
Goddess Quest 99

Dec 3rd, 2014
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  1. [17:16] Knight the Wanderer: [Understood. We'll be here devising a plan.]
  2. [17:17] Karen Aido will spend the time to set up the recall point, allowing her to teleport back the moment trouble happens.
  3. [17:25] Knight the Wanderer: You exit the tower to enter Holais once more. The area next to the tower is still covered with broken pieces of armor lying about. The Rest of the city is back to its pristine white glow. Strange there don't seem to be any other people here then the Paladins and your Sentinels...
  4. [17:29] Karen Aido starts picking through the armor, separating it into suits belonging to individuals, yours in one pile, depending on whether or not the suits of the Grand Templars can be discerned, into their own little piles.
  5. [18:04] Knight the Wanderer: Only one suit of armor is all rusted and in pieces, thats knights sets. They are easy to pull apart but there isn't enough of them to recreate their actual suits of armor, only a partially complete single suit. Strange how it all manages to line up though considering its from multiple suits of armor.
  7. The Templars are quite the same in condition with pieces missing and-
  9. "Gotwald! How glad I am to see you." Gabriel says while walking forward, his armor shaking the ground as the Black Knight approaches him. "Do not call me by that name, not when you did not let me in on this plan. I tried to die and I could not. Tell me what has us bound to this world! Why do I live still?" "Your hate. I assume you are here to vent it?" "Aye, I am...But not towards you brother. The Dark Lord shall know me once more and I him once we cross blades Then I may die." "Always the more poetic of us both. Your little friend will not like you and your attempts to kill her lover." "You knew about the plan as well. You were brought into counsel and not I, who was most loyal! I would have agreed, done what ever was commanded. Yet my lord refused, he always refused our help so he could show off." "Worry not, soon enough we'll both face off against the spirits of our former masters, and either die to let this world into a brighter tomorrow, or claim of vengeance and doom all." "Part of me hopes we win, damn this world and all its lies." "We'll see if that part is strong enough during the battle."
  11. The sudden image changes, gone and replaced by the real world once more. Before you can do anything else a new one opens up.
  14. [18:04] Knight the Wanderer: Gabriel walks towards the mouth of the tower, where the one of the Chosen stands. "It is done, all those silly clergy men and nobles you used to maintain the appearance of humanity have been put to the sword." "And the commoners everywhere else through the land?" "They still live and breathe, they are no threat to you-" "You will also have them slain, in view of the approaching army. You will tell the people it is to save their souls-" "I will do no more monstrous acts. Pack up and go through your tower. We shall hold the enemy off long enough for you to siphon the hellfire raging in Laputa and convert the rest of the city." "So, this is the last of your fight then? You go into the next battle to die." "Aye, and the Other Grand Templar agree with me." "Oh I'm sure they will slit their throats right after you do." "There is a place, not hell, not even purgatory that exist for you. I hope that when you get there the punishments are worth all you have done." "I assume we'll be seated right next to each other then."
  16. The scene vanishes away, just as the first, it also explains the lack of any civilians in the city-
  18. Steel clashes against steel, all the Grand Templar rush towards Knight and his summoned armors. Blows are traded time and time again while Clark's Avengers continue their attack against the walls. Sigismund is the first to fall, then John. Soon the others begin to go down as well. Knight's armors have also suffered the brunt of the fight, lying useless and broken at his sides. Only the Dark Knight and Gabriel stand in his was. They are powerful and begin to push him back, but not before armor of the grand templar forms from the air next to Knight and rushes to assist him as his other armor had. Soon enough the Black Knight has fallen to his knees, coughing up blood before a blade separates his head from the neck. Then there is only Gabriel, laughing quietly as his left arm pours blood from broken armor. "I knew i would happen like this. I couldn't wait for it either. Please, send me along where I need to go." "I will, just tell me, why did you go with the madness my other self planned?" "I had to, because you asked me too become a monster." "Then I am sorry for what I did." "Don't be, you promised me I would be able to fuck you over, and I did. It was worth it." "No more joking." "Then no more hesitation. Kill me-" A draconic claw slams through Gabriel's chest, its bearer the bloody and broken Angerboda. "Y-You were the traitor...I don't believe it you are far to stupid." "All an act, it matters not. The Chosen are in Laputa now and all I have to do to prevent them from being caught is to destroy the tower." The traitor says, his body growing larger, the claw causing Gabriel's body to explode with it. Six hate filled eyes stare down at your husband, as he calls forth two additional armor, the Black Knight's and Gabriel's to assist him with this large dragon. "Of course it gets worse!" Knight shouts as he charges, to protect you and the tower.
  19. [18:21] Karen Aido scowls as she looks around. "Figures it would be Angerdoba. What the hell were the grand templars planning? Their end? They knew how dangerous the single lord was, much less someone who was both Dark and Light Lords."
  20. [19:34] Knight the Wanderer: The armors stir weakly on their own, floating about until they take form. One is rusted and looks slightly like Knight, while the other is a new armor that glows a faint white from the inside. The rusted armor slowly begins to walk toward the east, while the other floats about, taking in the area.
  21. [19:36] Karen Aido: "Hey! Where are you going?" she'll slither in front of the rusted armor and wave a hand in front of the suit's face plate. "Hi, I'm Karen Aido."
  22. [19:39] Knight the Wanderer: The rusted suit pays you no mind, continuing its wandering as it actually warps apart to go around you. <Its looking for its master.> The Other suit says while walking forward. <As I believe I am trying to do as well...>
  23. [19:41] Karen Aido frowns. "But that way leads to death. It'll be petrified by the wall." she'll continue following it "If you come with me, I will take you to your master as soon as I can."
  24. [19:47] Knight the Wanderer: <That which is dead can not die. Then why does it still move...Why do I still move...What am I even...> The Rusted one looks at the other and points a finger towards you. <Guard her? Are you sure thats my existence?> The other one nods its head and continues walking east. <But she said there is a wall. How do you intend to cross it?> The rusted suit pulls out a rusted version of the Planet cracker, the weapon that Andre once carried. It stomps on the ground and causes a large rock to fly into the air. As quick as lightening its on the rock and slams the weapon into it, shattering the stone in a great might crack. The Suit of armor flies in the opposite direction towards the east, higher and higher into the sky. <Oh, he means to go over it.>
  25. [19:49] Karen Aido: "... I see." she shakes her head. "Well, anyway. What's your name?"
  26. [19:50] Knight the Wanderer: The white armored being scratches at its head. <I do not know, he never told me my name.>
  27. [19:52] Karen Aido: "He? You mean, Knight? Well, then you can pick any name you like."
  28. [19:54] Knight the Wanderer: <He was no Knight. He was...Part of one. Duty. Thats what he was, and he left me here to do one as well...What is a good name for a servant that protects?>
  29. [19:57] Karen Aido: "Well, shit... A lot of those names are taken by other units in my army, and I don't just want to call you Guard. Hmm..."
  30. [19:58] Knight the Wanderer: <A name that nobody else has then. That seems hard. How do people that have yet to be named get named if the names are still claimed?>
  31. [19:59] Karen Aido: "That's what last names are generally for, it decreases the chances of having the exact same name tremendously, and identifies family ties. How does Siegmeyer sound?"
  32. [20:02] Knight the Wanderer: <I shall take it. Meyer sounds like a find last name as well.>
  33. [20:04] Karen Aido: "Oh, that's technically one name, but okay, Sieg. I'm curious, what do you know about current events? Do you know why you're in a big battle field?"
  34. [20:08] Knight the Wanderer: <Atonement. There are souls in me, saved by the joint sacrifice of friends. I was made to help you and others.>
  35. [20:10] Karen Aido: "You need not atone for the actions of your forebears, you are not accountable for their actions, but I'm not about to turn down any help. Especially since a few of those souls are my friends. What can you do?"
  36. [20:12] Knight the Wanderer: <I do not know yet. I think I can fight, and store souls within me for safe keeping. I know that I am alone in my creation, and others will not be made like me or from me.>
  37. [20:18] Karen Aido: "Are you sure? You sound like a friend of mine, Mercy. Can you call forth the souls to do battle?"
  38. [20:20] Knight the Wanderer: <I don't think so. I might be able to. I don't want to test it out though, for you would need to be in danger.>
  39. [20:25] Karen Aido nods. "I agree, it's hazardous, since they don't really have bodies. Let's look around here, see if there's anything worth keeping." she'll use the Eye to look for anything else worth holding onto.
  40. [20:26] Knight the Wanderer: Scrap and junk, that seems to gravitate slowly towards Sieg, but other then that nothing. Maybe he can control it.
  41. [20:28] Karen Aido: "Hey, this stuff is moving toward you, see if you can control it?"
  42. [20:34] Knight the Wanderer: Sieg focuses his will on the shattered steel which begins to shaken and spin. Suddenly it all locks together, forming a large grand shield and blade through its center. It quickly smoothes down, along with his armor ro appear like it was forged from a single piece of steel. You now have a new floaty ghost guy that has a shield with a sword through it.
  43. [20:37] Karen Aido: "Huh. Neat. Though it's gonna be kinda hard to use that blade as well as it could be, but I was never the best at swordplay. My husband's considerably better, though... now he's overseas..." she sighs. "You know... I didn't think I'd live to see all my friends dying around me. That's supposed to be an old people thing. I'm 28..."
  44. [20:41] Knight the Wanderer: <You might be thinking of a different world, but humans typically live to be around forty. You are past their middle age.> With a wave of his hand, the Blade slides out from the back and floats around his gauntlet with the shield hovering next to the other.
  45. [20:42] Knight the Wanderer: <And in war, it is often the young who end up dying most often.>
  46. [20:43] Karen Aido: "That's still not old! Plus, by Lamia standards I'm really young, at least according to the ones I talked to in Japan.... there's not a lot of Lamia left."
  47. [20:51] Knight the Wanderer: <Thats the way the world works. You are in position to change it though.>
  48. [20:53] Karen Aido: "I've been trying to, but the last few days have been pretty shit, and I know a lot more of my friends are gonna die before this is over whether I like it or not. No matter how hard I fight. Well, since it looks like there's nothing else here, we should get back to Laputa."
  49. [20:53] Knight the Wanderer: <We should bring the Lava one.>
  50. [20:54] Karen Aido: "The lava one?"
  51. [20:57] Knight the Wanderer: <Its soul is coursing with a Lava serpent. It walks like...Those things.> Sieg says pointing towards a golem walking by with a cart of bricks for building. <Bring it.>
  52. [20:58] Karen Aido: "Oh, you mean Luna. I thought that's what you meant." <Hey, Luna, where you at?>
  53. [20:59] Knight the Wanderer: <That one has a man's spirit, not a lava one.> <Charging in the gatehouse. I figured you were gonna be here soon so we can set things up for adventure.>
  54. [21:02] Karen Aido: "Oh.... uh... You mean Driller? He won't fit through the portal."
  55. [21:03] Knight the Wanderer: <Then bring only part. The Chosen fled on a train and buried the entrance. You will need to break through lots of rock to follow.>
  56. [21:04] Karen Aido: "Ah, okay. That's easy enough. Where is it?" <Hey, can we get Driller here?>
  57. [21:06] Knight the Wanderer: <There will be tracks, they moved and rebuilt a train below the ground.> [We can, what do you have planned?] <There is a hidden workshop, beneath the tower, in there is a prototype drill and train. They never were able to link golem cores to power it, so instead they made one that uses man power.>
  58. [21:08] Karen Aido: "Well, we're going underground. The chosen have a train, they buried the tracks though, and we'll need a train to follow them. There's a prototype frame we might be able to use, and I think Driller's core might be able to run it."
  59. [21:10] Karen Aido meant to say that with her mind to her friends.
  60. [21:14] Knight the Wanderer: [We'll have enough time to pull it out for use. Though we are going to need to find a way to distract Striker and her bunch.] Muna says. [We can go along the surface and help look for the core from up high. You can take the tunnels as we provide a distraction.] Strider says.
  61. [21:17] Karen Aido nods. "Alright, well, let's hop to it. See if we can't get Driller's body through the gate, piece by piece, I'd like him to at least have something he's familiar with on the other side. If not, I guess we can make a smaller body for him real fast so he's not stuck in the train the entire time."
  62. [21:23] Knight the Wanderer: [Have you forgotten that his core is huge?] Muna says while the tower shudders and buckles slightly before the Portal to the Gatehouse and the tower both slightly expand. The Base of the tower is now a large dome, with the rest reaching towards the sky still. "I told you all I know what I am doing." Jushur says while exiting the tower and giving himself a few pats on the back. Sieg takes this gesture wrong and begins to scratch through the old mage's clothes and skin with his sharp gauntlets. <Did I get the itchy spot.> Jushur just looks at him while bleeding slightly.
  63. [21:27] Karen Aido: "No, I haven't forgotten how big his core is, that's why I'm not asking for a full body, but a temporary thing so that he can move under his own power as he needs to. It doesn't have to be combat ready." she smiles at Jushur and shakes her head. "Didn't doubt you, Jushur. Sieg, he's old and fragile, you've hurt him." she'll cast a healing spell on Jushur and mend his clothes. "Please be more careful. What's Andre's estimated time of arrival?"
  64. [21:31] Knight the Wanderer: [Two more hours.] "Ow....So is this Sieg then...Nice to meet you I guess." He says shaking the Revenant's hand. <Likewise. If we work quickly we can have the drill train assembled by the time Andre's men arrive and start working through the rubble into the tunnels.> "I'll go with as well. If my guess is right, he built the city into a self sustaining Mana loop. The Tunnels will have leylines next to them or under them that we can trail."
  65. [21:33] Karen Aido nods. "Likely. I..."she swallows. "... got us a map as well, though it's a little outdated, and a little incomplete."
  66. [21:35] Knight the Wanderer: Jushur and Sieg look it over. "Its immense! Its bigger then a country. Okay around the letters... maybe...No no no... Brakis was always weird. The Power station while it should be in the center is to common for him..."
  67. [21:38] Karen Aido: "I figure it'd by at a lei nexus, if he's using lei lines to power it. I'll look into it real fast." she'll use the eye to look over the Lei lines to figure out where they all head to. "We need to go there to remove the hellfire from it anyway."
  68. [21:41] Knight the Wanderer: There are numerous jury rigged and destroyed lines, but other then that the rest lay dormant. They also have the maddening effect of randomly curling up on themselves or not actually being connected...
  69. [21:44] Karen Aido looks at them. "The hell? These lines are a mess." she'll hold up an image of them. "No, seriously. What is this, Jushur?"
  70. [21:47] Knight the Wanderer: "...That crafty bastard. They are proximity lines. Once power is supplied they are able to simply run through other lines by contact. Yet each line gives off a different current. A perfect way to prevent someone from tracing the power, and yet a way to transfer all that mana around to power the city."
  71. [21:52] Karen Aido: "There has to be some rational to this architecture." <Brakis, do you know how I could find the primary power source to Laputa?>
  72. [21:54] Knight the Wanderer: [The reason is to protect the core. You heard from YT about saboteurs and the shields. The way is most likely through a path. You could be at it right now but if you don't follow the path you'll never see it properly.]
  73. [21:57] Karen Aido: "Oh, yeah, that's helpful." she'll look for a path, leading anywhere. "This is that sort of stuff I'd need pathfinding for isn't it?"
  74. [22:00] Knight the Wanderer: [Most likely. I am sorry I can't be much more help.] Brakis Broquote the third says.
  76. [The best bet is the tunnels with the Chosen in them. Strider and I will be up top with part of the force to distract, rescue, and pacify the natives.] Muna says.
  77. [22:01] Knight the Wanderer: "Sounds fine to me, My men are built for slow defense though." [With us there you won't need to worry about speed.] Strider adds.
  78. [22:01] Karen Aido: "Nah, it happens." she comms Muna, concern in her voice, "Okay." she'll make for the train. "Hey, Andre."
  79. [22:05] Knight the Wanderer: "Hello to you too, are you excited for this as well? To be in the field once more?"
  81. [Don't worry Karen, we will be fine. Perhaps we'll also take care of Striker while we are out there.]
  82. [22:06] Karen Aido: "Not especially. I would rather be at home with my friends and family, hanging out and being silly." to Muna. "I know..."
  83. [22:06] Knight the Wanderer: The Train in question is, pretty big, but you could easily fit it into the Dome and through the enlarged Portal. The Drill at the front seems to be scavenged from a dig site of some former Golem but looks to be tough enough for the job. A Harness is quickly fitted onboard that can contain Driller's large core as well.
  84. [22:08] Karen Aido hops aboard the train. "How're you doing, Driller?"
  85. [22:11] Knight the Wanderer: [I am doing fine. I never thought I would be used as a train again, though this is better then the last time.]
  86. [22:16] Karen Aido nods. "Sorry to have you shoved into another of these. Alright, let's go. There's a rail line you can follow, but it's been kind of caved in."
  87. [22:18] Knight the Wanderer: [We'll need to go through the portal first, but after that my new Drill should make easy work of the stone.] Driller says while his wheels begin to slowly pump forward, pushing him towards the entrance of the portal and then slowly through it.
  88. [22:20] Karen Aido will help him line up properly. "There might be metal entwined with it, I'll keep an eye out for any that looks like it might be too rough."
  89. [22:28] Knight the Wanderer: The Gateway is, well slightly crumbled now on the Laputian side because of the sudden enlargement. The Claw golems are already working to restore what they can of the walls, with the zombie golems dragging back other rubble to use in fortifying the area. Driller's train continues through with the caboose actually extending numerous arms and tools to work on fortifying the area. "I realize now that their portal was way smaller..." Jushur says from a seat next to yours in the train.
  90. [23:46] Karen Aido nods. "It's why I was concerned about the prospects of making the portal bigger. It seems like things are working out alright so far. Except for one thing I couldn't help with."
  91. [00:02] Knight the Wanderer: [Its a good thing you warned us though before coming through Driller, I might have been crushed.] Strider says while going over the train, inspecting it and helping guide the building arms to repair the structure.
  92. [00:05] Karen Aido grimaces. "Oh, sorry. Is everyone okay?"
  93. [00:09] Knight the Wanderer: [We are all fine, we did lose a zombie but well, they are zombies.]
  94. [00:11] Karen Aido sighs. "Yeah. Alright. Sieg, which way is the tunnel?"
  95. [00:14] Knight the Wanderer: <The tunnel should be towards the North. The Gatehouse was the south most structure.> Sieg points along the map through a bunch of buildings that should still be standing before circling the Sough district tramway.
  96. [00:15] Knight the Wanderer: [Thats about a mile away.] Muna says from the top of the Gatehouse. [You should wait for Andre and his men, then we can split them up into a group to take with you, and the rest to help us up top.]
  97. [00:16] Karen Aido nods. "Agreed. Let's scout the area out to find a safe passage. I'm not going to just assume we can make one, I've seen the nonsense that exists here."
  98. [00:21] Knight the Wanderer: [I'll stay behind to help rebuild the Gatehouse into a true defensive stronghold.] Driller says while Jushur Stretches his arms above his head, exiting the control section of the train and walking towards the supposed Tram station. Sieg waits for you to disembark along with Derek and Burnen. [Judging by the trail of cleared debris towards the east, it looks like they brought their train in through a longer route. We could also try and use Driller's drill to cut a straight path towards the Tram station. Which way do you want to scout out first?]
  99. [00:24] Karen Aido: "Let's see..." she looks at the map and starts drawing out a line that will allow them to join the Chosen's path, while trying to not cut through too many structures. She will also draw up a line for heading to the Tram station with the same goals. "These are the paths we're going to check out. I suggest we secure the Tram first, they might have additional trains allowing us to cover more of the city, faster."
  100. [00:30] Knight the Wanderer: (The Map is old and believes many of the buildings are still standing. Remember that.)
  101. [00:31] Karen Aido: (I remember, I'm using my eyes to adjust it some.)
  102. [00:31] Karen Aido: (If it looks clear that way, from my perspective, I'll take it. The map is just assisting me.)
  103. [00:37] Knight the Wanderer: There are a few foot paths you think you can see into the great city, but many of them most likely have dead ends. Same with the roads that suddenly turn into buildings that fell or were blown down.
  104. [00:37] Knight the Wanderer: The Only truly clear path is the one the Chosen used to ferry parts to the tram station.
  105. [00:38] Karen Aido: Then we'll scout out that path and what's along that one.
  106. [00:43] Knight the Wanderer: Burnen takes the lead, being the fastest over clear ground, and the most heavily armored as well. The Path has plenty of debris piled to its sides, and even looks to go through several downed buildings. If you take this path, Driller can save his drill bit, but you can always repair it with magic if it breaks. Though how much energy and time would you waste doing that. You put that into the back of your head for now, until you see the damage of the straight path you have plenty of time to chose. [Contacts. Golems. They seem hostile.] Burnen reports from up ahead.
  107. [00:47] Karen Aido: "Show me an image, please? If they spot you, try opening a line of communication with them, to me if you must."
  108. [00:48] Knight the Wanderer: [I lack Takeshi's ability to send Images over a comm unit. But there are lots of corpses around here, some belonging to other golems, some to strange looking humans, and a couple Paladins. Wait the Paladins are alive, the Golems are approaching them.]
  109. [00:50] Karen Aido starts sprinting ahead to catch up. "I'm on my way, protect the paladins from the golems. If you can convince them to stop fighting, do so."
  110. [01:00] Knight the Wanderer: You can hear Brunen's might cannon fire and the resulting explosions shake a nearby building, showering the area with dust and debris. You can also hear return fire, and the resulting pings of the enemy rounds bouncing off of Burnen. You arrive just in time to find Burnen propping up the second Paladin as the first removes his broken helm.
  111. [01:06] Karen Aido casts a healing spell on the paladins and slithers out to the middle of the fire fight. [b]"Enough!"[/b] "We're here to make peace. Not war. Put your weapons away!"
  112. [01:07] Knight the Wanderer: The Golems are all destroyed, only the Paladins and the bodies remain.
  113. [01:07] Karen Aido: Oh. Damn.
  114. [01:07] Karen Aido checks on the golems. "Did these have any signals coming from or two them?"
  115. [01:10] Karen Aido: or to*
  116. [01:13] Knight the Wanderer: [Negative. They seemed stuck on their own loop of maintaining building security no matter the cost, even though their building toppled down long ago. They also are armed with rapid fire weapons of a decent caliber that most likely are deadly to humans.] Brunen says while handing you a short rifle that looks very strange. There is a stock like normal, but the gun is far to short. The Trigger is different, its smaller and curved for a better feel. The top ejects the ammo instead of receiving it as well. A single metal tube connects through the bottom to feed the small rounds into the chamber to be fired off with bronze casings at the back. You have just found an automatic weapon that can be held by humans.
  117. [01:18] Karen Aido: "We'll have to get this to the techs. This is neat." she'll put a burst into the corner of the building then check for penetration. "While I think it might be a waste of ammo to give this sort of firepower to everyone, I don't think it'd be a bad idea to make sure each squad has one or two." she'll look over the paladins real fast. "Are you guys alright?"
  118. [01:27] Knight the Wanderer: The two don't answer, electing to remain silent. [Ma'am if they won't talk shall I move them to the Gate house?] Burnen ask before Sieg rounds the corner. <Give me a moment with them please. I promise not to hurt them.>
  119. [01:28] Karen Aido: "Okay, be careful Sieg."
  120. [01:33] Knight the Wanderer: The newly made undead walks forwards, crouching next to the healed men. They converse quietly before he hands them their weapons and marks them with a splash of water. You can feel something break from them, shattering and easing their burden. <You are now free to do as you wish, your souls are saved from prior crimes and the goddess will accept you into her heart, so long as you continue to love and do good.> Both men break down quietly into tears as he walks away. <I think I know my purpose, to atone for those whose souls created me, and to help others that can't make it on their own.> The armored figure says happily while floating by you.
  121. [01:37] Karen Aido smiles and nods. "I'm glad!" she puffs up her cheeks some "Wish I could do that." she'll slither over and give them both a hug, they seem like they need it. "Shh, it's okay. Where are the others, so that we might save them as well. I don't want any more of you guys to suffer, I know what you've been through, and what you've done. At least in a vague sense. I even know why, but I don't think that should be held against you, your wills were subjugated by horrible monsters pretending to be men, and my aim, in the immediate future, is to strike them down."
  122. [01:45] Knight the Wanderer: "We were part of the rear guard. Meant to hold off on our own after the tunnel collapsed. There are mines hidden in the trail ahead, we spread them before we got ambushed by those security golems." "Its strange, when we cleared out the trail we thought we destroyed them all. It seems like they continue to be manufactured somewhere deeper in the building that way." The Second Paladin says while pointing towards the west end of the collapsed building. [Alright, if we head this way we'll need to disarm the mines, and watch out for security golems as well. What is further along the path?] "More buildings like this, we didn't lay any mines further back though, the ones we planted we looted off of some natives heading east towards what appears to be an airship dock."
  123. [01:49] Karen Aido: "I think we should send a team in there to disable or repurpose the manufacturing facilities. We might be able to get additional troopers out of it."
  124. [01:50] Knight the Wanderer: [I'll mark it down for the Distraction team to deal with it.] Burnen says while the Paladins stand up together and look around. "Our lives are yours Goddess, please tell us what you need."
  125. [01:52] Karen Aido: "Well, I'd like you to think about names and what you want to do with yourselves, but until you get the time to really mull over that, I want you to show us where you put the mines, and where the rest of your people should be. I'd like to know where the Chosen are, but I don't think they told you that."
  126. [02:07] Knight the Wanderer: "We split up into two man teams after we sealed the mine. From there the twenty of us left behind began to trap the areas around the Tram station or paths to it. I expect only a few of us survived." The first Paladin says while leading you and the rest of the party towards the minefield.
  127. [02:07] Knight the Wanderer: Sealed the tram station not mine
  128. [02:11] Karen Aido scowls as she hears those last words. "Damnit. Well, stay close and consider yourselves a part of my army for the moment. This means calling for help when you see anything hostile."
  129. [02:19] Knight the Wanderer: "Understood." Both man answer at once, shouldering their large rifles and taking their places on either side of you.
  131. It takes some more time, but you eventually make it to the mine field. Green arcing rays blast back and forth from mine to mine. [These appear to be...I have no Idea what they are.] "One of the native tribes makes them. They are part golem and human, made as grown adults with golem limbs and other attachments. We think they are or used to be a servant race in the city. The lines dance around at random, changing each ten seconds. If a line is broken or something passes by to quickly they explode into a strange acidic charge that latches onto the closest thing and tries to melt through it."
  132. [02:20] Karen Aido: "...How do we disable them?"
  133. [02:22] Knight the Wanderer: "How fast can you run?"
  134. [02:24] Karen Aido: "A lot faster than most paladins, but not everyone can move like that." she sighs "Will magic work? What about just throwing a big rock?"
  135. [02:28] Knight the Wanderer: A sudden explosive sound alerts you to the mines being tripped. In the center of the field is Jushur who is gracefully jumping about while water coats his body. The acidic mines either explode, trying to send their payload at him, or end up destroying the dormant mines. After a few moments the last of the acidic charges dies out, with Jushur unharmed but very wet. "Or we can do that. The mines have bound acid slimes in them. Acid slimes don't live very long on their own, but are very dangerous if they latch onto something. Water is something they can't latch onto."
  136. [02:30] Karen Aido: "I did not know that. That's easy enough to do. Heck, I've got a spell that's really good for creating water." she'll use a spell she hasn't used since she left Oasis, really, create water.
  137. [02:32] Knight the Wanderer: [Well now we know a way to avoid any mines like those that we find. What else is up ahead?] "There was some makeshift fort staffed completely by women. I believe they were slaughtered to the last and the way was cleared." "I thought I saw some new barricades as we passed through though."
  138. [02:33] Karen Aido sighs. "Alright, let's take a look." she'll slither that way.
  139. [02:36] Knight the Wanderer: The Path grows wider, and the remnants of carts or other material used to transport parts for the train and rails grows in abundance. Some of it will need to be cleared. Up ahead you can easily make out an iron gate and wall. "That was not here a couple hours ago..."
  140. [02:38] Karen Aido quirks an eyebrow. "Apparently, they can still build things really fast." she'll use the eye to get a good look at the fortification.
  141. [02:40] Knight the Wanderer: You can see the inhabitants, all women busy working away. They speak in a language that you can't understand and function as though linked together.
  142. [02:43] Karen Aido will duplicate the sounds they're making. "Anyone know what that means?"
  143. [02:48] Knight the Wanderer: Nobody understands it, except Jushur and Sieg. <I can't quite understand the actual dialect or words, but they seem to be relaying orders.> "Its an elemental language one for servants. A demigod must be around somewhere in the city. Tell me did the women all look the same." "Yes, they all appeared to be the same from the reports we heard." "Blonde, black, brown or red hair." "Green I think." Jusur closes his mouth and begins tapping a single foot. "You are sure?" "Yes sir." "Fuck."
  144. [02:48] Karen Aido: "Why, what's so bad about that?"
  145. [02:51] Knight the Wanderer: "Its not a base element. I have power over the four base elements, anything other then that doesn't like to play by their parents rules. Describe the women." "They looked beautiful I guess, high cheek bones, curvy bodies, purple eyes-" "Purple." "Yes sir." "...What color was their blood?" "I believe it was black." "Toxin elemental, fantastic. A child of the earth and wind, full of humanities pollutions as well."
  146. [02:52] Karen Aido: "Oh, so a large scale purification spell would work?"
  147. [02:53] Knight the Wanderer: "No, it is toxic in nature, purifying it would only revert its toxicity to normal, whatever normal that may be could be good or bad."
  148. [02:54] Karen Aido: "I'm surprised it wouldn't split them like it tens to do with dual-natured things."
  149. [02:58] Knight the Wanderer: "Toxin might seem unnatural, but then does that mean poison would split? After all its just the earth and water given form."
  150. [03:00] Karen Aido shrugs. "It doesn't matter if it's natural or not, ask Diao Chan, her jacked up biology was perfectly natural, but I couldn't fix it. Do you think we could talk them into joining us?"
  151. [03:02] Knight the Wanderer: "Diao was supposed to be human and human alone, not some hybrid elemental woman. As for this, it will most likely declare war on us if we press the point. If we do a favor for it it might just let us touch the gate."
  152. [03:04] Karen Aido: "Touch the gate? So... one way or the other we're going to have to fight these is what you're saying? Seeing as how we need to get through there and that's not on the table?"
  153. [03:07] Knight the Wanderer: "We could bypass them or offer them a sacrifice which I know is going to be a big no. That or you could declare war with the elemental, they aren't very nice and you would be doing yourself a favor in the long run if I know you like I think I do. Breathable air is better then gas mask after all."
  154. [03:08] Karen Aido: "Gas mask?" she shakes her head. "Whatever, alright then, what are they vulnerable to?"
  155. [03:09] Knight the Wanderer: "Theses are most likely women captured and transformed to serve. There has to be a crystal somewhere binding them and transforming them to its will..."
  156. [03:10] Karen Aido uses the Eye to try to find that. "Soul or mana?"
  157. [03:17] Knight the Wanderer: "Mana, it is an extension of its power, not its soul." You can see it, hovering under the barricades. It looks like there is actually multiple ways to get down into the Hidden caverns from the fort, it just seems that all are opened from underneath, hence the reason the Chosen and his men missed the source of the elemental.
  158. [03:19] Karen Aido creates a small display to highlight it from each person's perspective. "It's right there... speaking of which, there's a bunch of passages to get down into some caverns. Which explains where the elementals are from. Okay, let's go rescue these ladies, and get them back to somewhere safe. If we break the crystal, will that do it?"
  159. [03:26] Knight the Wanderer: "Ehh...Fifty chance that they will be fine to the elemental will try to cause them to hemorrhage internally." <They will be fine, you can save them.> Sieg says while floating towards the gate. <Burnen, please make a hole.> Sieg says while advancing.
  160. [03:27] Karen Aido shrugs. "Well, if it tries to make them hemorrhage internally, I can just heal them. So, yeah, let's go break it."
  161. [03:32] Knight the Wanderer: Burnen start heading back from the way you all came, passing out of sight around a curve before suddenly rushing back towards you all, passing you with a strong gust of air pushing you and the others aside. With a tremendous clang he rams into and then through the gate, then into a gate behind that before passing through as well. In the distance you can hear someone swear and ask what just happened.
  162. [03:33] Karen Aido: "That wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but I see an opportunity which needs seizing, and I think we should oblige it." she sprints after Burnen.
  163. [03:39] Knight the Wanderer: The defenders are to busy looking at the other side of their base, as the Golem took an entire gate door with him and is still pushing it along. You know the entrances are nearby, though some are farther from the crystal and others are...You feel a tiny probe against your body, trying to take control. Its far to small though and is to weak to match your divine willpower. Stupid Elemental thinking it could override you. Unfortunately the element of surprise is lost as all the women on the wall look towards you and hold out their palms which begin to collect dark purple clouds of toxic energy.
  164. [03:42] Karen Aido frowns. "Jushur, wind please. The elemental is being a smartass and I'm going to try stuffing it in a bottle." she pulls out a bottle and waits to see if he thinks that's a good idea before summoning it up here to stuff it in said bottle. She'll begin transmuting it into something a fair bit more durable to withstand the elemental. "Got any recommendations?"
  165. [03:48] Karen Aido creates a dome of true ice in front of the ladies, blocking their line of sight, without harming them, as she and her compatriots make their way inside the structure. "That should hold them for a bit."
  166. [03:53] Knight the Wanderer: Ripping the door off of the entrance, Derek jumps down first and begins to beat back the defenders in his tunnel. Dear lord these tunnels are smaller then they looked. Burnen can't even follow with his immense width. Still the women are easily bludgeoned or held down as you pass into the crystal chamber. The Crystal tries with all its might to control you, but you are not this things plaything.
  167. [03:56] Karen Aido draws her sword and smashes the crystal with it. She doesn't charge it, because that might not work, but she will enchant it to burn.
  168. [04:02] Knight the Wanderer: The crystal shatters easily enough, falling to the ground before fading away. It seems the elemental tried to use the crystal's last bit of power to try and control you.
  169. [04:04] Karen Aido looks around. "Jushur, check me for any enchantments I may have missed. The elemental did a direct attempt to control me with the crystal, don't know if that left anything on me." she'll head up to check in on the women.
  170. [04:06] Knight the Wanderer: The women are all either laying about or vomiting a bit. "You are fine, these girls will be too once they revert somewhat back to normal."
  171. [04:07] Karen Aido: "Somewhat back to normal?" she'll check over them for any internal bleeding.
  172. [04:12] Knight the Wanderer: "Well, they will remain as they are. They have become fully changed into this type of, toxic Dryad. Meaning they will be able to freely enter areas that would normally be dangerous to others such as the Dragon steel works without protection, things like that. Most poisons would heal them most likely as well. Actually if you could study them in depth you could create something to assist people that work in toxic environments to better survive. Or you could revert them before the images of their former selves fades away instead."
  173. [04:16] Karen Aido: "Huh... Could I copy the images of their former selves so they can choose when they're in better shape?" she'll turn to them. "Do any of you want to help us with some environmental stuff, or do you all want to go back to normal?" she may have not worded that the best, but she wasn't exactly sure what the best way to word that was.
  174. [04:24] Knight the Wanderer: "They...Aren't quite human still. Their responses will get better as their minds return to thinking about the single instead of the group. Any choice you make though I am sure they will agree with. Really though we might never get the chance to capture anything like these girls again, and you can always find a way to change them later if they hate you for it." <My queen, while helping return them to normal might seem the best option, think of the many who work now in the Steel pits to produce the armor your men wear. These fifty girls are just that while thousands toil alongside golems.> Derek adds in quietly.
  175. [04:26] Karen Aido shifts her jaw. "We'll figure out how to turn them back to normal later, heck, we can even use this to teach our techs new skills for surgery."
  176. [04:28] Knight the Wanderer: "I'll find a way to round them up and begin to take them back towards the safety of the Gatehouse." Jushur says while ordering the two Paladins to assist him.
  177. [04:30] Karen Aido nods. "I'm not exactly happy about this, but... the needs of the many.... we will reward these women. I want them collecting pay from this moment forward."
  178. [04:50] Knight the Wanderer: "Right right, lets pack up and move out. Hold hands thats right and follow me. We'll be home soon." Jushur says, slowly leading the women away with the Paladins guarding them all. [I suspect we won't find many other distractions along this route. And we have already partially cleared it. We should just take this one, it will cause us less trouble and will be quicker then drilling all the way through unknown territory.] Burnen says.
  180. It is getting close for Andre to arrive, maybe you can clear the way to the Tram along the path, and then backtrack to the gate house to see if anyone else needs help.
  181. [04:52] Karen Aido: "I think we should wait here, I'll just look ahead with the Eye. I don't want us getting too far from base." she'll do just that.
  182. [04:55] Knight the Wanderer: You are already a far distance to the base, you are almost to the collapsed Tram station.
  183. [04:56] Karen Aido didn't think we were that far.... "Since he's nearly here, we've scouted this area out, lets head back to rendezvous.
  184. [04:56] Karen Aido: "*
  185. [04:56] Knight the Wanderer: Looking ahead though you can see the Ruins of what must have been a great building collapsed over the Tram Station. It was recent as the debris has yet to settle.
  186. [04:56] Karen Aido: "We'll need driller for the next part anyway."
  187. [05:05] Knight the Wanderer: The group moves back along the path, catching up with the dazed women to help provide escort. Luckily nothing seems to happen along the way and you arrive in time to see great steel doors being raised in front of the Portal room of the new and improved gatehouse. They look to be over six feet thick and can only be opened from the inside. Large orcs, humans, and newly inducted and modified monster-kin wander about the large drill train as it has started already laying tracks along the route you selected, so that future trains may follow to help resupply your group and evacuate others. In fact, you can see a makeshift workshop being constructed along with a train depot. Andre is busy cheering to himself as the construction of a large Golem turret along the west side begins to take shape. "Ahh your highness, like what you see? We are going to slowly start working through Laputa, tearing it apart while putting it back together one level at a time. I have a detachment of my siege breakers and a couple water mages ready to go look at that airship depot. With that under our control as well, things will really look up for us."
  188. [05:09] Karen Aido: "Okay, good. I want them to have hazard material gear on hand, or in close proximity. There's a toxin golem down below, it was controlling these women. In one of my.... crappiest decisions, I've decided to have the techs look them over so we can learn from them, rather than reverting them to humans again. Aside from that, good work. We'll have a safe place for everyone to stay." over the comm "Sleepy, I need you to take a look at the women I'm bringing in, they have unique properties I want studied. Also, who do I talk to about getting them set up for payment?"
  189. [05:22] Knight the Wanderer: "I heard from Derek already, and the pay thing was sent to the scribes. They know its an order form you so they are already working on it." Sleepy says.
  190. [05:24] Karen Aido: "Oh, good. I already feel like shit for making this decision. Anyway, once we're clear, we'll head back down the trail we explored a little while ago, things change quickly here."
  191. [05:26] Knight the Wanderer: "Don't, these women would never have a chance if we didn't help. The least they can do is stay as they are for a bit longer until we figure out what we need from them."
  192. [05:29] Karen Aido sighs. "It's the fact that I made the choice without giving them one. Bleh I say, bleh. Anyway, I'm surprised to see such a large turnout of monsterfolk."
  193. [05:36] Knight the Wanderer: "Well in show of good faith, I recruited most of them. To prove that I don't hate them and all that bullshit. Mostly because they fit into my big strong hold the line strategy."
  194. [05:37] Karen Aido: "Fair enough. The new line will be somewhat mobile, as it will be the rails."
  195. [05:42] Knight the Wanderer: "Haha, it will indeed. Derek has commanded me that I am to ride with you on Driller. He thinks that I am to stir crazy and might cause trouble." Andre says while looking at your new Black Knight. "He is probably right." Andre admits with a smile as he passes by the warrior, giving him a pat on the shoulder.
  196. [05:44] Karen Aido: "That's fine. I'd drag you out more often if you weren't so damn specialized in holding structures. Though, I'm glad your Citadel was the place where we made peace with Balgeria."
  197. [05:54] Knight the Wanderer: "Well I can only bring so many men with me, but with the combined might of out empire working on one location it will be easy to reinforce. Plus the costal defenses can almost man themselves. We'll be fine to go all in on this area. Strider's new golems will also soon be ready to launch, giving us complete control of the skies anywhere we need them."
  198. [05:58] Karen Aido drags out the map. "There's a facility here producing snazzy guns that have a prodigious rate of fire, as well as some golems, I suggest we take it in short order. I don't know how much ammo it's producing though, but I know I got a few out of it, and that's nice." she'll point to another part of the map. "This is where the tunnels are. I'd like to take out that elemental before it has a chance to talk to any potential buddies."
  199. [06:02] Knight the Wanderer: The Elemental is somewhere, you don't know its location though.
  200. [06:03] Knight the Wanderer: "Some sort of factory ehh...Its on the way so we'll bring some men to on foot to hold and disable it. We'll want to hurry up and make up that lost time the Chosen has on us."
  201. [06:04] Karen Aido nods. "Agreed. When will we be able to launch anyway?"
  202. [06:20] Knight the Wanderer: "We can head off now. Driller is ready and prepared to begin the mission, and any stragglers will get sorted by my marshalls."
  203. [06:21] Karen Aido: "Alright, then let's go. I want to catch them before they start doing too much nonsense down there." it's not like she isn't preparing to do horrible things to them, oh no.
  204. [06:31] Knight the Wanderer: You are ushered into the command cabin, which is very very nice. The chosen were supposed to ride in this after all. The other cabins are good as well, with the Caboose and engine processing and sculpting a path for the train to ride on. It must look silly for the train to make its own rails.
  206. In less time then it took you to stroll along you are already at the buried Tram station. Muna and Strider are there to say their goodbyes for now. [We'll be in contact as best we can. There should be terminals and the like you can modify and play around with. Restoring them from down there should give us more access up here as well.] Muna hugs you gently before walking away.
  207. [06:33] Knight the Wanderer: Strider opts to not give you a hug because Luna has decided to hop into your lap and make itself comfy watching the camera feed of the drill. [I'll look out for him, but he is pretty good with that frame. I expect we shall be bringing the Ire of that Striker down upon us and that you will catch that chosen soon enough."
  208. [06:36] Karen Aido frowns at this place. "Selfish pricks." she smiles at Muna, trying to not look sad, or cry, but she hugs him back. "Okay, I'll do my best." she nods, her expression turns to a very harsh scowl. "Yeah. I'll be sure to stay in contact." and she pats Luna. To Andre. "You think there's any messages the troops want to send to the Chosen?" she's already got the Chosen's other victims' messages.
  209. [06:40] Knight the Wanderer: "No, they are better at dealing with hate then you and me. They would most likely prefer to silently slit their throats." Andre says, leaving you to recall the silence of the battle between your sentinels and avengers against the Paladins.
  210. [06:46] Karen Aido: "I was under the impression they didn't use words because they'd have been pointless at the time. Their brothers, betrayed by their masters, were always enthralled beyond the power of their own wills, and it takes outside effort to break those foul bonds. No amount of words will work on that. Though I could be wrong."
  211. [06:56] Knight the Wanderer: "I think there is things he tells you, and things he tells me then. He told me he trained the men not to hate their enemy, to never hate them. To instead try to understand them. He hated those who forgot the enemy was one of circumstance, who through the loss of a comrade would damn those who had just lost comrades as well. Maybe he told you the same thing. I'll never know until we get him back. And trust me, we will go get that bastard."
  212. [07:03] Karen Aido: "Ah, yeah. That. I came up with that, but... there's an exception to everything. The Chosen are the primary source of all the suffering in this world. Unless they are literally thralls to Aeons or IMPOSTER, they are horrible bastards, real monsters, in human guise, and they need to be destroyed. The one Chosen I've met is an example of this and none of the others have shown to be any different. He killed my papa, my parents, and tried to kill a bunch of my friends. He's currently serving Iffrit as a thrall. The others will suffer a fate at least as horrible."
  213. [07:04] Karen Aido: "My hate is reserved for those truly unforgivable."
  214. [07:07] Knight the Wanderer: [Can you really hate them that much though?] Strider ask. [One is forced, the other seems to be in the same situation. For the chosen, were they not simply men corrupted by power they could not hope to wield]
  215. [07:12] Karen Aido frowns. "Yes, yes I can, because my hatred is not for men who made the mistake, it is for the monsters they became. Those might technically be the same person, but if you showed what they are to what they were, they would likely be appalled, and beg for someone to strike them down. I can hate monsters. If I can rescue the men, I will, they have suffered long enough for their crimes, but the monsters will die."
  216. [07:13] Karen Aido: "I know I'd beg to be destroyed if I was in a similar situation."
  217. [07:16] Knight the Wanderer: [Should I go back in time to show you what you become?] Muna says playfully.
  218. [07:19] Karen Aido: "Heh. I know I'd be confused at very least, based on my shape alone, and I know the first question would be about what the hell happened to my hair." she shrugs. "I don't think I'd find any fault in that moral stance though. I might admonish myself for getting this pissed about it, but once it's explained the words 'fair enough' would pass my lips."
  219. [07:37] Knight the Wanderer: <Wow, this place looks big.> Luna says, drawing everyone's attention from the moral debate towards the cavernous station below. Each train is nearly twice as tall as Driller and about half as wide. Great Golems like the giant war golem you saw also lay deactivated or destroyed all about the area. A clear trail of free of dust and Debris gives you the track to follow and take down the Chosen, now all you need to do is catch up.
  220. [07:45] Karen Aido: "Cripes, this place has seen better days. Well, it looks like we'll have plenty of stuff to stare at once everything's calmed down." she pats Luna. "Anything you want to poke at once we're done here?" then she sends this to Strider <I'm not particularly enthralled by this, but they are monsters, they have hurt every last one of us in one way or another, often through their direct answers. They're responsible for the deaths of the Grand Templars, including John and Siegmund. If I had my way, this wouldn't be a thing. We'd all be living happy, normal lives, just trying to explore or make places better, but I don't have any more say in the matter than I've already made.>
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