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Mar 24th, 2013
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  1. Name: Silverhoof
  3. H/W: 5/5
  5. Race: Earth Pony
  7. Gender: Stallion
  9. Age: 19
  11. Class: Acendant (Cleric/Paladin)
  13. Cutiemark: Two-Silver Horseshoes
  15. Talent: Hoof to Hoof Combat (Unarmed Attack Crit Range -1)
  17. Alignment: Neutral Good
  19. Diety: The Vigilant Moon
  21. Skills:
  22. -Common Knowledge (Alternate Racial [], Passive)
  23. Gain +1 skill point on creation
  25. -Improved Spellcasting (Crossclass, Passive)
  26. For every spell you know or learn, you also know one Improved version of that spell. Whenever you cast the spell, you can choose to cast either the normal or Improved version, using the recharge of the version you cast to determine the next time you can cast that spell. Learning an additional variant costs 1 skill point.
  28. -Empower Weapon (Ascendent, spell, Instant, Recharge 2 After Effect Ends)
  29. caster or single ally gains +3 bonus to basic attacks, each successful hit reduces bonus by 1 until it reaches 0, ending the effect
  31. -Empower Armour (Acendant, Improved Spell, Instant, Recharge 4)
  32. Target’s armour grants +2 hits, these hits cannot be restored unless spell is reapplied, and do not exceed +2
  34. -Wrath (Cleric, Spell, Recharge 0)
  35. Damage all nearby foes with a powerful blast, ensuring they cannot attack you on the next round; renders targets helpless on 9+
  37. -Undoing (Cleric, Improved Spell, Recharge 2)
  38. Stop enemy movements for a turn, crit can render them helpless or even kill weak enemies
  40. -Bolster (Cleric, Spell, Instant, Recharge 4)
  41. The target’s next roll to recover from helplessness is successful
  43. -Inure (Cleric, Improved Spell, Recharge 0)
  44. Target is immune to a specific damage type (fire, ice, poison, possessed etc) for a short time
  46. -Power Attack (weapon Skill -Rear Horseshoes[Buck Attack])
  47. counts 9+ as a critical hit, 2- as a critical miss.
  49. -Dual Wielding (Weapon Skill -Front Horseshoes)
  50. make two rolls to attack twice; if either is a critical miss, both attacks miss.
  53. Inventory:
  54. Tan Wide-Brimmed Hat -Equipped
  55. Tan Cotton Shirt -Equipped
  56. Heavy Dark Brown Jacket -Equipped (Light Armor)
  57. Silver Horseshoes x4 -Equipped (Power Attack for Back Hooves)
  58. Pocketwatch -Engraved [Presented to Silverhoof of Manehattan for membership into The Order of the Guiding Moonlight] (Catalyst)
  59. Canteen
  60. Flask (Brandy)
  62. Saddlebag -Equipped
  63. -Bedroll
  64. -Blanket
  65. -Rope (30 ft)
  66. -100 Bits
  67. -Compass
  68. -World Map
  69. -Firefly Lantern
  70. -Flint and Steel
  71. -Trail Rations x3
  72. -Bottle of Brandy
  73. -Bottle of Whisky
  74. -Jar of Moonshine x2
  75. -Bottle of Rum
  76. -Horseshoes x4
  77. -Farrier Tool Kit (Contains Mallet, Forceps, Pliers, Nails, File etc.)
  78. -Lucky Horseshoe (Gift From His Mom; Sentimental Item)
  79. -Lucky Silver Cup (Gift From His Dad; Sentimental Item)
  81. Appearance:
  82. A bit smaller than an average Earth Pony Stallion, Silverhoof is covered in thick whiskey colored fur trimmed neatly at the fetlocks revealing his well groomed pristine white hooves. His medium length mane is dull-white and styled very hastily and is singed a bit at the ends, Silver's tail is similar to his mane without the slight burn marks. His blue eyes have an intense glare behind them thats slightly covered by his unkempt mane. He wears typical country styled tan clothing with a thick jacket worn over it to protect him more-so from attacks than the elements.
  84. Traits:
  85. Silverhoof is a brave young pony who enjoys helping others, killing ghosts and a good bottle of liquor. He is also a member of 'The Order of the Guiding Moonlight' a group of exorcists that deal with the undead, especially spirits. Like many earth ponies, he is capable of adapting to situations and thinking outside the box for solutions. Also like many earth ponies, he can be incredibly stubborn once set on something which can either be seen as tenacious or foolish depending on who you ask. Growing up around colts from sailing families, he naturally took to hoof fighting as his main method of self defense and surprisingly the slaying of undead. He also knows a bit about hoofcare and horseshoeing from his times assisting his mom as well as a bit of sailing and a plethora of tales from those in his community. He holds especial disdain for the undead and their masters, who like many from his order are just Liches and Shades in waiting, although he is capable of setting aside this hatred to achieve an overall goal. He is a pretty friendly pony although he tends to be blunt at times and has a tendency to say the wrong thing.
  87. Story:
  88. Silverhoof was born in the evergrowing Earth Pony port town of Manehattan. His mom was a farrier while his dad made a living as the town silversmith and his name reflects this heritage. Growing up in a bustling port town, many of his friends were the sons of sailors, who left their children and wives alone for months at a time, so underage drinking and playful fighting was commonplace and accepted. And while he wasn't as durable as his larger earth pony friends, he retained his parents natural dexterity for their profession allowing him to strike harder and in more opportunistic places. Around his tenth birthday his mom and dad gave him a set of horseshoes made out of pure silver reflecting his namesake.
  90. A few years later, during the time most fillies and colts gain their cutiemarks, a ship scheduled for port mysteriously vanished and a few sailors brought back rumors of a ghost ship heading slowly for the town. The highly superstitious townsfolk sent for The Order of the Guiding Moonlight, a quasi religious organization dedicated to exorcisms and the slaying of undead, to assist them in protecting them. That evening the fog rolled in on the town and an eerie glowing ship was spotted in the distance, slowly approaching the docks. The townsponies, gung-ho and spirited about protecting their homes and lives, formed an emergency militia to defend their land. When the first cannons of war fired at the ship, the mundane iron phased right through and a chilling laugh echoed from the ghastly vessel. The townsponies knew exactly what to do and anypony not possesing enchanted weaponry or arcane knowledge, which was very uncommon to find in a town of sailors and merchants, ran for his parents shop to forge whatever makeshift weapons out of silver.
  92. Silverhoof knew there wasn't enough time and he galloped as fast as he could to the port donning his parents birthday present hellbent on buying as much time as possible. The spectral forms of the undead sailors didn't think much of this colt until he vanquished a few of their shipmates at which point the captain, a powerful undead shadelord, blasted him with necrotic energy. The last thing Silver saw before blacking out was what appeared to be concentrated moonlight blasting the ghosts destroying them instantly. When he came two, he was laying in his bed surrounded by his parents, the local mayor and a stranger he knew wasnt from the town. Each of the adults held a proud gaze on him, which was short lived when he was berated by his mother for acting so foolish.
  94. After a healthy dose of lectures, hugs and laughs the silent stranger finally decided to introduce himself as Star Watcher, an exorcist of The Order of the Guiding Moonlight. He then went on to explain how he believed Silver was chosen by the moon and pointed to his flank, now bearing a cutiemark of two silver horseshoes, and that he Silverhoof should join the order as an exorcist of the moon. His first instinct was to discuss the matter with his parents, but they returned his eager eyes with a look of pride and simply nodded to him, explaining how a pony's mark symbolized destiny and it wasn't anypony's right to interfere with what Silver believed his destiny was.
  96. The usually uptight mayor then urged everypony in the room that business could be discussed later, and now was the time to celebrate. On that evening, the port town of Manehattan celebrated their victory with a huge party filled with music, dancing, alcohol, stories and food. A week later after packing his bags and saying goodbye to his friends and other townsfolk, his parents gave him one last hug goodbye before he begins his training as a Moonlight Exorcist and gave him two gifts they were confident to bring him luck on his destiny, a silver cup his dad said was an heirloom used by a visiting chancellor many generations ago and a rusty old iron horseshoe his mom said she wore while narrowly avoiding a timberwolf attack. For three days he followed Mr. Star Watcher far into the mainland, deep into a forest that Silver didn't even know the name of. Finally after navigating through the thick trees, the two ponies came across an ancient stone temple. Star Watcher explained that every Exorcist is trained here, then instructed to travel all across the world to vanquish evil undead and spread the will of The Vigilant Moon.
  98. The Order's training is similar to any other contingent of Paladins or Knightly brotherhoods, although most of the doctrine places emphasis on the defeat of undead and the importance of the moon protecting ponies in the dark of the night. Unfortunately for Silver, like many other groups of Knights or Paladins, recruits are trained to fight with a sword or axe, or other conventional weapons that Silver cares little for. During most sparing matches with the other recruits often Silverhoof did away with his given weapon, preferring to fight barehoofed and to the surprise of many claimed quite the amount of victories. Upon time for graduation, the recruits were presented with a pocketwatch, blessed in a secret ritual and engraved to the new member of the order, and a sword made of silver to hunt wandering spirits and ghosts. Upon request, Silver's sword was melted and mixed with his colthood horseshoes and made into a new set for his much larger sized hooves.
  100. He now travels around as an adventurer, meeting and joining other groups like him to fulfill his mission of bringing peace to lost souls and to help people with whatever evils they face...
  102. TL;DR
  103. He punches ghosts and other stuff too.
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