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Apr 26th, 2015
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  1. --- Log started at Mon Apr 27 09:39:30 2015
  3. 000000.098| Checking for D3D11
  4. 000009.531| Game Version: DeadZ: Survival Is Hope v3.0.0 (build: Apr 26 2015 14:57:54) - final
  5. 000009.531| Available memory: 4078 MB
  6. 000009.588| r3dFS: version:April 27, 2015 0:36, 36877 files
  7. 000009.748| r3dFile: can't open local.ini
  8. 000009.748| Can't open file "local.ini"
  9. 000009.748| readGameOptionsFile: found INI at C:\Users\upperbox\Documents\RivalsGaming\DeadZ\gameSettings.ini
  10. 000009.749| r3dFile: can't open local.ini
  11. 000009.749| Can't open file "local.ini"
  12. 000009.749| writeGameOptionsFile: Saving settings to C:\Users\upperbox\Documents\RivalsGaming\DeadZ\gameSettings.ini
  13. 000009.804| readInputMap: found file at C:\Users\upperbox\Documents\RivalsGaming\DeadZ\inputMap.xml
  14. 000009.815| writeInputMap: Saving settings to C:\Users\upperbox\Documents\RivalsGaming\DeadZ\inputMap.xml
  15. 000009.817| userSettings: found file at C:\Users\upperbox\Documents\RivalsGaming\DeadZ\userSettings.xml
  16. 000009.817| userSettings: Saving settings to C:\Users\upperbox\Documents\RivalsGaming\DeadZ\userSettings.xml
  17. 000009.825| SOUND: initializing sound system
  18. 000009.973| SOUND: '2' sound drivers found
  19. 000009.974| SOUND: sound caps = 0xF8, speakermode= 2
  20. 000009.974| SOUND: sound driver 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)'
  21. 000009.990| SOUND: sound system ready
  22. 000009.990| FMOD: LoadSoundEffects: Loading from Data\Sounds\Sounds.fev
  23. 000023.447| Starting voice
  24. 000023.447| VoipLog:[4] 2015-04-27 09:39:53.518674|INFO | | | TeamSpeak 3 Client 3.0.2 (2012-07-19 10:50:53) SDK
  25. 000023.476| VoipLog:[3] 2015-04-27 09:39:53.546676|DEBUG |Direct Sound | | setting timer resolution to 1ms
  26. 000023.503| Playback device: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) (default)
  27. 000023.503| Playback device: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)
  28. 000023.504| Capture device: Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio) (default)
  29. 000023.513| Input Devices enabled: Mouse, Keyboard
  30. 000023.571| VMEM As seen through DDRaw: 978
  31. 000023.571| VMEM As seen through WMI: 0
  32. 000023.571| Setting mode: 1366x768x32 Flags=4
  33. 000023.594| NVApi successfuly initialized.
  34. 000023.594| NVApi: stereo is not available. Stereo driver not installed?
  35. 000023.594| Adapter: NVIDIA GeForce GT 240
  36. 000023.594| nvd3dum.dll
  37. 000023.594| Monitor: \\.\DISPLAY1 (1366x768)
  38. 000023.611| res adjusted 1366x768->1360x740
  39. 000023.611| r3dRenderLayer::SetMode(x=1360,y=740,bpp=32,windowed=4,hz=60)
  40. 000024.059| Creating d3d device
  41. 000024.073| NVApi: failed to create stereo handle!
  42. 000024.073| GPU supports D3DQUERYTYPE_TIMESTAMP
  43. 000024.073| GPU supports D3DQUERYTYPE_TIMESTAMPFREQ
  44. 000024.073| D3D hack support = NullRT: 1, hwPCF: 1, IntZ: 1, ResZ: 0
  45. 000024.074| We have 2757 MB texture memory
  46. 000024.278| r3dFont: Creating Verdana 10pt
  47. 000024.279| r3dFont: Finished creating Verdana 10pt
  48. 000024.280| Loading shaders...
  49. 000024.963| Finished loading shaders (0.683247 sec)!
  50. 000025.006| Started background thread: 2688
  51. 000025.095| Creating dynamic buffer of size 1.00 MB
  52. 000025.096| Creating dynamic buffer of size 0.09 MB
  53. 000025.115| Creating dynamic buffer of size 0.15 MB
  54. 000025.115| r3dFont: Creating Tahoma 12pt
  55. 000025.116| r3dFont: Finished creating Tahoma 12pt
  56. 000025.116| r3dFont: Creating Verdana 10pt
  57. 000025.116| r3dFont: Finished creating Verdana 10pt
  58. 000025.205| Creating render targets
  59. 000025.205| CreateDynamicEnvMap: creating of size 512x512x6000025.219| r3dFont: Creating Verdana 8pt
  60. 000025.220| r3dFile: can't open data/fonts/verdana_8_0.tga
  61. 000025.225| r3dFont: Finished creating Verdana 8pt
  62. 000025.472| Loaded 12 of 12 grass settings locations from the glist file
  63. 000025.473| Loaded 12 grass settings files
  64. 000030.215| SetHomeDir: Levels\WZ_FrontEndLighting
  65. 000030.215| We have 2553 MB texture memory
  66. 000033.366| r3dFile: can't open Levels\WZ_FrontEndLighting/wind.cfg
  67. 000033.371| Loading 'Levels\WZ_FrontEndLighting/LevelSettings.xml'
  68. 000033.387| r3dFile: can't open data/shaders/texture/cclut3d/
  69. 000033.388| Loading sky texture: Data/SkyDome/
  70. 000033.860| Unloaded 0.0 MB STATIC decal textures
  71. 000033.860| Unloaded 0.0 MB DYNAMIC decal textures
  72. 000033.860| Loading decal library Data\Decals\library.xml.
  73. 000033.861| Loading decal library Levels\WZ_FrontEndLighting\decals.xml.
  74. 000033.901| Loaded 0.0 MB STATIC decal textures
  75. 000033.941| Loaded 0.8 MB DYNAMIC decal textures
  76. 000033.942| LoadLevel_MatLibs...
  77. 000033.942| LoadLevel_Objects...
  78. 000036.262| LoadGrassLib()...
  79. 000036.275| g_pGrassMap->Load...
  80. 000036.294| Loaded grass for 0.02 seconds000036.295| LoadLevel_MatLibs...
  81. 000038.524| Building skeleton cache..000038.570|
  82. 000038.570| Building obstacles cache..000038.571|
  83. 000038.571| done.
  84. 000038.574| Loading 'Levels\WZ_FrontEndLighting\collections\collections.xml'
  85. 000038.574| r3dFile: can't open Levels\WZ_FrontEndLighting\collections\elements.bin
  86. 000038.574| COLLECTIONS: Could not open 'Levels\WZ_FrontEndLighting\collections\elements.bin'
  87. 000038.574| CollectionsManager::Init: populating 0 objects... 000038.574| done in 0.00 seconds
  88. 000038.574| World loaded
  89. 000038.574| Total load time: 5.22
  90. 000044.880| r3dNetwork: Creating client
  91. 000044.909| IP:
  92. 000044.909| r3dNetwork: connecting
  93. 000044.963| Acquired base profile data for 14.753809
  94. 000045.085| writeGameOptionsFile: Saving settings to C:\Users\upperbox\Documents\RivalsGaming\DeadZ\gameSettings.ini
  95. 000045.140| Creating dynamic buffer of size 0.02 MB
  96. 000056.635| r3dNetwork: Creating client
  97. 000056.653| IP:
  98. 000056.653| r3dNetwork: connecting
  99. 000057.606| r3dNetwork: external ip:
  100. 000057.607| connected to master server peer00
  101. 000061.226| obj_Zombie::FreePhysSkeletonCache:000061.226| done in 0.00 seconds
  102. 000061.228| r3dNetwork: Deinitialize
  103. 000061.569| r3dNetwork: Creating client
  104. 000061.587| IP:
  105. 000061.587| r3dNetwork: connecting
  106. 000062.450| r3dNetwork: external ip:
  107. 000063.055| writeGameOptionsFile: Saving settings to C:\Users\upperbox\Documents\RivalsGaming\DeadZ\gameSettings.ini
  108. 000063.058| userSettings: Saving settings to C:\Users\upperbox\Documents\RivalsGaming\DeadZ\userSettings.xml
  109. 000063.059| SetHomeDir: Levels\Colorado_V2
  110. 000063.059| We have 2541 MB texture memory
  111. 000063.059| r3dFile: can't open levels/colorado_v2/
  112. 000063.091| r3dFile: can't open Levels\Colorado_V2/wind.cfg
  113. 000063.124| Loading 'Levels\Colorado_V2/LevelSettings.xml'
  114. 000063.420| r3dFile: can't open data/shaders/texture/cclut3d/
  115. 000063.422| Loading sky texture: Data/SkyDome/
  116. 000063.571| Loading sky texture: Data/SkyDome/
  117. 000063.594| Unloaded 0.0 MB STATIC decal textures
  118. 000063.594| Unloaded 0.8 MB DYNAMIC decal textures
  119. 000063.594| Loading decal library Data\Decals\library.xml.
  120. 000063.594| Loading decal library Levels\Colorado_V2\decals.xml.
  121. 000063.625| Loaded 0.7 MB STATIC decal textures
  122. 000063.634| Loaded 0.2 MB DYNAMIC decal textures
  123. 000063.634| LoadLevel_MatLibs...
  124. 000063.634| LoadLevel_Objects...
  125. 000066.887| r3dFile: can't open data/objectsdepot/_roads/textures/
  126. 000068.790| TERRAIN: LOADING Levels\Colorado_V2\TERRAIN
  127. 000073.083| TERRAIN3: Finished reading script file
  128. 000073.096| Creating dynamic buffer of size 0.50 MB
  129. 000077.875| TERRAIN: LOADED
  130. 000142.276| LoadGrassLib()...
  131. 000142.437| g_pGrassMap->Load...
  132. 000142.563| Loaded grass for 0.13 seconds000142.564| LoadLevel_MatLibs...
  133. 000142.567| Building skeleton cache..000143.604|
  134. 000143.605| Building obstacles cache..000143.605|
  135. 000143.605| done.
  136. 000143.610| Loading 'Levels\Colorado_V2\collections\collections.xml'
  137. 000146.394| Loading collection elements from file: Levels\Colorado_V2\collections\elements.bin...000149.843| done in 3.45 seconds
  138. 000149.898| CollectionsManager::Init: populating 20640 objects... 000149.930| done in 0.03 seconds
  139. 000149.930| obj_Zombie::InitPhysSkeletonCache..
  140. 000153.299| done
  141. 000153.300| World loaded
  142. 000153.300| Total load time: 90.24
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