

Apr 16th, 2016
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  1. [color=transparent]##### QQBot[/color]
  2. [X] 1 Capture the Scyther: (mrttao)
  3. [X] 1 Set up camp. Spend the next month carefully documenting the strange group dynamics.: (Conu)
  4. [X] 3 Take lots of pictures before attempting to catch her if you think it will be possible.: (Briareus the Gardener, Dreadis, U.N.Spacy000)
  5. [X] 4 Take lots of pictures before attempting to catch her if you think it will be possible. Offer her safety from the farm eventual retaliations.: (Mystletainn, Chojomeka, Biigoh, theBSDude)
  6. [X] 8 Take more pictures and try to see if there are any signs of why Scyther is out here alone. In the unlikely event that she's willing to answer them, ask a bunch of sociological questions. This is interesting.: (SomeGuy1, TheOtherSandman, Darkoda, megrisvernin, Winged One, Arkatekt, CrossyCross, ficsy)
  7. [X] 3 Take more pictures and try to see if there are any signs of why Scyther is out here alone. Make a note of where this place is so you can tell the people at the farm so they can come out with a better prepared team to capture the Scyther for relocation, or whatever they want to do about it.: (tempestk, Zatch P, Jack Folstam)
  8. -[X] 1 Then capture the Paras afterwards: (mrttao)
  9. [X] 1 Try to talk to the scyther and coax it with promises of food and friendship.: (Larekko12)
  10. -[X] 1 Write thesis.: (Conu)
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