep breaths
  79. >In
  80. >And out
  81. >What were you thinking about?
  82. >Something about sister
  83. >Hmm, this train appears to be taking on water
  84. >Yeah, the wings too, unf
  85. >Maybe you should remember this dream for later
  86. >A train that can go across water would be astounding
  87. >How the water stays only behind you is a mystery but one you can solve later
  88. >This phallus will literally not stop
  89. >Why is this train so exhausting?
  90. >Just have to remember to take deep breaths
  91. >In
  92. >And out
  93. >In
  94. >And ouuuuuuuuuuuuugh
  95. >Maybe you'll just take a rest here
  96. >Ride the train for as long as possible
  97. >That sounds like a nice idea...
  99. >Groggily, you open your eyes in the darkness
  100. >Strange, it shouldn't be night already
  101. >Sister must have let you oversleep
  102. >That whorse
  103. >In any case, you try to pull yourself up out of bed
  104. >Only to find your muscles are very weak
  105. >Standing up requires some real effort on your part
  106. >And why is your backside sticky?
  107. >It's even on your hind hooves
  108. >At least it will come off in the bath, but the sheets will require changing a few days earlier than expected
  109. >With a thought your horn lights the candles on your bedside table
  110. >A note?
  111. >'Dear Luna' must be from sister, 'I'm glad you accepted my present. I'll say I was a little surprised when I came in to find out you were into THAT, but I guess I really shouldn't find it surprising. You should know I don't judge, but next time maybe leave me a warning so I don't barge in during something. Anyways, I'm just glad you were enjoying my gift, and since you were preoccupied I took the liberty of beginning the night without you. Love, Tia'
  112. >...Into what?
  113. >You weren't preoccupied, you were sleeping!
  114. >Whatever, you will have words with her when the sun rises
  115. >As you walk towards the bathroom though you hear a faint whistling coming from inside
  116. >Slowly, you open the door and find a green being that reminds you of something taking a bath in your bathroom
  117. >The creature takes notice of your entry into the room and simply smiles at you
  118. "So, was it as good for you as it was for me?"
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