

Feb 13th, 2016
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  1. >It's been a long journey home.
  2. >You arrive at the doorstep, it's been a awhile since she last saw you.
  3. >All those lonely frightful nights, struggling out in the wilderness, praying that you'll see her again, its been all worth it.
  4. >The door nearly flies off its as your wife as slams it open.
  5. >"I guess you missed me then Pyrrha ?"
  6. >"Shut up Jaune "
  7. >You embrace with a powerful kiss, holding each other tight, as if the other would slip away.
  8. >"I love you "
  9. >She looks up at you, tears in her eyes.
  10. >"Promise me that you'll never leave again. The two of us need you"
  11. >"I promise, no more hunts, from here on out its Jaune Arc, family man !"
  12. >Wait a minute...
  13. >"The two of us ?!"
  14. >Pyrrha blushes and glances down at her belly.
  15. >Holy Crap.
  16. >Jaune Arc, you're going to be a father.
  17. >"Pyrrha, call 911 I think I'm gonna faint."
  18. >"Oh.. I'm sorry, I thought-"
  19. >"I didn't mean like that ! It's just.. "
  20. >You can't and won't even try to not cry.
  21. >This is the happiest moment in entire life.
  22. >You look at your wife and future child, and just sob.
  23. >Holding Pyrrha in your arms, you're the happiest husband in all of Remnant.
  24. >You can hear your wife failing hold back laughter as you become a complete mess.
  25. >"Come on honey, you know I get emotional at these things !"
  26. >I'm sorry Jaune, I can't help it ! The mighty Crescent Knight just just turned into a sobbing housewife on my doorstep."
  27. >You smile, that is kind of funny.
  28. >Lifting her bridal style, the both of you just start laughing as you carry her to the bedroom.
  29. >Time seems to slow down as you stare directly into Pyrrha's eyes. Her face beautiful and lit up by a stunning smile.
  30. >You'd give anything for this moment to last forever....
  31. >A few more minutes, hours, seconds, anything.
  32. >You don't want to wake up.
  33. >You can hear that distant voice calling out.
  34. >"Jaune ? We're gonna be late for work !"
  35. >Please, just a few more seconds, don't do this.
  36. >"It's ok."
  37. >She smiles gently at you.
  38. >"I understand. Say hi to Ruby and the rest of them for me, Ok ?
  39. >"Pyrrha-"
  40. >She grabs you by the collar and kisses you, just time you last saw eachother.
  41. >"Now wake up you oblivious idiot, we'll meet again someday !"
  42. >You nod and open your eyes.
  43. >Someday...
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