
Bullshitter 6

Dec 1st, 2016
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  1. Its passed lunch.
  2. I have classes that are partly online and you decided that now is the time to take my only connection to that part away!? Really!? Its almost like you want me to fail, like you only want me to take the classes you want to take and follow YOUR fucking educational path! I never wanted to take the ag classes, never. You, in your infinite wisdom, pushed them on me, with the reasoning that you'd lose your job if I didn't.
  3. And low and behold, I had to fucking butcher my damned schedule so you could keep your job, which, now that I look at it, you would've kept since there are so many fucking students in that whole thing!
  5. Another thing, I don't want to hear you bitch and whine and complain about your job when I've got complaints of my own about my day! Every fucking day on the way home or to the college, there's always some fucking criticism you've got going on, and while you may not enjoy the prospect of someone else having an opinion, here it fucking is, SHUT UP.
  6. I DON'T CARE.
  7. I listen to you and Scott bitch, and bitch, and bitch, and when ever I freak out and need to vent, you just laugh at me and tell me to get over it, or to straighten up a bit, claiming that I've got nothing to be stressed out about, well you know what!?
  8. I get stressed listening to you whine and complain, and I get told off because you don't want to listen to me rant ME rave about my shit.
  10. One other thing, you might be religious as all fuck, but I on the other hand am not. Don't share the same views on god or miracles, or the need to constantly watch god related movies on Netflix because I stay away from that stuff.
  12. Hell, I can't even write a damned venting blog without being secretive about it, but fuck all, you get to vent, and now I'm doing it.
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