
Battletech Zaaiirah Codreanu

Jun 25th, 2013
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  2. Name: Zaaiirah Codreanu
  3. Sex: F
  4. Rank: Captain
  5. Affiliation: Mercenary
  6. Age/Height/Weight: 28/5'3"/130 lbs
  8. ATTRIBUTES 50/50
  9. Strength 3
  10. Body 4
  11. Dexterity 7
  12. Reflexes 7
  13. Intelligence 4
  14. Willpower 7
  15. Charisma 7
  16. Edge 3
  17. Social Standing 3
  19. TRAITS
  20. Promotion 5
  21. Well-Equipped 2
  22. Vehicle (2) x2
  23. Timid
  24. Introverted
  25. Enemy 3 (-2)
  26. Commission (3)
  27. Poor Vision (-2)
  28. Attractive (1)
  29. Natural Aptitude: Gunnery/Laser/Humanoid 2
  30. Natural Aptitude: Piloting/Mech 2
  31. Allergy: Gluten 1
  33. SKILLS
  34. Name|Bonus
  35. Streetwise/Free Planets League 0
  36. Language/English
  37. Language/Urdu
  38. Language/Romanian
  39. Academic/History 0
  40. Art/Illustration 0
  41. Interest/Any 0
  42. Comms/Conv 0
  43. Navigation/Space 0
  44. Academic/Military History 0
  45. Leadership +3
  46. Protocol/Affiliation 0
  47. Swimming 0
  48. Career/Soldier 0
  49. First Aid +1
  50. Navigation/Ground +1
  51. Rifles +2
  52. Martial Arts/Military +0
  53. Gunnery/Ballistic/Humanoid +0
  54. Gunnery/Laser/Humanoid +3
  55. Gunnery/Missile/Humanoid +0
  56. Piloting/Mech +3
  57. Sensor/Operations +1
  58. Tactics/Mech +2
  59. Blades +0
  60. Demolition +0
  61. Free Fall +0
  62. Stealth +0
  63. Submachine Guns +0
  64. Survival +0
  65. Tracking +0
  66. Negotiation +0
  69. Armour
  71. Weapons
  73. Wounds
  75. MISC. SHIT
  77. Money-546/1k cbills
  79. Starting Gear:
  80. -Bolt Action Rifle: 60
  81. -Flak Armor Suit 150
  82. -Advanced Field Kit 100
  83. -Electronic Compass 30
  84. -10 Emergency Rations 20
  85. -Respirator 50
  86. -Dress 30
  87. -Pack 10
  88. -Combat Boots 48
  89. -Parka 48
  90. -
  94. Model:
  95. Loadout:
  96. Ammo:
  98. Background:
  100. The Free Worlds League has a reputation for bordering on anarchy due to near-constant political turmoil. One such instance of turmoil marks the beginnings of Zaaiirah Codreanu's life. Born to two soldiers of the FWL, when she was four years old, her parents sided with rebel forces in an attempted coup that failed miserably when the leader was captured in the second battle. Fearing reprisal, Zaaiirah's mother and father took their young daughter and fled the FWL. Settling down for a few years, Zaaiirah did not take well to their new home. Her natural shyness was magnified when she was picked on by other children in their new home, and she never quite adjusted. Luckily for her, this arrangement did not last long.
  102. Soon, her parents found work in a fledgling mercenary company, and Zaaiirah spent her time wandering the mercenary compound and dropship and picking up information on her parents' line of work. She had a special fondness for watching the mercenaries on the bridge of the dropship work, which they tolerated as long as she was quiet (she always was). Around this time, Zaaiirah began to show promise in the field she had grown up learning about, and her parents sent her to the Mercenary Outreach Command Military Academy. There, she began to learn the arts of soldiering, command, and even special forces training. In addition, her aptitude for mech combat became known, and she excelled at aspects of Mechwarrior training. Finally, at the age of 22, she graduated from the academy. During her time there, she had also unwittingly made a rival, but due to her natural shyness and poor social skills, she was unaware of this special attention being paid to her by this rival.
  104. After graduation, she used money she had saved up while going to school to purchase a commission as soon as she joined a mercenary company. She would spend three tours of duty with this company, her successes earning her a swift promotion to Captain at the age of 26. As she paid off the final amounts on her personal Phoenix Hawk medium mech, she began to ponder leaving the company and her tours of the Inner Sphere and moving on to something new. She would get an easy chance when, after a particularly long and intense battle, she sustained minor retinal damage from the near-constant flashes of light from laser fire and explosions. As a result, she finished her tour of duty and left the company, ready to seek her fortune where the stars take her...
  106. Zaaiirah is a dusky-skinned young woman of 28 years of age, with black hair and brown eyes. She is 5'3" tall, and weighs around 130 lbs. She is quite attractive, and has no distinguishing scars or other markings, though she does wear glasses to correct her eyesight after she sustained retinal damage during an intense battle. She is very timid and introverted in personality, especially shy around people she does not know. However, she does have the ability to overcome this when the pressure is on. In addition, she's a talented leader of soldiers and strong tactician, though she's not very forceful in giving commands to people she doesn't know very well.
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