

Nov 21st, 2016
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  1. Got the flu for the first time in a gajillion years and I've felt completely awful. Starting to recover on day 3 here so hopefully I'm fine tomorrow. Throwing up is awful and I never want to do it again. My stomach's still a bit off but I'm holding food down so that's an immediate win.
  3. Pokemon Moon is fun but I find myself wasting way more time than usual just trying to catch stuff. That's not how I usually play these games so it feels super slow.
  5. Dishonored 2 continues to be fun as I've been playing it as Emily in High Chaos, which means I get to use all of the various abilities in as many weird ways as I can come up with. There's a lot of great synergy between the abilities.
  7. I started Watch Dogs 2 but I've played a few missions so far. I had planned to get into it this last weekend but oops so much for that what with me being sick.
  9. FF15 is coming up very soon, which is really weird to say, but I'm super hyped. I've gotten really bored and tired of the constant nagging and cynicism towards the game and it's only gotten stronger lately with leaks popping up and people taking pot shots at out of context spoilers. It's all just really dumb and I don't know why people want to see the game fail. I'm sure I'd get all sorts of hand waving and blah blah blah no I really want it back to its former glory but of course it has to be that glory on their terms and not what Square wants to make.
  11. I'm seeing a lot of cynicism towards Last Guardian too and that's just really sad to see.
  13. Whatever, finally get to play games I've been waiting forever for and that's really cool
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