
MWO info

Apr 3rd, 2015
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  1. Thank you for being up front about that. (op was asking for people's opinions about STUFF)
  2. I have been thinking about all the hubbub with PGI and IGP over the last few years. From my perspective, things really hit the fan when the Clan Mechs dropped.
  3. Here is Bildo's subjective timeline as a consumer of this game: (Note, some events may be out of order, this is all off the top of my head)
  4. PGI makes kick ass trailer for MW5, everyone gets really excited.
  5. PGI switches model to F2P, people get worried, but throw money at the game.
  6. PGI releases Closed Beta. People express critiques of gameplay because it is CB.
  7. PGI releases Open Beta. People express dismay with current state of the game, but "it's in Beta!"
  8. Balance issues persist through Open Beta. Various weapon systems become far too powerful and are then made useless through subsequent nerfs. Changes to gameplay are infrequent and unexpected, some people become frustrated and leave.
  9. Players complain in the forums that the community's opinions are not being listened to. Competitive scene is stuck in a stagnant meta for months on end, only to switch to new stagnant meta once changes are made.
  10. Players dealing with persistent gameplay issues and poor balancing do not feel like their voices are being heard, forum moderation is severe and players are complaining that they are being banned from the forums for infractions that did not break terms of service.
  11. PGI is being compared to Robertson Space Industries, who has set a record for video game crowd funding for Star Citizen and seems to be very interactive with the community. General debate in the media about the F2P gaming model, crowd funding, and player discontent over status of the gaming industry.
  12. Forum rage intensifies as PGI and IGP are collecting more money in Open Beta for Hero Mechs and MC purchases, without gameplay having any significant improvement. Deadlines for quality of life improvements are missed.
  13. Ghost Heat is an example of a "fix" that seems to make the game significantly more complicated. Is this good design? Players debate in the forums.
  14. Clan Mech packs are revealed. High price tag is shocking. Gold mechs are so shocking the news makes it into mainstream media.
  15. CW has been talked about and hyped, literally zero production on it completed.
  16. Quality of life improvements are talked about and hyped, no production seen by community. "Why is PGI wasting resources on Clan Mechs when balance is so fucked?"
  17. UI 2.0 comes out and is a resounding failure in design. Game seems to be "going backwards".
  18. /#/savemwo is started by players who think the game is moving in the wrong direction. Lack of leadership and focus ends up with a situation where there is much debate, little progress made. Rift caused between players and the devs. Rift caused between "casual" and "competitive" scenes among player-base.
  19. PGI interacts less and less with the community. Forum vitriol is spiking at unprecedented levels. Former white knights are turning tail and setting up residence on "the island".
  20. Reddit drama - /r/mwo gets taken over and /r/OutreachHPG forms. PGI talks shit about /r/mwo openly. /r/mwo kind of deserves it, but it's still fucked up.
  21. Clan mechs are released, OP as fuck.
  22. The great Reddit Shadowbanning of PGI occurs. Players have less ability to communicate with devs active on Reddit.
  23. IGP and Niko Snow are fired.
  24. Russ takes a more active role in community interaction.
  25. Players who were banned could ask for forgiveness and be reinstated.
  26. There is much rejoicing.
  27. PGI hits a deadline, there is much rejoicing.
  28. PGI beats a deadline, there is much rejoicing.
  29. Russ is responding on Twitter, PGI comes out of its shell a bit more and interacts with the community.
  30. VLOGs, Community Town Hall meetings, the absorption of NGNG, and other efforts are made to interact with the community and better PGI's image with the community.
  31. Transparency is at an all time high. Deadlines that might be missed are announced ahead of time, earning PGI praise instead of vitriol. White knighting intensifies.
  32. Russ, Paul, and the gang sound stressed as fuck every time they are on camera or on mic, but it seems to be winning the community over.
  33. PGI announces Transverse - a competing game with Star Citizen. WTFs abound as players are suddenly worried attention and resources are being pulled from MWO to make this game. Transverse's crowdfunding fails miserably.
  34. CW is released. Really fun for about 3 days because it is something new, then players notice problems with the design of the system.
  35. PGI seems to be responding to player concerns and making more consistent changes to the gameplay. Players who are still around are invested and spending money. PGI begins polishing aspects of the game, is refining CW gameplay, balancing issues, and making "UI 3.0".
  36. Current concerns seem to be centered on expanding the player-base. New player experience (a long time concern) is coming back to the forefront of discussion. CW is cool, but needs a lot more work and players. Is MWO getting released on Steam? "Not without a lot more polish," says the current player-base.
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