
Revue, Rewind, Replay

Jul 12th, 2020
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  3. This was a very cool and complex idea from 0mniessence that deals with Nana's repeat performances; with a bit of a twist. Things can't be exactly the same with each and every loop, can they?
  5. This takes place before the anime. I pulled some of these scenes and lines directly from the anime or manga, and others are totally made up. It's one giant mess, but I guess that's accurate to describe Nana's cycle.
  7. I'm SURE there are some things messed up with the events in which things occur. I went through the anime as much as I could to try and be accurate, but don't be surprised if some details are wrong okay. This will lead right up to the start of the anime.
  9. Disclaimer: I do not own Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight.
  11. -----------
  13. Revue, Rewind, Replay
  16. .
  18. .
  20. .
  23. /Original worldline, halfway through second year/
  25. Love.
  27. It's always been an integral part of human existence, something unique only to them. The 'love' experienced in nature and animals is built solely upon instinct and the need to survive - or so it's claimed.
  29. But only humans love 'unconditionally', for any reason or for no reason at all.
  31. While animals kill to live, humans kill for love.
  33. There are those who love in twisted ways - delusional forms of affection that suit only the doer's mind and actions at the expense of others.
  35. There are those who love wholesomely, and express it in anything and everything they do.
  37. There are those who love casually, easily.
  39. There are those who love difficultly, whose hearts are locked tight and hidden away.
  41. There are those who love frequently, and those who love only once.
  43. There are many kinds of love.
  45. But surely, a human being never existed who didn't know or express any form of love at all.
  47. For Daiba Nana, she'd always thought she was a mix of these.
  49. She'd loved her family; her parents for raising her and for teaching her so many things, her grandparents for supporting her, all of her cute and awkward cousins for playing with her.
  51. She'd loved her teachers and instructors throughout her childhood and school years who had helped her improve her skills in writing, dance, singing, and acting, and who had inspired her to pursue a career in theatre.
  53. She'd loved her classmates - the ones throughout middle school who had come and gone, the ones from the Chorus Club in spite of their misunderstandings, the ones she'd simply seen and smiled at a few times even if they'd never properly spoken.
  55. But more than anything or anyone else - certainly much more than she loved herself - she loved her friends.
  57. Particularly, she loved her friends of Class A - those seven girls who had trained and laughed and cried and stood beside her through her first years of high school.
  59. She loved Junna - her kind, sensible, passionate roommate, fan of Shakespeare and inevitable Class Representative. Nana always knew she could come to Junna whenever she was feeling upset or insecure. She found she didn't mind crying around her, but much more than that she loved to laugh with her. They'd stayed up many nights just chatting together, discussing anything from famous classic plays to tomorrow's lunch options.
  61. Junna was more than just her dance partner in class and her roommate in the dorms - she was the person Nana truly thought she could rely on more than anyone else.
  63. She loved Futaba, who, in spite of her height, had ten peoples' worth of energy and drive. She was strong and motivated, and wasn't ever afraid to speak her mind. Nana always came to her when she didn't understand a certain dance motion, as she felt Futaba had a better understanding of the physical aspect of the art.
  65. She loved Kaoruko, who might have seemed lazy and uncaring to some, but to someone who knew her well like Nana did, was actually a rather sweet and thoughtful girl. Her mischievousness was actually rather heartfelt, and if she ever did end up acting unkindly, she would make amends with heart. Nana would always go to her for help with traditional Japanese dances, or when setting up floral or food arrangements.
  67. She loved Mahiru, who had always been a shy, but cheerful girl from the moment they'd met. Although nervous around most people, Mahiru was always willing to go out of her way to help others, and Nana found herself asking her opinion on things often. And Mahiru was her baking buddy, who would join Nana in the kitchen whenever she could, where they would laugh and talk merrily together.
  69. She loved Karen, whose boundless energy would always serve to rub off on Nana, even on her glummest of days. While some viewed her positivity as naiveté, Nana saw it as a reminder of childhood innocence and wonder; something she'd personally never wanted to lose hold of no matter how old she might grow.
  71. She was always delighted to hear Karen's sleepy morning greeting from over Mahiru's shoulder, and even when she made mistakes in class, she never threw in the towel. Nana had learned a lot from her in just the few short years they'd known one another - plus, Karen had been the one to give Nana her first ever nickname, which she was so unspeakably fond of.
  73. She loved Claudine, with her personality that went from fiery and challenging in the studio, to compassionate and caring in the lounge. No matter how many times she fell down, or even collapsed from working herself too hard, Claudine always got up and pushed onward. Her diligence and determination were unparalleled, and as such Nana often found herself keeping subtly an eye on Claudine to ensure she didn't overexert herself too much. She loved listening to her talk in French and go off raving about foreign arts and theatre, and would often seek her out for vocal practices.
  75. And she loved Maya, who admittedly was the toughest nut to crack of the bunch. Though aloof and often very serious, her dedication and the goals she'd set for her future on the stage were astounding enough to put her at the head of the class. Nana had always envied her to some degree, but it was more out of admiration than anything else. But once she'd gotten to know her better, she'd discovered Maya was just as awkward and shy as any of the rest of them, until they eventually became good friends.
  77. Nana loved them all dearly.
  79. She loved taking classes with them, eating lunch with them, doing homework with them, taking baths with them, and then relaxing with them before bed each night.
  81. She loved the rushed mornings of sleeping in and hurrying to school in a mild panic.
  83. She loved the sunny lunchtimes where they'd all sit outside at the picnic tables and eat the snacks she'd made.
  85. She loved seeing their smiles and hearing their squeals and praises of how delicious her sweets tasted.
  87. She loved the dreary, rainy afternoons that most people disliked - because so long as her friends were with her, Nana didn't care about anything else.
  89. She loved the game and move nights they spent nestled between or next to someone on the couch, loved watching them all doze off one by one and being the last one up to watch over them.
  91. She loved the jittery excitement before a performance with them, how they'd do everything within their power to help calm each others' nerves, how they'd make jokes or offer treats or hugs or kind words.
  93. She loved the relief of accomplishment after a show was over, the squeals and sighs of joy, the group hugs and the moans of being hungry.
  95. She even loved the tears, the frustration of having made a blunder, or to have gotten poor marks on an assessment, or to have failed to land the part they wanted to play the most.
  97. She loved every piece of each of them; the good and the bad, the sensible and the unreasonable, the kind and the petty.
  99. Surely, the love Daiba Nana felt for her seven friends of Class A was the kind of love that classified a human being.
  101. Unconditional. No matter what, she would always love them. She loved them so much.
  103. And that's why the fear of eventually parting from them started to peel away at her.
  105. The fear of the future. Of these carefree schooldays ending. Of graduation. Of being torn apart.
  107. Simply 'keeping in touch' via texts or occasional weekend meetings when schedules didn't conflict wouldn't ever be enough. She didn't want these precious days to turn into fading, bittersweet memories.
  109. Her friends were her whole reason for living, even more so than to perform like she'd once thought it was. If she lost them, then what did she have left? What would become of her…?
  111. She didn't want to lose them. She couldn't lost them.
  113. So that's why, that first fateful night when her phone chimed with a peculiar ringtone, she came to a decision. She wouldn't lose them. Not ever.
  115. When she'd first gone to the designated place and met the giraffe for the first time, his explanation of how these underground revues would work had both frightened and enticed her.
  117. She didn't want to fight her own friends. She didn't want to hurt them.
  119. But if it meant obtaining an eternal wish…
  121. Or rather, in her case, a wish of eternity…
  123. And so she'd fought. One after the other, cutting the buttons of their jackets night by night.
  125. And why shouldn't she win? After all, she wielded two swords. If their weapons were a manifestation of their love, then Nana's would win every time. Because she loved them all more than anyone or anything else.
  127. She bested each one of them, even Junna, her closest friend and roommate. But she did so under the resolved belief that it would all be for everyone's benefit in the end.
  129. As the nights progressed, the fights became more and more difficult, but Nana persisted. She defeated Karen, then Futaba, then Junna…
  131. Until at last, the final match is upon her.
  133. Now, she stands at one end of the stage - a stage that spirals with staircases and structures of all kinds - a fortress, a palace. The crimson gleam of the Top Star Tiara shimmers high above, as the giraffe and the others look on from the audience.
  135. Nana exhales, steeling herself one last time before she turns to face her final opponent.
  137. She isn't surprised one bit. After all, Maya had always been the most exceptional out of the group of exceptional people. It was to be expected.
  139. And being that she is undoubtedly the most skilled on the stage - that it's in her blood - Nana feels she will be able to have a fair fight. She won't hold anything back.
  141. And she doesn't, but of course, neither does Maya.
  143. Their fight is nothing short of vicious, because while Nana harbors her own wish she longs to see granted, she knows Maya does as well.
  145. But she can't let Maya have her wish. Not now, not ever. Nana has to win here tonight, or else everything will be over. Forever.
  147. She fights, shouting out her battle cries as she puts her full force into her blows, taking full advantage of both her swords against Maya's single one. When it comes to sheer strength, the two of them are fairly evenly matched. But having a second blade makes things tilt in Nana's favor. Because after all, their weapons are a manifestation of their love.
  149. And there is no love that exists in this world greater than Nana's love for her friends.
  151. Not Maya's love for the stage, not anyone's love for anything else.
  153. And so, after an arduous revue of fury and passion, of conviction and desperation, it seems only natural that Nana's love should win out in the end. She may be panting and disheveled, but she is still standing, aiming her sword down at Maya.
  155. Maya - who has fallen to her knees at last. Weaponless. Her love hadn't been enough.
  157. But even as Nana steps forward toward her, and the tip of her blade inches closer to that button, Nana smiles gently.
  159. /It's all right, Maya-chan. You fought wonderfully. And don't worry. With my wish, you'll be able to keep loving the stage and fighting for it forever. Though I am sorry to say you'll never win it from me./
  161. Nana stares down into her eyes with a kind smile, like the butcher putting the injured bull out of its misery.
  163. Maya glares defiance for a moment longer, until the tip of the blade slips beneath the thread of her jacket. Then, she sighs acceptance. She acknowledges that she can go on no longer.
  165. And so, Nana cuts through the thread, and the golden button falls to the stage.
  167. Taking up both swords now, Nana leaves her fallen classmate behind and walks to center-stage, to the pink tape laid there on the wood. She runs both swords' tips into it, and projects out into the theater for all to hear.
  169. "Position Zero!"
  171. The curtain falls. The lighting changes. And behind her now onstage, the giraffe appears.
  173. "Bravo. An excellent performance, Daiba Nana-san. You have indeed proven yourself worthy of Top Star, and as such the Top Star Tiara is now yours."
  175. There's another shifting of curtains and light, and the next thing Nana knows the giraffe has the tiara in his mouth. He walks slowly toward her now, to where she stands alone at the center of the very stage where she had defeated all of her friends before her. Craning his neck, he rests the tiara on top of her head, and its crimson jewels seem to bathe the entire stage in blood.
  177. "Congratulations," he says. "Such a performance deserves praise. And reward. Now… what is it you wish for, Daiba Nana-san? What is the stage you wish to see…?"
  179. Nana stares up at him without wavering, without flinching. She'd decided this already. She has her heart set on it. Even if she she can feel the worried gazes of her friends upon her back, she won't falter. It's for their sakes, after all.
  181. "I want a Repeat Performance," she declares. "I… I don't want these days to end! I want to keep standing onstage with everyone! I want to do it all over again - together!"
  183. She hears the confused, concerned murmurs of her friends' voices, but can't make out what they're saying above the bellow of the giraffe.
  185. "Of course. To repeat these revues and the days that accompanied them… To achieve an eternal stage… that is fitting of an eternal wish, is it not? I understand."
  187. He lowers his head, and the red velvet curtain falls completely.
  189. Nana closes her eyes, heart pounding, and the weight of the tiara on her head feels as though it's slowly crushing her.
  191. But then everything goes black, and all is quiet.
  193. .
  195. .
  197. .
  199. /1st Loop, 2 weeks into first year/
  201. The familiar sound of her alarm clock rouses Nana, but not enough to open her eyes right away. She can still make sense of some residual memories of the dream she'd had last night - the swords, the giraffe, the tiara…
  203. All of her friends had been involved in those revues too, and they'd taken place over months and months of time. Truly an elaborate dream.
  205. When Nana finally rubs her eyes and opens them, she's staring up at the ceiling of her dorm room. She turns over slowly toward the stand where her little froggie alarm clock is still beeping, and silences it with a tap. Turning her face, she sees Junna already up and starting to get dressed into her uniform. Junna catches her eye with an awkward little smile.
  207. "You're awake? Good, I was about to come and shake you myself."
  209. Nana beams back at her and sits up in own swift motion.
  211. "Yup! I'm up! Good morning, Junna-chan!"
  213. There's a sputter, and Junna fumbles her uniform's ribbon she'd been tying so neatly.
  215. " 'J-Junna-chan'?" she says. "Diaba-san, please. It's too early in the morning for your jokes."
  217. "Huh?" Tilting her head, Nana puts a finger to her chin curiously. "Didn't I always call you 'Junna-chan'? For some reason, I thought I did… Sorry about that, Hoshimi-san."
  219. "It's fine. Let's just get ready."
  221. "Right!"
  223. Nana hops out of bed, and as she's tidying up the sheets and pillow, her eyes catch sight of her desk. All that's there are her books and papers and a few pictures. The bulletin board on the wall is mostly empty too. But the photos that are there are only of her family. None of her friends. Not even her precious photo of after their first Starlight performance as first years together is there.
  225. Something twists in her chest, and she starts to panic.
  227. But then, her eyes catch sight of the calendar, and she gasps.
  229. The date… it's… not what it should be…
  231. And the school year… It isn't their second year anymore.
  233. It's… It's their first year…
  235. And it's only two weeks in.
  237. Only two weeks… And they're back to being first-years…?
  239. When she glances back to Junna now, she realizes the glasses she's wearing are the ones she'd worn in her first year, before she'd gone with Nana to pick out new ones.
  241. They're… they're first-years again… And they've only just started school…
  243. So why is it that Nana can remember having Junnana Cafe, where she'd first started calling her roommate by her first name? Why is it that she can remember all of the performances they haven't yet performed, all the songs and dances they haven't even learned yet? Why is it she can remember those game nights and movie nights they've had as a group when they aren't even all on close terms yet…?
  245. It can only mean one thing…
  247. There's a clattering as she bumps into her desk, swaying suddenly as she drops to her knees.
  249. "The giraffe… it was all real…?"
  251. Behind her, Junna yelps.
  253. "D-Daiba-san? Are you all right?" She hurries over frantically with her hands just half-reaching out to her. It's all the more proof to Nana that time has been rewound. Her Junna wouldn't have hesitated to crouch down right beside her and wrap her arms around Nana.
  255. But this Junna doesn't know her that well yet. They aren't that close yet.
  257. Nana swallows, and her throat is dry. Had this… Had this been a terrible mistake…? Should she simply have let time progress as it should've…?
  259. Shaking her head, she understands she'll have to think this through properly. But for now, she reassures her roommate.
  261. "Sorry! I'm fine! Just got distracted for a second there!"
  263. Junna sighs.
  265. "You're pretty weird, you know that?"
  267. "Thanks! I'll take that as a compliment!" Nana grins back at her, to which Junna gives another awkward little smile before promptly turning away.
  269. /Oh!/ Nana chides herself. /That's right. If we've really gone back in time… then Junna-chan and I aren't that close yet. I can't be so buddy-buddy with her just yet, or else she'll think I'm a total weirdo./
  271. Nana sheepishly picks herself up and slowly staggers toward her dresser to pick up her uniform. It's a size smaller than what she'd worn as a second-year.
  273. It's… real… She'd actually gotten her wish… They'd gone back in time, back to the beginning of their time together here at Seishou…
  275. Which means… they get to live all of those fun days all over again. Just like she wanted.
  277. Nana's heart begins to pound, and a tiny smile curls up on her lips. Before long, it turns into a huge grin.
  279. "It worked!"
  281. "Daiba-san? What are you talking about now? We've gotta get to class!"
  283. "Right! Sorry!"
  285. With a gleeful squeal, Nana quickly sheds her sleep clothes and puts on her brand new first-year uniform. Well, it's new to her now, even though she knows she's worn it and retired it before.
  287. It worked. She'd truly gotten her wish. She can redo her first year again, together with everyone. The only catch is it seems like no one else remembers, but that's probably for the best. If Nana's only burden is to remember the events of each loop, she'll gladly accept that price if the reward is to keep reliving these cheerful days together with everyone.
  289. Even if it means she'll have to fight them all again in those revues come next year… She'll do it. As many times as it takes.
  291. So long as it means they can keep performing their first Starlight together.
  293. So long as it means they can repeat these carefree days.
  295. This is how dearly she loves her friends - friends who aren't even her friends yet now as things are. But she loves them nonetheless, and she knows they'll soon come to love her, too.
  297. Even if they're all sent back to the very beginning, their hearts will never change. Nana is certain of it.
  299. She'll continue meeting them all for the first time, continue calling them by their first names for the first time, continue receiving her nickname of 'Banana' for the first time…
  301. She'll continue giving them advice she already knows they'll ask for, continue helping them with plays she's already seen them perform, continue helping them grow into who they can become…
  303. Over and over.
  305. She'll continue to rewrite this script which she loves with all her heart.
  307. .
  309. .
  311. .
  313. /2nd Loop, one month into first year/
  315. On her second time reliving her first year at Seishou with everyone, Nana is excited for a certain event she's been anticipating. It's not an actual school event, but rather and interaction. One of the first and biggest interactions they have between the eight of them.
  317. It's only been a month since they've become first-years, though to Nana, this is the third time she's done it with them. Their group has stayed late in the rehearsal studio after classes to practice some dances together. Nana watches the others fondly from the side of the room for a few moments as she sips at her water, already knowing exactly how things are going to play out.
  319. Kaoruko and Futaba are the closest as always, with the former all but clinging to and hiding behind the latter at all times.
  321. "Futaba-han, my feet hurt!"
  323. "Get over it, Kaoruko. All our feet hurt. We're in theatre, after all."
  325. "Uweehh, Futaba-han, you're so cruel! Give me a massage?"
  327. "Yeah, yeah. Maybe later. But right now, we gotta practice, dummy!"
  329. Nana watches in amusement as Futaba grabs Kaoruko by the shoulders and gives her a firm little shake to bring her to her senses. Kaoruko whines, but goes along with her anyway.
  331. "All right," Futaba says. "Let's go over that part you keep messin' up on."
  333. "Haah? I haven't messed up at all!"
  335. "Oh, so you were just steppin' on my toes for fun then?"
  337. "Perhaps~"
  339. "Knock it off. Now pay attention. When you're doing this part you've gotta…"
  341. As Futaba goes off talking, Kaoruko yawns and makes a bored expression while twirling her hair around her fingers. Futaba groans.
  343. "Hey, do you wanna be able to land a lead role or not?"
  345. "Of course I do! I'm listening!"
  347. "Then try actually looking at me."
  349. Nana chuckles to herself as she observes the two of them. They've been exactly the same all this time, and she doesn't think she'll ever get tired of their antics.
  351. At this point in time, Kaoruko still clings to Futaba and hides behind her for everything. But in a few weeks' time, she'll fall ill, after pushing herself in an effort to get to know everyone better as per Futaba's expectations. After that, the two of them will come to a better understanding, and Kaoruko will begin opening up to everyone more, which will in turn lessen the burden on Futaba.
  353. Nana's begun to memorize the events of their school year and when they will take place. For her, it's like watching her favorite movie over and over again, except she actually gets to act and live in it and be a part of it.
  355. A little farther away, Karen and Mahiru are stretching together. Mahiru has Karen pulled over her back with their arms locked together, and Karen both looks and sounds like she'd feel perfectly content to simply fall asleep there on top of her. Mahiru whimpers from underneath.
  357. "K-Karen-chan! We aren't done yet…"
  359. "Huhm?" She blinks up at the ceiling and seems to remember she's kind of in the middle of something. "Oh, yeah! Yeah, I know! I was just resting my eyes, Mahiru-chan!"
  361. "Geez, Karen-chan…"
  363. "I'm awake! Here, lemme help you stretch out now!" With a tug, Karen pulls Mahiru back until she's standing up straight and Karen's shoes touch the floor again. She turns around and gives a light push to her flustered roommate's shoulders. "Here, sit down, Mahiru-chan! I'll help you with your splits!"
  365. "E-Eh? N-No, that's all right-"
  367. "C'mon! You're super good at it, Mahiru-chan! Don't be shy!"
  369. "E-Even if you say that…" Mahiru swallows, then glances around the room, getting more and more nervous about having so many other people around who might see her. Karen takes both of her hands suddenly, causing Mahiru to yelp. "K-Karen-chan?"
  371. "You can do it, Mahiru-chan! After all, we stage girls get better every day, right?"
  373. Mahiru almost looks like she's about to cry, but in a good way, and eventually nods.
  375. "Y-Yeah… you're right, Karen-chan…" Slowly, she sits down with Karen and stretches her legs out to either side in a near-perfect split. Karen positions herself behind Mahiru and rests her hands on the small of her back.
  377. "Wow! You're amazing, Mahiru-chan! Here, I'll push you a little!"
  379. "Th-That's okay!" Mahiru squeaks. "I-I can do it myself."
  381. "You sure? Okay." So Karen keeps her hands to herself, which seems to both relieve and disappoint Mahiru at the same time as she lies her chest down on the floor and stretches her arms out as far as they can go. Her face is deeply red, so she turns it down toward the floor to conceal it.
  383. Nana's smile widens. It will be a little while yet before Mahiru gains her confidence, especially enough to speak up and show her skills unabashedly in front of other people. Her more reserved nature will prevent Karen from charging on ahead without holding anything back like she absolutely would've otherwise.
  385. The two of them will always balance each other out nicely, even if it takes them well into their second year to actually become as close as Nana knows them to be.
  387. At last, she turns her attention to the final pair in the room, and perhaps the most intriguing.
  389. Maya and Claudine aren't exactly pressed up against one another like the other girls are. In fact, they're standing with their backs to one another, as if completely ignoring the other's existence. Though that isn't exactly the case.
  391. Maya tightens her ponytail before taking her starting position, holding her arms out with poise and grace. She begins her dance to a song she plays in her own mind, good enough at memorizing it that she doesn't need the real thing to play in order to dance to it flawlessly.
  393. Claudine watches out of the corner of her eye with her arms crossed, but after a moment huffs and turns her chin up before practicing a different number on her own.
  395. Nana braces herself for what's to come next.
  397. Just as always, Maya pauses halfway through her own dance to criticize Claudine's.
  399. "Ah, Saijou-san? You may want to step a little more quickly there. You're off-pace now."
  401. Claudine skids to a halt and whirls around on her heel with a glare that would surely make any other person on the planet drop dead.
  403. "Excuse me? I don't recall asking for your input, Tendo Maya."
  405. "But Saijou-san," Maya replies levelly. "Critiquing each other is perhaps the most effective way to learn. And you do wish to improve, do you not?" Her words may seem kind, but there is a daring challenge in her eyes. A challenge that riles Claudine up without fail.
  407. "Mechante! I don't need your help! I'll surpass you all on my own! Make no mistake of that."
  409. "Is that so? Well, if that's your plan, you've certainly still got a long way to go, Saijou-san."
  411. "You really are so conceited. I'll knock you off that pedestal and then you'll see."
  413. "Pardon me for saying, but I'm really not all that concerned about you," Maya smiles. "If you want to even pose a threat to me, you've at least got to get your dances correct."
  415. "Why you-"
  417. Nana looks to her own roommate now. Right on cue, Junna claps loudly to get everyone's attention.
  419. "All right, everyone. The studio will be closed soon for cleaning, so we're done here for today. Good work."
  421. Nana watches the other six; Kaoruko flops against Futaba dramatically with a whine of relief, and Futaba scolds her for nearly knocking them both over. Something similar happens with Karen and Mahiru, only Karen isn't bratty about it, and Mahiru is ten times more flustered. Maya and Claudine simply share a hard look before turning away and stalking off their separate ways.
  423. Nana puts a hand to her cheek. Even though she knows things between them all will improve eventually, it still makes her anxious to see them like this.
  425. And yet, this afternoon session remains to be one of her favorites simply because it's one where everyone is gathered together even before they all became close friends. At this point, everyone is still distant, save for their own roommates, but it's a precious instance for Nana, because it reminds her of how they all started out, and of how far they would one day come.
  427. She's pulled from her reverie now when Junna comes up beside her.
  429. "Daiba-san? We've got to leave now."
  431. "Ah, right! Sorry, Jun- Hoshimi-san. I was spacing out and I didn't get to practice with you much there at the end."
  433. "It's fine. I was doing my own thing." She quickly walks on ahead of Nana toward the locker room. Nana smiles after her.
  435. This is one of the hardest parts for her every time - not straight-up hugging Junna or saying friendly things to her right off the bat. She has to constantly remind herself that they haven't become that close yet, and that if she acts out-of-line unexpectedly, it could upset Junna, or even change things in a way they aren't meant to happen.
  437. Nana knows how all of this will turn out, so long as everyone plays their part properly - herself included.
  439. So for now, she simply folds her hands behind her back and follows after the people who will one day become her very best of friends.
  441. .
  443. .
  445. .
  447. /7th Loop, three months into first year/
  449. "Ahhh… I'm beat…"
  451. "K-Karen-chan! Don't just lay on the floor like that!"
  453. "Sorryyyyy…"
  455. Dance class has just ended, and it had been a particularly rigorous one at that. Everyone is out of breath except Maya, and Claudine tries her hardest to hide the fact that she's also exhausted. Kaoruko and Futaba are slung over each other's sides, barely still on their feet, and Junna is removing her glasses to wipe them clean. Nana is also breathless, but beaming. Because tonight is one of her favorite nights.
  457. "Hey, everyone!" she calls out. "Since it's Friday night, why don't we all have a little get-together? I'll make some banana muffins, and we can pick a movie to watch or something!"
  459. Everyone perks up at the suggestion.
  461. "A movie night?" Junna ponders. "That sounds like fun. So long as we're all back in our rooms by curfew."
  463. "Oh!" Karen immediately gets up off the floor and jumps up with her hand in the air. "I have some board games I brought from home with me! I'll bring those, too!"
  465. "A-And-" Mahiru stammers. "My parents just sent me some food from home… I could prepare some of that, if everyone's all right with it…"
  467. "Oy, Kaoruko!" Futaba says, giving her a shake. "Didn't you buy some of those candies recently?
  469. "Hah? I did, but they're for me!"
  471. "Aw, c'mon, stop being so spoiled! You can share this one time."
  473. "I suppose…"
  475. Nana smiles at all of them in turn before looking hopefully to Maya and Claudine, even though she already knows they're going to refuse. But she also knows they'll eventually join them in the end.
  477. Maya gives Nana a polite smile in return as she shakes her head.
  479. "Unfortunately, I plan to stay here until closing to enhance my technique."
  481. "I'm staying, too," Claudine snaps, though it's only because she's so set on beating Maya.
  483. Nana nods in acceptance and makes her usual comment.
  485. "All right. But we'll be sure to save you some banana muffins in case you decide to stop by!"
  487. "Merci."
  489. "Thank you very much, Daiba-san."
  491. The two of them share a glare before Claudine stalks off across the studio, and Maya follows more calmly.
  493. The rest of them get changed and head back to the dorms at Starlight Hall, where they exchange their uniforms for more comfortable sleep clothes. Nana bakes her muffins as promised while Junna tidies up the lounge room they're going to use. Futaba and Kaoruko arrive with candies to share, though Kaoruko pouts about it, and a few minutes later Karen and Mahiru arrive with their board games and snacks.
  495. They begin their movie which is a simple romantic comedy. Nana sits beside Junna on a love seat - they'd started doing this a few weeks ago and haven't arranged themselves any other way since.
  497. Mahiru and Karen are sitting on one couch with Karen excitedly mumbling comments and occasionally clinging to Mahiru's arm, which always makes poor Mahiru freeze up and forget to chew for a moment. Kaoruko is stretched out on the other couch with her head in Futaba's lap, not paying much attention to the movie at all, much to Futaba's dismay, as she's getting rather into it and wants someone to discuss it with without talking too loudly.
  499. They all make the same comments, have the same reactions to the same scenes as always. Nana plays her role and speaks her part in the script just as everyone else does.
  501. And right about halfway through the movie, they're finally joined by the missing two members of the group. Nana acts as surprised as everyone else, as if she hadn't known exactly when they'd come, and delightedly offers them the muffins she'd saved. Maya and Claudine each take one - though Maya's is larger and Claudine pouts at that - before going to sit on the biggest couch, which consequently means Kaoruko has to pull in her legs and sit up properly to make room.
  503. About an hour later, people start yawning. Claudine is the first to get up, as always on this night.
  505. "This was fun, but I'm going to bed. Bonne nuit, everyone." She dips her head before walking quietly off.
  507. Maya seems a bit smug that she'd outlasted her, but she says nothing.
  509. Karen slumps against Mahiru and starts snoring softly, which makes Mahiru stiff and nervous throughout the rest of the film. Kaoruko also dozes off on Futaba's shoulder, and Futaba heaves a sigh. Nana waits for what she knows to come from Junna, and right on cue, her roommate gives a cute little yawn. Nana smiles.
  511. "Junna-chan." Thankfully, she'd just started calling her by her first name, so she can say it now. "If you're tired, you can rest your eyes. I'll make sure to wake everyone up before curfew."
  513. "Are you sure…? Thanks, Nana…"
  515. Nana feels a little bubble of warmth in her chest. Though she's heard Junna call her by name probably thousands of times by now, she still loves hearing it after those first initial months of not being so intimate with her.
  517. One by one, everyone dozes off - even Maya, who simply leans back against the couch with her hands in her lap.
  519. And as always, Nana watches over them all with a smile.
  521. .
  523. .
  525. .
  527. /15th Loop, end of first year/
  529. No matter how many times she relives it, to Nana, there truly is no feeling that can compare to the one she gets when the curtain finally falls at the end of their performance of Starlight.
  531. After all the months of preparation that have gone into the Seishou Festival, all the weeks and hours of practicing and prep, of stress and anxiety, it all finally comes together and culminates in this beautiful, dazzling performance.
  533. That rush of emotion. That sense of accomplishment.
  535. It's unlike anything she's ever felt before - even if she knows she's felt it all more than a dozen times already.
  537. To the others, it's always the first time though, and Nana wants them to keep experiencing that thrill, that warmth that spreads through their entire body as the spotlight beams down on them and the audience gives a standing ovation.
  539. No matter how many times she does this, she'll never get tired of any of it.
  541. But especially those moments at the end of their play. Their Starlight.
  543. And then, to take that final bow together with everyone, hand-in-hand, sweating and smiling with their hearts soaring…
  545. It's incomparable. It's her favorite thing in the world. It's the entire reason behind her wish.
  547. She wants to keep living it over and over again for the rest of her life.
  549. That night is all filled with words of congratulations and tearful hugs. The day after is spent making preparations for a celebration party, and Nana always helps out with the set-up and makes as much food as she can.
  551. Two days after the performance is probably her second-favorite day in the entire world, after the performance itself. Tables of food and snacks have been set up all around outside the school building on campus, where strings of lights glimmer over the banner of the 99th Class' Seishou Festival performance.
  553. The evening is warm and everyone is in high spirits. After Junna gives her brief little speech, Nana puts her phone on video and starts to record.
  555. "Well done, Junna-chan."
  557. Junna stops clutching the glass of juice in her hand for a moment to adjust her glasses.
  559. "Nana… This is just the end of our first performance. We have to start preparing for next year right away."
  561. Nana pouts. After all, she doesn't like thinking about the future too much. She would much rather keep reliving this wonderful, carefree past.
  563. "You're getting ahead of yourself."
  565. Junna simply shrugs. Nana smiles back regardless.
  567. Because she knows they'll never get to their second performance of Starlight next year.
  569. Sometimes she feels a little guilty about letting all of the hard work everyone puts in go to waste, since they only ever make it to halfway through their second year before the revues begin. After that, it's only a matter of time before Nana defeats all of her friends in turn and makes her wish all over again.
  571. But tonight isn't a night to be thinking so far ahead into the future that only she knows about.
  573. She continues on her way around the party with her phone still recording until she comes upon Karen and Mahiru enjoying some pizza.
  575. Nana waves as she joins them.
  577. "Wouldn't you say that was quite the success, Karen-chan?"
  579. "Ehe, you were pretty bon yourself, Nana."
  581. "Mahiru-chan, weren't you nervous?"
  583. "Yeah," she smiles. "But Karen-chan helped me calm down."
  585. Of course. After all, by this point in time, the two of them are the best of friends. Two peas in a pod. Nothing could ever come between them.
  587. Nana continues her rounds until she finds the next two people she seeks. Claudine and Maya are standing together (finally, as it's taken them the majority of their first year to get this tolerant of each other to the point where they're just about friendly) refreshing themselves with some juice.
  589. "And here are the two leads," Nana recites. "You put on a great performance!" She snaps a picture for keepsake.
  591. Maya dips her head.
  593. "Thank you very much."
  595. And of course, Claudine's only response is to turn her chin up importantly.
  597. "I haven't lost."
  599. Maya smiles.
  601. "Well then, let's face the auditions again next year together, shall we?"
  603. "Hmph!"
  605. Nana just continues to smile. She lets them believe they'll actually get to next year's Festival. Even if it won't ever happen, they'll never remember any of these rewound times anyway, so there's no harm in letting them believe.
  607. And then, just as she's about to leave them as always, something… happens. Something new.
  609. "Daiba Nana-san."
  611. "Hm?" She blinks up at Maya, who has now turned a very stern gaze upon her.
  613. "That means you as well."
  615. "…Eh? Maya-chan…?"
  617. Nana blinks again and looks around, puzzled.
  619. This… is something that's never happened before. Maya has never said that to her before - not now, not like this...
  621. /No. That can't be. I must be imagining things./
  623. When Nana looks back to her now, Maya has returned to her conversation with Claudine. Nana takes a step back and slowly turns away.
  625. /That's strange… That's the first time something like that has ever happened… Why…?/
  627. She thinks long and hard for a moment, pausing her video recording as she does so.
  629. The only feasible explanation she can think of is that Maya must 'remember' on some level that Nana continues to best her in their final revue next year. Her passion for the stage must be so great that losing to Nana so many times now has caused her to say that new line of dialogue; a challenge to face Nana again next year in the auditions.
  631. But… auditions for Starlight? Or could she somehow mean the other auditions…?
  633. /Impossible./
  635. She doesn't even give such a thing a second thought. Nana shakes her head and continues recording as she leaves that section and goes to find Futaba and Kaoruko together on a bench. Futaba is venting a little to her roommate.
  637. "I didn't think I'd be able to handle a goddess role, but it worked out somehow…"
  639. "You call that 'working out'?" Kaoruko hums.
  641. Nana snaps her picture, and gains their attention, which sends Futaba running straight toward her.
  643. "Nana!" She throws her arms around her, and Nana happily catches her with one arm.
  645. "Futaba-chan?"
  647. "Thanks for helpin' me out with everything!" she grins.
  649. "I'm rather indebted to you too, Nana-han," Kaoruko smiles. "I really enjoyed your shoulder massages."
  651. Nana's heart becomes warmer by the second now, as she knows exactly what's coming. The part that makes this her second-favorite memory of her first year.
  653. "She helped me with practice, too!" Mahiru chimes in.
  655. "She helped us with the costumes," a girl from Class B puts in.
  657. "And the background scenery!" someone else adds.
  659. Karen saunters over with a big grin on her face.
  661. "When everyone was getting hungry, she made a bunch of snacks for us to eat. I feel like the banana muffins Nana made are what got me through the final stretch." As she speaks, Karen picks up one such muffin.
  663. Nana - who has joined Kaoruko and Futaba on the bench for some shoulder massages - holds down her excitement as best she can. This is it…
  665. "I know!" Karen says. "Banana!"
  667. "…Huh?" She acts surprised, as if this is the first time Karen is dubbing her with her nickname.
  669. Karen turns around to beam at her.
  671. "You're like a banana to everyone. Sweet and kind and extremely nutritious! You even help us with our stiff necks!"
  673. Junna looks up from where she'd been scooping some food onto her plate at the table nearby.
  675. "Nana… is a banana…?"
  677. "Ah, that's cute," Mahiru smiles.
  679. Nana can feel herself about to burst with happiness. She fidgets a little in between Kaoruko and Futaba, feeling a blush coming on.
  681. "I suppose she is pretty banana-like," Kaoruko says. "With how tall she is, and all."
  683. "She smells good, too!" Futaba adds.
  685. And just like always, Nana starts to laugh.
  687. "Banana, huh…?"
  689. Her heart is just so full, so happy…
  691. And each time so far, she's tried her best not to cry…
  693. But it always ends up just like the very first time. Her giggles gradually melt into little hiccups, and everybody gasps.
  695. "Nana?"
  697. Nana shakes her head, wiping her eyes as she sniffles.
  699. Futaba and Kaoruko are both at-the-ready with handkerchiefs.
  701. "D-Did I say something wrong?"
  703. "Nana-han…?"
  705. Nana sniffles again, holding a hand to one eye to catch some of the happy tears.
  707. "No, not at all… That's not it." She wipes her face before lifting her head once more to present everyone with a tearful smile. "I'm just so happy! I'm just… so glad I came to this academy. The play we all made together was so fun and happy and dazzling. I won't ever forget about this play - about the 99th Seishou Festival Starlight."
  709. /Because I've found my eternal comrades and my stage of destiny. This is the day I was born. As the Stage Girl, Daiba Nana./
  711. To her, this is what it means to be reborn - to keep experiencing that performance, and this day, over and over again.
  713. The day she performed her most-beloved play together with her most-beloved friends.
  715. And the day she was given her nickname, her identity in their group.
  717. From this day forward, they'll call her Banana, with the exception of a few. At the very least, everyone but Maya will address her by her nickname or her first name.
  719. And she'd always thought it was simply because that's just how Maya is. After all, she addresses everyone by their last names, and only ever uses Claudine's first in using her full name.
  721. Deep down, Nana's always wanted Maya to address her more informally, too.
  723. But she supposes she can't blame her, of all people. Because even if Maya might not remember in her memory, perhaps some part of her really does retain all of those times Nana has defeated her on that stage.
  725. That extra line she'd spoken tonight is the first little anomaly Nana's ever experienced in all this time. But if that's the extent of it, she doesn't mind. She supposes Maya, of all people, deserves to be a little rueful towards her.
  727. /Sorry, Maya-chan. But I'll keep defeating you, no matter what. Because it's all for the sake of these radiant days we'll all share together….
  729. "Nana!"
  731. There's a call of her name now, and Nana looks up from her spot on the bench to see Junna waving her over to where all the others are waiting for her for a group photo. Nana smiles and stops recording on her phone before slipping it into her pocket.
  733. "Coming!"
  735. She gets to her feet and hurries over to join them, laughing all the while.
  737. .
  739. .
  741. .
  743. /24th Loop, one month into first year/
  745. It's that time again. One of Nana's favorite, smaller parts of her repeat performance. Just that little evening together with everyone in the rehearsal room after classes have ended, and only the eight of them have stayed behind.
  747. Nana leans back against the wall to take a sip of water as she casually observes the others. Kaoruko is clinging to Futaba as always
  749. "Futaba-han, my feet hurt!"
  751. "Sheesh, Kaoruko. All our feet hurt. We're in theatre, after all."
  753. "Uweehh, this is awful… Give me a massage?"
  755. "Sure, fine. But later. Right now, we still gotta practice, dummy!"
  757. And it really isn't much - just a few different words here and there, but Nana knows the original script so well that it's very noticeable for her whenever even the slightest change occurs. It isn't enough to make her concerned, however, as overall, these minor nuances won't alter the big picture.
  759. Futaba pats her roommate on the back to motivate her.
  761. "All right," she says. "Let's go over that part you keep messin' up on."
  763. "That part in the middle, right? Yes, I'm aware…"
  765. "Glad you were actually being mindful of yourself for once."
  767. "I'm always mindful."
  769. "Yeah, sure. All right now watch me for a sec. When you're doing this part you've gotta…"
  771. And where Kaoruko typically would have been yawning at this point, she actually watches Futaba rather seriously now.
  773. "I see…"
  775. "Got it?" Futaba asks. "Why don't you give it a try?"
  777. "Very well."
  779. It's different. Again, not by very much, but it's different. It's probably changed a tiny bit each time if at all, but now Nana can tell there's definitely been a shift. The two of them have become more patient with one another somehow. There's been less arguing and less complaining. And she can't explain why.
  781. But she tries not to let it bother her. Instead, she looks to Karen and Mahiru, who are back-to-back now, with Mahiru pulling Karen up to rest on top of her for a moment to stretch. Karen makes a fake snoring sound. But instead of getting flustered, Mahiru giggles now.
  783. "Karen-chan, wake up, silly! We still have things to do!"
  785. "Mmmn right!" Karen pipes. "Gotta keep practicing!"
  787. "That's right." Mahiru lets her down slowly, and Karen gives a peace sign.
  789. "Thanks, Mahiru-chan! My back really needed that! Here, lemme help you stretch out now!" Karen takes her hand and sits down on the floor with her. "I'll help you with your splits!"
  791. "Really?" Mahiru blushes a little. "Thanks, Karen-chan."
  793. Nana stops sipping at her water. They've changed, too. Again, just a little bit, but still enough for her to notice. Mahiru isn't so nervous around the others, and she isn't as flustered around Karen at this point in time. She's even a bit more confident. Even as she goes into her splits now, she doesn't seem to mind if anyone else sees her.
  795. Karen sits behind Mahiru and rests her hands on the small of her back like usual.
  797. "See? You're amazing, Mahiru-chan! Here, I'll push you a little! Nice and easy."
  799. "Thanks!"
  801. Where she would usually tell Karen she was fine by herself, now Mahiru has accepted her help this early on in their relationship.
  803. And it probably isn't that big of a deal if Mahiru finds her confidence a little bit sooner, so Nana tries to think nothing of it.
  805. Now, she turns to the pair whom she is the most worried about; the pair she has an inkling might be the cause of all these other little changes.
  807. Maya and Claudine are supposed to still be very distanced at this point in time.
  809. And yet, as Nana watches them now, she sees Maya observing Claudine's dance with thoughtful eyes. And she doesn't interrupt her this time, but rather waits until Claudine has finished the piece. Maya claps softly.
  811. "That was very well-done, Saijou-san."
  813. Claudine huffs and turns her nose up.
  815. "I don't need your approval."
  817. Nana actually relaxes a little. Maybe these two haven't changed as much as she'd feared-
  819. "However," Claudine continues unexpectedly. "I suppose it's nice to hear something that isn't completely patronizing come out of your mouth every once in a while."
  821. Maya smiles.
  823. "So does this mean you're accepting my praise?"
  825. "I don't need it, but I suppose I'll accept it."
  827. "My, how kind of you."
  829. "Be quiet. Why don't you do that number again? I want to see something."
  831. "As you wish."
  833. Nana's stomach twists a little bit. It isn't that she dislikes the fact that the two of them are getting closer so soon, but… It's not supposed to happen. Not like this. Not yet.
  835. /Why…? Why is it different? Why are things changing little by little…?/
  837. She doesn't want to worry about it. Because even though these tiny changes have been occurring for the past few time loops now, they still haven't changed the overall outcome of things.
  839. Classes A and B still keep having their 99th Seishou Festival. They still keep performing their Starlight. And come second year, Nana's group still keeps meeting each other in those underground revues.
  841. And Nana still continues to win and make her wish.
  843. So long as the overall story stays the same, she doesn't suppose she minds a few minor alterations in the script.
  845. Besides, it makes it a bit more interesting for her, who retains her memories every time. The little changes are welcomed, so long as they remain tame.
  847. After a few more sips of water, Nana joins Junna in a bit of practice until their time is up. Junna announces it's time for them to go, and everyone starts filing out.
  849. Kaoruko moans about being sore, and Futaba just pats her back and guides her out into the changing room. Karen is blabbering about dinner and grabs Mahiru by the hand, and though she blushes, Mahiru smiles and doesn't freeze up. Maya and Claudine actually share a smirk and a glance that says something along the lines of 'not bad' before heading out together.
  851. Everyone's definitely gotten a little closer a little sooner than usual.
  853. Nana steals a glance at Junna now, who is motioning her to the doors.
  855. "Nana? We've got to leave now."
  857. "Huh…?" She isn't surprised by the comment, but rather… how Junna addresses her. Has she… always called her by her first name this soon? Has she already started to do it in this timeline…?
  859. "Ah, right! Sorry, Hoshimi-san."
  861. "'Hoshimi-san'?" Junna blinks. "Nana, are you feeling all right?"
  863. "E-Eh? Ah, sorry, Junna-chan! I was spacing out a bit."
  865. "I'll say. Come on, let's go eat."
  867. "Right…"
  869. Nana follows after her a little more slowly and gives herself a shake.
  871. /It's all right. Little changes like this won't make much of a difference./
  873. So long as they can all perform Starlight together like always, she doesn't mind much of anything else.
  875. .
  877. .
  879. .
  881. /29th Loop, first day of second year/
  883. "Huh…?" Nana looks around her brand new second-year classroom through the lens of her phone camera and tilts her head curiously. After surveying the number of people in the room and comparing it to the number on the list… something's off. "Naruse-san and Osaka-san aren't here yet."
  885. They dropped out. She already knows that. She's already experienced this a few dozen times. But something else is different, too.
  887. "They dropped out," Junna says softly, confirming Nana's thoughts. "Actually, there was a third person, too. Hana-"
  889. "…Eh?" Nana's phone slips right out of her hands and clatters to the floor, making several of her classmates gasp. A third? That's wrong. It can't be true. That's never happened before. And that name Junna was about to say... "K-Kaoruko-chan dropped out? Th-That can't be-"
  891. "Nana!" Junna hurries to her side and picks up her phone before handing it to her, resting a hand on her shoulder. "Calm down. It was Hanajima-san who dropped out. Not Hanayagi-san." She heaves a sigh. "Removing students' name tags from our class wasn't the first thing I wanted to do as class rep. But I didn't have much of a choice."
  893. Nana staggers back against the podium at the front of the room where she'd been standing. Her heart is in her throat from the fear that had gripped her just seconds earlier.
  895. She hadn't even considered something like that. What if one of her own friends had dropped out somehow? What would she do? It would ruin everything. All of their carefree days together as a group of eight… Their 99th Festival and performance of Starlight… It would all be shattered-
  897. "Nana?" Junna pats her on the back a few times. "Are you okay?"
  899. "Ah, y-yeah… Sorry. I just spaced out again."
  901. "You've been doing a lot of that lately. Come on, homeroom is starting."
  903. As Junna heads off to take her seat, Nana stares down at her phone where the video had stopped recording.
  905. .
  907. .
  909. .
  911. /35th Loop, halfway through second year/
  913. At the evening of her final revue, Nana always faces off against Maya.
  915. Maya is always the one she fights - and defeats - in order to make her wish of yet another repeat performance.
  917. It's always been this way, and it always will be.
  919. Nana almost feels guilty every now and again, but overall she justifies her actions with the comfort of knowing she'll get to relive all of those wonderful memories together with everyone again. They all will.
  921. So she fights Maya with all her might, never holding back. It's the least she can do for her opponent who is so devoted to the stage. Going easy on her or showing her mercy would be unkind of Nana.
  923. Maya never goes easy on her or on anyone else, after all. She chases Nana across the stage, climbing after her up the towers of spiraling staircases, leaping over the archways and pillars that bar her path to victory.
  925. Nana knows it's unfair of her, because she can more or less predict Maya's movements. She knows when she'll falter and when she'll lose.
  927. /But it's all right. Because her losing means we'll all get to experience those fun times all over again./
  929. Nana leaps back as Maya swings at her, missing by a few good inches. Nana locks Maya's sword in between both of hers, rendering it useless. Maya aims a kick at her instead, but Nana jumps clear before pushing her back.
  931. "Heh…" She straightens up, wiping her forehead briefly. "You're always so fierce, Maya-chan. No matter how many times you lose to me."
  933. "Eh?" Maya twirls her sword and flicks it before pointing it straight at her once more. "What do you mean? I have never lost to you, Daiba-san. I have never even faced you in these revues until tonight."
  935. "Hm, I suppose it's that way for you," Nana hums.
  937. Maya glares back without wavering.
  939. "What are you saying? If you're implying you've already won against me here tonight, then you are sorely mistaken."
  941. "Oh no, not quite," Nana says casually. "Though I guess, in a way, it's sort of true. I'm going to win no matter what, Maya-chan."
  943. Maya snarls and charges at her again.
  945. "Such arrogance will be your downfall!"
  947. "Oh, I don't think so." Nana parries her easily with her two swords and fends her off, keeping her at bay. Maya growls again.
  949. "When I defeat you here tonight, you shall regret making light of me. I swear it."
  951. "I'm not making light of you," Nana says innocently. "It's just the truth. You can't win here, Maya-chan. You never have, and you never will."
  953. "Again," Maya snaps. "What do you mean by that? Why do you speak as if you've already fought and won this fight?"
  955. Nana just smiles.
  957. "Because I have!"
  959. Maya shouts out a furious battle cry and lunges at her. But Nana side-steps and brings down both her swords against hers, shoving Maya back and knocking her off-balance. She swings again, knowing Maya will dodge, and she does, so Nana easily positions herself to counter again right away. With a gasp, Maya is forced to move back out of her range.
  961. "You… How were you able to predict-"
  963. Nana shrugs and flicks both swords in unison.
  965. "I guess it doesn't really matter if I tell you. You won't remember after tonight, anyway." She looks up to where the others are seated in the audience, eyes wide and hands over their mouths. Maya voices the concerns they're all surely sharing.
  967. "What do you mean we won't remember? Explain yourself, Daiba-san!"
  969. "I think I already have," Nana smiles. "Why is it I can predict your moves, Maya-chan?" To demonstrate, Nana lunges forward, knowing Maya will move right. As soon as she does, Nana twirls and lashes her swords out, each one just centimeters shy of the button. Maya half-yelps and half-growls as she recoils, hair frazzled as she holds up her sword to defend the thread.
  971. "See?" Nana says calmly. "I know I'm going to win here, Maya-chan. I know exactly what you're going to do and how you're going to move. Because we've done this before. Many, many times."
  973. Now, when she advances, Maya retreats.
  975. "What… what are you saying…? This is the first time-"
  977. "Non-non!" Nana sings playfully, even if it is a bit cruel of her. "This is our thirty-fifth time, Maya-chan!"
  979. "Th…Thirty five…?"
  981. "That's right! I've been keeping track." Nana continues walking toward her, easing Maya back toward the edge of the platform one step at a time. "I'll win every time, Maya-chan, and I'll keep making my wish to repeat out first year together. All of us."
  983. "Repeat…?" Maya shakes her head and takes another step back. "Impossible. That can't be-"
  985. "I thought so too, at first," Nana says. "But I've lived through it myself as proof. It's real. My wish really gets granted over and over again, no matter what. Because I win every time."
  987. Maya steps back again, but finds nothing beneath her heel any longer. She stops at the edge of the platform, holding her sword out straight to keep Nana at bay.
  989. "So then… you mean to tell me… we have engaged in this same fight… no fewer than thirty-five times?"
  991. "Mm-hm."
  993. "And… And I have lost to you… every single time…?"
  995. "That's right," Nana nods. "But don't feel bad about it, Maya-chan. There's nothing you could ever do to beat me. I'll win every time no matter what. It's just inevitable."
  997. It's cruel. It's cruel of her to say these things to Maya, and she knows it. But it won't matter in just a few more minutes. Maya won't remember any of this, nor will any of the others.
  999. Even though this is the first time Nana has actually confessed the truth to Maya like this, she knows she's going to win.
  1001. A long moment of silence passes, and she stands just a few feet shy of her classmate, waiting. Maya grips her rapier tightly, and her arm begins to tremble.
  1003. "Daiba-san… you've been rewinding our years… all this time…?"
  1005. Nana smiles kindly.
  1007. "Yes. It's for everyone's sake. So we can continue living these wonderful carefree days together. We'll never have to grow up or move apart. It's so wonderful. If only you could all remember it each time…"
  1009. Maya bites her lip.
  1011. "You're mistaken! Even… Even if it may be nice to relive those times... we must move on eventually. I'm sure everyone agrees."
  1013. Nana's smile fades into a snarl.
  1015. "No! We're not moving on - none of us! We're going to stay together forever!"
  1017. "You're being selfish!" Maya shouts. "Childish, even! You can't keep us trapped like this forever!"
  1019. "Yes I can! And I will! You'd all thank me if you knew the truth!"
  1021. She takes another threatening step forward, but Maya holds her ground.
  1023. "Daiba-san… I must end this. I must break these endless loops of yours. It will be for your own good as well."
  1025. Nana scoffs and crosses her swords.
  1027. "That isn't going to happen, Maya-chan."
  1029. "We shall see about that." Maya crouches low, taking aim with her rapier.
  1031. But Nana doesn't waver. As Maya cries out and charges directly at her, Nana sees it in slow motion. Even if Maya knows the truth this one time, it won't be enough. Her desire to break the loops is nothing compared to Nana's desire to keep them happening. She loves them all that dearly, after all.
  1033. As Maya runs at her, Nana flashes out her left arm, knocking Maya's rapier to the side. As she rushes by, Nana jabs out her right arm and hooks the tip of her blade beneath Maya's button. She yanks it up and tears it, letting the red jacket drop and flutter all the way down to the stage. Maya staggers, slowly turning back to face her.
  1035. "Daiba-san…" There's despair in her eyes and in her voice.
  1037. But Nana only smiles.
  1039. "See, Maya-chan? This is how much I love you. How much I love everyone. I'll keep winning and keep having my repeat performance with you guys - forever!"
  1041. "Daiba-san-!"
  1043. But the echo of Maya's plea is drowned out as the heavy red curtains are let loose to close, swallowing the light of the stage in shadow.
  1045. The giraffe appears before Nana once more.
  1047. And so it begins again.
  1049. .
  1051. .
  1053. .
  1055. /44th Loop, two months into first year/
  1057. Those tiny little changes continue happening - not every time, but every once in a while.
  1059. Nana notices how much closer everyone becomes more quickly. What took months the first few times around now only takes weeks before they're all on first-name and nickname basis with one another.
  1061. And it's surprisingly not troubling to her now.
  1063. Because she's decided that, if these changes mean their Festival will also have changes - so long as they are positive and very minor - Nana will gladly accept that. Again, so long as the overall story remains unchanged, the smaller details shouldn't matter, especially if good things are happening.
  1065. It's come again, the night of their first movie and game night, though now it's happened an entire month sooner than in the past, because of how quickly everyone has become close this time. They all discuss the food and games they'll bring, while Maya and Claudine still opt out in favor of practicing more in the studio. Nana begins baking her banana muffins as always as Junna cleans up the room to get it ready for everyone.
  1067. Futaba and Kaoruko arrive with candies, and this time Kaoruko doesn't pout about having to share. Karen and Mahiru arrive with their board games and snacks.
  1069. They choose the same romantic comedy film to enjoy and sit as they always do in pairs. They laugh at all the same parts, and make the same comments as always.
  1071. Nana waits for a certain point in the movie, and to her relief Maya and Claudine join them. Nothing seems to have changed about this special night, aside from how it's happened earlier than usual in the timeline.
  1073. About an hour later, everyone begins getting sleepy as usual. Karen is huddled up against Mahiru, and Kaoruko is all but draped over Futaba. Even Junna is a bit closer than usual, but Nana doesn't mind one bit, and happily puts an arm around her back.
  1075. But she notices Claudine isn't getting up to retreat to her own room like she always does. Instead, to her surprise, Nana watches Claudine nod off from her spot on the opposite couch, and she actually leans against Maya as she falls asleep.
  1077. Maya appears shocked at first, but a soft smile soon spreads across her lips as she wraps an arm around Claudine to support her better.
  1079. Nana frowns, and she knows she shouldn't be - after all, she doesn't dislike that they're getting closer. But it's just… so soon. Why is it happening so soon…? Why… is it changing…?
  1081. Nana swallows, unsure of what to do.
  1083. Ultimately, she decides to break script and try speaking out to see if she can alter these events and get things a little more closely back to normal.
  1085. "Maya-chan?" she calls softly across the room. "Do you want to wake Kuro-chan so she can go back to her room and sleep?"
  1087. Maya blinks up at her and smiles as she shakes her head.
  1089. "That's all right. I will let her rest like this until the film is over. She's been pushing herself very hard lately. I want to let her relax a little bit, as well."
  1091. Nana bites her lip, but says nothing more. Beside Maya, Kaoruko and Futaba have nestled up close, too. Even Mahiru is comfortable enough to have slumped against Karen a little more than usual. And beside her, Junna sighs happily.
  1093. "Nana… you should relax, too… We still have some time before curfew…"
  1095. "R…Right…" Nana cautiously hugs Junna to her side and rests her chin on top of her head. She doesn't pay attention to the movie anymore. She just watches over everyone else until they all fall asleep, one by one. Eventually, even Nana herself does, too.
  1097. And for the first time ever, tonight they all doze off and end up staying past curfew.
  1099. .
  1101. .
  1103. .
  1105. /51st Loop, first year spring break/
  1107. Nana records on her phone as the others leave the dorms for spring break. She waves them all goodbye, wishing them well, as always. It's only Junna and herself who stay behind at school and don't return home.
  1109. And even though it's quiet and a little lonely without everyone else, Nana knows they'll come back soon. They always do.
  1111. She walks through the now-empty rooms of Starlight Hall where they'd always spend time together, until she makes her way back to hers and Junna's room. Her roommate is studying at her desk, even now during their break.
  1113. "Hey." Junna blushes slightly as she looks up from her book. "Do you really need to record this?"
  1115. Nana smiles from behind her phone.
  1117. "The next Seishou Festival is the 100th anniversary! I can't let any precious memories get away!" /Even though the 100th Festival will never actually come. I won't let it. Because if it does, all of these memories will fade…/
  1119. "…Are you actually okay not going home?" Junna wonders.
  1121. "Hm?"
  1123. "I simply decided not to go home until I graduate. That's all… If you're only staying here because you feel sorry for me, then…"
  1125. Nana shakes her head and stops her before she can finish the thought.
  1127. "Junna-chan, how about some udon?" She slides to her phone's gallery and pulls up a picture to show her.
  1129. Junna looks up, puzzled.
  1131. "Huh?"
  1133. Nana just smiles at her like she always does at this part.
  1135. "I just want to be here." /Always. No matter how many times I relive this spring break, I'll always choose to stay here at Seishou, where I can relive all the memories I made together with everyone. I'll never leave this place. Not ever…/
  1137. Junna readjusts her glasses and finally returns her smile.
  1139. "Sure. I'll have some."
  1141. .
  1143. .
  1145. .
  1147. /56th Loop, two months into second year/
  1149. When that familiar ringtone first starts going off on everyone's phones, it makes Nana a little anxious; because she knows it symbolizes some of her final months together with everyone before she sends them all back a year and a half where they'll have to rewrite their relationships all over again.
  1151. This evening, as she receives the first text message about her revue, Nana smiles and begins preparing herself.
  1153. They all go back to the school building separately after-hours, and yet they all end up in the very same place.
  1155. They're given their outfits, their weapons, and listen as the giraffe explains the rules of the revues. Everyone else is understandably baffled, and Nana puts up the same farce as well. But she already knows exactly how these revues will end tonight, and every night that follows.
  1157. And though he never so much as bats an eyelash, she knows the giraffe is also aware of her time loops and must retain his memories.
  1159. "Now then," he announces. "Tonight's revue shall be as follows: Daiba Nana-san versus Hanayagi Kaoruko-san. Let us sing, dance, and battle for brilliance."
  1161. Now that everyone has heard the rules, only those two shall do battle tonight, and from now on only the two girls set for a match will be called here. The others - excluding Karen, who hasn't been selected for these fights - observe tonight as Nana faces off against her first opponent.
  1163. This has always been relatively the same; she would often get Kaoruko as her first match, but in some timelines she'd faced Futaba or Mahiru. She considers herself lucky tonight. Kaoruko is always the easiest to beat, mainly because on the first night she's still so shocked about all of this she hardly puts up a fight.
  1165. Nana stands apart from her with both swords ready now, crouched and ready to charge.
  1167. "Sorry, Kaoruko-chan. I won't hold back."
  1169. Kaoruko nervously swallows, but raises her naginata.
  1171. "Very well. I won't either, Banana-han."
  1173. Nana lunges first, but Kaoruko deflects her and steps out of range. Nana whirls around instantly to follow her, lashing out with her blade as she aims for Kaoruko's collar.
  1175. She doesn't stagger her this time like she normally does, though. Instead, Kaoruko actually maintains her footing and gives a hardy swing upward against Nana's sword, forcing her back a few paces. Nana's eyes are wide in disbelief.
  1177. /Since when does Kaoruko-chan put up such a fight…?/
  1179. "Oh?" Kaoruko calls. "What's the matter, Banana-han? Forfeiting already?"
  1181. "Never!" Nana attacks again, but again Kaoruko manages to avoid her and keep her jacket safe. She turns and takes off up one of the staircases that has appeared onstage, and Nana gives chase. When they reach the top of the structure, they face off once again. Kaoruko nearly makes contact with Nana's jacket, and Nana growls softly.
  1183. /What's going on? Why haven't I beaten her yet-?/
  1185. It certainly isn't that Nana herself is lacking. After all, she's fought these revues dozens of times now. Her body remembers the movements and weight of her weapons and how to move most efficiently with them.
  1187. So it's not that she's falling behind…
  1189. No. It's that Kaoruko has gotten better. Even though, to her, this is the first time she's ever done this revue. Could it be that the others also remember these loops to some degree? Even if on the most basic and organic levels? Their bodies remember even if their hearts and minds don't?
  1191. Nana can't be sure. The only thing she's sure of right now is that she has to win. Or else it'll all come to an end.
  1193. With this in mind, Nana shouts out a battle cry and charges once more.
  1195. And Kaoruko puts up a good fight - much better than she ever had before. But ultimately, she just can't win. Nana slashes the thread of her button, and her jacket falls.
  1197. As Kaoruko drops to her knees, Nana stalks back over to center-stage and digs both swords into the pink tape there.
  1199. "Position Zero!"
  1201. The curtains fall, and her rank moves up one slot on the charts.
  1203. Nothing has changed. Nothing important, anyway.
  1205. She doesn't care how things might be altered little by little.
  1207. So long as she still wins in the end and gets to remake her wish.
  1209. So long as they keep getting to have their Starlight Festival, nothing else matters.
  1211. . . .
  1213. In future revues this time, the match-ups are a little different here and there, which has happened before. Different girls win and lose with only two exceptions - the same final two always end up facing off.
  1215. When months have passed and it's time for the final revue - the deciding one - Nana's opponent is always Maya.
  1217. This is the night they'll never get past. The night that will always be the last one before the cycle begins anew.
  1219. And even though Maya has always been a difficult opponent, Nana finds her particularly fierce this time around.
  1221. In a way, she almost likes it, the idea that her friends will keep getting better after so much repetition, to the point where it will force Nana not to get lax either.
  1223. But more than that, it makes her nervous. She can't risk anything changing so drastically. She can't risk losing.
  1225. So she unleashes her full fury - the full force of her love - on Maya tonight. The love that never can and will never be bested. The love she feels for all of them, that allows them to continue starting fresh and enjoying their first year together.
  1227. The next time Maya's sword comes at her, Nana throws one of her own up to block it and rushes in with the other. The tip stabs Maya's jacket, and with a sharp tug she cuts it loose.
  1229. As always, Maya falls before her.
  1231. And as always, Nana remains the last one standing, shrouding Maya in her shadow.
  1233. Panting, Maya looks up at her in disbelief.
  1235. "Daiba-san… you-"
  1237. "Giraffe!" Nana turns around to seek him out, and he's there waiting as always.
  1239. "Yes," he says. "As promised, you have earned the title of Top Star, Daiba Nana-san. Now then, what is it? The wish you long for?"
  1241. The theater is quiet as all of Nana's friends gaze upon her in silence. This is always the first and last time they hear the truth before their memories are erased.
  1243. "Again," she says. "I want my repeat performance again."
  1245. The giraffe dips his head.
  1247. "I understand."
  1249. The stage goes black, and the next time Nana opens her eyes, she's a year and a half younger.
  1251. .
  1253. .
  1255. .
  1257. /63rd Loop, eight months into first year/
  1259. It's all right. For the most part, things have still stayed the same through all of Nana's rewinds. Or at least the most important things have.
  1261. They still have their Starlight together, in the same roles, with the same audience, and the same dazzling results. And in their second year, no matter how the match-ups and fights may change slightly, Nana continues besting Maya at the very end.
  1263. Though at times, her friends really do give her a run for her money.
  1265. It's now eight months into their first year again, with the Seishou Festival still three months away. Nana has just made a fresh batch of banana muffins for her friends to enjoy after a long school day of exams and practice. She brings them from the kitchen to the lounge, where everyone is waiting.
  1267. "Ding-ding!" she calls out. "Snacks are ready!"
  1269. Everyone perks up immediately.
  1271. "Wow!" Karen sings. "Daiba-san, those look amazing!"
  1273. "And they smell amazing, too," Futaba says.
  1275. "We'd best hurry," Claudine says. "Before Tendo Maya eats every last one of them."
  1277. "I would never…"
  1279. As everyone chooses a muffin from the tray, Nana folds her hands behind her back with a smile.
  1281. "Thank you, Daiba-san!" Mahiru beams.
  1283. "Thanks, Nana-han~" Kaoruko adds.
  1285. "Merci, Nana."
  1287. Karen reaches for hers last, all but bouncing in her seat.
  1289. "Wow! Banana muffins from Daiba-san!" She takes a big first bite and hums in delight. "Mmm! These are amazing!"
  1291. "I'm glad you like them, Karen-chan." Nana is about to sit down and take a muffin for herself when Karen suddenly continues.
  1293. "Hey, hey! I just thought of something!"
  1295. "What is it, Karen-chan?" Mahiru wonders.
  1297. Nana doesn't move. This is new. Usually, Karen would just dig into her muffin and not say anything until she was finished, and then she'd just fall asleep on Mahiru's shoulder. But now… now it's different-
  1299. "Banana!" Karen says.
  1301. Everyone else tilts their heads.
  1303. "Oui," Claudine sighs. "These are banana muffins, Karen. We've established that already."
  1305. "No, no! Not the muffins!" Karen holds up her treat until she's placed it perspectively next to Nana. "I mean Daiba-san! Daiba Nana-san! She's always making nutritious snacks and stuff for us, and she's so sweet and tall! Like a banana! So she's Banana! Banana-chan!"
  1307. Nana's muffin slips from her hands and into her lap.
  1309. /No… What is this…?/
  1311. This… isn't supposed to happen yet. She isn't supposed to be given her beloved nickname until the party after the Festival. That's what made it so special - because everyone in Classes A and B had been able to chime in and tell of all the times Nana had helped them. They'd all give her a few moments in the spotlight offstage to appreciate her. Karen's always given her the nickname after the Festival was over. Never on a random night like this-
  1313. "Banana?" Mahiru is saying. "That's cute! I like it!"
  1315. "Banana-han?" Kaoruko tries. "Mm. It's very fitting."
  1317. "See?" Karen says. "So she's Banana!"
  1319. Everyone hums their agreement as they continue eating, but Nana remains quiet.
  1321. No. She doesn't like this. Not now. Not so soon. It's supposed to be after the Festival.
  1323. /Why? Why is it changing? Why-/
  1325. "Nana?" She looks up with a gasp when she feels Junna's hand on her shoulder. Her roommate is giving her a curious look. "You dropped your muffin. What's up? Do you not like the nickname? If so, you can just tell them."
  1327. "Eh? N-No! That's not it! I love it!" Nana quickly picks up her muffin from her lap and makes room for Junna to sit beside her now. "It's just… suddenly I don't think I'm hungry anymore."
  1329. "Really? Well then, we'll save this one for you," Junna says, putting the muffin back onto the tray. "Maybe we should go to bed early tonight."
  1331. "Yeah…"
  1333. This…
  1335. This should still be fine.
  1337. Even if she isn't given her nickname at the time and place that makes it the most special…
  1339. It's fine.
  1341. So long as she keeps winning those revues come second year…
  1343. /It'll be fine./
  1345. .
  1347. .
  1349. .
  1351. /72nd Loop, halfway through second year/
  1353. Again. The time for the final revue has come.
  1355. The night that none of them will progress past.
  1357. The night where Nana will face off against Maya and rewind it all again.
  1359. She'd received the text for the audition tonight, and knows Maya must have as well. The other girls will be seated in the audience tonight to observe as always.
  1361. Now, as Nana stands on one side of the stage, littered with structures and stairs and castle-like foundation, she knows the others are watching from the audience. She waits, ready as ever to take Maya down. The giraffe's voice carries out from somewhere in the audience.
  1363. "Now then, let the final revue commence!"
  1365. Nana stands in her yellow spotlight, waiting to see Maya's white one shine down on the opposite side of the stage to reveal her.
  1367. But when she blinks, it isn't white she sees.
  1369. She rubs her eyes and shakes her head.
  1371. /What…? This… can't be…/
  1373. Rather than white, it's… orange.
  1375. Nana's heart freezes in her chest as her final opponent is revealed to her.
  1377. Maybe the spotlights had been mixed up-
  1379. But the light reveals the undeniable truth.
  1381. "C'set moi - la star!"
  1383. Claudine raises her sword and stares back at Nana now, her eyes deadly serious. Nana staggers back a step.
  1385. "K-Kuro-chan…?" She grits her teeth and whips around, casting her gaze out into the audience. To her astonishment, Maya is seated with the others in her school uniform, very clearly not meant to participate here tonight.
  1387. "What-" Nana seeks out the giraffe, and finds him not far from the others. "Giraffe! What is the meaning of this?!"
  1389. "Oh?" he says. "Whatever do you mean, Daiba Nana-san? Your opponent tonight is Saijou Claudine-san."
  1391. "No she isn't! It's never been Kuro-chan before! It has to be Maya-chan!"
  1393. "Oh my, oh my," he hums. "But it is Saijou-san who won her revue against Tendo-san, and as such she will be your opponent tonight."
  1395. "What?" Nana takes another step back as Claudine advances on her. "Kuro-chan, you… beat Maya-chan this time…?"
  1397. "Quoi?" Claudine tosses her hair back over her shoulder. "Why are you so surprised, Nana? I always said from the very beginning that I would best her, didn't I? And I have. I beat Tendo Maya fair and square."
  1399. Nana doesn't move. It feels like the stage is shifting and shaking beneath her boots.
  1401. "N…No…" She shakes her head, gripping her swords more tightly now. "Th-This isn't right! You've never been the one standing here with me tonight, Kuro-chan!"
  1403. "What are you saying?" Claudine demands. "Why are you talking as if this has all happened differently before? This is our first time for these revues, and I am your opponent, Nana!"
  1405. "No!" Nana screams. "It has to be Maya-chan! It's always Maya-chan!"
  1407. " 'Always', you say…" Claudine huffs. "I don't know what you're talking about, but I won't hold back- Nana!" Claudine charges just as she'd promised, not holding anything back.
  1409. Nana doesn't have any other options. She can't change things to how they're supposed to be. She can't have Maya as her opponent like she's supposed to.
  1411. But if something as major as this has changed… Then what else might change-?
  1413. "Hyaaaah!"
  1415. Claudine's battle cry snaps her as much out of her trance as possible. Nana lifts her swords at the last moment to block her and force her back, but Claudine rebounds swiftly and charges her again. Nana swings hard and parries her sword, then leaps back.
  1417. "No! This can't be-"
  1419. "Stop saying that!" Claudine barks. "I'm your opponent, whether you like it or not, Nana!"
  1421. Nana runs, and Claudine gives chase, following her across the fortress that's appeared on the stage. Nana flees, hoping something will change, hoping she'll turn back around and find Maya instead.
  1423. But tonight, it's always Claudine. She truly had beat Maya this time around.
  1425. Nana can't accept that.
  1427. /No… It has to be Maya-chan… It can't be anyone else!/
  1429. "No!" Without warning, she stops and whirls around. Claudine tries to skid to a stop, but Nana rushes at her, swords flailing.
  1431. Claudine can only block one of Nana's blades, but the other skims her shoulder. It slices through the jacket and scores her skin underneath. She cries out in pain and jumps back, gripping the injury as blood begins seeping through her fingers.
  1433. Nana stares in horror as gasps rise up from all the others. She's never struck any of them before. Not like this. She's never drawn blood before.
  1435. Claudine trembles now, withdrawing her hand to find her palm coated in crimson. She turns fearful eyes up to her classmate.
  1437. "N…Nana…"
  1439. Nana is rooted to the spot. It almost feels like she's going to fall.
  1441. "I… I'm sorry…" She never wanted to hurt her, or any of them. "But… this isn't how it's supposed to be… This can't happen, Kuro-chan…"
  1443. Claudine takes a shaking step back now, and blood begins to drip down at her boots. Nana advances on her, wishing she could do something to quell the terror in her friend's eyes. Claudine's boot reaches the edge of the platform now. She wobbles and drops to her knees.
  1445. "No… I… I was so close…" Tears start to fall into her lap as blood continues flowing through her fingers.
  1447. Nana's chest feels tight and yet loose at the same time. She knows what she has to do. Even if she doesn't like it, it has to be done. For all their sakes.
  1449. "I'm sorry, Kuro-chan…"
  1451. Nana points her sword out now and rests it beneath Claudine's chin, making her look up now. Her eyes are still swirling with fear and pain. Nana shakes her head.
  1453. "I'm sorry… I'll make it so this never happens again… I promise. You won't remember any of this pain, Kuro-chan. It's okay."
  1455. With her other sword, she gives a swift, sharp cut to the thread of her button.
  1457. Claudine sobs, no doubt more at her failure than any physical pain. The curtains fall, and the orange spotlight goes out.
  1459. Nana steps away and turns back to the giraffe who has stood now to face her from the audience.
  1461. "Congratulations, Daiba Nana-san. You are the winner of this revue."
  1463. "Why-?" she snaps. "Why was it Kuro-chan this time? What changed?"
  1465. "Nothing 'changed'," he replies. "This is simply how things played out. This is the first time this is all happening, is it not? Nothing has been changed from one thing to another. This is reality."
  1467. "Fine!" Nana cries. "Just give me my repeat performance!"
  1469. The giraffe dips his head.
  1471. "I understand."
  1473. For Nana, this warped timeline can't be over quickly enough. She wants it all to rewind to a time where she never hurt Claudine, and where she won't remember any of that pain. She wants to go back and start all over again.
  1475. And this time, she'll make sure no drastic changes occur. She will face Maya in the end. Always. That is how her final revue stage must always be.
  1477. And so it begins again…
  1479. . . .
  1481. After Claudine had been the one to face Nana in her last revue, it hasn't happened again since. It's always been Maya after that, as it should be.
  1483. However, those minor changes continue happening. Little things happen differently, or at different times, or for different reasons.
  1485. But even so, the Seishou Festival has still been held as it should, and that is Nana's main concern.
  1487. And though the roles of the goddesses have changed a little here or there, Maya and Claudine remain as Claire and Flora, and each performance is nearly identical to the original. There's still that wonderful, dazzling sense of accomplishment and radiance when they take their final bow together. There's still all the love and warmth and joy when they come together for their tearful group hugs and celebrations.
  1489. Karen gives Nana her beloved nickname after the Festival, and Nana once again gets to experience all of the love and support from both classes as they agree on it.
  1491. On their movie nights, everyone is still very close to their respective roommates.
  1493. Kaoruko remains a bit less brazen and a bit more willing to reciprocate Futaba's offers for massages and the like.
  1495. Karen's confidence and positivity has rubbed off on Mahiru early-on and made her able to smile much more easily and frequently.
  1497. Even Junna has pressed up against Nana a few more times than she used to, and even fallen asleep at her desk a few times, which she never did originally, causing Nana to carry her to bed.
  1499. As for Claudine and Maya, their rivalry has seemed to lessen as the time loops went on, or at the very least have proven not to be quite so nasty. Claudine doesn't leave to go sleep in her room anymore on those movie nights, but instead always curls up at Maya's side instead. She has become less abrasive with Maya in particular, and less haughty in general.
  1501. And where Maya would always sit alone and act so aloof to others in the past, she now takes the initiative to sit with Claudine and their friends at lunch, and has actually made friends with everyone much more quickly than she used to. Her belief that it's better to stand alone at the top than with bad company has seemed to fade away in favor of forging new relationships founded on trust.
  1503. If Nana had to choose, she would say that those two have been the ones to change the most over all these rewinds.
  1505. And for a while she was a little worried, but with the end results always being the same and Nana always getting her wish, she decides to let things slide.
  1507. That is, until she stumbles upon a secret…
  1509. .
  1511. .
  1513. .
  1515. /78th Loop, 3 months into second year/
  1517. It's another one of those little incidents, one of those minor differences that changes just one tiny thing, and then leads to something potentially devastating.
  1519. Nana had forgotten her school bag in the locker room after practice, and so after leaving Junna to head back to the dorms with Karen and Mahiru, Nana hurries back to the studio.
  1521. Maya and Claudine had stayed behind to practice more as they always did, so Nana doesn't even give them a second thought as she hurries back to fetch her bag. She's never forgotten it before, but she just assumes this is another one of those insignificant nuances - a hiccup.
  1523. As she makes her way back to the changing room, she can hear the muffled sounds of music still coming from the studio. The sliding door is slightly open, and through it, Nana can see Maya and Claudine dancing together. She smiles, glad they've gotten to the point where they have become amiable now.
  1525. As she picks up her bag and slings it over her shoulder, Nana turns to leave right away. But then, she hears a sound.
  1527. "Ah-"
  1529. "Claudine-?"
  1531. Nana pauses and turns back to peer through the crack in the door. Claudine has fallen to her knees, likely from the trademark over-exertion that's always been a tough habit for her to break.
  1533. But that isn't what surprises Nana. What surprises her is how Maya had addressed her.
  1535. /Since when does she call Kuro-chan by her first name…? She isn't supposed to do that until a few months from now…/
  1537. And judging by the sound of it, Maya's been addressing her as such for a while now. Just perhaps, only when they're alone together.
  1539. Nana watches as Maya crouches down to gently support Claudine and help her back to her feet.
  1541. "Are you all right?" Her tone and her words are soft. Much softer than they should be. Right now, they're still supposed to be mostly at-odds with each other, even if they do get along a bit better-
  1543. "Yes…" Claudine huffs. "I'm fine."
  1545. "You're pushing yourself too hard again," Maya frowns. She reaches up to tuck a lock of hair behind Claudine's ear.
  1547. And Nana would expect Claudine to swat her hand away, or move back from her. But to her surprise, Claudine actually leans into Maya's touch, sighing as she's eased into a soft embrace.
  1549. "I told you, I'm fine," she mumbles against Maya's shoulder.
  1551. "I'm afraid I don't believe you."
  1553. "Would you just be quiet for one minute?"
  1555. "I cannot make any promises."
  1557. Nana feels an odd little twinge in her chest. Since when have they gotten so close? How long has this been happening behind the scenes without her knowledge? For how many loops? Is this the first one?
  1559. /No. It can't be. They seem like… like they've done this before…/
  1561. It's hard to explain, but Nana's noticed the little changes in her friends after they've acted a certain way or done a certain thing multiple times throughout the loops. It's as if their bodies and voices just start to do them naturally, as if it isn't the first time.
  1563. Even though it always is the first time. For all of them, at least.
  1565. And Nana can tell now that Maya and Claudine have done these things before, perhaps many times.
  1567. How did she never notice they've gotten so close at this point in time before? Maybe she'd been too focused on everyone else. Or maybe she just hadn't been as perceptive as she'd hoped.
  1569. /That's not good. I have to keep track of everything that's happening with everyone, or else something big could change…/
  1571. But the thought tapers off into the back her mind when she catches sight of Maya and Claudine once again. They've been murmuring to one another for a moment, and now finally ease apart from their embrace.
  1573. And then they kiss.
  1575. Nana feels as though the world shakes all around her. She tries not to make a sound as she steps away from the doors, covering her mouth with her palm.
  1577. /Kuro-chan and Maya-chan… are dating? No, that can't be…/
  1579. This…
  1581. This has never happened before. Never. Not to her knowledge…
  1583. But could it mean it's been happening anyway, without her knowing? What if this happened even in the original loop, but the two of them had kept it a secret? Nana doesn't know anymore. She can't be sure of anything.
  1585. /There's no way… They don't see each other that way! They aren't supposed to-/
  1587. She turns away and runs out of the room, out of the building.
  1589. Why? Why-? Shouldn't she be happy for them? If they've found something as wonderful as a love for one another-?
  1591. /No… It can't happen… Not like this! It isn't supposed to-!/
  1593. She feels sick. She doesn't like this. Not one bit. How long has it been like this? For how many loops? Could this mean the others might have feelings for their friends as well? Kaoruko and Futaba? Mahiru and Karen? And-
  1595. "Junna-chan…?"
  1597. She whimpers as skids to a halt on the sidewalk. Her roommate is standing there waiting to cross the street to get back to the dorm building. She hears Nana's approach and turns back with a smile and a wave.
  1599. "Oh, Nana! That was quick! Did you get your bag?"
  1601. Nana shudders, gripping the strap of her bag until her nails dig into her palm. She blinks and feels warm wetness dripping down her cheeks. Junna's eyes widen in shock.
  1603. "N-Nana?!" She hurries back to her side, gently resting her hand on Nana's shoulder. "What's the matter? Are you okay?"
  1605. Nana almost steps away, but she can't. She doesn't want to. She's always loved Junna, hasn't she? But… has it always been… like this…?
  1607. "S-Sorry…" She brings her arm up to her face and hides her eyes. "I… don't know what came over me…"
  1609. "You must be tired," Junna says sympathetically. "You've been working really hard lately, Nana. Come on, let's go back. I'll make you some tea."
  1611. Nana blinks, and when she next glances down, Junna has taken her hand. Nana sniffles.
  1613. "Mm… okay…"
  1615. And it's that night, nearly eighty time loops in now, when Nana realizes something for the first time. She's curled up alone in her bed, with Junna already asleep across the room. Nana clutches her blankets and buries her face into her pillow, sniffling softly.
  1617. /Maybe… Maybe this isn't right after all…/
  1619. She thinks back on some of the things she'd thought in the past time loops in regards to her friends, like upon seeing Maya and Claudine together today. She'd thought things like 'this isn't supposed to happen' or 'this shouldn't be happening.'
  1621. But… really, who is she to make those decisions…?
  1623. Maya had once claimed that Nana is trapping them all like this. Could that be the truth…? Is she trapping them against their will, even if they don't truly know what's really going on?
  1625. /No… this is my wish! My repeat performance! I should be able to make them as I want…/
  1627. But perhaps that's terrible thinking on her part. She can't control her friends anymore than she already is by manipulating their time.
  1629. But if they were to somehow change over repeated time, as they have been… Who is she to oppose that…? Who is she to stand in the way of their happiness if their souls are continuing to mature and grow, even if their bodies won't…?
  1631. Nana sobs quietly. Her heart aches.
  1633. This growth and change is exactly what she'd been hoping to avoid.
  1635. And yet somehow… it's happening anyway.
  1637. /No… I don't want this… I want it all to stay as it was…/
  1639. She whimpers into her pillow, and eventually falls asleep with her mind plagued by the thought that she might be losing her friends no matter what.
  1641. .
  1643. .
  1645. .
  1647. /83rd Loop, one month into second year/
  1649. For everything that's stayed exactly the same over Nana's repeat performances, there are two things that have changed or been altered in some way.
  1651. Ever since she'd discovered that Maya and Claudine had feelings for one another, she'd started to notice even more changes, not only in them, but in all of her friends.
  1653. Kaoruko and Futaba become closer, and Mahiru develops a fairly evident crush on Karen as well.
  1655. Maya and Claudine always end up getting much closer than they ever did originally, oftentimes to the point of romance, which they sometimes even make known to the public.
  1657. And Nana feels that Junna has also started smiling around her more and more, and her own heart starts to flutter when she's alone with her roommate.
  1659. She can't explain why. She has no idea why all of this is happening, or how it's happening, since none of it had occurred in her original timeline.
  1661. But even though she worries about these things, Nana still enjoys her carefree school days with everyone to the fullest.
  1663. With their second year having just now re-started a few weeks ago, Nana is doing her best to keep her eye on everyone, just to ensure nothing major is happening again. As lessons end today, Maya and Claudine linger as per usual in the studio, bickering playfully.
  1665. "That wasn't bad," Maya says cooly. "Even for you, Saijou-san."
  1667. "You are so full of yourself!"
  1669. "Geez, get a room!" Futaba calls over.
  1671. "Seriously," Kaoruko whines. "It's getting sickening at this point."
  1673. "K-Kaoruko-chan," Mahiru says. "That's a little harsh."
  1675. "I think it's great!" Karen says. "Tendo-san and Kuro-chan have always had such good chemistry, after all!"
  1677. "We could all learn a thing or two from them," Junna agrees.
  1679. "Hmph!" Claudine crosses her arms and turns her chin up. "I'm sure we could be much more efficient if Tendo Maya wasn't so conceited."
  1681. "Or perhaps if you could keep up with me a bit better, Saijou-san."
  1683. "Why you-"
  1685. "All right, all right." Junna claps and breaks it up. "That's it for today, you guys."
  1687. Nana feels a half-smile coming on. This reminds her of the early months of their first year; Maya and Claudine would banter and Junna would interfere.
  1689. However, now it's done in a much more friendly and good-natured way. Maya and Claudine share smirks with one another and continue talking in a friendly manner as they exit the studio. Nana follows, and after getting changed everyone heads back to the dorms together.
  1691. After finishing her homework for the night, Nana decides to go into town to go shopping for ingredients for dinner tonight. And for some reason, she's finding that she wants Junna to come with her.
  1693. She can't really explain why - every other time, Junna has stayed back at the dorm to study or work on one thing or another. But this afternoon, Nana casually asks her.
  1695. "Say, Junna-chan? Do you wanna come with me?"
  1697. "Huh?" Junna looks up from her desk and the book open in front of her. "I mean sure, I want to. But I don't think I can right now. I have a lot more things to get done. Sorry."
  1699. Nana just smiles and waves her hand dismissively.
  1701. "It's okay! I was just asking."
  1703. It's better this way. She shouldn't be going around trying to make more changes to things that have stayed the same all this time.
  1705. But… what about things she kind of wanted to change…? Like her relationships with everyone?
  1707. As much as she loves them all as they are now in these first and second years of school… she can never progress past a certain point with any of them. Some tiny part of herself is aching, wanting more.
  1709. But Nana shakes herself off as she heads for the door and takes her leave.
  1711. /It's fine. We don't need to progress. All we need to do is stay the same as we always have./
  1713. She walks to town by herself and heads to a local market to begin choosing vegetables and meats for supper. As she browses, Nana hums to herself, trying to keep herself in the present and prevent her mind from wandering. When she's finished at this store, she exits and starts down the sidewalk toward the bakery.
  1715. It's then when she recognizes two familiar figures walking on the opposite side of the road.
  1717. Nana freezes at the sight of them - Maya and Claudine are chatting casually, also with little bags of groceries on their arms.
  1719. And normally, Nana wouldn't feel so unsettled at seeing them together outside of school, because all of them would do these kinds of things together from time to time.
  1721. What bothers her is how they're holding hands, how Claudine reaches up with her free hand to pluck a leaf from Maya's hair, how Maya thanks her with a kiss on the cheek.
  1723. Nana's heart sinks.
  1725. Again. It's happening again. Such a major change she never knew about.
  1727. If Maya and Claudine - who had always been the most argumentative, the most at-odds with one another - could somehow become this close, this kind and tender towards one another… Who's to say everyone else's relationships won't somehow be altered throughout the timelines as well?
  1729. For better or for worse, it's painfully clear to Nana that things can and will change, no matter how many times she tries to repeat the same events. No matter how hard she works to try and prevent it…
  1731. But what right does she have to try and stop things that still manage to occur, against all odds of the original timeline? If these things somehow find a way to keep happening anyway… then eventually it won't matter if she loops time for a thousand years.
  1733. /I guess… some things are just meant to happen… no matter what…/
  1735. She staggers to a nearby bench and sits down heavily, sighing as she brings her hands to her face.
  1737. She doesn't know what to do anymore. She doesn't want to keep them all 'trapped' like this if their souls are seeking to progress. But she doesn't want to lose them either…
  1739. Nana feels the beginnings of tears dribbling down her cheeks, and quickly wipes her sleeve over her eyes. No matter what else happens, and no matter how she feels, she has to keep making her wish. At this point, she can't fathom anything else.
  1741. This world… these loops of her first and second years at Seishou… This is all she knows now.
  1743. The truth is, with every repeat performance she lives through, she becomes more and more terrified of moving on past that final revue.
  1745. /I can't… I don't want to move on to a future where everyone will eventually be separated... So this is my only option…/
  1747. Even if it means trapping her friends.
  1749. It's all right, so long as they're never aware of it, so long as that knowledge can never hurt them, so long as she keeps erasing it...
  1751. Right…?
  1753. It takes her a while to finally stop the tears and get back to her feet.
  1755. And as she walks back to the dorms alone, she finds herself wishing that Junna was by her side.
  1757. .
  1759. .
  1761. .
  1763. /99th Loop, first day of second year/
  1765. "Huh…?"
  1767. Nana looks around her brand new second-year classroom through the lens of her phone camera and tilts her head curiously. After surveying the number of people in the room and comparing it to the number on the list… something's off.
  1769. "Naruse-san and Osaka-san aren't here yet."
  1771. They dropped out. She already knows that. She's already experienced this nearly one hundred times now…
  1773. "They dropped out," Junna says softly. Nana frowns.
  1775. "I see…" She knows sometimes there is a third person as well, so she scours the room for her now. "What about Hanajima-san?"
  1777. "She was on the fence, last I heard," Junna reports. "But ultimately she decided to stay."
  1779. "That's good."
  1781. "Oh," Junna goes on. "But I heard we may actually be getting a new transfer student."
  1783. Nana's phone stops recording, without her even pushing the button.
  1785. "…Eh…?"
  1787. But before anything else can happen, their homeroom teacher enters and calls for everyone to sit down. Nana doesn't even feel herself moving to take her seat. Her whole body has gone numb.
  1789. No. No way. Two or three classmates have always dropped out.
  1791. But… But there's never been… someone new…
  1793. /Never-/
  1795. She can hear the rolling of suitcase wheels coming from down the hallway.
  1797. /This hasn't happened before…/
  1799. The doors slide open, and the teacher welcomes in their newest classmate.
  1801. /This is a major change.../
  1803. Nana's vision has blurred, shifting in and out of focus.
  1805. /Who is… that girl…?/
  1807. This can't be. It can't be happening.
  1809. She enters, wearing their uniform. As if she's one of them. As if she belongs.
  1811. Her long black hair flows out behind her, and her hair pin like a star twinkles in the light.
  1813. Nana stares at her, and it's like the entire world starts to break apart piece by piece with this girl at the epicenter.
  1815. To her side, she hears the sound of a chair scraping the floor as someone stands up. And she recognizes a familiar gasp from the voice of the girl who's changed the least all this time.
  1817. /Karen-chan…/
  1819. Nana suddenly remembers now. Something Karen had said to her.
  1821. "A stage is a living thing! Even if it's the same "Starlight", it's impossible to have the same exact stage!"
  1823. Karen - whose ideal of rebirth was slated in new performances, rather than Nana's concept of it, which is to repeat the same play, over and over again-
  1825. Now, Nana feels as though she's watching a play from afar, and it's as if the curtains are finally falling closed as Karen speaks that name now.
  1827. "Hikari… chan…?"
  1829. ---------
  1831. A/N: And thusly, we have reached our end. The anime will pick it up from there!
  1833. At first I wasn't sure about the way I wrote the ending, but after another few looks I think I kind of like how sort of... jarring(?) it is. How abrupt. Nana's world was slowly crumbling bit by bit all throughout the repeats, but now it all just comes crashing down and there isn't a single thing she can do about it. I felt it was only appropriate to have this be the 99th Loop.
  1835. There's so much I wanted to cover here! 0mn gave me a lot of amazing notes and concepts, one of the biggest being Maya and Claudine falling in love against the odds. Being together for so many loops, even if they don't remember them in their minds, their hearts surely do to some degree. And even if they can't progress, they'd surely still find a way to express those feelings. And it's the same for all of them, even Nana and her feelings for Junna; because even time can't be stronger than the desires of the soul.
  1837. I really liked exploring Nana's "playing god" as well, how she kept thinking some things 'shouldn't' be or weren't 'supposed to' happen, as if she deserves to make those calls when she's the one manipulating everything and trying to twist it to her whims.
  1839. But no hate to poor Nana. We can all understand her wish, after all. And thankfully we know things eventually work out and Junna is there to comfort her in the end.
  1841. Thanks for sticking through this wild ride of a fic!
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