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Oct 23rd, 2014
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  1. Bryce's last 2 big coins PetroDollar and Dirac, both had their mining cutoffs at block 43,200.
  6. Youtube comment mentions that 43,200 is an important number to Egyptology because it represents the ratio of the perimeter of the Great Pyramid to the size of the Earth
  10. The Zetacoin mining cutoff was at block ..... WAIT FOR IT..... 403,200 - a total coincidence, I am sure.
  12. Most coins (other than these) use a base-10 block halving scheme - every 100,000 blocks or something like that and the halvings occur at arbitrary dates. Doge for example halves every 100,000 blocks. None of our investigators have found other coins following this pattern.
  14. Surely also a coincidence that the ZET dev is Giskard, manipulator/inventor of psychohistory, of which Bryce is an avowed believer as stated on Amkon, saying "Psychohistory is real."
  16. (the original link was not working on my browser, though it shows up on google search---not sure if it was scrubbed like so many of the deleted Bryce tweets I captured.
  18. I don't "take out my frustrations on people" for the hell of it, but because I, and others, having mounting and mounting evidence that Bryce Weiner is not the "here to help" and "honest" "crypto mogul" many believe him to be. He is con-artist. It is a more highly evolved version of Sachs. Moreover, he, himself, is an epic troll who routinely insults and takes things out on people----but this, strangely, does not raise your ire or attention. And my role IS to muddy the waters of the profusion of bullshit others are lapping up, and to make myself and my friends laugh, which we do, through satirizing shitheads, and to warn people off--which I did for many----who came to thank and rally behind the same cause, unseen. Satire, totally unhealthy. You simply misunderstand my role in a much larger project, and meanwhile use what little you know about me, which I shared, in order to fish out a net full of red-herrings.
  20. This is just a teaser. I was right about Maxcoin, I was right about Sachs, but Bryce, now, this is just really about me being a guy who needs to get your "help." If you want to help, help us chop this Weiner off, and stop being so thin skinned about #chemtrail fouride jokes. You already know I don't buy into scientific orthodoxies, philosophically or as institutional-expression, but it is a HUGE leap from there to all the conspiratorial bullshit that proliferates youtube and other "sources" lacking even the PRETENSE of peer review----flouride panic, free-energy machines, chemtrails and quantum telepathy among them.
  22. Bend spoons or bend scammer's bullshit, but get over yourself and stop wasiting your time trying trying to be the one to harpoon the dolphin. It ain't gonna happen.
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