
arena yml_pvparena

Oct 27th, 2013
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  1. configversion:
  2. chat:
  3. colorNick: true
  4. defaultTeam: false
  5. enabled: true
  6. onlyPrivate: false
  7. cmds:
  8. defaultjoin: true
  9. whitelist: []
  10. damage:
  11. armor: true
  12. spawncamp: 1
  13. weapons: true
  14. general:
  15. classspawn: false
  16. customReturnsGear: false
  17. enabled: true
  18. gm: 0
  19. leavedeath: false
  20. lang: none
  21. owner: server
  22. quickspawn: true
  23. prefix: PVP Arena
  24. smartspawn: false
  25. time: -1
  26. type: free
  27. wand: 280
  28. goal:
  29. livesPerPlayer: false
  30. endCountDown: 5
  31. blockdestroy:
  32. blocktype: IRON_BLOCK
  33. bdlives: 1
  34. dom:
  35. spamoffset: 3
  36. claimrange: 3
  37. dlives: 10
  38. onlywhenmore: false
  39. flags:
  40. flagType: WOOL
  41. flives: 3
  42. mustBeSafe: true
  43. woolFlagHead: true
  44. effect: none
  45. food:
  46. fmaxitems: 50
  47. fplayeritems: 10
  48. fteamitems: 100
  49. infected:
  50. iilives: 1
  51. inlives: 1
  52. liberation:
  53. llives: 3
  54. playerdm:
  55. pdlives: 3
  56. playerlives:
  57. plives: 3
  58. tank:
  59. tlives: 1
  60. teamdm:
  61. tdlives: 10
  62. teamlives:
  63. tlives: 10
  64. time:
  65. timedend: 0
  66. winner: none
  67. pillars:
  68. announcetick: true
  69. pillives: 10
  70. onlyfree: true
  71. breakable: true
  72. tickpoints: 1
  73. tickinterval: 20
  74. announceoffset: 3
  75. maxclicks: 10
  76. maxheight: 5
  77. emptyheight: 1
  78. teamheight: 2
  79. claimall: false
  80. items:
  81. minplayers: 2
  82. rewards: none
  83. random: true
  84. excludeFromDrops: none
  85. takeOutOfGame: none
  86. join:
  87. range: 0
  88. forceregionjoin: false
  89. onlyifhasplayed: false
  90. block:
  91. blacklist: []
  92. whitelist: []
  93. goals:
  94. - PlayerLives
  95. mods:
  96. - ChestFiller
  97. msg:
  98. lounge: Welcome to the arena lounge! Hit a class sign and then the iron block to flag yourself as ready!
  99. playerjoined: '%1% joined the Arena!'
  100. playerjoinedteam: '%1% joined team %2%!'
  101. starting: Arena is starting! Type &e/pa %1% to join!
  102. youjoined: You have joined the FreeForAll Arena!
  103. youjoinedteam: You have joined team %1%!
  104. perms:
  105. explicitArenaNeeded: false
  106. explicitClassNeeded: false
  107. fly: false
  108. loungeinteract: false
  109. joinInBattle: false
  110. joinWithScoreboard: true
  111. teamkill: true
  112. specTalk: true
  113. player:
  114. autoIgniteTNT: false
  115. dropsEXP: false
  116. dropsInventory: false
  117. exhaustion: 0.0
  118. hungerforkill: 0
  119. foodLevel: 20
  120. health: 20
  121. preventDeath: true
  122. refillInventory: true
  123. saturation: 20
  124. quickloot: false
  125. protection:
  126. enabled: true
  127. punish: false
  128. spawn: 0
  129. ready:
  130. autoClass: none
  131. block: 42
  132. checkEachPlayer: false
  133. checkEachTeam: true
  134. enforceCountdown: false
  135. minPlayers: 2
  136. maxPlayers: 0
  137. maxTeam: 0
  138. neededRatio: 0.5
  139. time:
  140. startCountDown: 10
  141. regionTimer: 10
  142. teleportProtect: 3
  143. warmupCountDown: 0
  144. pvp: 0
  145. tp:
  146. death: old
  147. exit: old
  148. lose: old
  149. win: old
  150. uses:
  151. classSignsDisplay: false
  152. deathMessages: true
  153. evenTeams: false
  154. ingameClassSwitch: false
  155. overlapCheck: true
  156. woolHead: false
  157. modules:
  158. aftermatch:
  159. aftermatch: 'off'
  160. announcements:
  161. radius: 0
  162. color: AQUA
  163. join: false
  164. start: false
  165. end: false
  166. winner: false
  167. loser: false
  168. prize: false
  169. custom: false
  170. advert: false
  171. arenamaps:
  172. aligntoplayer: false
  173. showspawns: true
  174. showplayers: true
  175. showlives: true
  176. arenavote:
  177. everyone: true
  178. autostart: false
  179. readyup: 30
  180. onlySpamToJOIN: false
  181. seconds: 30
  182. world: none
  183. battlefieldguard:
  184. enterdeath: false
  185. betterfight:
  186. usemessages: false
  187. onehititems: none
  188. resetkillstreakondeath: true
  189. explodeondeath: true
  190. blockrestore:
  191. hard: false
  192. offset: 1
  193. restoreblocks: true
  194. restorechests: false
  195. colorteams:
  196. hidename: false
  197. fixinventoryloss:
  198. gamemode: false
  199. inventory: false
  200. items:
  201. interval: 0
  202. items: none
  203. respawnrelay:
  204. respawnseconds: 10
  205. choosespawn: false
  206. playerfinder:
  207. maxradius: 100
  208. powerups:
  209. dropspawn: false
  210. usage: 'off'
  211. skins:
  212. vanilla: false
  213. specialjoin:
  214. showplayers: true
  215. startfreeze:
  216. freezetimer: 0
  217. turrets:
  218. maxdegrees: 90.0
  219. mininterval: 0
  220. vault:
  221. betpot: false
  222. bettime: 60
  223. betWinFactor: 1.0
  224. betWinTeamFactor: 1.0
  225. betWinPlayerFactor: 1.0
  226. entryfee: 0
  227. killreward: 0.0
  228. minplaytime: 0
  229. minbet: 0.0
  230. maxbet: 0.0
  231. winPot: false
  232. winFactor: 2.0
  233. winreward: 0
  234. walls:
  235. wallmaterial: SAND
  236. wallseconds: 300
  237. worldedit:
  238. autoload: false
  239. autosave: false
  240. classitems:
  241. Ranger: 261,262:64,298,299,300,301
  242. Swordsman: 276,306,307,308,309
  243. Tank: 272,310,311,312,313
  244. Pyro: 259,46:3,298,299,300,301
  245. Archer: LEATHER_BOOTS~0~10511680,LEATHER_LEGGINGS~0~10511680,LEATHER_CHESTPLATE~0~10511680,LEATHER_HELMET~0~10511680,BOW,ARROW:64
  246. teams:
  247. red: RED
  248. blue: BLUE
  249. spawns:
  250. lounge: wilderness,577,71,85,-268.20751953125,16.3501033782959
  251. spawn1: wilderness,558,70,94,-326.3975830078125,81.29973602294922
  252. spawn2: wilderness,554,70,100,-194.849609375,2.2498116493225098
  253. spawn3: wilderness,557,70,88,-292.6492919921875,-10.500173568725586
  254. spawn4: wilderness,545,69,86,-58.798583984375,-10.050171852111816
  255. spawn5: wilderness,542,69,91,-46.6485595703125,2.5498273372650146
  256. spawn6: wilderness,545,69,93,-101.0980224609375,3.899834632873535
  257. spectator: wilderness,580,73,74,-276.14727783203125,27.4497127532959
  258. spawnlounge: wilderness,576,71,87,-265.4957275390625,-3.0002756118774414
  259. arenaregion:
  260. battlefield: wilderness,529,65,51,557,69,112,CUBOID,0,0,CUSTOM
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