

May 12th, 2012
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  1. PART 3:
  2. >You are Fiddlesticks: Harbinger of Doom, Personification of Terror, Nightmare Fuel in its purest form.
  3. >And you've been disarmed and bound by a couple of pastel colored ponies.
  4. >God fucking damn it.
  5. >You distinctly remember hooves hitting your face area.
  6. |>That knocked your eyes around a bit, causing something similar to unconsciousness.
  7. >Even though you know your eyes were on, you can't see a damn thing
  8. >You can also feel the dirt sliding beneath your stick legs.
  9. >You breathe a silent sigh of relief at the fact you can still feel your legs.
  10. >You try to move your bound hands, only to receive a sharp kick as a reward
  11. >”Hey you back there, you best stop fidgitin, or yer gonna get another hoof to the head.”
  12. >Remembering the unpleasantness of the last kick, you decide it is in your best interest to not do anything escape related quite yet.
  13. >But once you got a hold of your scythe again, oh man, heads were gonna roll...
  14. >Wait.
  15. >Hold the kidnapping train the FUCK up.
  16. >Where was your scy-
  17. >”Dis ding is kinda heaby.” That familiar quiet voice... “can'd we just come bag for it?”
  18. >Judging by the sound of her voice, and the fact that your captors don't have oppose-able thumbs, you deduce she is holding the scythe in her mouth
  19. >”Quit'cher cryin, we're here.” a southern accent states.
  20. >After a few seconds, you feel yourself being plopped down into a chair.
  21. >“Now, I'm gonna tie you in this here chair, and yer damn sharp stick thing is gonna be on the other side of the barn. If you so much as try to move, imanna set up a playdate between you and my good friend, Mr.Torch”
  22. >Being made of straw, the whole “playdate with Mr.Torch” thing does not bode well for your immediate survival, forcing cooperation out of you for a while longer.
  23. >She then ties your body to the chair, from your shoulders to your stomach area.
  24. >Damn, she's fast with that rope.
  25. >”Now Fluttershy, you stay outside these here doors, and make sure our scarecrow friend doesn-”
  26. >”Fiddlesticks” You rasp
  27. >”DID AH SAY YOU COULD SPEAK?!” /kick
  28. >Ow
  29. >”Anyway, stay out here. Imanna go grab Twi, and ask her if she can figure out just what the heck landed in our backyard.” You hear a door close, and the clopping of hooves.
  30. >Well, hopefully their scholar friend will be here soon.
  32. >After about an hour, you hear voices in the distance.
  33. >”And then ah bucked him right in the head, and brought him here.”
  34. >”Well, that is certainly a way to get somep0ny's attention” This must be the scholar, since you haven't heard that voice before.
  35. > You hear the door open, as hoof-steps approach your position.
  36. >”Can we remove the-” the scholar is quickly interrupted
  37. >“NO!” both mares shout
  38. >Well, SouthernOrange shouted. YellowQuiet kind of just half squeaked.
  39. >Under different circumstances, it would probably be adorable, if you could feel such emotions.
  40. >But since the scholar wants to remove your mask, you should try to make it happen. Now or never, Fiddle.
  41. >”Whats the matter, ladies? You don't like talking face to f-”
  42. >This earns you another hoof to the face, knocking you onto your back.
  44. >How you wish you could stare in response.
  45. >”Instead of no speaking, I would rather you only answer my questions. Is this understood?”
  46. |>*nod*
  47. >”Good. Now AJ, if you could please”
  48. >You are propped up properly, still tied to your chair.
  49. >”First, a simple question. What do you call yourself.”
  50. >”Fiddlesticks.” You can feel a familiar fearful presence shudder at the sound of your voice.
  51. >”Right. Why are you here?” The scholar asks
  52. >”Your hick friend dragged me here.” you hiss in response
  53. >And I bequeath to you... a hoof to the head.
  54. >You fall again.
  55. >”Applejack!” The scholar reprimanded her friend.
  56. >”I refuse to answer any more questions until the orange one leaves.” you reply, half of your face shoved into the ground.
  57. >”Don't worry, she wont be doing that anymore.” the scholar chuckles
  58. >You feel a warm presence as yo-
  60. >Oh, hey, it stopped.
  61. >Thank god for your permanent poker face. You do not like showing hesitation or panic, especially in a situation where you are a prisoner of war.
  62. >Not that they could see through the sack they had on your head.
  63. >And this wasn't really a war. More like a giant, fear induced misunderstanding.
  64. >One day, you will look back on this and laugh.
  65. >But that probably wont happen for a while though.
  66. >”I understand why you are in the barn, Mr.Sticks, and I appreciate your honesty, but if you could refrain from calling my friends crude names, this identification process would go a lot smoother. What I was trying to ask before was what in Equestria are you doing in... well... Equestria?”
  67. >You feel a flash of anger as she called this interrogation an “identification process”.
  68. >That feeling then turned into a pang of homesickness as you remember that blond registrar with glasses calling you Mr.Sticks.
  69. >Wait
  70. >What did she say the name of this place was?
  71. >Equestria?
  72. >Brain, do a search for Equestria
  73. >Nothing.
  74. >Nothing?
  75. >Nothing at all, man
  76. >Well shit.
  77. >You respond to her inquiry
  78. >”A banishment spell went haywire, hitting me instead of the real threat”
  79. >Would you look at that? A new personal record for “amount of time speaking to someone without killing everything in sight.” You're on a record breaking roll today!
  80. >”Real threat? Who banished you? What do you mean real threat? Where are you from? Why did you terrify my friends like that?”
  81. >You answer every question as quickly as she asks them. “Evil clone, random misguided mage, evil clone, Earth, it's what I do.”
  82. > You hear pacing behind you. Its probably Kicky McOrange Pony. Or YellowQuiet
  83. >”Why did you try to kill my friends?”
  84. >Well hell, that's a real direct question, and a damn good one. Fortunately, you have the perfect response.
  85. >*shrug*
  86. >”You... don't know why you were trying to kill my friends?” her voice grows more curious as she speaks.
  87. >You were getting tired of all this socializing. At least you tried, right?
  88. >”I do, but you probably would not like the answer.” you respond through a smile.
  89. >”AW THATS IT!” Yep, it seems that Kickface McGee was right behind you.
  90. >You react quickly. As she is swinging around to kick you in the back, you jump slightly in the chair you're bounded in. The chair breaks under the break-neck force of the kick, freeing your arms.
  91. >Stupid pony untied your hands while tying the rest of you up.
  92. >You rip off your sack helmet of -5 visibility, and throw it aside.
  93. >Reaching your hand out towards your scythe, it shakes, then slices through the air, and you catch it
  94. >You notice the purple pony's...horn...
  95. >A unicorn?
  96. >Brain?
  97. >Yeah?
  98. >Cover the eyes of my jimmies, I don't think they would be able to handle any more rustling right now.
  99. >The horn begins to glow. Aha! Not only a scholar, but a spell caster as well. This was an interesting, and very lucky development.
  100. >You have yet to meet a spell caster who can cast without being focused on the spell.
  101. >A black apparition appears in your open hand, as you throw it at the unicorn's head.
  102. >In mid flight, it forms into a crow, and begins attacking the horn of the unicorn, disrupting the spell she was preparing.
  103. >You turn your head 180 (having no neck bones has its benefits) and stare into the eyes of the orange pony.
  104. >Her eyes grow wide with fear. As a tear rolls down her cheek, she turns around and bursts through the window, not looking back.
  105. >Your crow is still doing its best to distract MagicPurple, but it fades into a thick black smoke after a few seconds.
  106. >That was all the time you needed
  107. >You bring yourself to MagicPurple's level, staring into her eyes, holding her by the throat.
  108. >You weren't gripping hard, but then again, you didn't really need to.
  109. >”Look into my eyes, my dear,” you almost whisper, your emerald eyes glowing brighter “and I shall show you your deepest fear.”
  110. >She puts up some magical resistances, which you easily crash through.
  111. >Once her defenses were down, you began your work. Just as you start to hear a woman's voice shout “failed apprentice” you lose your connection.
  112. >You see YellowQuiet standing between you and MagicPurple, but...
  113. >She is standing as if she is defending you...
  114. >allofmywat.jpg
  115. >Brain, whats a .jpg?
  116. >*brainshrug*
  117. >Seriously brain, how do you even pronou-
  118. >Fight now, ask later.
  119. >Right.
  120. >”You stop right there, Twilight.” You hear the yellow one speak “You and AJ have been nothing but mean to this poor thing. It crash landed in a very scary forest after it was wrongly banished to a foreign place. It was probably scared and tired, and was only defending itself! And you!” She turns around, staring straight into your eyes.
  121. >Oh man, those eyes...
  122. >You don't even hear what she says, but with a look like that, you know she means business.
  123. >”Now apologize to her.” she huffs.
  124. >If that's what it takes to make her stop staring, that's what you are gonna do, by golly.
  125. >”I am sorry for attacking you and your friends. Where I am from, things that come out of the bushes usually try to kill you, and interrogations usually end in death. I was only protecting myself. I apologize.”
  126. >”It's alright. I didn't realize you viewed our exchange as an interrogation. I didn't mean to come across that way, I was just curious about you.” said PurpleScholar
  127. >*shrug*
  128. >Now would be a good time to introduce yourself.
  129. >But how, Brain?
  130. >Lemme find you something to use...
  131. >Searching...
  132. >Searching...
  133. >Here we go. Use this.
  134. >You remember one introductory gesture that a human showed you. He then offered you a Graggy Ice.
  135. >He probably kept that damn business afloat with all that Graggy he bought.
  136. >Seriously, he was obsessed. He made his armor and weapons out of the boxes that the stuff came in.
  137. >You didn't have a Graggy, or any form of gift for that matter, but you could at least perform the introduction of his people.
  138. >Not that you would give her a Graggy Ice. You were trying to be nice for once, not get them drunk on a terrible tasting ale.
  139. >You hold out your fist, knuckles facing towards MagicPurple.
  140. >”Fiddlesticks.” You stand there for a few seconds
  141. >It appears that she left you hangi- oh wait
  142. >Bro-fist completed
  143. >”Twilight Sparkle. Very peculiar introduction gesture you have there.” she chuckled
  144. >*shrug*
  145. >”Fortunately, you know of it” you say.
  146. >”Yeah, my friend Rainbow Dash has done a similar greeting with some of her pegasus friends.
  147. >You hear a squeak from beside you.
  148. >”Oh, and that’s Fluttershy, but I think you've met her already.”
  149. >You nod, and look at her, doing the same gesture.
  150. >She eeks and hides behind Twilight. The 'shy' part of the name holds true, and seeing she has wings, the “flutter” part probably does as well.
  151. >Strange, she was just staring into your eyes, making you apologize to someone else, and here she is hiding behind her friend, doing her best to become invisible.
  152. >”The one who turned flank and jumped out the window is Applejack. I think you'll have no problem getting on her good side” MagicPur- Twilight says.
  153. >You chuckle silently to yourself
  154. >Before you can get a word in edge-wise, Twilight begins pacing around.
  155. >”I have always wanted to know more about inter-dimensional travel, but I have never had a chance to study it for obvious reasons. But since you are here, and you are from another dimension, we have to go to where you first landed so I can study the spot, and maybe get more information! Lets go!”
  156. >Jeez, did she even breathe?
  157. >*gasp*
  158. >Nope, apparently not.
  159. >“Come on lets go! I wanna go while there's still daylight!”
  160. >She briskly walks towards the door.
  161. >You just stand there, staring at the direction of the door.
  162. >”You uhm... you should go too...” Fluttershy is now trying to hide behind her mane.
  163. >You turn to her and stare.
  164. >”Well, uhm... if you want to stay, you can, I guess, but AJ will be back home soon, and-”
  165. >Nope.avi
  166. >you begin following Twilight
  167. >”Be safe now!” Flutters half-shouts after you.
  168. >Just 10 minutes ago, they were kicking you, interrogating you, and threatening to set you on fire
  169. >And now they want you to be safe?
  170. >The change in attitude is giving you whiplash.
  171. >Except for the part where it's not.
  172. >Yet another advantage of having no neck bones.
  173. >If you could take comfort in one thing being constant, it's that Applejack probably still wants to kick you in the head repeatedly.
  174. >On second thought, you take zero comfort in that fact whatsoever.
  175. >You begin running in an effort to catch up. You do not tire, but you aren’t a fast runner, due to not having many moving parts.
  176. >You use this time to wonder to yourself what other adventures were planned by the gods for you today.
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