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Dec 23rd, 2015
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  1. +++ Iron warriors (2000pts) +++
  2. ++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2000pts) ++
  3. + HQ (445pts) +
  4. Damocles Command Rhino (100pts)
  5. Legion Centurion (130pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Chainfist]
  6. ••••Consul [Primus Medicae]
  7. Legion Praetor (215pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, Chainfist, Digital Lasers, Mastercraft a Single Weapon, Warp Shunt Field, Warsmith]
  8. + Troops (1100pts) +
  9. Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad (400pts) [Chainfist, 6x Tyrant Terminator]
  10. Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad (350pts) [Chainfist, 5x Tyrant Terminator]
  11. Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad (350pts) [Chainfist, 5x Tyrant Terminator]
  12. + Legion +
  13. Legion Astartes [IV: Iron Warriors]
  14. + Lord of War (455pts) +
  15. The Primarch Perturabo (455pts)
  16. ••••Master of the Legion [Pride of the Legion]
  17. ••••••••Rules: Master of the Legion
  18. ++ Profile Summary ++
  19. ••••••••Legion Praetor: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:6|BS:5|S:4|T:4|W:3|I:5|A:4|LD:10|Save:2+
  20. ••••••••Perturabo: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:8|BS:6|S:7|T:6|W:6|I:5|A:4|LD:10|Save:2+
  21. ••••••••Primus Medicae: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:5|BS:5|S:4|T:4|W:2|I:5|A:3|LD:9|Save:3+
  22. ••••••••Tyrant Siege Master: Unit Type:Infantry (Character)|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:2|LD:9|Save:2+
  23. ••••••••Tyrant Terminator: Unit Type:Infantry|WS:4|BS:4|S:4|T:4|W:1|I:4|A:2|LD:8|Save:2+
  24. ••••••••Damocles Command Rhino: BS:4|Front:11|Side:11|Rear:11|HP:3|Type:Tank
  25. ••••••••Cataphractii Terminator Armour: Description:Affords a 2+ armour save and 4++ Invulnerable save, Slow and Purposeful, Bulky, may not perform sweeping advance. Models in a unit joined by a model in Cataphractii Terminator Armour do not have the Slow and Purposeful rule conferred on them, contrary to the usual application of the rule, but must remain in coherency with the joined character while they stay with the unit (which may limit their distance moved overall, consolidation moves, etc.)
  26. ••••••••Digital Lasers: Description:Provides +1 Attack in close combat
  27. ••••••••Narthecium: Description:
  28. ••••••••Omni-scope: Description:Provides the Tyrant Siege Master with the Split-fire and Night Vision rules.
  29. ••••••••Cyclone Missile Launcher (Frag): Range:48"|Strength:4|AP:6|Type:Heavy 2, Blast
  30. ••••••••Cyclone Missile Launcher (Krak): Range:48"|Strength:8|AP:3|Type:Heavy 2
  31. ••••••••Focused Bombardment: Range:Unlimited|Strength:8|AP:3|Type:Ordnance 1, Lance, Twin-linked, Barrage, Large Blast
  32. ••••••••Needle Pistol: Range:12"|Strength:2|AP:5|Type:Pistol, Poisoned, Rending
  33. ••••••••Precision Bombardment: Range:Unlimited|Strength:9|AP:2|Type:Ordnance D3, Barrage, Large Blast, Twin-linked
  34. ••••••••Wrist Cannon: Range:24"|Strength:6|AP:3|Type:Assault 3, Twin-linked, Rending
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