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Jul 30th, 2016
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  1. stageEditorFinishEventCleared: "Finish Event cleared."
  2. stageEditorChatEvents: "Chat Events"
  3. stageEditorChatTrigger: "Chat Trigger"
  4. stageEditorTriggeredBy: "Triggered by"
  5. stageEditorChatEventsCleared: "Chat Events cleared."
  6. stageEditorDeathEvent: "Death Event"
  7. stageEditorDeathEventCleared: "Death Event cleared."
  8. stageEditorDisconnectEvent: "Disconnect Event"
  9. stageEditorDisconnectEventCleared: "Disconnect Event cleared."
  10. stageEditorDelayMessage: "Delay Message"
  11. stageEditorDenizenScript: "Denizen Script"
  12. stageEditorStartMessage: "Start Message"
  13. stageEditorCompleteMessage: "Complete Message"
  14. stageEditorDelete: "Delete Stage"
  15. stageEditorSetBlockNames: "Set block names"
  16. stageEditorSetBlockAmounts: "Set block amounts"
  17. stageEditorSetDamageAmounts: "Set damage amounts"
  18. stageEditorSetPlaceAmounts: "Set place amounts"
  19. stageEditorSetUseAmounts: "Set use amounts"
  20. stageEditorSetCutAmounts: "Set cut amounts"
  21. stageEditorSetKillAmounts: "Set kill amounts"
  22. stageEditorSetEnchantAmounts: "Set enchant amounts"
  23. stageEditorSetMobAmounts: "Set mob amounts"
  24. stageEditorSetEnchantments: "Set enchantments"
  25. stageEditorSetItemNames: "Set item names"
  26. stageEditorSetKillIds: "Set NPC IDs"
  27. stageEditorSetMobTypes: "Set mob types"
  28. stageEditorSetKillLocations: "Set kill locations"
  29. stageEditorSetKillLocationRadii: "Set kill location radii"
  30. stageEditorSetKillLocationNames: "Set kill location names"
  31. stageEditorSetLocations: "Set locations"
  32. stageEditorSetLocationRadii: "Set location radii"
  33. stageEditorSetLocationNames: "Set location names"
  34. stageEditorSetTameAmounts: "Set tame amounts"
  35. stageEditorSetShearColors: "Set sheep colors"
  36. stageEditorSetShearAmounts: "Set shear amounts"
  37. stageEditorPassword: "Password Objectives"
  38. stageEditorAddPasswordDisplay: "Add password display"
  39. stageEditorAddPasswordPhrases: "Add password phrase(s)"
  40. stageEditorNoPasswordDisplays: "No password displays set"
  41. stageObjectiveOverride: "Objective Display Override"
  42. stageEditorCustom: "Custom Objectives"
  43. stageEditorNoModules: "No modules loaded"
  44. stageEditorModuleNotFound: "Custom objective module not found."
  45. stageEditorCustomPrompt: "Enter the name of a custom objective to add, or enter 'clear' to clear all custom objectives, or 'cancel' to return."
  46. stageEditorCustomAlreadyAdded: "That custom objective has already been added!"
  47. stageEditorCustomCleared: "Custom objectives cleared."
  48. stageEditorCustomDataPrompt: "Enter value for <data>:"
  49. stageEditorEnterBlockNames: "Enter block names, separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return."
  50. stageEditorBreakBlocksPrompt: "Enter block amounts (numbers), separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return."
  51. stageEditorDamageBlocksPrompt: "Enter damage amounts (numbers), separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return."
  52. stageEditorPlaceBlocksPrompt: "Enter place amounts (numbers), separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return."
  53. stageEditorUseBlocksPrompt: "Enter use amounts (numbers), separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return."
  54. stageEditorCutBlocksPrompt: "Enter cut amounts (numbers), separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return."
  55. stageEditorCatchFishPrompt: "Enter number of fish to catch, or 0 to clear the fish catch objective, or -1 to cancel"
  56. stageEditorKillPlayerPrompt: "Enter number of players to kill, or 0 to clear the player kill objective, or -1 to cancel"
  57. stageEditorEnchantTypePrompt: "Enter enchantment names, separating each one by a comma, or enter 'cancel' to return."
  58. stageEditorEnchantAmountsPrompt: "Enter enchant amounts (numbers), separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return."
  59. stageEditorItemNamesPrompt: "Enter item names, separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return."
  60. stageEditorNPCPrompt: "Enter NPC ids, separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return."
  61. stageEditorNPCToTalkToPrompt: "Enter NPC IDs, separating each one by a space, or enter 'clear' to clear the NPC ID list, or 'cancel' to return."
  62. stageEditorDeliveryMessagesPrompt: "Enter delivery messages, separating each one by a semi-colon or enter 'cancel' to return."
  63. stageEditorKillNPCsPrompt: "Enter kill amounts (numbers), separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return."
  64. stageEditorMobsPrompt: "Enter mob names separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return"
  65. stageEditorMobAmountsPrompt: "Enter mob amounts separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return"
  66. stageEditorMobLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, then enter 'add' to add it to the kill location list, or enter 'cancel' to return"
  67. stageEditorMobLocationRadiiPrompt: "Enter kill location radii (number of blocks) separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return"
  68. stageEditorMobLocationNamesPrompt: "Enter location names separating each one by a comma, or enter 'cancel' to return"
  69. stageEditorReachLocationPrompt: "Right-click on a block to select it, then enter 'add' to add it to the reach location list, or enter 'cancel' to return"
  70. stageEditorReachLocationRadiiPrompt: "Enter reach location radii (number of blocks) separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return"
  71. stageEditorReachLocationNamesPrompt: "Enter location names separating each one by a comma, or enter 'cancel' to return"
  72. stageEditorTameAmountsPrompt: "Enter tame amounts separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return"
  73. stageEditorShearColorsPrompt: "Enter sheep colors separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return"
  74. stageEditorShearAmountsPrompt: "Enter shear amounts separating each one by a space, or enter 'cancel' to return"
  75. stageEditorEventsPrompt: "Enter an event name, or enter 'clear' to clear the event, or 'cancel' to return"
  76. stageEditorChatEventsPrompt: "Enter an event name to add, or enter 'clear' to clear all chat events, or 'cancel' to return"
  77. stageEditorChatEventsTriggerPromptA: "Enter a chat trigger for"
  78. stageEditorChatEventsTriggerPromptB: "or enter 'cancel' to return."
  79. stageEditorDelayPrompt: "Enter time (in seconds), or enter 'clear' to clear the delay, or 'cancel' to return"
  80. stageEditorDelayMessagePrompt: "Enter delay message, or enter 'clear' to clear the message, or 'cancel' to return"
  81. stageEditorScriptPrompt: "Enter script name, or enter 'clear' to clear the script, or 'cancel' to return"
  82. stageEditorStartMessagePrompt: "Enter start message, or enter 'clear' to clear the message, or 'cancel' to return"
  83. stageEditorCompleteMessagePrompt: "Enter complete message, or enter 'clear' to clear the message, or 'cancel' to return"
  84. stageEditorPasswordDisplayPrompt: "Enter a password display, or 'cancel' to return"
  85. stageEditorPasswordDisplayHint: "(This is the text that will be displayed to the player as their objective)"
  86. stageEditorPasswordPhrasePrompt: "Enter a password phrase, or 'cancel' to return"
  87. stageEditorPasswordPhraseHint1: "(This is the text that a player has to say to complete the objective)"
  88. stageEditorPasswordPhraseHint2: "If you want multiple password phrases, seperate them by a | (pipe)"
  89. stageEditorObjectiveOverridePrompt: "Enter objective display override, or 'clear' to clear the override, or 'cancel' to return."
  90. stageEditorObjectiveOverrideHint: "(The objective display override will show up as the players current objective)"
  91. stageEditorObjectiveOverrideCleared: "Objective display override cleared."
  92. stageEditorDeliveryAddItem: "Add item"
  93. stageEditorDeliveryNPCs: "Set NPC IDs"
  94. stageEditorDeliveryMessages: "Set delivery messages"
  95. stageEditorContainsDuplicates: "List contains duplicates!"
  96. stageEditorInvalidBlockName: "is not a valid block name!"
  97. stageEditorInvalidEnchantment: "is not a valid enchantment name!"
  98. stageEditorInvalidNPC: "is not a valid NPC ID!"
  99. stageEditorInvalidMob: "is not a valid mob name!"
  100. stageEditorInvalidItemName: "is not a valid item name!"
  101. stageEditorInvalidNumber: "is not a number!"
  102. stageEditorInvalidDye: "is not a valid dye color!"
  103. stageEditorInvalidEvent: "is not a valid event name!"
  104. stageEditorDuplicateEvent: "Event is already in the list!"
  105. stageEditorInvalidDelay: "Delay must be at least one second!"
  106. stageEditorInvalidScript: "Denizen script not found!"
  107. stageEditorNoCitizens: "Citizens is not installed!"
  108. stageEditorNoDenizen: "Denizen is not installed!"
  109. stageEditorPositiveAmount: "You must enter a positive number!"
  110. stageEditorNoNumber: "Input was not a number!"
  111. stageEditorNotGreaterThanZero: "is not greater than 0!"
  112. stageEditorNotListofNumbers: "Invalid entry, input was not a list of numbers!"
  113. stageEditorNoDelaySet: "You must set a delay first!"
  114. stageEditorNoBlockNames: "You must set block names first!"
  115. stageEditorNoEnchantments: "You must set enchantments first!"
  116. stageEditorNoItems: "You must add items first!"
  117. stageEditorNoDeliveryMessage: "You must set at least one delivery message!"
  118. stageEditorNoNPCs: "You must set NPC IDs first!"
  119. stageEditorNoMobTypes: "You must set mob types first!"
  120. stageEditorNoKillLocations: "You must set kill locations first!"
  121. stageEditorNoBlockSelected: "You must select a block first."
  122. stageEditorNoColors: "You must set colors first!"
  123. stageEditorNoLocations: "You must set locations first!"
  124. stageEditorNoEnchantmentsSet: "No enchantments set"
  125. stageEditorNoItemsSet: "No items set"
  126. stageEditorNoMobTypesSet: "No mob types set"
  127. stageEditorNoLocationsSet: "No locations set"
  128. stageEditorNoColorsSet: "No colors set"
  129. stageEditorListNotSameSize: "The block names list and the amounts list are not the same size!"
  130. stageEditorEnchantmentNotSameSize: "The enchantments list, the item id list and the enchant amount list are not the same size!"
  131. stageEditorDeliveriesNotSameSize: "The item list and the NPC list are not equal in size!"
  132. stageEditorNPCKillsNotSameSize: "The NPC IDs list and the kill amounts list are not the same size!"
  133. stageEditorAllListsNotSameSize: "All of your lists are not the same size!"
  134. stageEditorMobTypesNotSameSize: "The mob types list and the mob amounts list are not the same size!"
  135. stageEditorTameMobsNotSameSize: "The mob types list and the tame amounts list are not the same size!"
  136. stageEditorShearNotSameSize: "The sheep colors list and the shear amounts list are not the same size!"
  137. stageEditorMustSetPasswordDisplays: "You must add at least one password display first!"
  138. stageEditorAddPasswordCleared: "Password Objectives cleared."
  139. stageEditorPasswordNotSameSize: "The password display and password phrase lists are not the same size!"
  140. stageEditorListContainsDuplicates: " List contains duplicates!"
  141. stageEditorDelayCleared: "Delay cleared."
  142. stageEditorDelayMessageCleared: "Delay message cleared."
  143. stageEditorDenizenCleared: "Denizen script cleared."
  144. stageEditorBreakBlocksCleared: "Break blocks objective cleared."
  145. stageEditorDamageBlocksCleared: "Damage blocks objective cleared."
  146. stageEditorPlaceBlocksCleared: "Place blocks objective cleared."
  147. stageEditorUseBlocksCleared: "Use blocks objective cleared."
  148. stageEditorCutBlocksCleared: "Cut blocks objective cleared."
  149. stageEditorEnchantmentsCleared: "Enchantment objective cleared."
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