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Mar 15th, 2012
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  1. [15:57] <_koshi_> current debian packaging of engine only allows one installed version at a time
  2. [15:57] <_koshi_> linux package management means as soon as the package is in the repo, users can get it
  3. [15:57] <_koshi_> replacing currently installed
  4. [15:57] ** [LAN]KALAKA joined the channel.
  5. [15:58] <_koshi_> therefore I can only publish the new packages when the version is actually live on server
  6. [15:58] <[LCC]jK> spring's install system would need to be changed
  7. [15:58] <[LCC]jK> (either append version to filename or by using /opt)
  8. [15:58] <[ARP]hoijui_irc> koshi asked for a heads up about one day in advance for the reasons he already explained
  9. [15:59] <[ARP]hoijui_irc> clearly an error of you jk, as i see it
  10. [15:59] <[ARP]hoijui_irc> not related to ueberserver or anything
  11. [15:59] <[ARP]hoijui_irc> not too bad now, as he was here
  12. [16:01] <[LCC]jK> that was must have been then some undocumented arrangement between you and koshi
  13. [16:01] <_koshi_> packages are published now btw, but launchpad isn't exactly reliable wrt that or position in queue
  14. [16:01] <[LCC]jK> as said couldn't you compile it before, and masking it and unmasking it later?
  15. [16:01] <[ARP]hoijui_irc> you were here in chat togehter with us two, about a week ago ro so, when he requested it
  16. [16:02] <tvo@IRC> Technically the packages could be versioned, like kernels, right? Bunch of extra work though, I suppose.
  17. [16:02] <[ARP]hoijui_irc> could also be 2 or 3 or 4 weeks :D
  18. [16:03] <_koshi_> yeah, tvo
  19. [16:03] <_koshi_> and I already despise packaging
  20. [16:05] <_koshi_> and then it would only be a special case for debian
  21. [16:06] <_koshi_> fedora might do it diffently yet again
  22. [16:06] <_koshi_> and I simply don't have the motivation to get people together to make it uniform
  23. [16:06] <tvo@IRC> yeah, you'd need versioned packages there too
  24. [16:06] <_koshi_> and then have yet more work to make it work in SL on both win and linux
  25. [16:07] <tvo@IRC> I think Spring build sys doesn't even support this in a way acceptable to packagers
  26. [16:07] <tvo@IRC> unless all versions would conflict with each other
  27. [16:07] <tvo@IRC> otherwise the binaries would have to be /usr/bin/spring-87.0 /usr/bin/spring-86.0 probably
  28. [16:07] <_koshi_> which is the situation we have now, minus the automatic superseding
  29. [16:07] <[ARP]hoijui_irc> launcher branch?
  30. [16:07] ** [BoS]nixtux joined the channel.
  31. [16:08] <[ARP]hoijui_irc> not that i had committed anything to it yet :D
  32. [16:08] <[ARP]hoijui_irc> for real
  33. [16:08] <[ARP]hoijui_irc> but there is some uncommitted stuff
  34. [16:08] <[ARP]hoijui_irc> locally
  35. [16:08] <tvo@IRC> _koshi_, not entirely, it would be better because new version could be build in advance, and people could just apt-get install spring-87 when it goes live
  36. [16:09] <tvo@IRC> which would automagically erase spring-86 cause of the conflict (I think)
  37. [16:09] <tvo@IRC> but yeah, ultimately a bunch of work for a tiny half-working solution :-)
  38. [16:09] <_koshi_> yeah, but that's not for the stupid user :)
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