

Jan 31st, 2016
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  1. [19:23] <MANDOZERTHEGREAT> Question: in the event jaxong unfucks himself over the next 6 months hanging with us would you reconsider giving him a shot in HORDE. I'm not sure what his offenses were, something about a MTU. Really doesn't matter because a shitter is a shitter is a shitter. I just want to know if he proves to not be a shitter with us would that be worth giving him a second chance.
  2. [19:24] <Gobbins> no
  3. [19:24] <MANDOZERTHEGREAT> you are the boss
  4. [19:24] <Gobbins> I sent him a mail
  5. [19:25] <Gobbins> we cant afford jaxongs
  6. [19:25] <Gobbins> its simple as that
  7. [19:26] <MANDOZERTHEGREAT> He was that bad huh?
  8. [19:26] <MANDOZERTHEGREAT> Understood, I won't bother wasting time on him then.
  9. [19:33] <Gobbins> he wasnt that bad
  10. [19:33] <Gobbins> he just doesnt bring value
  11. [19:34] <Gobbins> as I wrote to him
  12. [19:34] <Gobbins> <- thats 95 new dudes a week
  13. [19:34] <Gobbins> jaxong wasnt fcing, wasnt in the newbie volunteer program, he was just +1 ferox in fleet
  14. [19:34] <Gobbins> we get 95 jaxongs a week
  15. [19:35] <Gobbins> I cant afford to spend on all of them as much time as I spent on jaxong
  16. [19:35] <Gobbins> and look even this conversation is more time wasted over this one +1 ferox dude
  17. [19:36] <Gobbins> unlike PL or waffles were members are carefully selected and relatively precious
  18. [19:36] <Gobbins> the line duders in horde are extremely replaceable, so if they waste directors time being shitlers, that's it - they can check out dreddit next
  19. [19:37] <MANDOZERTHEGREAT> I appreciate the explanation but I know you Gobbins, I trust your opinion. If I come to you and am like "maybe in 6 months he could prove himself" and your no is final its final. That tells me he had no inclination to be a team player.
  20. [19:37] <MANDOZERTHEGREAT> no inclination to do more than F1
  21. [19:37] <MANDOZERTHEGREAT> Sorry I'm yet another dude that asked about him and wasted your time on it.
  22. [19:38] <Gobbins> no worries
  23. [19:38] <Gobbins> btw this was the pastebin
  24. [19:38] <Gobbins>
  25. [19:38] <Gobbins> he basically went on some MTU feud because his own was killed the day before
  26. [19:39] <Gobbins> you can see how he was spefically trying to get revenge and starting some kind of ratting feud
  27. [19:39] <Gobbins> can you imagine how hard it would be to run horde if every little faggot decided to create internal drama by doing revenge killings like that?
  28. [19:39] <Gobbins> you can paste him this so maybe he'll understand why I dont want him around
  29. [19:40] <MANDOZERTHEGREAT> So the moment he logs back in I'm gonna tell him to take his ass to dreddit and in general show he's a team player beyond being our Rsebo bitch in camp
  30. [19:40] <MANDOZERTHEGREAT> if i even notice him around
  31. [19:40] <MANDOZERTHEGREAT> And to go have fun
  32. [19:41] <MANDOZERTHEGREAT> Yeah it sounds like he was getting mad over videogames for no reason and thats dumb
  33. [19:42] <Gobbins> yeah thx
  34. [19:42] <MANDOZERTHEGREAT> np stay up gobbins
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