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a guest
Jun 14th, 2012
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  1. [17:15:18] <+fLaMeShOt> ,jahjahjah
  2. [17:15:20] <@Carnage`> I'll at least set up auto-voice for you flame.
  3. [17:15:21] <@Carnage`> :)
  4. [17:15:25] <+fLaMeShOt> <3
  5. [17:15:48] <@Carnage`> Try leaving and coming back.
  6. [17:15:53] fLaMeShOt [] has left #Nexus.Server
  7. [17:15:55] <NexusBot> Carnage likes boys and pink underwear
  8. [17:15:59] fLaMeShOt [] has joined #Nexus.Server
  9. [17:15:59] Q [] has set mode +v fLaMeShOt
  10. [17:16:03] <+fLaMeShOt> yep
  11. [17:16:04] <@Carnage`> ,That's a lie.
  12. [17:16:07] <NexusBot> <PVD97> fuuuuuuuuuuu
  13. [17:16:07] <@Carnage`> Flame
  14. [17:16:09] <NexusBot> <PVD97> kkkkk
  15. [17:16:13] <@Carnage`> You want it on the UK server?
  16. [17:16:15] <@Carnage`> IRC
  17. [17:16:26] <+fLaMeShOt> What?
  18. [17:16:29] <@Carnage`> voice.
  19. [17:16:37] <+fLaMeShOt> That doesn't matter
  20. [17:16:38] <NexusBot> PVD97 SUCKS COCK
  21. [17:16:49] <NexusBot> <PVD97> lol
  22. [17:16:51] <+fLaMeShOt> If it's set to my auth it won't matter what server I'm on
  23. [17:17:09] <NexusBot> * REDpony1234 disconnected
  24. [17:17:24] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]infoG> wut
  25. [17:17:39] <NexusBot> * pw disconnected
  26. [17:17:44] <NexusBot> * [NEXUS]Eric is now flying
  27. [17:17:52] <@Carnage`> ,Eric
  28. [17:17:56] <+fLaMeShOt> .alias Jesus
  29. [17:17:58] <@Carnage`> ,You must be invisible when flying.
  30. [17:18:03] <@Carnage`> ,-_-
  31. [17:18:03] <NexusBot> * [NEXUS]Eric became invisible
  32. [17:18:04] <+fLaMeShOt> Nuuuuh
  33. [17:18:06] <@Carnage`> Flame
  34. [17:18:07] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> I'm not killing :D
  35. [17:18:09] <NexusBot> <PVD97> dafuq?
  36. [17:18:09] <@Carnage`> Try doing .who
  37. [17:18:14] <+fLaMeShOt> .who
  38. [17:18:18] <@Carnage`> Mk
  39. [17:18:24] <@Carnage`> So you can only speak to people on the server
  40. [17:18:25] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> Carnage I'ma let them get free kills
  41. [17:18:26] <NexusBot> <PVD97> '-'
  42. [17:18:30] <+fLaMeShOt> Yep
  43. [17:18:37] <NexusBot> * [NEXUS]Eric became visible
  44. [17:18:46] <NexusBot> * [NEXUS]Eric became invisible
  45. [17:18:50] <NexusBot> * [NEXUS]Eric became visible
  46. [17:18:51] <NexusBot> * [NEXUS]Eric became invisible
  47. [17:18:53] <NexusBot> * [NEXUS]Eric became visible
  48. [17:18:54] <NexusBot> * [NEXUS]Eric is no longer flying
  49. [17:18:59] <NexusBot> <PVD97> why u have super-powers?
  50. [17:19:02] <NexusBot> * [NEXUS]Eric became invisible
  51. [17:19:06] <NexusBot> * [NEXUS]Eric became visible
  52. [17:19:08] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> i haz no supa powerz?
  53. [17:19:29] <NexusBot> * Timmos entered the game
  54. [17:20:03] <NexusBot> <PVD97> seriously i noobed
  55. [17:20:18] <NexusBot> * MasterBlaster47 entered the game
  56. [17:20:32] <NexusBot> * Timmos disconnected
  57. [17:20:35] <@Carnage`> .mapname
  58. [17:20:35] <NexusBot> Carnage`: Current map: Island
  59. [17:20:37] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> playing forreal :)
  60. [17:20:38] <NexusBot> <PVD97> komrades'-'
  61. [17:20:43] <@Carnage`> .move pvd A1
  62. [17:20:43] <NexusBot> * @Carnage` teleported PVD97 to location A1
  63. [17:20:45] <NexusBot> * Nathan entered the game
  64. [17:20:45] <@Carnage`> Hehe
  65. [17:20:51] <NexusBot> <PVD97> WTF?
  66. [17:20:52] LeafCutter [] has quit IRC: Quit: Page closed
  67. [17:20:56] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]infoG> noooo
  68. [17:20:57] <NexusBot> <PVD97> seriosly
  69. [17:21:00] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]infoG> my help
  70. [17:21:00] <@Carnage`> ,What happened?
  71. [17:21:20] <NexusBot> <PVD97> admins gonna make haters gonna hate
  72. [17:21:30] <NexusBot> * [NEXUS]infoG teleported PVD97 to [NEXUS]infoG
  73. [17:21:34] <@Carnage`> .pm eric Fly really high. I'll tp this guy to you
  74. [17:21:35] <NexusBot> Carnage`: PM sent to [NEXUS]Eric
  75. [17:21:35] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]infoG> there
  76. [17:21:45] <NexusBot> * GreenKnightBR entered the game
  77. [17:21:49] <NexusBot> <PVD97> fudeu!
  78. [17:21:50] <+fLaMeShOt> ,You're extremely attractive PVD97
  79. [17:21:53] <@Carnage`> .tps pvd eric
  80. [17:21:53] <NexusBot> * @Carnage` silently teleported PVD97 to [NEXUS]Eric
  81. [17:22:06] <+fLaMeShOt> ,Have you ever had thoughts of suicide?
  82. [17:22:09] <NexusBot> * [NEXUS]Eric teleported PVD97 to [NEXUS]Eric
  83. [17:22:28] <NexusBot> * Time limit set to 69.0
  84. [17:22:32] <+fLaMeShOt> .pm Eric derptest
  85. [17:22:32] <@Carnage`> ,LOL
  86. [17:22:33] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]infoG> where is color?
  87. [17:22:34] <NexusBot> <GreenKnightBR> yyrwwwwwawdaw wd
  88. [17:22:37] <@Carnage`> 69
  89. [17:22:37] <@Carnage`> LOL
  90. [17:22:38] <@Carnage`> lOLOL
  91. [17:22:45] <NexusBot> * [NEXUS]infoG teleported KomradeColor to [NEXUS]infoG
  92. [17:22:46] <NexusBot> <GreenKnightBR> yty
  93. [17:22:47] <+fLaMeShOt> cute
  94. [17:22:49] <NexusBot> <KomradeColor> YOU FAG
  95. [17:22:55] <NexusBot> <KomradeColor> ur a fag info
  96. [17:23:02] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]infoG> ok i'll let you kill m3e
  97. [17:23:05] <@Carnage`> .alias Info
  98. [17:23:05] NexusBot will alias Carnage` to Info
  99. [17:23:09] <@Carnage`> ,Ima ban you bitch
  100. [17:23:10] <NexusBot> <KomradeColor> i was on a 24 killstreak
  101. [17:23:13] <@Carnage`> .alias Carnage
  102. [17:23:13] NexusBot will alias Carnage` to Carnage
  103. [17:23:17] <NexusBot> <KomradeColor> ban me nexus sucks
  104. [17:23:26] <NexusBot> <KomradeColor> Gay clan
  105. [17:23:30] <@Carnage`> LOL
  106. [17:23:32] <@Carnage`> LOOOOOOOOL
  107. [17:23:34] <NexusBot> <KomradeColor> admin abusers
  108. [17:23:34] <@Carnage`> ,Umad bro?
  109. [17:23:37] <@Carnage`> ,Umad?
  110. [17:23:40] <@Carnage`> ,Umad?
  111. [17:23:41] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> amdin abusers lolololol
  112. [17:23:42] <@Carnage`> ,Umad?
  113. [17:23:42] <NexusBot> <PVD97> lol i am between a clan war
  114. [17:23:44] <@Carnage`> ,Umad?
  115. [17:23:46] <@Carnage`> ,Umad?
  116. [17:23:54] <NexusBot> * RafaelMello entered the game
  117. [17:23:57] <NexusBot> <KomradeColor> carnage u were chill in komrades now u changed
  118. [17:23:57] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> I think PVD likes it don't you ;]
  119. [17:24:06] <@Carnage`> mReakky?
  120. [17:24:09] <@Carnage`> ,Really?
  121. [17:24:10] <+fLaMeShOt> ,Sex in the streets like a saint of solitude
  122. [17:24:11] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> Color If the server was more people in it we wouldn't be doing
  124. htis
  125. [17:24:11] <@Carnage`> .who
  126. [17:24:11] NexusBot has 8 players connected: GreenKnightBR #5, PVD97 #23, RafaelMello #1, [NEXUS]
  128. infoG #15, KomradeColor #25, MasterBlaster47 #27, Nathan #29, [NEXUS]Eric #22
  129. [17:24:13] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> so shutup
  130. [17:24:17] <@Carnage`> .tps color info
  131. [17:24:17] <NexusBot> * @Carnage silently teleported KomradeColor to [NEXUS]infoG
  132. [17:24:25] <NexusBot> <MasterBlaster47> get the blues!!
  133. [17:24:25] <+fLaMeShOt> ,PVD is my bitch
  134. [17:24:26] <NexusBot> <KomradeColor> you guys just fags for tp to me
  135. [17:24:34] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> umadbro?
  136. [17:24:38] <NexusBot> <KomradeColor> u gay
  137. [17:24:40] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> umad?
  138. [17:24:40] <@Carnage`> ,Nou
  139. [17:24:42] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> umad?
  140. [17:24:43] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> umad?
  141. [17:24:44] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]infoG> don't worry PVD, clan wars aren't nearly as dangerous as gang
  143. wars
  144. [17:24:46] <@Carnage`> .tps color info
  145. [17:24:46] <NexusBot> * @Carnage silently teleported KomradeColor to [NEXUS]infoG
  146. [17:24:50] <+fLaMeShOt> ,Eric is my dick's bitch
  147. [17:24:52] <NexusBot> <PVD97> kkkkk
  148. [17:24:52] <NexusBot> * GreenKnightBR disconnected
  149. [17:25:02] <+fLaMeShOt> ,BR master race
  150. [17:25:08] <+fLaMeShOt> ,God save the queen
  151. [17:25:12] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> color's mad lol
  152. [17:25:15] <+fLaMeShOt> ,God Bless America
  153. [17:25:23] <NexusBot> <KomradeColor> nexus gay
  154. [17:25:23] <@Carnage`> .move color A1
  155. [17:25:23] <+fLaMeShOt> ,For Mother Russia
  156. [17:25:23] <NexusBot> * @Carnage teleported KomradeColor to location A1
  157. [17:25:31] <@Carnage`> ,ugay
  158. [17:25:39] <+fLaMeShOt> ,For the Fatherland
  159. [17:25:43] <NexusBot> <PVD97> I am brazilian
  160. [17:25:45] <@Carnage`> ,u get buttmad
  161. [17:25:46] <@Carnage`> .from pvd
  162. [17:25:47] <NexusBot> Carnage`: PVD97 is from Brazil, Rio De Janeiro
  163. [17:25:47] <NexusBot> <KomradeColor> everytime i do good on ur server you guys mess my streak and tp
  165. to me
  166. [17:25:52] <@Carnage`> ,
  167. [17:25:52] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> color's mad
  168. [17:25:55] <@Carnage`> .ratio color
  169. [17:25:55] <NexusBot> Carnage`: KomradeColor has a kill-death ratio of 9.67 (29 kills, 3 deaths).
  170. [17:26:01] <+fLaMeShOt> ,Rio is gay shit compared to Porto Alegre dude
  171. [17:26:02] <NexusBot> <KomradeColor> u guys are just fags
  172. [17:26:07] <@Carnage`> ,No u just mad
  173. [17:26:07] <NexusBot> <PVD97> (' ) u ( ')
  174. [17:26:08] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> You're just mad bro
  175. [17:26:14] <NexusBot> <KomradeColor> u just gay
  176. [17:26:22] <NexusBot> <PVD97> dafuq?
  177. [17:26:23] <@Carnage`> ,Let's mess up your ratio
  178. [17:26:23] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> NEXUS IS A FAG YET YPUR NAME IS ''COLOR''
  179. [17:26:23] <@Carnage`> .kill color
  180. [17:26:24] <@Carnage`> .kill color
  181. [17:26:24] <NexusBot> * @Carnage killed KomradeColor
  182. [17:26:24] <+fLaMeShOt> ,Internacional melhor do mundo biatch
  183. [17:26:24] <@Carnage`> .kill color
  184. [17:26:25] <NexusBot> * @Carnage killed KomradeColor
  185. [17:26:25] <@Carnage`> .kill color
  186. [17:26:25] <NexusBot> <KomradeColor> info what happened to banning me
  187. [17:26:25] <@Carnage`> .kill color
  188. [17:26:25] <NexusBot> * @Carnage killed KomradeColor
  189. [17:26:25] <NexusBot> * @Carnage killed KomradeColor
  190. [17:26:26] <@Carnage`> .kill color
  191. [17:26:27] <NexusBot> * @Carnage killed KomradeColor
  192. [17:26:28] <@Carnage`> .kill color
  193. [17:26:29] <NexusBot> * @Carnage killed KomradeColor
  194. [17:26:30] <@Carnage`> .kill color
  195. [17:26:31] <NexusBot> * @Carnage killed KomradeColor
  196. [17:26:33] <@Carnage`> .kill color
  197. [17:26:33] <NexusBot> * @Carnage killed KomradeColor
  198. [17:26:34] <@Carnage`> .kill color
  199. [17:26:35] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> IM A FAG YET YOUR NAME IS 'COLOR'
  200. [17:26:36] <@Carnage`> .kill color
  201. [17:26:37] <NexusBot> * @Carnage killed KomradeColor
  202. [17:26:39] <NexusBot> <KomradeColor> wow carnage u can type
  203. [17:26:41] <NexusBot> * @Carnage killed KomradeColor
  204. [17:26:42] <@Carnage`> ..kill color
  205. [17:26:43] <NexusBot> <PVD97> botafogo ? melhor u.u
  206. [17:26:44] <@Carnage`> .kill color
  207. [17:26:45] <NexusBot> * @Carnage killed KomradeColor
  208. [17:26:46] <@Carnage`> .kill color
  209. [17:26:47] <NexusBot> * Pedro entered the game
  210. [17:26:49] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> TASTE THE RAINBOW ASSHOLE
  211. [17:26:49] <@Carnage`> .ratio color
  212. [17:26:51] <NexusBot> <KomradeColor> please ban me faggots
  213. [17:26:53] <NexusBot> * @Carnage killed KomradeColor
  214. [17:26:55] <NexusBot> * @Carnage killed KomradeColor
  215. [17:26:57] <NexusBot> Carnage`: KomradeColor has a kill-death ratio of 4.83 (29 kills, 6 deaths).
  216. [17:26:59] <NexusBot> <KomradeColor> this is by far the worst clan ever
  217. [17:26:59] <@Carnage`> .kill color
  218. [17:27:00] <@Carnage`> .kill color
  219. [17:27:00] <@Carnage`> .kill color
  220. [17:27:01] <NexusBot> * @Carnage killed KomradeColor
  221. [17:27:01] <@Carnage`> .kill color
  222. [17:27:03] <NexusBot> * @Carnage killed KomradeColor
  223. [17:27:05] <NexusBot> * @Carnage killed KomradeColor
  224. [17:27:07] <NexusBot> * @Carnage killed KomradeColor
  225. [17:27:09] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> Color is mad
  226. [17:27:10] <@Carnage`> .kill color
  227. [17:27:11] <NexusBot> * @Carnage killed KomradeColor
  228. [17:27:12] <@Carnage`> .kill color
  229. [17:27:13] <NexusBot> <KomradeColor> carnage go hack
  230. [17:27:15] <NexusBot> * @Carnage killed KomradeColor
  231. [17:27:18] <NexusBot> <KomradeColor> cya faggots
  232. [17:27:19] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]infoG> i think carnage is mad
  233. [17:27:20] <@Carnage`> ,Says the one who was hacking.
  234. [17:27:21] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> go tell your komrade friends what we did
  235. [17:27:23] <@Carnage`> .kill color
  236. [17:27:24] <NexusBot> * KomradeColor disconnected
  237. [17:27:26] <NexusBot> <PVD97> Hater gonna HATE!
  238. [17:27:28] <NexusBot> Carnage`: No such player
  239. [17:27:30] <NexusBot> * vaporz entered the game
  240. [17:27:34] <+fLaMeShOt> ,Ur a cutie Eric
  241. [17:27:36] <KomradeColor> ,Cya fags
  242. [17:27:39] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> ty
  243. [17:27:45] <@Carnage`> You can't talk to the people on the server Color.
  244. [17:27:50] <@Carnage`> Only straight people are allowed.
  245. [17:27:51] <@Carnage`> Not you.
  246. [17:27:52] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> my ip is cute eh?
  247. [17:27:52] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> k
  248. [17:27:54] <NexusBot> <PVD97> wowo
  249. [17:27:57] <+fLaMeShOt> ,I will teabag that out of you eric.
  250. [17:27:57] <KomradeColor> Then why are you talking
  251. [17:28:09] <@Carnage`> Because I'm straight.
  252. [17:28:13] <KomradeColor> Please ban me from your server
  253. [17:28:13] <@Carnage`> You're just mad you don't play legit.
  254. [17:28:16] <@Carnage`> I will.
  255. [17:28:19] <KomradeColor> Don't want to be admin abused
  256. [17:28:20] <@Carnage`> .whowas color
  257. [17:28:20] <NexusBot> Carnage`: KomradeColor's most recent IP was
  258. [17:28:25] <KomradeColor> Yes ban me
  259. [17:28:31] <@Carnage`> I'ma give your IP to the AoS admins
  260. [17:28:35] <KomradeColor> gay server either way too easy people
  261. [17:28:36] <+fLaMeShOt> ,Eric is too sexy for his face
  262. [17:28:37] <@Carnage`> And say you were haxing as usual
  263. [17:28:38] <@Carnage`> :)
  264. [17:28:42] <KomradeColor> yea ok there carnage
  265. [17:28:43] <NexusBot> * Nathan disconnected
  266. [17:28:44] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> lol
  267. [17:28:46] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]Eric> brb
  268. [17:28:49] <@Carnage`> .banip 0 Aimbotting.
  269. [17:28:50] <NexusBot> Carnage`: IP/network permabanned: Aimbotting.
  270. [17:28:56] <+fLaMeShOt> ,So Ima rape it off him
  271. [17:28:57] <KomradeColor> yay
  272. [17:28:59] <KomradeColor> Im banned
  273. [17:29:05] <NexusBot> * [NEXUS]Eric disconnected
  274. [17:29:10] <+fLaMeShOt> For aimbotting lololololol
  275. [17:29:15] <@Carnage`> Yep.
  276. [17:29:16] <NexusBot> <[NEXUS]infoG> lol carnage: why?
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