

Feb 25th, 2015
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  1. 04:04:26 ** You have joined #dunwallcity *
  2. 04:24:24 ** freemorley has left * connection closed
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  4. 04:55:08 ** GhostlyInsomniac has joined *
  5. 04:55:14 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( howdy ))
  6. 04:56:08 <CarlKindle> ((yo))
  7. 04:56:18 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( So where are they meeting? ))
  8. 04:56:27 <CarlKindle> ((would Ingrid and Co be at her shop?))
  9. 04:56:41 <CarlKindle> ((or Bar or ..or ...))
  10. 04:56:56 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( Ingrid is always at her shop since she lives there ))
  11. 04:57:00 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( Feel free to have him walk in ))
  12. 04:57:01 <CarlKindle> ((Andres did drug Ebenezer and lead him out to go stumbling down the street)
  13. 04:57:27 <CarlKindle> ((but shop i easier))
  14. 04:57:34 <GhostlyInsomniac> (( Shop is easier yes X3))
  15. 04:57:49 <CarlKindle> *There was a light knock before Andres made his way in Ingrid's shop*
  16. 04:58:48 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: *at the counter* Hm? oh hello. Welcome!
  17. 04:59:11 <CarlKindle> Andres: Good afternoon Lady Istomina, I hope you are doing well today.
  18. 05:03:13 <CarlKindle> *Cane in there..still singing. Also, new cufflinks that sing. Andres keeps playing with them as he makes his way further in the shop*
  19. 05:03:24 <CarlKindle> Cane IS* there*
  20. 05:05:12 <GhostlyInsomniac> Inrgrid: *raises an eyebrow* Hello.... what IS your name?
  21. 05:05:40 <CarlKindle> Andres: *smiles* Andres Soulemon? Do you smoke?
  22. 05:06:42 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: Smoke tends to clog my instruments... my brother does, though.
  23. 05:07:32 <CarlKindle> Andres: Ah..Well, this is embarrassing. I run a bit of a cigar company so..sometime peopl have heard of me but..ah well.
  24. 05:07:42 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: I've heard of you, of course.
  25. 05:07:54 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: You came into my shop with your singing cane... and now you've got a lot more.
  26. 05:09:21 <CarlKindle> Andres: That I do...And I'm afraid, I wasn't the most honest with you about that before. I of course assume you already knew though.
  27. 05:10:02 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: *straightens up and takes off her glasses* So then you are a witch?
  28. 05:10:41 <CarlKindle> Andres: *chuckles* Not quite. *lifts his cane and unscrews the lions head on the top*
  29. 05:10:52 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: *watches intently*
  30. 05:11:28 <CarlKindle> Andres: None of us have been...touched by the Void, so to say..but a few of us have become quite skilled at tapping into it
  31. 05:12:35 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: So you're bonded?
  32. 05:12:40 <CarlKindle> Andres: *carefully pulls out the bone charm that was embedded in the cane*
  33. 05:12:49 <CarlKindle> Andres: No. Not that either.
  34. 05:13:39 <CarlKindle> Andres: For the most part we pull what we can do from a closer source. My brother's prefer the term "alchemist"
  35. 05:13:48 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: Alchemist?
  36. 05:14:01 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: Alchemy?
  37. 05:14:15 <CarlKindle> Andres: *nods*
  38. 05:15:05 <CarlKindle> Andres: I assure you it can be just as useful as Void Magic.
  39. 05:15:58 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: *stands and locks her door, turning over the sign*
  40. 05:16:07 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: Tell me more.
  41. 05:16:34 <CarlKindle> Andres: *smiles* What would you liek to know?
  42. 05:16:37 <CarlKindle> like*
  43. 05:17:30 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: Well first, can I trust you.
  44. 05:18:37 ** artybluegirl has left * connection closed
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  46. 05:20:02 <CarlKindle> Andres: Well that depends. We aren't in the practice of sharing our secrets with others, in fact it was m job to see those secerts were kept at all cost. I am sure you will tell your family and the coven you're associated with...but for the most part this will need to be kept a secert.
  47. 05:22:13 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: I might not tell anyone. Well... there's one person who'll know.
  48. 05:22:24 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: I'm afraid the walls have ears.
  49. 05:22:41 <CarlKindle> Andres: Hmm? Oh, a fly on wall? *A literal fly I assume*
  50. 05:25:07 <CarlKindle> Andres: As I said...My brothers and I are interested in a change of direction and hope to work with your family.
  51. 05:25:58 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: Is that so? A change of direction? What type of direction were you in previously?
  52. 05:27:01 <CarlKindle> Andres: One steeps in monotony and tradition. Really, it's not conducive to expanding our knowledge.
  53. 05:27:06 <CarlKindle> steeped*
  54. 05:28:48 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: *smiles* So you'd like to expand your knowledge?
  55. 05:29:06 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: Mother always says I need to get out and make friends.
  56. 05:29:14 <CarlKindle> Andres: That is the one true goal of the alchemist.
  57. 05:29:26 <CarlKindle> Andres: To always seek knowledge.
  58. 05:29:49 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: I have a friend in Tyvia who is into such things. He practices divination.
  59. 05:30:14 <CarlKindle> Andres: *smiles* Is that so? Many of us do so as well.
  60. 05:30:29 <CarlKindle> Andres: *also going to put my cane back together*
  61. 05:32:35 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: Really? I should tell him! He's always felt out of place. He's not great at possession.
  62. 05:33:10 <CarlKindle> Andres: We would like to know about him before he knows.
  63. 05:35:13 <CarlKindle> Andres: Though things must change, still we have a system we work through.
  64. 05:37:25 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: I know the feeling, we... have such things as well.
  65. 05:37:52 <CarlKindle> Andres: *nods* That's why we thought you would be the first people we reached out to.
  66. 05:42:32 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: How would you have us collaborate? *smiles* You must like my work.
  67. 05:43:35 <CarlKindle> Andres: I am led to believe you are able to....How to put this, induce certain feelings with your clothing?
  68. 05:45:17 <CarlKindle> Andres: I can do something similar. *holds up his cane* This contains the humerus and radius bone of one skilled swordsmen
  69. 05:46:00 <CarlKindle> Andres: Other things I own combined with elements can give many different effects.
  70. 05:47:48 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: *nods* I'm intrigued.
  71. 05:48:45 <CarlKindle> Andres:...You might have even heard about one such case.
  72. 05:50:52 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: Yes...
  73. 05:52:20 <CarlKindle> Andres: *nods and frowns* On occasion some of memebers tend to...get ahead of themselves putting us and other in dangers *others who will have use for lateer on*
  74. 05:52:57 <CarlKindle> Andres: Of course that can not be allowed.
  75. 05:53:22 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: I see.
  76. 05:54:25 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: Perhaps we can lend each other aid.
  77. 05:55:35 <CarlKindle> Andres: Yes...But, I suppose this particular situation will resolve itself soon enough.
  78. 05:57:48 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: I should introduce you to my brother. He likes to get a little bloody.
  79. 06:00:55 <CarlKindle> Andres: I actually would prefer to avoid blood if at all possible. However, it very rarely happens that way.
  80. 06:01:30 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: Trust me, I know.
  81. 06:01:41 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: But... exactly what would you look for in a collaboration between us?
  82. 06:03:28 <CarlKindle> Andres: Mutual exchange of knowledge so far..have us compare notes on similar practices between our two groups.
  83. 06:05:47 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: Hm. I could be amiable.
  84. 06:07:20 <CarlKindle> Andres: *nods and smiles* Naturally you'll need time to think about it, make sure it is something you're allowed to do and the like.
  85. 06:11:20 ** artybluegirl has left * connection closed
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  87. 06:11:42 <CarlKindle> Andres: I can check in again in a day or two if you wish.
  88. 06:12:09 <GhostlyInsomniac> Ingrid: Yes, please come over for tea. *smiles*
  89. 06:13:10 <CarlKindle> Andres: I'd be more then happy too. *small bow* I will speak to you again soon, Lady Istomina.
  90. 06:14:50 <CarlKindle> *with a bow he's outthe door again*
  91. 06:15:00 <CarlKindle> ((And it time for me to run now))
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