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- #ifndef ORGANSIM_H
- #define ORGANSIM_H
- #pragma once
- #include "location.h"
- #include <iostream>
- namespace DoodleBugGameOrtell
- {
- class Organism
- {
- public:
- Organism( );
- Organism(Location postion, char species);
- Organism(const Organism& other);
- Organism& operator=(const Organism& other);
- void set_location(Location new_location);
- virtual Location& get_location( );
- virtual char get_species( );
- private:
- Location m_points;
- char m_species;
- };
- }//DoodleBugGameOrtell
- #endif // ORGANSIM_H
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "Organism.h"
- namespace DoodleBugGameOrtell
- {
- Organism::Organism( )
- { }
- Organism::Organism( Location points,
- char species):
- m_points(points),
- m_species(species)
- { }
- Organism::Organism(const Organism& other)
- {
- this->m_points = other.m_points;
- this->m_species = other.m_species;
- }
- Organism& Organism::operator=(const Organism& other)
- {
- this->m_points = other.m_points;
- this->m_species = other.m_species;
- return *this;
- }
- char Organism::get_species( )
- {
- return m_species;
- }
- Location& Organism::get_location( )
- {
- return m_points;
- }
- void Organism::set_location(Location new_location) //validate x and y are >= 0 && <= 20
- {
- ((new_location.get_xpoint( ) - 1) >= 0 && (new_location.get_xpoint( ) + 1) <= 19) ?
- m_points.set_xpoint(new_location.get_xpoint( )) : m_points.set_xpoint(m_points.get_xpoint( ));
- ((new_location.get_ypoint( ) - 1) >= 0 && (new_location.get_ypoint( ) + 1) <= 19) ?
- m_points.set_ypoint(new_location.get_ypoint( )) : m_points.set_ypoint(m_points.get_ypoint( ));
- }
- }//DoodleBugsGameOrtell
- #ifndef ANT_H
- #define ANT_H
- #pragma once
- #include "Organism.h"
- namespace DoodleBugGameOrtell
- {
- class Ant : public Organism
- {
- public:
- Ant( );
- Ant(Location postion, char species, int steps_till_breed);
- char get_species( );
- Location& get_location( );
- void set_steps_till_breed(const int count);
- int get_steps_till_breed( ) const;
- private:
- int m_steps_till_breed;
- };
- } // DoodleBugGameOrtell
- #endif //ANT_H
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "Ant.h"
- #include <cstdlib>
- namespace DoodleBugGameOrtell
- {
- Ant::Ant( )
- { }
- Ant::Ant( Location points,
- char species,
- int steps_till_breed):
- Organism(points, species),
- m_steps_till_breed(steps_till_breed)
- { }
- char Ant::get_species( )
- {
- return 'A';
- }
- Location& Ant::get_location( )
- {
- return Organism::get_location( );
- }
- void Ant::set_steps_till_breed(const int count)
- {
- m_steps_till_breed = count;
- }
- int Ant::get_steps_till_breed( ) const
- {
- return m_steps_till_breed;
- }
- }//DoodleBugGameOrtell
- #ifndef DOODLEBUG_H
- #define DOODLEBUG_H
- #pragma once
- #include "Organism.h"
- namespace DoodleBugGameOrtell
- {
- class DoodleBug : public Organism
- {
- public:
- DoodleBug( );
- DoodleBug(Location postion, char species, int steps_till_breed, int steps_till_death);
- char get_species( );
- Location& get_location( );
- void set_steps_till_breed(const int count);
- void set_steps_till_death(const int count);
- int get_steps_till_breed( ) const;
- int get_steps_till_death( ) const;
- private:
- int m_steps_till_breed;
- int m_steps_till_death;
- };
- } // DoodleBugGameOrtell
- #endif //DOODLEBUG_H
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "Doodlebug.h"
- namespace DoodleBugGameOrtell
- {
- DoodleBug::DoodleBug( )
- { }
- DoodleBug::DoodleBug( Location postion,
- char species,
- int till_breed,
- int till_death):
- Organism(postion, species),
- m_steps_till_breed(till_breed),
- m_steps_till_death(till_death)
- { }
- char DoodleBug::get_species( )
- {
- return 'D';
- }
- Location& DoodleBug::get_location( )
- {
- return Organism::get_location( );
- }
- void DoodleBug::set_steps_till_breed(const int count)
- {
- m_steps_till_breed = count;
- }
- void DoodleBug::set_steps_till_death(const int count)
- {
- m_steps_till_death = count;
- }
- int DoodleBug::get_steps_till_breed( ) const
- {
- return m_steps_till_breed;
- }
- int DoodleBug::get_steps_till_death( ) const
- {
- return m_steps_till_death;
- }
- }//DoodlebugGameOrtell
- #ifndef GAMEBOARD_H
- #define GAMEBOARD_H
- #pragma once
- #include <iostream>
- #include "Location.h"
- #include "Constants.h"
- #include "Ant.h"
- #include "DoodleBug.h"
- namespace DoodleBugGameOrtell
- {
- class GameBoard
- {
- public:
- GameBoard( );
- Location check_for_empty_cell(Location& current_cell);
- Location check_for_ant_cell(Location& current_cell);
- Location pick_random_surrounding_cell(Location& current_cell);
- char get_contents_of_chosen_cell(Location& chosen_cell);
- void remove_organism_from_gameBoard(Location& cell);
- void add_ant_to_gameBoard(Ant& ant);
- void add_doodleBug_to_gameBoard(DoodleBug& player);
- private:
- Organism m_gameBoard[ROWS][COLUMNS];
- };
- }//DoodleBugGameOrtell
- #endif //GAMEBOARD_H
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "GameBoard.h"
- namespace DoodleBugGameOrtell
- {
- GameBoard::GameBoard( ) // populates gameBoard with empty organisms
- {
- for(int i =0; i < ROWS; i++)
- for(int j =0; j < COLUMNS; j++)
- m_gameBoard[i][j] = Organism(Location(i, j),'*');
- }
- void GameBoard::remove_organism_from_gameBoard(Location& cell)
- {
- m_gameBoard[cell.get_xpoint( )][cell.get_ypoint( )] = Organism(cell, '*');
- }
- void GameBoard::add_ant_to_gameBoard(Ant& ant)
- {
- m_gameBoard[ant.get_location( ).get_xpoint( )][ant.get_location( ).get_ypoint( )] = ant;
- }
- void GameBoard::add_doodleBug_to_gameBoard(DoodleBug& doodleBug)
- {
- m_gameBoard[doodleBug.get_location( ).get_xpoint( )][doodleBug.get_location( ).get_ypoint( )] = doodleBug;
- }
- Location GameBoard::pick_random_surrounding_cell(Location& current_cell)
- {
- switch(rand( ) % 4)
- {
- case 0: //<--- UP
- if(current_cell.get_xpoint( ) -1 >= GAMEBOARD_EDGE_BOTTOM_SIDE )
- return Location((current_cell.get_xpoint()-1), current_cell.get_ypoint());
- case 1: //<--- DOWN
- if (current_cell.get_xpoint( ) +1 <= GAMEBOARD_EDGE_HIGH_SIDE)
- return Location((current_cell.get_xpoint( )+1), current_cell.get_ypoint( ));
- case 2: //<--- LEFT
- if (current_cell.get_ypoint( ) -1 >= GAMEBOARD_EDGE_BOTTOM_SIDE)
- return Location((current_cell.get_xpoint( )), current_cell.get_ypoint( )-1);
- case 3: //<--- RIGHT
- if(current_cell.get_xpoint( ) +1 <= GAMEBOARD_EDGE_HIGH_SIDE)
- return Location((current_cell.get_xpoint( )), current_cell.get_ypoint( )+1);
- }
- return current_cell;
- }
- char GameBoard::get_contents_of_chosen_cell(Location& chosen_cell)
- {
- return m_gameBoard[chosen_cell.get_xpoint( )][chosen_cell.get_ypoint( )].get_species( );
- }
- Location GameBoard::check_for_empty_cell(Location& current_cell)
- {
- if(current_cell.get_xpoint( ) -1 >= GAMEBOARD_EDGE_BOTTOM_SIDE) //<--- Up
- if(m_gameBoard[current_cell.get_xpoint( )-1][current_cell.get_ypoint( )].get_species( ) == '*')
- return Location((current_cell.get_xpoint( )-1), current_cell.get_ypoint( ));
- if(current_cell.get_xpoint( ) +1 <= GAMEBOARD_EDGE_HIGH_SIDE) //<--- Down
- if(m_gameBoard[current_cell.get_xpoint( )+1][current_cell.get_ypoint( )].get_species( ) == '*')
- return Location((current_cell.get_xpoint( )+1), current_cell.get_ypoint( ));
- if(current_cell.get_ypoint( ) -1 >= GAMEBOARD_EDGE_BOTTOM_SIDE) //<--- Left
- if(m_gameBoard[current_cell.get_xpoint( )][current_cell.get_ypoint( )-1].get_species( ) == '*')
- return Location((current_cell.get_xpoint( )), current_cell.get_ypoint( )-1);
- if(current_cell.get_ypoint( ) +1 <= GAMEBOARD_EDGE_HIGH_SIDE) //<--- Right
- if(m_gameBoard[current_cell.get_xpoint( )][current_cell.get_ypoint( )+1].get_species( ) == '*')
- return Location((current_cell.get_xpoint( )), current_cell.get_ypoint( )+1);
- return current_cell; // All are Occupied
- }
- Location GameBoard::check_for_ant_cell(Location& current_cell)
- {
- if(current_cell.get_xpoint( ) -1 >= GAMEBOARD_EDGE_BOTTOM_SIDE) //<--- Up
- if(m_gameBoard[current_cell.get_xpoint( )-1][current_cell.get_ypoint( )].get_species( ) == 'A')
- return Location((current_cell.get_xpoint( )-1), current_cell.get_ypoint( ));
- if(current_cell.get_xpoint( ) +1 <= GAMEBOARD_EDGE_HIGH_SIDE) //<--- Down
- if(m_gameBoard[current_cell.get_xpoint( )+1][current_cell.get_ypoint( )].get_species( ) == 'A')
- return Location((current_cell.get_xpoint( )+1), current_cell.get_ypoint( ));
- if(current_cell.get_ypoint( ) -1 >= GAMEBOARD_EDGE_BOTTOM_SIDE) //<--- Left
- if(m_gameBoard[current_cell.get_xpoint( )][current_cell.get_ypoint( )-1].get_species( ) == 'A')
- return Location((current_cell.get_xpoint( )), current_cell.get_ypoint( )-1);
- if(current_cell.get_ypoint( ) +1 <= GAMEBOARD_EDGE_HIGH_SIDE) //<--- Right
- if(m_gameBoard[current_cell.get_xpoint( )][current_cell.get_ypoint( )+1].get_species( ) == 'A')
- return Location((current_cell.get_xpoint( )), current_cell.get_ypoint( )+1);
- return current_cell; // All are Occupied
- }
- }//DoodleBugGameOrtell
- #ifndef GAMEENGINE_H
- #define GAMEENGINE_H
- #pragma once
- #include <vector>
- #include "Ant.h"
- #include "DoodleBug.h"
- #include "GameBoard.h"
- #include "Constants.h"
- namespace DoodleBugGameOrtell
- {
- class GameEngine
- {
- public:
- GameEngine( );
- Ant& get_ant_from_ants(int index);
- DoodleBug& get_doodleBug_from_doodlebugs(int index);
- void move_ant(Ant& ant_2_move);
- void breed_ant(Ant& ant_2_move);
- void move_doodleBug(DoodleBug& doodleBug_2_move);
- void eat_ant(Location& location_of_ant_2_eat);
- void breed_doodleBug(DoodleBug& doodleBug_2_breed);
- void kill_doodlebug(DoodleBug& doodleBug_2_kill);
- void populate_gameBoard( );
- void draw_gameBoard_2_console( );
- int get_number_of_ants( ) const;
- int get_number_of_doodleBugs( ) const;
- void set_number_of_ants(const int number_of_ants);
- void set_number_of_doodleBugs(const int number_of_doodleBugs);
- private:
- int m_number_of_ants;
- int m_number_of_doodleBugs;
- GameBoard m_gameBoard;
- Ant m_ants[SIZE_OF_ANTS];
- DoodleBug m_doodleBugs[SIZE_OF_DOODLEBUGS];
- };
- }//DoodlebugGameOrtell
- #endif //GAMEENGINE_H
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "GameEngine.h"
- namespace DoodleBugGameOrtell
- {
- GameEngine::GameEngine( )
- {
- m_number_of_ants =0;
- m_number_of_doodleBugs =0;
- populate_gameBoard( );
- }
- int GameEngine::get_number_of_ants( ) const
- {
- return m_number_of_ants;
- }
- int GameEngine::get_number_of_doodleBugs( ) const
- {
- return m_number_of_doodleBugs;
- }
- void GameEngine::set_number_of_ants(const int number_of_ants)
- {
- m_number_of_ants = number_of_ants;
- }
- void GameEngine::set_number_of_doodleBugs(const int number_of_doodleBugs)
- {
- m_number_of_doodleBugs = number_of_doodleBugs;
- }
- Ant& GameEngine::get_ant_from_ants(int index)
- {
- return m_ants[index];
- }
- DoodleBug& GameEngine::get_doodleBug_from_doodlebugs(int index)
- {
- return m_doodleBugs[index];
- }
- void GameEngine::populate_gameBoard( )
- {
- int count =0;
- while(m_number_of_ants < 100)
- {
- int x = rand( ) % 20;
- int y = rand( ) % 20;
- if (m_gameBoard.get_contents_of_chosen_cell(Location(x, y)) == '*')
- {
- m_ants[count] = (Ant(Location(x, y), 'A', 0));
- m_gameBoard.add_ant_to_gameBoard(Ant(Location(x, y), 'A', 0));
- m_number_of_ants++;
- count++;
- }
- }
- count =0;
- while (m_number_of_doodleBugs < 5)
- {
- int x = rand( ) % 20;
- int y = rand( ) % 20;
- if (m_gameBoard.get_contents_of_chosen_cell(Location(x, y)) == '*')
- {
- m_doodleBugs[count] = (DoodleBug(Location(x, y), 'D', 0, 0));
- m_gameBoard.add_doodleBug_to_gameBoard(DoodleBug(Location(x, y), 'D', 0, 0));
- m_number_of_doodleBugs++;
- count++;
- }
- }
- }
- void GameEngine::move_ant(Ant& ant_2_move)
- {
- Location desired_cell = m_gameBoard.pick_random_surrounding_cell(ant_2_move.get_location( ));
- if (m_gameBoard.get_contents_of_chosen_cell(desired_cell) == '*')
- {
- m_gameBoard.remove_organism_from_gameBoard(ant_2_move.get_location( ));
- ant_2_move.set_location(desired_cell);
- m_gameBoard.add_ant_to_gameBoard(ant_2_move);
- (ant_2_move.get_steps_till_breed( ) == 3) ? breed_ant(ant_2_move) :
- ant_2_move.set_steps_till_breed(ant_2_move.get_steps_till_breed( )+1);
- }
- }
- void GameEngine::breed_ant(Ant& ant_2_move)
- {
- Location spawns_cell = m_gameBoard.check_for_empty_cell(ant_2_move.get_location( ));
- if (spawns_cell != ant_2_move.get_location( ))
- {
- m_ants[m_number_of_ants] = (Ant(spawns_cell, 'A', 0));
- m_gameBoard.add_ant_to_gameBoard(Ant(spawns_cell, 'A', 0));
- ant_2_move.set_steps_till_breed(0);
- m_number_of_ants++;
- }
- }
- void GameEngine::move_doodleBug(DoodleBug& doodleBug_2_move)
- {
- Location desired_cell = m_gameBoard.check_for_ant_cell(doodleBug_2_move.get_location( ));
- if (m_gameBoard.get_contents_of_chosen_cell(desired_cell) == 'A')
- {
- m_gameBoard.remove_organism_from_gameBoard(desired_cell);
- m_gameBoard.remove_organism_from_gameBoard(doodleBug_2_move.get_location());
- doodleBug_2_move.set_location(desired_cell);
- m_gameBoard.add_doodleBug_to_gameBoard(doodleBug_2_move);
- m_number_of_ants--;
- doodleBug_2_move.set_steps_till_death(0);
- (doodleBug_2_move.get_steps_till_breed( ) == 8) ? breed_doodleBug(doodleBug_2_move) :
- doodleBug_2_move.set_steps_till_breed(doodleBug_2_move.get_steps_till_breed( )+1);
- }
- else
- {
- desired_cell = m_gameBoard.check_for_empty_cell(doodleBug_2_move.get_location( ));
- if (desired_cell != doodleBug_2_move.get_location( ))
- {
- m_gameBoard.remove_organism_from_gameBoard(doodleBug_2_move.get_location( ));
- doodleBug_2_move.set_location(desired_cell);
- m_gameBoard.add_doodleBug_to_gameBoard(doodleBug_2_move);
- (doodleBug_2_move.get_steps_till_death( ) == 3) ? kill_doodlebug(doodleBug_2_move) :
- doodleBug_2_move.set_steps_till_death(doodleBug_2_move.get_steps_till_death( )+1);
- (doodleBug_2_move.get_steps_till_breed( ) == 8) ? breed_doodleBug(doodleBug_2_move) :
- doodleBug_2_move.set_steps_till_breed(doodleBug_2_move.get_steps_till_breed( )+1);
- }
- }
- }
- void GameEngine::breed_doodleBug(DoodleBug& doodleBug_2_breed)
- {
- Location spawns_cell = m_gameBoard.check_for_empty_cell(doodleBug_2_breed.get_location( ));
- if (spawns_cell != doodleBug_2_breed.get_location( ))
- {
- m_doodleBugs[m_number_of_doodleBugs] = (DoodleBug(spawns_cell, 'D', 0, 0));
- m_gameBoard.add_doodleBug_to_gameBoard(DoodleBug(spawns_cell, 'D', 0, 0));
- doodleBug_2_breed.set_steps_till_breed(0);
- doodleBug_2_breed.set_steps_till_death(0);
- m_number_of_doodleBugs++;
- }
- }
- void GameEngine::kill_doodlebug(DoodleBug& doodleBug_2_kill)
- {
- m_gameBoard.remove_organism_from_gameBoard(doodleBug_2_kill.get_location());
- }
- void GameEngine::draw_gameBoard_2_console( )
- {
- for(int i =0; i < 20; i++)
- {
- for(int j =0; j < 20; j++)
- {
- std::cout << m_gameBoard.get_contents_of_chosen_cell(Location(i, j)) << " ";
- }
- std::cout << std::endl;
- }
- }
- }//DoodlebugGameOrtell
- #ifndef CONSTANTS_H
- #define CONSTANTS_H
- namespace DoodleBugGameOrtell
- {
- const int ROWS = 20;
- const int COLUMNS = 20;
- const int SIZE_OF_ANTS =400;
- const int SIZE_OF_DOODLEBUGS =200;
- const int GAMEBOARD_EDGE_HIGH_SIDE = 19;
- }//DoodleBugGameOrtell
- #endif //CONSTANTS_H
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include <Windows.h>
- #include "GameEngine.h"
- using namespace DoodleBugGameOrtell;
- int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
- {
- GameEngine test_engine;
- test_engine.draw_gameBoard_2_console( );
- int count =0;
- while (true)
- {
- for (int i =0; i < test_engine.get_number_of_ants( ); i++)
- {
- test_engine.move_ant(test_engine.get_ant_from_ants(i));
- }
- for (int i =0; i < test_engine.get_number_of_doodleBugs( ); i++)
- {
- test_engine.move_doodleBug(test_engine.get_doodleBug_from_doodlebugs(i));
- std::cout << "DoodleBugs Loop ran " << i << std::endl;
- }
- std::cout << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Outer Loop " << count << std::endl;
- std::cout << "Ants: "<< test_engine.get_number_of_ants( ) << " DoodleBugs: "
- << test_engine.get_number_of_doodleBugs( ) << std::endl;
- std::cout << std::endl;
- test_engine.draw_gameBoard_2_console( );
- Sleep(1000);
- count++;
- }
- system("PAUSE");
- return 0;
- }
- /* The goal for this programming project is to create a simple 2D predator–prey
- simulation. In this simulation, the prey are ants and the predators are doodlebugs.
- These critters live in a 20 * 20 grid of cells. Only one critter may occupy a cell
- at a time. The grid is enclosed, so a critter is not allowed to move off the edges
- of the world. Time is simulated in steps. Each critter performs some action every
- time step.
- The ants behave according to the following model:
- ? Move . For every time step, the ants randomly try to move up, down, left, or
- right. If the neighboring cell in the selected direction is occupied or would move
- the ant off the grid, then the ant stays in the current cell.
- ? Breed . If an ant survives for three time steps, at the end of the time step (i.e., after
- moving) the ant will breed. This is simulated by creating a new ant in an adjacent
- (up, down, left, or right) cell that is empty. If there is no empty cell available,
- no breeding occurs. Once an offspring is produced, an ant cannot produce an
- offspring again until it has survived three more time steps.
- The doodlebugs behave according to the following model:
- ? Move . For every time step, the doodlebug will move to an adjacent cell containing
- an ant and eat the ant. If there are no ants in adjoining cells, the doodlebug
- moves according to the same rules as the ant. Note that a doodlebug cannot eat
- other doodlebugs.
- ? Breed . If a doodlebug survives for eight time steps, at the end of the time step it
- will spawn off a new doodlebug in the same manner as the ant.
- ? Starve . If a doodlebug has not eaten an ant within three time steps, at the end of
- the third time step it will starve and die. The doodlebug should then be removed
- from the grid of cells.
- During one turn, all the doodlebugs should move before the ants.
- Write a program to implement this simulation and draw the world using ASCII
- characters of “O” for an ant and “X” for a doodlebug. Create a class named
- Organism that encapsulates basic data common to ants and doodlebugs. This
- class should have a virtual function named move that is defined in the derived
- classes of Ant and Doodlebug . You may need additional data structures to keep
- track of which critters have moved.
- Initialize the world with 5 doodlebugs and 100 ants. After each time step, prompt
- the user to press Enter to move to the next time step. You should see a cyclical
- pattern between the population of predators and prey, although random perturba-
- tions may lead to the elimination of one or both species.*/
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