
BOSS BATTLE: Lane vs Salamander Chief

Sep 3rd, 2015
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  1. [18:45] <Chief> Roll 1d20-1 initiative
  2. [18:45] <`DM> Chief rolled 1d20-1 initiative [ 1d20=6 ]{5}
  3. [18:46] <Lane> Roll 1d20
  4. [18:46] <`DM> Lane rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=20 ]{22}
  5. [18:47] <Chief> So, to recap
  6. [18:48] <Chief> You are surrounded by a mess of pots and pans and other clangorous mess objects
  7. [18:48] <Chief> There is no Chief in sight
  8. [18:48] <Chief> What do?
  9. [18:48] <Lane> Basically, I'll listen for the sound of him moving around to clang a pan. If so I'll be ready to fire.
  10. [18:48] <Chief> Make a perception check to detect
  11. [18:49] <Lane> I roll 13+3 in my post. Do again?
  12. [18:49] <Chief> Yes
  13. [18:49] <Lane> Roll 1d20+3
  14. [18:49] <`DM> Lane rolled 1d20+3 [ 1d20=4 ]{7}
  15. [18:50] <Chief> A single light footstep sounds behind you
  16. [18:50] <Lane> "Careful," I'll say to Hilarious Gimp. "He's too fast to see." I choose not to tase my new friend despite him making sounds behind me. I assume.
  17. [18:51] <Chief> Hilarious Gimp gives you a somber nod
  18. [18:51] <Chief> Roll 3#1d20-1
  19. [18:51] <`DM> Chief rolled 3#1d20-1 [ 1d20=5 ]{4}, [ 1d20=5 ]{4}, [ 1d20=10 ]{9}
  20. [18:51] <Chief> Another blur of motion, but you yourself remain unharmed
  21. [18:51] <Chief> Your turn
  22. [18:52] <Lane> This time, I'll scoop up some of that flour and sort of blow it out of my hand, ala Bloodsport
  23. [18:52] <Lane> Try to powder his ass
  24. [18:52] <Chief> The powder coalesces three different salamanders into visibility
  25. [18:52] <Lane> "Oh shit! The Chief is three guys!"
  26. [18:53] <Chief> They come after you
  27. [18:53] <Lane> Readying taser for next turn.
  28. [18:53] <Chief> Roll 4#1d20-1
  29. [18:53] <`DM> Chief rolled 4#1d20-1 [ 1d20=9 ]{8}, [ 1d20=9 ]{8}, [ 1d20=8 ]{7}, [ 1d20=4 ]{3}
  30. [18:53] <Chief> And somehow all miss entirely
  31. [18:53] <Lane> These guys apparently went to the same karate school as me. The video store.
  32. [18:53] <Chief> Their frenzied motions, however, stir the powder up further. You're fairly certain it won't stick to them much longer
  33. [18:54] <Lane> Dang. (no idea what my bab is but it's a dex weapon so I'll add that)
  34. [18:54] <Lane> Taser!
  35. [18:54] <Lane> Roll 1d20+2 at the middle Chief
  36. [18:54] <`DM> Lane rolled 1d20+2 at the middle Chief [ 1d20=18 ]{20}
  37. [18:54] <Lane> roll 1d3
  38. [18:54] <`DM> Lane rolled 1d3 [ 1d3=1 ]{1}
  39. [18:54] <Lane> (awesome)
  40. [18:55] <Chief> Middle Chief vanishes in a puff of salamander-coloured smoke
  41. [18:55] <Chief> Two remain
  42. [18:55] <Lane> "Okay, they're definitely detonating. Look out, I'm pretty sure they're bombs or magic or hallucinations. Uh... yeah get them!"
  43. [18:55] <Lane> Reloading is for chumps. I make a wild tackle at the left Chief.
  44. [18:56] <Lane> Roll 1d20
  45. [18:56] <`DM> Lane rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=10 ]{10}
  46. [18:56] <Chief> Left Chief explodes too
  47. [18:56] <Chief> One remains
  48. [18:56] <Lane> I hit the floor, also like a chump.
  49. [18:56] <Lane> Check over my shoulder to see if Hilarious Gimp is doing anything
  50. [18:57] <Chief> Hilarious Gimp is standing still
  51. [18:57] <Chief> You're sure he's providing excellent moral support, though
  52. [18:58] <Chief> The last chief comes at you swinging wildly
  53. [18:58] <Chief> Roll 2#1d20-1
  54. [18:58] <`DM> Chief rolled 2#1d20-1 [ 1d20=10 ]{9}, [ 1d20=15 ]{14}
  55. [18:58] <Lane> Take turn to stand.
  56. [18:58] <Lane> "Okay Chief, your vapor goons are toast. Give up now before you get vaporized!"
  57. [18:58] <Lane> I feel his love and support coursing through me like milk through a swirly straw.
  58. [18:59] <Lane> The color changing kind. I change into the color of a guy who is now coated in flour.
  59. [18:59] <Lane> (14 hits)
  60. [18:59] <Lane> (I have the AC of an especially portly cockerspaniel)
  61. [18:59] <Chief> Roll 1d2-1 damage
  62. [18:59] <`DM> Chief rolled 1d2-1 damage [ 1d2=2 ]{1}
  63. [19:00] <Lane> (I think that's 4 or 5 total)
  64. [19:00] <Lane> "You had your chance," I'll say calmly. Then I'll spaz out and flail at him madly with my skinny arms.
  65. [19:00] <Chief> ((Let's assume a total of 4. That leaves you at 10/14 HP))
  66. [19:00] <Lane> Roll 1d20
  67. [19:00] <`DM> Lane rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=8 ]{8}
  68. [19:01] <Chief> You miss the chief
  69. [19:01] <Lane> "Ack!"
  70. [19:01] <Chief> The chief shakes off the last of the flour
  71. [19:01] <Chief> Roll 3#1d20-1
  72. [19:01] <`DM> Chief rolled 3#1d20-1 [ 1d20=7 ]{6}, [ 1d20=16 ]{15}, [ 1d20=6 ]{5}
  73. [19:01] <Chief> Roll 1d2-1 damage
  74. [19:01] <`DM> Chief rolled 1d2-1 damage [ 1d2=1 ]{0}
  75. [19:01] <Chief> You feel a light pat on the back
  76. [19:01] <Lane> (amazing)
  77. [19:02] <Lane> I'll flip out a little, mixing my fervent desire to fling powder off the floor around with a desperate blind-attack attempt to grab him.
  78. [19:02] <Lane> roll 1d20
  79. [19:02] <`DM> Lane rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=13 ]{13}
  80. [19:02] <Lane> roll 1d10 concealment
  81. [19:02] <`DM> Lane rolled 1d10 concealment [ 1d10=1 ]{1}
  82. [19:02] <Lane> (I have no idea whether low or high is good for that)
  83. [19:03] <Chief> Three chiefs are now visible
  84. [19:03] <Lane> "Oh goddamn it
  85. [19:03] <Chief> Hilarious Gimp smiles serenely
  86. [19:03] <Lane> Is there a machine making these in the other room or what?"
  87. [19:04] <Lane> Was the oven in the other room electric or gas? No reason.
  88. [19:04] <Chief> Let's say electric
  89. [19:04] <Lane> Balls.
  90. [19:04] <Chief> The chiefs come after you again
  91. [19:04] <Chief> Roll 4#1d20-1
  92. [19:04] <`DM> Chief rolled 4#1d20-1 [ 1d20=14 ]{13}, [ 1d20=2 ]{1}, [ 1d20=4 ]{3}, [ 1d20=20 ]{19}
  93. [19:04] <Lane> I briefly consider calling to
  94. [19:05] <Lane> Snakesprite, but I gotta do this alone.
  95. [19:05] <Chief> Roll 1d2-1 damage
  96. [19:05] <`DM> Chief rolled 1d2-1 damage [ 1d2=2 ]{1}
  97. [19:05] <Chief> You get smacked a little bit
  98. [19:05] <Lane> dang 9/14
  99. [19:05] <Lane> "Okay, you asked for it."
  100. [19:06] <Lane> Can I captchalog the Hilarious Gimp?
  101. [19:06] <Chief> Go for it
  102. [19:06] <Lane> Captchalog Hilarous Gimp. Goodbye Shades.
  103. [19:06] <Lane> [Hilarious Gimp][Police Tape] No idea how many captchalogs fit into a combat turn
  104. [19:06] <Chief> Three captchas per minor action
  105. [19:07] <Lane> (bonus points if the shades land on a chief)
  106. [19:07] <Chief> Make an attack roll to launch shades
  107. [19:07] <Lane> Roll 1d20+2
  108. [19:07] <`DM> Lane rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=13 ]{15}
  109. [19:07] <Lane> nice
  110. [19:07] <Chief> A chief puffs up into smoke
  111. [19:07] <Lane> Captchalog Pot Lid
  112. [19:07] <Chief> You launch the tape
  113. [19:07] <Lane> [Pot Lid][Hilarous Gimp]
  114. [19:08] <Lane> roll 1d20+2 for tape? lulz
  115. [19:08] <`DM> Lane rolled 1d20+2 for tape? lulz [ 1d20=15 ]{17}
  116. [19:08] <Chief> Another one gone
  117. [19:08] <Lane> ncie
  118. [19:08] <Lane> Alright, I'll finish the combo by captchaloging a Pot
  119. [19:08] <Lane> roll 1d20+2 for Hilarious Gimp
  120. [19:08] <`DM> Lane rolled 1d20+2 for Hilarious Gimp [ 1d20=13 ]{15}
  121. [19:09] <Lane> [Pot][Pot Lid] Clearly this is my calling.
  122. [19:09] <Chief> Hilarious Gimp experiences the soaring majesty of the eagle for a good second before crashing into the remaining chief
  123. [19:09] <Chief> They both puff into smoke
  124. [19:09] <Lane> "Oh goddamn it!"
  125. [19:10] <Chief> Roll 2#1d20-1
  126. [19:10] <`DM> Chief rolled 2#1d20-1 [ 1d20=3 ]{2}, [ 1d20=11 ]{10}
  127. [19:10] <Lane> Check ceiling. Do there appear to be fire protection sprinkler regulations in the land of the salamanders?
  128. [19:10] <Chief> You feel a slight breeze as yet another invisible chief misses a wild swing at you
  129. [19:10] <Chief> There do indeed seem to be sprinklers scattered about the room
  130. [19:11] <Lane> Nice. I spend the whole turn taking cover and looking thoroughly for a source of fire or fire-potential
  131. [19:11] <Lane> Actually check that
  132. [19:11] <Lane> I reload.
  133. [19:11] <Lane> I has the flame
  134. [19:11] <Chief> Roll 3#1d20-1
  135. [19:11] <`DM> Chief rolled 3#1d20-1 [ 1d20=15 ]{14}, [ 1d20=14 ]{13}, [ 1d20=7 ]{6}
  136. [19:12] <Chief> You get another slap
  137. [19:12] <Chief> Roll 1d2-1
  138. [19:12] <`DM> Chief rolled 1d2-1 [ 1d2=1 ]{0}
  139. [19:12] <Chief> Not a very hard one though
  140. [19:13] <Lane> I'll back up and try to wait a second, timing the seconds between the gentle slaps to my body before slamming the door, hopefully on one but mostly to get a second to think.
  141. [19:13] <Chief> You slam the door
  142. [19:13] <Chief> All is peaceful
  143. [19:14] <Lane> Next action, jump up on table and attempt to fiddle with sprinkler. Does this appear to be openable by me?
  144. [19:15] <Chief> A sufficiently powerful blow should manage to open it
  145. [19:15] <Chief> Or break it open. Same thing, really
  146. [19:15] <Lane> Not using my gentle meat hands for that. I'll retrieve that pot lid and bash with that.
  147. [19:15] <Lane> Roll 1d20
  148. [19:15] <`DM> Lane rolled 1d20 [ 1d20=2 ]{2}
  149. [19:15] <Lane> haha
  150. [19:15] <Lane> Okay
  151. [19:16] <Chief> You whack the ceiling with the pot lid
  152. [19:16] <Lane> I'll stop table dancing like a working girl and haul that electric stove away from the wall to expose the cord
  153. [19:16] <Chief> ==>
  154. [19:17] <Lane> Investigate electrical workings. Is it possible with my knowledge to start a fire using either what's available or my taser in conjunction with this high capacity plug?
  155. [19:17] <Chief> Roll Intelligence
  156. [19:17] <Lane> roll 1d20+1
  157. [19:17] <`DM> Lane rolled 1d20+1 [ 1d20=7 ]{8}
  158. [19:18] <Chief> You think you could ignite something flammable if you really needed to
  159. [19:18] <Chief> Might take a while, and it'd have to be something like paper, but it should work
  160. [19:18] <Lane> Check the door. If closed, begin working this plan immediately.
  161. [19:18] <Chief> Closed
  162. [19:19] <Lane> Check cupboards for cardboard boxes and labels for tinder.
  163. [19:19] <Lane> I swipe left until I find suitable material (heh)
  164. [19:21] <Chief> It takes you several seconds of valuable time, but you eventually find enough tinder to use
  165. [19:21] <Lane> Fire: Engage
  166. [19:21] <Chief> You connect the tinder to the stove's high-power wiring
  167. [19:21] <Chief> ... and start a fire
  168. [19:22] <Chief> An alarm goes off, and the overhead sprinklers begin sprinkling overhead
  169. [19:22] <Lane> Begin tearing cardboard boxes and feeding in larger quantities to stoke my new child of destruction. Check door.
  170. [19:22] <Lane> Oh sweet.
  171. [19:22] <Lane> Does the table have wheels, and did I see a mop in here?
  172. [19:23] <Chief> Table does not have wheels, but you DID notice a mop in the closet
  173. [19:23] <Lane> Hmm. Captchalog mop on hunch. Then return to door with reloaded taser.
  174. [19:24] <Chief> All is quiet beyond the door
  175. [19:24] <Lane> Open door.
  176. [19:24] <Chief> They aren't even trying to be sneaky anymore
  177. [19:24] <Lane> The bastards.
  178. [19:24] <Chief> A small army of chiefs stares at you
  179. [19:24] <Lane> How many ninjas we got here. Oh fuck.
  180. [19:25] <Chief> Roll perception
  181. [19:25] <Lane> Roll 1d20+2
  182. [19:25] <Guest88963> Lane rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=18 ]{20}
  183. [19:25] <Chief> Ten chiefs
  184. [19:25] <Chief> Plus an eleventh sorta hanging off to the side
  185. [19:27] <Lane> Prepare to take gentle(?) beating. Note chieftain to the side as definite ring-leader as per all kung-fu movies. Combine imperfect understanding of electrical workings and then, making sure that water is sprinkling liberally out here as well, rush toward probably ring-leader and tase the floor.
  186. [19:27] <Lane> In whatever order I may.
  187. [19:27] <Lane> Or rather, as quickly as I can over howevermany turns
  188. [19:27] <Chief> You tase the floor
  189. [19:27] <Chief> Attack roll
  190. [19:27] <Lane> Roll 1d20+2
  191. [19:27] <Guest88963> Lane rolled 1d20+2 [ 1d20=4 ]{6}
  192. [19:28] <Chief> Fortunately, floors are not at all good at dodging
  193. [19:28] <Lane> (haha seriously)
  194. [19:28] <Chief> Roll for damage
  195. [19:28] <Lane> roll 1d3
  196. [19:28] <Guest88963> Lane rolled 1d3 [ 1d3=2 ]{2}
  197. [19:29] <Lane> (Highest damage yet!)
  198. [19:29] <Chief> A small army of chiefs turns into a small army of smoke puffs
  199. [19:29] <Lane> Slowly turn head to probably ring-leader.
  200. [19:29] <Chief> And a single unconscious salamander
  201. [19:29] <Lane> Dramatically, obv.
  202. [19:30] <Chief> The chief opens its eyes dramatically
  203. [19:30] <Lane> "Awww yeah! I guess these soles are rubber?? I--- Urk!"
  204. [19:30] <Lane> Oh no it's like a zombie movie!
  205. [19:30] <Chief> "Dude I'm not a zombie"
  206. [19:31] <Lane> "Well a zombie WOULD say that."
  207. [19:31] <Chief> The chief gives you a wide-eyed look
  208. [19:31] <Chief> "Excellent point"
  209. [19:31] <Lane> "Just to lure me into the clutches of it's... mouth? I guess that's not really clutches..."
  210. [19:31] <Chief> "You're right"
  211. [19:31] <Lane> "So do we have to box more or... "
  212. [19:31] <Chief> "Oh man, what if I'm a zombie!?"
  213. [19:31] <Lane> "Oh fuck! Stay back!"
  214. [19:32] <Lane> "Wait"
  215. [19:32] <Lane> "Have you been bitten?"
  216. [19:32] <Chief> The chief backs away from you
  217. [19:32] <Lane> "Did -I- bite you?" Think back to wild flailings.
  218. [19:32] <Chief> "I don't remember!"
  219. [19:32] <Lane> "We might both be zombies now."
  220. [19:32] <Chief> "Oh no!"
  221. [19:33] <Lane> "Oh NO!"
  222. [19:33] <Chief> "We need to warn the others!"
  223. [19:33] <Lane> "Quick!"
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