
A Monster in Paradise - 2

Mar 6th, 2020
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  1. ThreeRoadsDiverged, March 12, 2015; 16:40 / FB 30546
  2. =======================================================================================================================================
  3. A Monster in Paradise
  4. Part 2
  7. "BABIES COMIN'!!!"
  9. The sudden announcement caught both of the male fluffies off guard. The colt, having no idea what was happening, surrendered control of his rectum to panic, with predictable results. The stallion, knowing exactly what was happening, set his until-then only child down as quickly and as gently as he could to assist in the delivery.
  11. While his father succeeded in the "quickly" part, the alicorn's landing was far from gentle. He wasn't seriously injured, but the impact stung enough to elicit a sharp "Cheep!" from the colt. "Owwie! Cheep! Mummah! Daddeh! Cheep! Behbeh hab owwies! Cheep! Nee' huggies! Cheep!"
  13. The colt was so accustomed to having his parents' undivided attention that it took him nearly a full minute of crying to realize they were, for the first time in his short life, ignoring him. But why? Did they not hear him crying? Could they not reach him? Did they go somewhere without him? *gasp* Did they... not love him anymore? Why? Did he do something wrong? Was he a bad baby? What did he do that was so bad?
  15. The alicorn's paranoia was interrupted when he heard his father's voice. "It otay, babies. Daddy is heah. Babies can come out now." It took the colt a moment to realize his father was speaking to someone. Once he recognized the word "babies", however, he instantly assumed his father was talking to him. After all, what other babies were there? Mustering up the strength to ignore his pain, the colt ran over to his father, who was sitting behind his mother.
  17. The colt had no idea why his father was where he was or why he couldn't leave that spot. He also didn't know where foals come from or that his parents were expecting more, not that such thoughts had ever crossed his mind. His mother's pregnancy meant nothing to him: Thanks to the alicorn's still-developing memory and lack of exposure to other mares, he simply assumed all mothers were naturally round and immobile. It certainly didn't help that his parents never told him they were expecting; They were so accustomed to pregnancies that they took the signs for granted. At any rate, whatever questions the alicorn had - and even a few he didn't - were about to be answered. Only to be replaced by more questions.
  19. The colt rounded his mother's bloated body and rested his forehooves on his father's leg. "Behbeh heah! Peep! Daddeh gib huggies an' make owwies go 'way!"
  21. The stallion, too preoccupied to listen, only spared his son a brief glance before returning his focus to where it was needed. "Not now, Baby. Daddy busy."
  23. The foal was shocked. Not now? Was that even possible? His father always had time for him! What could possibly be more important than him?
  25. The alicorn would soon get his answer. The stallion's face lit up as he declared "Baby!"
  27. The colt again mistook his father's message, but only for the fraction of a second it took for another to let out a weak "Peep!" Perplexed, the alicorn turned his attention to the source of the sound: A bald foal emerging from his mother's birth canal. At first only the head was visible, but soon its forelegs emerged followed by the rest of its body. The foal let out another chirp as gravity took over and pulled it downward, but its father already had his forehooves in place to catch it. A gentle tug was all it took to snap the umbilical cord.
  29. The alicorn just sat there, stunned, as his father carried the newborn by the nape of its neck for their mother to see. "Baby!" The mare was at least as excited as her partner, taking the chirping foal into her own hooves. "Otay, Baby. Mommy give baffies now, den miwkies."
  31. The alicorn couldn't see his mother lick his sibling clean; He was frozen in place, his eyes locked on his father as the stallion returned to his post to await the next foal. They didn't have to wait long, as another foal began crowning mere seconds later. The process repeated, the parents exchanging foals so the second could be cleaned while the first fed. The alicorn was unphased as his mother rolled on her side, but his father placing the newborn on their mother's exposed breast was another matter entirely. The colt had never thought of his parents as his parents, nor of his mother's milk as his milk. Until now.
  33. "Cheep! No!" the alicorn blurted. "Go 'way! Dat Behbeh's mummah!" The colt stumbled briefly as he tried to shift straight from a sitting position to a full sprint. Once he caught his stride, however, he clambered up their mother's fluff to the lower teat, pushing the fluff-less foal off.
  35. Fortunately for the younger foal, their mother had rolled over far enough that it didn't drop straight to the ground. Rather, it tumbled down the mare's fluff before landing gently in the dirt. The fall was only enough to startle the foal, not injure it, but for fluffy ponies, young foals especially, fear is more than enough.
  37. "Cheep! Cheep cheep cheep!"
  39. Until this point, neither of the parents were aware of their firstborn's actions. The father was focused on delivering the next foal - who, for everyone's sake, was in no rush to leave the womb - while the mother was using all her willpower to clean the remaining foal despite her pain. The distressed chirping from the half-fed foal, however, caught the attention of all three fluffies, with the nearly-cleaned foal adding its cries to those of its littermate.
  41. "Baby?" The stallion peeled his attention away from his mate's rear to check on the nursing foal, but was unprepared for what he saw. The newborn foal was laying on its back, legs flailing uselessly in the air as it cried for help. Taking its place at the mare's mammaries was the alicorn, suckling faster than he ever had before.
  43. Unlike his parents, the alicorn was well aware of the foal's plight. He simply didn't care. After all, this was his mother! If the other foal was thirsty, it could go find its own mother! The fact that he hadn't found his parents on his own was completely lost on the colt, as was the fact that his own father placed the new foal there to feed. The alicorn was too busy trying to drain his mother's teats before the other foals could try "stealing" his milk again.
  45. "No! Bad baby!" The stallion's voice startled both foals, due more to the anger behind it than anything else. Neither of them had heard anything like it before! The alicorn was the first to recover, once he processed his father's words, and continued nursing while silently agreeing with his father. Yes, that other foal is a bad baby! It tried to steal his milk!
  47. The alicorn soon felt his body go limp and the nipple pop out of his mouth. Opening his eyes, he noticed he was being taken away from his mother. It didn't take the colt long to realize his father was carrying him away; While he didn't know anything about the pressure point all fluffies had at the nape of their neck - included mostly so foals wouldn't hurt themselves while their parents carried them - the alicorn had been lifted by it often enough to recognize the sensation. What he didn't understand was why.
  49. As soon as he was set down the colt turned around, intent on finishing his interrupted meal. Before he could move forward, however, he saw his father pick up the frightened foal and return it to the breast the alicorn had forced it off of just moments before. The alicorn couldn't make sense of the scene before him. Why was his father helping the bad baby? Didn't he know that foal was stealing the colt's milk?
  51. The stallion turned to face his son. "Bad baby! No huwt- Uhh..." The stallion's face went blank for a moment before turning to sniff the nursing foal. "Sissie! No huwt sissie! No take sissie's miw- Hey!" While the stallion's attention was diverted, the colt dashed towards his mother's breasts to finish what he started.
  53. Fortunately for the young filly, her father was bigger and faster than her brother. The stallion stomped one hoof in the colt's path, causing the colt to trip and land face-first in the dirt as he tried to stop running. Before he could regain his bearings, the alicorn felt himself being lifted into the air again. Effectively paralyzed from the neck down, he could do little but complain as his father carried him to check on his mother, who was trying to comfort the other foal.
  55. "No cwy, Baby. Mommy heah. Mommy an' Daddy nevah wet babies get owwies." The alicorn had never seen his mother's face at such an odd angle, as he was usually feeding whenever she lay on her side. However, he didn't dwell on it for long; He was much more concerned with the bald foal balanced between her forehooves. The foal was still quite distressed, so the mare decided to change tactics.
  57. Mommy woves babies, Daddy woves babies.
  58. Babies be bestest babies fow-
  60. "No! Cheep!" The alicorn would have struggled against his father if he could. "Dat bad behbeh! No wub!" Somewhat exasperated, the stallion set down his firstborn, who immediately ran up to the mare and rested his forehooves on his mother's side. "Wub and songies onwy fo' bestest behbeh!"
  62. The stallion knew from experience that they didn't have time for the alicorn's antics; Newborns need milk quickly if they're to survive, and these two have lost enough foals as it was. "Daddy take Baby to miwkie pwaces now?" he asked his mate. She replied by stretching her forelegs toward him so he could easily pick up the foal.
  64. The alicorn, not wanting another milk bandit at work, began to follow his father. It was only his mother's stern "Baby!" that stopped him in his tracks. The colt was a maelstrom of conflicting thoughts and feelings, and so had no idea if his mother was mad at him or the other foals. His ears drooped and tail tucked between his legs, the alicorn slowly turned around to face his mother.
  66. "Come heah," she said. Thanks to her labor pains, the mare had a distressed look on her face. A look the colt mistook for anger. "Baby stay wif Mommy w'iwe Da- Baby comin'!"
  68. The alicorn was more than willing to oblige: Having never encountered anger before, he was afraid of what his parents would do to him if he disobeyed. The colt remained hidden beneath his mother's neck fluff, gradually emptying his bladder as every nightmare he could recall ran through his head. It wasn't until his father brought the third newborn foal to them that he even considered leaving his impromptu shelter. As the foal came into view, the alicorn could finally see his mother licking the afterbirth off. His own rotund belly now coated with urine and dirt, the alicorn was enraged: First these foals steal his milk and his songs, now they're taking his baths too? Did they plan on taking everything from him?
  70. "Cheep! Mummah!" The alicorn scooted closer, his forelegs stretched upwards with all his might. "Behbeh nee' baffie! Gib baffie to Behbeh!"
  72. "Watah, Baby," The mare said, not bothering to look down. "New baby nee' baffies moah."
  74. The alicorn's legs fell to his side, inertia the only thing keeping him upright. What was happening? Why were these new babies here? Why were they taking everything away from him? Did they simply hate him? And why were his parents letting this happen? Didn't they see what these new foals were doing to him? Did they even care about him anymore?
  76. ~~~~~~~
  79. The new litter had three foals in total. This was actually a rather small litter: Fluffy twins are quite uncommon and single births, again, are exceptionally rare. However, each of these three foals was alive and healthy; This alone was more than their parents could have ever hoped for.
  81. The same could not be said for their firstborn child, who sat on the side of the den opposite the rest of the family. Neither of his parents noticed him, both too busy ensuring their new foals wouldn't perish like so many others before them. At this point the alicorn was past his confusion and had nosedived into brooding. Sure, his parents finally cleaned him up, but he'd never had to wait before. He got plenty of milk, too, but there wasn't enough left for him to fill himself to the brim like he usually did.
  83. And it was all because of those new foals.
  85. Even now they were trying to steal his parents from him, or so he was convinced. Had he got up and joined his family he would have received an equal share of his parents' love, not that he knew this. Even if he had known, though, it wouldn't have been enough for the spoiled alicorn. He had no intention of sharing his parents' love with his new siblings; He wasn't even willing to acknowledge them as siblings! As far as he was concerned they were nothing but thieves, and he was going to take his parents back!
  87. The alicorn's brooding time was cut short when his father, wanting to make sure his mate wouldn’t run out of milk, was about to leave the nest to gather food. Finally catching sight of the sulking blue foal, he walked over and crouched down to look him in the eyes. "Come ovah, Baby!" A wide grin was plastered across his face, but it did nothing to lift the alicorn's spirits. "Come ovah an' see Baby's new bwuvvah an' sissies!"
  89. The alicorn had no interest in meeting his siblings, but he got up anyways after a few gentle nudges from his euphoric father. It had been roughly an hour since the foals' birth, more than enough time for their foalhood coats to grow in. As the alicorn got closer he could pick up on their scents, whether he wanted to or not: The firstborn, a green pegasus, was a filly; Next was a red unicorn, and a colt; The youngest was a yellow earthie filly. All three were napping in a small pile with their exhausted mother, blissfully ignorant of their older brother's malice.
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