
Bear Sword

Jun 29th, 2016
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  1. Character: Bear
  2. Key: Fash
  3. App For: Sword
  5. Bear watched and sparred with Kovu many times, seeing how he moved with a sharp blade how it cut into his skin harshly, the scars were crude but effective none the less. Tiger had just made some sort of spear like object with a stick and a rock, something that would keep opponents and monsters at a distance while he struck them down. Both Kovu and Tiger were really smart, but Bear was just a brute, he wasn't sure what he could do to be more effective at hunting. It was then that Bear remembered shattering the teeth of the dinosaur a few years back, how the dino's teeth were massive and sharp, surely one of those things would be enough to cut something.
  7. Bear headed back to the area and looked around finding left over fragments of the teeth scattered in the dirt, embedded in its soft surface. As he collected the teeth fragments he noticed something white sticking out of the ground that looked a little larger than some of the other pieces he was scrounging up. Bear instantly dropped the shards and ran over to it, with some mighty tugs he pulled out and revealed a massive five foot tooth from the ground.
  9. Bear was in awe, thinking about what he could do with the tooth. At first he thought about clubbing people with it, squishing monsters, but he would become far too tired fro wielding such a bulky thing, it's height wasn't the problem it was the width. he wanted to thin it out a little bit, like Kovu's weapon. He remembered that Tiger used a rock to make his stick pointy, and that when Bear punched the dinosaur in the jaw that he shattered the teeth no problem. So maybe, he thought, there was a way too use a rock to make the tooth thinner in some way, to make his work easier.
  11. Just laid the massive tooth down and grabbed a sharp rock smashing it towards the middle of the tooth. It was cracking it a bit, but too much on one side. He needed it to go right down the middle and the way things were going it just wouldn't do. He then grabbed another rock a more square like one and began running the sharp rock down the tooth vertically tapping it with the other more blunt rock making small cracks along the canine until it split down the middle. He then did the same along the sides making a massive slate of tooth roughly five feet tall, one foot wide and two inches thick.
  13. He needed a way to hold the massive piece now, only coming up with a short plan to crack off a corner of the slate of tooth with the sharp rock making a sort of handle at the bottom. Now awhile back when Bear had made a gauntlet for himself he had used some left over skin from a dinosaur he fought. The gauntlet was bound rather nicely and didn't chafe too much. He took apart his gauntlet and strapped it over the sharp handle using the already made binds on it to make it tighter. The end result was a massive claymore style sword made of dragon tooth and hide. Bear was rather proud of his achievement and thought that it was much better of a feat than both Tiger's and Kovus dinky weapons.
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