

Feb 20th, 2015
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  1. variables:
  2. {konto.zalozone.%player%} = false
  3. [bankomat.otwarty.%player%} = false
  4. on rightclick on sign:
  5. if line 1 is "&3[Karta]":
  6. if line 2 is "Wyrob":
  7. if line 3 is "15$":
  8. if {konto.zalozone.%player%} is true:
  9. add 1 nether portal of unbreaking 50 named "&f&kaa&6&lKarta Kredytowa&f&kaa" to player's inventory
  10. send "&f[&2Bank&f]&6&lKarta Pomyslnie wyrobiona"
  11. else:
  12. send "&f[&2Bank&f]&6&lNajpierw musisz zalozyc konto"
  13. if line 1 is "&3[Konto]":
  14. if line 2 is "Zaloz":
  15. if line 3 is "0$":
  16. set {konto.zalozone.%player%} to true
  17. send "&f[&2Bank&f]&6&lKonto pomyslnie zalozone"
  18. if line 1 is "&3[Bankomat]":
  19. set {bankomat.otwarty.%player%} to true
  20. send "&k----------------------------------------------------"
  21. send "&2&l Bankomat "
  22. send "&6&lAby sprawdzic stan konta wpisz stan "
  23. send "&6&lAby wyplacic pieniadze wpisz wyplac ilosc "
  24. send "&6&lAby wplacic pieniadze wpisz wplac ilosc "
  25. send "&6&lAby odejsc od bankomatu wpisz odejdz "
  26. send "&6&lAby zamienic monety wpisz zamien "
  27. send "&k----------------------------------------------------"
  28. command /bank [<text>] [<integer>]:
  29. trigger:
  30. if {bankomat.otwarty.%player%} is true:
  31. if arg 1 is "stan":
  32. execute console command "/money"
  33. if arg 1 is "wyplac":
  34. execute console command "/eco take %arg-integer%"
  35. send "&f[&2Bank&f]&6&lWyplaciles %arg-integer%$"
  36. give arg-integer gold nugget of unbreaking 51 named "&f&kaa&6&lJeden dolar&f&kaa"
  37. if arg 1 is "wplac":
  38. remove arg-integer gold nugget of unbreaking 51 from player
  39. console command "/eco give %arg-integer%"
  40. send "&f[&2Bank&f]&6&lWplaciles %arg-integer%$"
  41. if arg 1 is "odejdz":
  42. set {bankomat.otwarty.%player%} to false
  43. send "&f[&2Bank&f]&6&lOdeszΕ‚eΕ› od bankomatu"
  44. if arg 1 is "zamien dolary":
  45. remove 10 glod nugget of unbreaking 51 from player
  46. give paper of unbreaking 52 named "&f&kaa&6&lDziesiec Dolarow&f&kaa"
  47. send "&f[&2Bank&f]&6&lZamieniles 10 dolarow w monetach na papierkowe 10 dolarow"
  48. if arg 1 is "zamien papierkowe":
  49. remove paper of unbreaking 52 named "&f&kaa&6&lDziesiec Dolarow&f&kaa"
  50. give gold nuggets of 10 named "&f&kaa&6&lJeden dolar&f&kaa"
  51. send "&f[&2Bank&f]&6&lZamieniles papierkowe 10 dolarow na 10 w monetach"
  52. on walking on stone bricks:
  53. if {bankomat.otwarty.%player%} is true:
  54. cancel event
  55. send "&f[&2Bank&f]&6&lAby moc sie poruszac odejdz od bankomatu jesli nadal nie mozesz wpisz /zbugowany"
  56. command /zbugowany:
  57. trigger:
  58. teleport the player to spawn
  59. send "&6&lZostales odbugowany!"
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