

Sep 30th, 2017
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  1. 【戦士】WAR
  2. ・フェルクリ・原初の解放が置き換えアクションに
  3. ・シェイクオフは最大HPに応じた割合バリアをPT全体にかけるバフに変更、スリル・原初などのバフをかけた状態だとバフを解除する代わりに効果4%UP
  4. ・スチールサイクロンのHP吸収が強化
  5. - Fell Cleave, Inner Release will be replacable actions. (Note: Yoshida is noted to be very tired so he might miss a lot of details on this one. Currently Fell Cleave and Inner Release are already replacable actions. Fell Cleave replaces Inner Beast and Inner Release replaces Unchained. So what is Fell Cleave or Inner Release going to replace anyway...?)
  6. - Shake It Off will be changed into casting barrier to all party members corresponding with the WAR's current HP. Buffs like Thrill of War and Inner Release, and so on that are in effect will be gone and in return the effect provided by the new Shake it Off will increase by 4% (Note: This may read the buffs provided from Thrill of War and so on will be sacrificed to increase Shake It Off by 4% when casted on party members)
  7. - Steel Cyclone HP regain increase
  9. 【竜騎士】DRG
  10. ・ヘヴィスラストの効果を下げて、その代わりに他スキルを強化
  11. ・ドラゴンアイ3スタックに変更
  12. - Heavy Thrust potency/effect will decrease but other skills will be buffed along
  13. - Eye of the Dragon went from 4 stacks to 3
  15. 【忍者】
  16. ・土遁の不具合修正に伴い、少しだけ威力アップ
  17. ・縮地が即実行へ変更(モンクの羅刹くらい)
  18. - Fixing all Doton related problems. Doton's potency will increase by a little.
  19. - Shukuchi animation shortened to Monk's tackle skill level(edited)
  20. 【学者】SCH
  21. ・鼓舞と士気の消費MPダウン
  22. ・士気のバリア効果量が回復量の150%にアップ
  23. - Adlo MP cost down
  24. - Succor's barrier effect will increase recovery by 150%
  26. 【機工士】MCH
  27. ・ハイパーチャージ時の威力アップ
  28. Hypercharge potency up
  31. 【召喚士】
  32. ・巴術師のサモンの詠唱が3秒に短縮、消費MPダウン
  33. ・トランスバハムート中、「トライバインド→威力100アップ、バインド廃止、範囲攻撃に」「ルインガ詠唱ナシ」
  34. ・ルインからルインガ、ルインラからルインジャに置き換えでジャは詠唱時間ナシに
  35. ・エギの加護がペット中心の範囲バフに(吉田Pはエーテルパクトと発言したが、召喚士の項目だったのでエギの加護の可能性)
  36. ・デミバハムートのサイズは見る側が大きさを変えれるように
  37. - Summon cast time will be shortned to 3 seconds, MP usage will go down.
  38. - DWT will be adjusted to include the following: When in DWT, Tri-Bind potency increase by 100, Bind effect will be totally gone, and AoE. Ruin III will not have cast time.
  39. - Ruin III replaces Ruin I, Ruin IV replaces Ruin II, Ruin IV will have no cast time (Instant)
  40. - Devotion now buffed to include all party members as long as they are around the pet.
  41. - Demi Bahamut is resized from the other player side instead. Meaning if they don't like your Bahamut size they can change it themselves.
  43. 【キャスロールアクション、その他】Caster role action, others
  44. ・アドル、マナシフト、アポカタのリキャ短縮
  45. ・堅実魔の効果が今の効果のまま、5秒間ずっと効果が持続するように
  46. ・巴術士のサスティンが戻ってくる
  48. - Addle, Manashift, Apocata cooldown shortened
  49. - Surecast effect remained, but effect will not drop for 5 seconds regardless of what you do
  50. - Arcanist gains back Sustain
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