

Mar 27th, 2015
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  1. 30 Minute Iron Man
  2. [url=]Owen[/url] vs [url=]Austin[/url]
  4. This was one of the hottest matches I've seen in a while, the culmination of the hottest feud running! The audience was on fire the whole time! The match started with Austin immediately running at Owen, hitting him with a Thesz Press before stomping a mudhole in him. He hit him with a body drop, and went for the pin.
  6. 1...2... Owen kicked out! He flipped Austin off, telling him that it's going to take more than that to keep him down. Austin laughed, and heaved Owen up for a Piledriver!
  8. [b]1...2...3!
  9. Austin: 1
  10. Owen: 0[/b]
  12. Owen was recovering from this, as Austin rolled out of the ring. He searched under the apron, and eventually pulled out a chair! Without a shred of remorse, Austin hit Owen with the chair, right on the leg, and [b]the referee disqualified Austin, giving Owen a fall!
  13. Austin: 1
  14. Owen: 1[/b].
  16. Austin went for a pin, 1... Owen kicked out, laughing at Austin. “Is that the best you can do?” Austin went to grab the chair, but Owen already had it in his hands, slamming it right into the same spot Austin hit him with the chair. Austin crumpled to the ground, and [b]The ref disqualified Owen!
  17. Austin: 2
  18. Owen: 1[/b]
  20. Owen, laughing, grabbed Austin, and started stomping on Austin's leg. Austin was in pain, clutching his injured leg. Owen started working on Austin's leg, stomping on it, torquing it, and doing everything but dropping another steel chair before going to the top turnbuckle and hitting a picture perfect moonsault, making sure to hook Austin's bad leg for the pin.
  22. [b]1...2...3!
  23. Austin: 2
  24. Owen: 2[/b]
  26. Owen didn't take much time before going to the top again, and going for a second moonsault, but Austin got his good knee up, and re-took the advantage, whipping Owen into the corner, stomping a mudhole, walking it dry, and dragging him out to set up the Stunner! He went for the kick, but Owen caught it into a rollup!
  28. 1...2...2.9, Austin reverses into another rollup!
  29. 1...2...2.9, Owen reverses into yet another rollup!
  30. 1...2...2.9, Austin reverses into a Piledriver, but before Austin hits it, Owen is able to kick his bad leg out and reverse into yet another rollup!
  31. [b]1...2...3! Owen has the advantage!
  32. Austin: 2
  33. Owen: 3
  34. 3 minutes left to go[/b]
  36. Austin was furious, and turned around as Owen was still gloating, before landing a kick with his good leg to lead into the Stone Cold Stunner! Austin taunted Owen, and propped him up to hit him with a second Stunner! He covered!
  38. [b]1...2...3! Austin has tied the game up!
  39. Austin: 3
  40. OWen: 3
  41. one minute to go![/b]
  43. Owen started screaming, “No! This is going to end tonight! You are not better than me!” Austin just flipped him off, and Owen hit a tremendous double leg takedown, before grabbing the leg he'd been working on the whole match, crossing the legs, and locking him into the Sharpshooter with twenty seconds to go!
  44. 10...9... Owen wrenches on Austin's leg, SCREAMING at him to tap out.
  45. 8...7... Austin is clearly in pain, but grits his teeth as hard as he can.
  46. 6...5... Owen and Austin are panting hard, the wear and tear of the match showing on both of them.
  47. 4...3... Owen is glaring at the Titantron, knowing that the next three seconds will decide this match.
  48. 2... Austin tries his hardest to hold onto whatever he can to prevent himself from tapping out...
  49. 1... [b]but he can't, and taps out just before the timer hits zero. By four falls to three, Owen Hart has beaten Steve Austin[/b] Holy shit this match! I heard people talking up that Regal/Savage match from Road Wild, but goddamn if this match wasn't point for point its equal! Mark my words, when people look back years later, they'll say that Owen Hart and Steve Austin's match at Summerslam 1997 was the point where the two greatest wrestlers of the modern era broke out!
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