

Jan 18th, 2015
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  1. [url=]The Hart Dynasty[/url] vs [url=]Goldust[/url] and [url=]Box Office Bossman[/url] Outline
  3. Owen and Goldust started out, with Goldust sneaking in closed fist shots while the ref wasn't paying attention. He wore Owen down far enough that he was able to whip him into his corner, where he tagged out to Bossman. Goldust and Bossman proceeded to tag in and out, working over Owen in the corner. When Bossman went for a big stomp, Owen was able to reverse it into a dragon screw and get to Bret for the hot tag! Bret went wild on Bossman, hitting all his moves before locking in the Sharpshooter!
  5. Bossman was in agony as he resisted the hold and crawled into Goldust's corner, where he just barely got the tag in without Bret noticing. Goldust springboarded off the ropes and stomped Bret on the back of the head, forcing him to release the hold! Goldust proceeded to stomp down Bret and work him over as Bossman got back in his corner. Bret started to work up a comeback, but Goldust was able to dodge an atomic drop and whip Bret into the corner. Right then, Bossman started arguing with the referee, taking his attention. Goldust got into position in the opposite corner, warming up for the big Shattered Dreams dropkick to the groin, but just as he ran out of the corner, who was there to grab his leg but Owen Hart! Goldust fell right on his face, and Bret was right there on him! He hit the diving elbow from the corner and tried to lock the Sharpshooter in!
  7. But Goldust was quick, and reversed it into a rollup!
  9. 1...2...2.9, Bret reversed it into another rollup!
  10. 1...2...2.9, Goldust reversed it into an arm lock!
  12. Bret held on, and made it to the ropes, but Goldust kept it on! The ref started counting 1,2,3,4-Goldust released right before the 5 count! Bret rolled away and tagged Owen in! Owen was out for blood, and laid into Goldust hard with strikes and kicks before going for the K-Driller! He hits it, and goes for the cover!
  14. 1...2...The ref is pulled out of the ring by Ted DiBiase! As he argues with the ref, Bossman runs in, whips Owen to the ropes, and goes for the Mr. Slam, but Owen reverses into a reverse huricanrana! He spikes Bossman right on his head! Bossman rolls to the outside, clutching his head, as the ref EJECTS TED DIBIASE FROM RINGSIDE! Goldust has recovered from the K-Driller as the ref returns to the ring, and stares Owen down before tagging in Bossman who is just barely standing in the corner. Owen looks at Bret and tags him in before running the ropes as Bret Hart picks up the staggered Bossman for the HART ATTACK! The Hart Foundation's legendary finisher! Bret high fives Owen before turning over Bossman for the Sharpshooter! Bossman has no choice but to tap out!
  15. -Goldust and Bret go at it
  16. -Bret tags Owen in, fights Goldust for a bit, until they tag their partners in
  17. -Bret submits Bossman
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