
Smarty Disguise

Apr 18th, 2012
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  1. >Be a fluffy pony abuser
  2. >Friend who is foreman at dump talks about fluffy pony gangwars
  3. >whyboner.jpg
  4. >Ask if you could go there to mess with the ponies
  5. >Foreman friend gets you to sign a waiver, introduces you to a coworker of his
  6. >Quiet guy, but okay
  7. >Quiet guy gives you a length of sharpened rebar, tells you he'll have better stuff to give you in a day or two
  8. >You thank him and go to meet your destiny
  10. >You're wearing a fluffy pony mask
  11. >Read about a guy who tricked an entire herd of fluffies into drowning this way
  12. >Awesome
  13. >You go towards an area the quiet guy described as the most dominant herd in the area
  14. >Very brutal group, have wiped out entire herds seemingly for sport
  15. >You are hard as a fucking rock
  16. >You carefully climb the junk heap up to the fluffies territory
  17. >Spotted almost instantly, fluffy pegasi shout warnings to herd
  18. >itbegins
  20. >You yell 'Hi fwends! Me fwuffy new fwuffy! Want make wots of new fwends!'
  21. >The pegasi puff out their cheeks and raise their wings
  22. >'No fwend! Big fwuffy go 'way! Big fwuffy get big owies!'
  23. >Other ragged fluffies join, shouting threats and growling
  24. >Undeterred, you yell 'Nuu! Fwuffy join herd! Pwease wet fwuffy join!'
  25. >A silver unicorn now joins the group on the ridge
  26. >Mare on either side
  27. >Even without the fluffies now chanting 'smawty fwend', you recognize this fwuffy from the quiet guy's briefing
  28. >You smile under your mask
  29. >The smarty friend begins barking orders at you
  30. >'You! Big fwuffy! No stay here! Dis our homes! No fwuffy join our fwuffies! You weave!'
  31. >The fluffies cheer for their leader, jeering at you and blowing raspberries
  32. >Finally, you begin your plan
  33. >Pointing at the smarty friend, you yell, 'Me chawwenge smawty fwend! Me not join herd, me WULE herd!'
  34. >The silver unicorn is beside itself with rage
  35. >Finally collects itself, orders two earth fluffies to give you 'big owies'
  36. >You hadn't planned on killing more than one fluffy today, but you're happy to oblige
  39. >The earth fluffies rush up to you and prepare to buck your legs
  40. >You casually grab them by the scruff of their neck and toss them down the slope behind you
  41. >One breaks its neck and dies instantly
  42. >It's body limply rolls down the hill, coming to a rest near the bottom
  43. >The other bounces as sickly crunching noises and wailing noises accompany each bounce
  44. >This one lands at the bottom of the hill, it's spine a twisted mess and it's front leg bent at an odd angle
  45. >It squeals for help, begging for huggies to stop the owies
  46. >It draws the attention of a nearby rat
  47. >Fluffy doesn't even realize it's being chewed on at first with it's paralyzed lower body
  48. >The wet chewing noises and the realization that it's being dragged down a hole tip it off
  49. >It screams in horror as it dissappears
  50. >Pointing to the smarty friend again, you casually ask 'Why smawty no fight? Why smawty scawwed?'
  51. >It's cheeks puff out immensely
  52. >It so mad
  53. >'Fine! You come up here! Smawty no scawwed o big fwuffy! Smawty stomp big fwuffy!'
  54. >You trudge the last few steps up, your fury boner leading the way
  55. >You are going to love every damn moment of this
  58. >The fluffies have made a clearing for you and the smarty friend
  59. >You gaze at all these fluffies, your 'new fwends'
  60. >At least 45 adults, various types and degrees of filth
  61. >Quiet guy explained the pecking orders to you, buy you'll have to reflect on that later
  62. >There's a very angry little fluffy unicorn trying to shoot sparks at you
  63. >You feign injury, whimpering, 'Ooohhh nooos, big spawk! Scawy fwuffy!'
  64. >The unicorn's eyes flash menacingly as it rushes towards you and begins biting your pantleg
  65. >It's completely harmless, but still you let it have it's fun
  66. >Eventually you tire of it's ineffectual attacks and the sounds of the fluffies as they cheer their leader
  67. >Time to end this
  68. >You pull out the sharpened rebar you were given by the quiet guy and pick up the silver unicorn by the scruff
  69. >It struggles valiantly, screeching at you
  70. >You place the rebar directly under it's 'no-nos', causing a good deal of its bravado to dissappate
  71. >It stammers 'No do dat! Stay 'way from no-nos! No touch!'
  72. >You lift him into the air, holding him carefully so the rebar doesn't move from it's spot
  73. >In one brutal motion, you slam the smawty fwend down on the rebar and slam the rebar down through one of the mares that was with him a minute ago
  74. >You step back to admire your work
  75. >Silver fluffy impaled by on his gonads as the bloody tip sticks out from his upper back
  76. >Queer whistling noises suggest you hit one of his lungs, blood oozing from his mouth as he stares horrified at nothing
  77. >Fluffy mare wriggling weakly, pleading for help and huggies
  78. >Other fluffies are now screaming and soiling themselves in horror
  79. >You spread your arms and roar 'YOU AW AWW FWUFFIES CHIWDWEN NOW!'
  80. >Fluffies scream more
  81. >You look behind you and see the quiet guy watching you from a distance
  82. >You wave
  83. >He just stares impassively before dissappearing
  84. >Huh.
  86. >You are now the smarty friend of a herd of dump ponies
  87. >Actually you're a guy in a mask who just brutally dispatched the herd's former smarty, but let's not mince words
  88. >Fluffies finally stop crying enough to acknowledge you
  89. >The other mare of the former smarty is the first to approach you
  90. >She winks at you
  91. >nope.avi
  92. >'New smawty so stwong', she coos at you. 'My name Cawwol. Smawty fwend want special huggies?' She winks at you again
  94. >You are an abuser of the highest order, but you're no horsefucker
  95. >That shit can stay at bronycon
  96. >You think for a minute, then yell, 'No! You no good fwuffy! Smeww wike fishies! Bad fwuffy no get smawty hugs!'
  97. >Her jaw drops, rejection a complete unknown to her. She starts to stammer for a moment before you cut her off
  98. >'You!' You point to a ragged looking orange pegasus
  99. >Torn ear, one eye swollen shut, he stares at you with fear and shits himself
  100. >'You give special hugs to fish fwuffy!'
  101. >The mare angrily snaps at the orange pegasus before you grab her by the scruff and push her nose to nose with the impaled mare from earlier
  103. >This is sick shit even for you, but you aren't giving 'special huggies' to anything and you need to make that clear
  104. >You'll rule through tyranny, not your wang
  105. >The orange pegasus slowly comes up behind the struggling mare and mounts her
  106. >You hope to a god that probably doesn't want you that the pegasus is premature
  108. >It's been a damn good day
  109. >You sit upon a throne made from various refuse
  110. >Fluffies fear and respect you
  111. >No more 'special huggies' offers
  112. >But it's getting late
  113. >Your foreman friend wouldn't let you sleep in the dump
  114. >You wouldn't want to sleep with these horrid little bastards anyways
  115. >Devise a plan to escape, but to return to your little project tomorrow
  116. >You stand, causing a scarlet unicorn to signal for attention
  117. >'Smawty fwend weave you fo now! Go get foodies! Bwing back for fwuffy fwends!'
  118. >They stomp and cheer for you in approval
  119. >If it wasnt' for the two impaled fluffies in the middle of the camp, they'd probably love you completely
  120. >Won't let them remove it though
  121. >One tried
  122. >You pounced on him in a shrieking frenzy, clasping his head between your hands and squeezing tightly
  123. >He groaned in agony, begging for mercy and offering hugs in exchange for his life
  124. >You hate hugs
  125. >Keep squeezing til you feel his skull cave in
  126. >Eyes squish out of sockets, brain leaks slowly out the nose and back of mouth
  127. >Held the destroyed fluffy over your head promising the same fate to any who dare to move your 'battle standard'
  128. >But enough reminiscing
  129. >You make a stop off at the foodbank on the way home, then go home to shower and plan your day tomorrow
  135. >Day two as human smarty friend
  136. >Get to dump early, see quiet guy in corner in coffee room
  137. >He nods to you as you sit down, offers you a cup of coffee
  138. >You show him the food you brought, ask his opinion
  139. >He explains the fluffy obsession about meat to you, says that a small piece of meat is worth all the non-meat in the bag
  140. >You contemplate this, thank him for his input
  141. >He offers you a couple of lambchops from his lunch
  142. >Thank him, but inwardly wonder what this guy's deal is
  143. >Quiet guy gestures at a clock on the wall, says the fluffies rise with the sun and that you should hurry
  144. >You don your disguise and go forth to greet your subjects
  146. >Fluffies are asleep as you sneak into the herds 'camp'
  147. >Battle standard undisturbed
  148. >Excellent
  149. >You see the scarlet unicorn from yesterday sleeping on your throne
  150. >You already know who's gonna die first today
  151. >You creep up on top of the scarlet one and whisper, 'Hey.'
  152. >His eye slowly opens, peering up at you
  153. >'Who say you sweep on smawty chaiw?' you inquire
  154. >He tenses and opens his other eye, shivering slightly but remaining silent
  155. >You repeat your question, only with more malice
  156. >Tears are forming in his eyes as he tries to squirm away
  157. >His little brain is programmed to forage, not play such games
  158. >Other fluffies are slowly waking up and watching you
  159. >You wrench the scarlet fluffy from your throne and roar into his face
  161. >It wiggles and openly weeps, a stream of shit landing on the head of a blue earth fluffy that got too close
  162. >It still says nothing
  163. >'IS IT CUZ WED FWEND DEAD?!' you demand, lobbing the crying fluffy into the air and punting the little shit out of the camp
  164. >It leaves a trail of piss and shit as it screams across the dump before slamming into a car windshield
  165. >Like Tinkerbell sprinkling her pixie dust across disney castle
  166. >MAGICAL
  167. >Other fluffies come out from around the car and start poking the corpse and babbling at it
  168. >Turn back to your herd and happily announce 'Fwends! Smawty fwend bwing foodies! Wotsa foodies! Eat, eat!'
  169. >The cheer and totally forget your earlier display
  170. >A great start to a great day
  172. >You've dispensed the food to your fluffy subjects
  173. >They're especially excited at the sight of the quiet guy's lambchops
  174. >Guy knows what he's talking about
  175. >They babble and squeak and beg for the lambchops, professing their undying love for you
  176. >You listen carefully for any offers of hugs
  177. >Vigilance is the key
  178. >You take this opportunity to screw with their pecking order
  179. >You grab the orange pegasus from yesterday
  180. >He shrieks with fear as you pick him up, soiling himself in the process
  181. >You rip off a chunk and hold it under his nose
  182. >He stares at the meat. 'Fwuffy can hav meaties?' it finally asks
  183. >You nod. This little runt must have been pretty low in rank
  184. >Perfect
  185. >Predictably, the higher ranking unicorns respond angrily
  186. >'Dat fwuffy no eat meat! Him eat poopies! Smawty fwend, no give meat!' The other unicorns rally behind him, stomping their little hooves
  187. >The situation is unacceptable
  188. >You spring from your throne and backhand the upstart
  190. >It falls on it's side, flailing it's stubby legs
  191. >When it rights itself, it's glares with malice, snorting angrily, puffing it's cheeks out and stomping it's hooves
  192. >Quiet guy described this as a challenge
  193. >You whisper, 'bad fwends go on batta standad...'
  194. >It tilts it's head curiously
  195. >Grabbing it's horn, you scream 'BAD FWENDS GO ON DA BATTA STANDAD!!'
  196. >It's bravado gone, it wails 'No hurt fwuffy! Fwuffy be good! Fwuffy be...'
  197. >It never finishes it's sentence
  198. >You slam it gut first on your battle standard, it's sharp point piercing it with ease
  199. >The fluffies cheer for you as the unicorn comes to rest on the back of the old smarty
  200. >It makes the same whistling noise as it flails its stubby legs waving weakly
  201. >You're gonna need a bigger battle standard if this shit keeps up
  202. >You go back to feeding the little orange guy
  203. >The unicorns weep softly
  204. >Those little fucks get nothing
  206. >Two more hours have passed
  207. >Fluffies are grazing now, many out foraging
  208. >You've watched these fluffies closely, learning their ranks and pairings
  209. >You notice a fluffy you haven't seen before sneaking around the bedding
  210. >You tap one of the guards and ask 'Who him?'
  211. >The guard squints before gasping in shock
  213. >You are puzzled
  214. >Quiet guy told you this was the dominant herd, and yet your herd is being raided
  215. >This opens a whole new world of opportunities to you
  216. >You race your herd to get to the invaders first
  217. >Accidentally step on your guard
  218. >You stumble
  219. >Make mental note to discipline that little shit later
  220. >Sure enough, the fluffy you saw earlier and several more like him are grabbing whatever they can get their hooves on
  221. >Foals are snatched from bleating mothers, beds are clenched in their little teeth
  222. >You bring your fist down on one of the foal snatchers like Iron Man, causing him to drop his squeaking payload
  223. >You pick up the foal as it's mother runs up to you, babbling 'Smawty fwend save baby! Tank you smawty fwend, fwuffy wuv you! Smawty fwend want hug?'
  224. >Hug
  225. >As it says this, the foal wraps around your arm
  226. >The little bastard is hugging you
  228. >You snap the foals neck and throw it to it's mother
  229. >'Sowwy, smawty too wate. Bad fwuffy give baby fwuff owies, baby fwuff hurt bad.'
  230. >The mother gapes with shock, then turns snarling on the injured trespasser
  231. >You run back into the fray
  233. >Your presence has turned the tide
  234. >Nothing stolen, noone escaped your wrath
  235. >A couple foals dies, but who fucking cares
  236. >You stand over the remaining captives, thinking to yourself what to do with them
  237. >Suddenly one bleats 'Smawty fwend, hewp pwease! Pwease hewp fluffy, no wan dis!'
  238. >A grey unicorn tries to shush the squealing fluffy, but it's too late
  239. >A plan has begun to take shape in your mind
  240. >You order your minions to take your captives to your improvised 'sorry box'
  241. >An old, plus sized dog kennel
  242. >Your mewling captives beg for release, but you're preoccupied
  243. >You lift the squirming grey unicorn and cheerfully say 'Hewwo!'
  244. >He spits at you saying 'Wet down! Wet fwends go o I give big ouchies!'
  245. >You set him down, to his surprise and the surprise of your herd
  246. >You say hewwo again, and ask him if he's a fwend
  247. >He stares quizically
  248. >'...fwend?' he asks
  249. >'Yes! You be fwuffies! Two herds, aww fwends! Show me fwends?'
  250. >He stares at you then at the cage
  251. >'If fwuffy wet out sum yo fwends, den we be fwends? Show me mo fwends?'
  252. >It contemplates this for a moment, then happily agrees
  253. >Fool
  255. >You, a few of your formerly captive fluffies, and 4 members of your herd are trekking across the dump
  256. >Aside from a few squabble that you hastily put down, the trip is uneventful
  257. >Think you catch a glimpse of the quiet guy
  258. >He seems to be working, but you get the feeling he's watching you
  259. >Whatever
  260. >Finally, you arrive at the invaders territory
  261. >The little grey fluffy turns to you and proudly declares, 'Dis fwuffy home! Wotsa fwuffie's fwends hewe! Babies, fiwwy fwends, wotsa fwends!'
  262. >You nod slowly, smiling behind your mask
  263. >Little shit suspects nothing
  264. >'Fwuffy fwends stay hewe! Smawties talk to udda herd, make fwends!'
  265. >'Fwuffies no need fwends! Got wots, no need bad fwuffs!' one of your herd shouts
  266. >You stare at him, motioning with your hands
  267. >Pointer finger between fingers on other hand
  268. >Fluffy goes silent and pale
  269. >Enemy Smarty oblivious
  270. >You go off with your former captives
  271. >Enemy Smawty is introducing you
  272. >You grab a pregnant mare, causing her to screech in protest
  273. >The grey unicorn turns and squeaks, 'No! No hurt mama fwuff!'
  274. >You set the shit covered thing on fire before hurling it back into a crowd of it's friends
  275. >Most are pregnant like it, making them unable to run
  276. >They ignite as well
  277. >Fluffies try to hug burning mares because 'huggies make everything better'
  278. >They ignite as well
  279. >Camp is in chaos
  280. >You grab the grey unicorn, wrenching on his hind legs
  281. >He screams in pain, begging you 'No make dis! No be mean, fwend! Owies!'
  282. >You hold him by his forelegs
  283. >'Me no fwend. You nevah take beddies or baby fwuffs again.'
  284. >You wrench his front legs out of socket dropping him
  285. >You point to him and announce to the few fluffies that aren't screaming or burning exactly who brought you here
  286. >The silver unicorn's head whips back and forth, hiccuping apologies and begging for hugs
  287. >Angry fluffies are descending on him, growling
  288. >Some crawl on broken legs
  289. >Soon silver unicorn disappears as he's swarmed with angry fluffies
  290. >Including one burning one
  291. >One becomes many
  292. >Missionaccomplished.jpg
  293. >You help yourself to some of their finest beddies and a couple charred dam corpses
  294. >As you return to your awestruck herd, you drop the beds on them and tell them to 'Make self usefuw'
  295. >You recieve a heroes welcome at camp
  296. >Rip burnt dams apart, dropping medium rare foals into the midst of your fluffies
  297. >Give one to your orange pegasus, thinking about how your betrayal will soon destroy him
  298. >Before you leave for the day, you stomp the little fuck that tripped you earlier and add the fluffy that sassed you to the battle standard
  299. >Firm but fair
  302. >Day 3 in smarty disguise
  303. >Enter the break room again and see the quiet guy sipping coffee and staring off into space
  304. >You sit down next to him and greet him
  305. >He nods, then after a few long moments he asks if you've ever played warcraft
  306. >An odd question, but you say you have
  307. >No response
  308. >Seriously, is this guy an aspie or something?
  309. >He hands you a toy lightsaber
  310. >Aspie points plus 1
  311. >You ask what the hell it is you're supposed to do with a plastic, light-up, telescoping light saber
  312. >He mutters that you should use your imagination
  313. >With that he's gone
  314. >Fucking aspie
  315. >Undetterred, you don your mask and march off to greet your herd and begin your day
  317. >Nobody on your throne today
  318. >Little fuckers are learning
  319. >As soon as you hit camp, the smell of fresh shit and piss hits your nose
  320. >Notice there are still some captives left in your cage from yesterday
  321. >Fluffies couldn't get inside cage, nor could captives escape
  322. >Settled for shitting in each others general direction
  323. >Ones in cage faired the worst in this, since they basically just flooded their cage with shit
  324. >At least one has died
  325. >Muzzle caked with shit
  326. >Drowning in shit, not a way you'd want to go
  327. >The remaining three seem to be snoring peacefully though
  328. >You have an idea
  329. >You pound on the cage causing the three fluffies inside to awaken, screaming and shaking
  330. >'Why woud sound? Fwuffy no wike! Why sowwy bawks? Wet fwuffy out!' they all chitter
  331. >Your camp awakens as well, one of your herd groggily stepping forward to soil the captives
  332. >Soils your shoe instead
  333. >Enraged, you grab the offending fluffy by the head and begin swinging him around like a slingshot from the days of christ
  334. >Imagine you are David
  335. >Imagine Goliath
  336. >Goliath wants huggies
  337. >You slingshot's neck cracks as it screams unintelligibly
  338. >You release your payload, watching it sail across the dump
  339. >Hit fluffy from previous day on car windshield
  340. >Windshield splinters, gravity chews its way through fluff and flesh with glass teeth
  341. >On to business
  343. >The herd is standing stock still behind you
  344. >The captives defecate defensively, hugging each other and sobbing
  345. >'Pwease wet out! Not frow fwuffy, dat mean!'
  346. >'Smawty no frow fwuffy! Pway game instead!'
  347. >They shake a bit less violently now, but they're still wary
  348. >'Game cawwed 'wace'! Fwee fwuffy wace, wun fwuffy win, dat fwuffy go home!'
  349. >They stare dumbly at you
  350. >Sigh, explain the rules again to them in simpler terms
  351. >They're even more terrified now
  352. >'Fwuffy no weave fwends! Wet aww fwuffy go, we weave! No mow steal baby fwuffs! Pwease wet out?'
  353. >'Fwuffies will pway game, o fwuffies get batta standad! Fwuffies want batta standad?'
  354. >You point to the makeshift totem pole of rotting bloodied fluffs in the middle of camp
  355. >They're either seeing it for the first time, or they had forgotten it
  356. >Either way, they scream and shit themselves again before blubbering
  357. >'Good!' you chirp. 'Fwuffy get wacing pwace weady! Wotsa fun!'
  358. >You send your herd off to find all the lightbulbs, nails, and pieces of rusty metal they can carry
  359. >They return an hour later unsure of what any of those things are
  360. >You backhand one of them then set that fluffy aside
  361. >She has just joined the race
  362. >You go and gather the materials yourself
  363. >You smash them up in a bucket then carefully sprinkle them along a path
  364. >You gather your racers and proudly present your 'wace twack'
  365. >Your racers stare in silent horror
  366. >You explain that the first pony to run to the end gets to live
  367. >All others will die
  368. >Survivor may go where he/she wishes
  369. >Fluffies refuse to move at first
  370. >Grimacing, you pull out the plastic light saber you got earlier
  371. >You swing it, causing it to glow, and scream 'GO!'
  372. >The race begins
  374. >The member of your herd is the first to run forward
  375. >She is the most well fed, she would make the most likely winner
  376. >As soon as she hits your path of broken glass, her marshmallow hooves slice apart
  377. >She falls to her belly screaming and crying, causing more glass and nails to stab into her fluff and neck
  378. >Every move brings her more agony
  379. >The first of the captives sees his chance, and jumps onto her back as she squeals in pain and indignation
  380. >'No! No sit on fwuf-guurrrg! Get off-hufff!'
  381. >The glass in her throat is now tinged red
  382. >It's already piercing her windpipe
  383. >You wonder what kind of whistling noises she's make
  384. >The first captive stomps a few times and blows raspberries at your herd
  385. >One tries to charge the captive and predictably gets cut up on the glass
  386. >You sigh and nudge the screaming fluffy off your race track with your toy light saber
  387. >Fucking moron
  388. >Finally, the captive gets the nerve to try and leap the remaining five feet of the track
  389. >He soars a good 6 inches before landing face first
  390. >Inarticulate screams of pain greet your ears as the fluffy attempts to raise it's head
  391. >Glass sticking out of one eye
  392. >Nail ripped through bottom lip and broke a tooth out
  393. >What a shame
  394. >The remaining two begin their careful journey out onto the track
  395. >They're watching the ground and whimpering, trying to avoid sharp objects
  396. >They're also side by side which causes them to bump each other
  397. >One falls on his side and begins to scream for help
  398. >The last captive sobs an apology and tearfully continues
  399. >As he nears the end of the track (you really should have gotten more glass) the captives beg to not be left behind
  400. >'Fwuffy so sowwy fwends! No want be owies, no hate!' It hiccups pitiably. 'Fwuffy sowwy!'
  401. >As it turns away, it steps on a chunk of glass and tumbles down the ridge your track ends on
  402. >You watch as it painfully gets up from the bottom, dragging it's leg behind it and limping on it's bad front leg
  403. >You suppress a laugh as you imagine the look on his face when he gets back to the charred remains of his herd
  406. >Later that day, you've collected the three fluffy corpses and swept away your 'wace twack'
  407. >Laugh at the stupid fluff who tried to run on the track
  408. >It sobs quietly
  409. >You won't let anyone hug him
  410. >He is completely alone and miserable
  411. >Suddenly you hear what sounds like a horn followed by a chorus of fluffy voices babbling about a 'scawy noise'
  412. >You look outside your camp, and you can't believe what you see
  413. >It's the fucking quiet guy
  414. >Wearing a disturbingly well made fluffy mask
  415. >You can tell it's him by the clothes he wears
  416. >Dozens of fluffies swarming around his feet
  417. >In one hand, an air horn
  418. >In the other...a toy light saber?
  419. >What the fuck is wrong with this guy?
  420. >He gestures towards your camp, and the fluffy horde screams and begins running up the slope into your camp
  421. >Wait
  422. >Is this why he was talking about warcraft?
  423. >You lament killing so many of your own herd, since he clearly has the numbers advantage now
  424. >Doubt talking reason to him is going to work
  425. >Some of your fluffies are snarling at the approaching groups
  426. >Mares are cowering with foals, shitting on them in terror
  427. >Impromptu camoflauge?
  428. >Others ask you what to do
  429. >You smile grimly and draw your own light saber
  430. >'Fwuffies ATTACK!'
  432. >This is fucking stupid
  433. >Quiet guy is rushing up your slope with spidery speed
  434. >He's used to working in this environment
  435. >This psycho now has you at two disadvantages
  436. >You swing at him as he nears the top
  437. >Parrys your swing then buries a shoulder into your gut
  438. >You both go tumbling into a pile of shit and screaming fluffies
  439. >You push the smaller man off of you and you both rise to your feet
  440. >You are titans on this battlefield, the fluffy herd now brutally beating on each other amongst your feet
  441. >Your nose and ears are overwhelmed by the fetid little beasts that are no so far beneath your notice
  442. >Your world is only you, and this creepy crazy manchild fuck that stands before you
  443. >He turns and begins to dash over the other side of the ridge your camp sits upon
  444. >All around you, your herd is bleeding, screaming, being raped, being murdered
  445. >You could never let him just get away with this
  446. >Robbed you of the days of fun you could have had
  447. >You give chase, trampling friendly and hostile fluffies alike
  448. >He suddenly stops and makes a baseball swing at your head
  449. >Is he trying to remove your mask?
  450. >You son of a bitch!
  451. >Screaming with rage you swing your plastic weapon of the gods down upon this bastard who dared interferred in your fun
  452. >He rolls effortlessly out of your way
  453. >Your momentum carries you as you somersault your way down the trash heap, causing mini avalanches along the way
  455. >Dammit to hell
  456. >You are pinned beneath god knows what with some crazy fuck in a fluffy mask standing over you
  457. >He hangs limply for a couple of long minutes, like some horrid mockery of a scarecrow
  458. >Finally you find your voice
  459. >'What the hell are you doing? You could have killed me you dumb fuck!'
  460. >No response
  461. >'Just help me get up. I am going to have your fucking job for this you dumb cunt, and both those toys are going up your ass!'
  462. >Still no response
  463. >'Come on, please. I...I didn't mean it. Help me. Please.'
  464. >Silence
  465. >Silence
  466. >Silence
  467. >Movement
  468. >He steps past you and raises his arms
  469. >'Fwends! Down hewe! Smawty down hewe with bad smawty! Bwing bad horn fwuffs! Come see!'
  470. >His voice is well practiced
  471. >Can't tell his voice from any other fluffy
  472. >Soon you are surrounded by wounded and battered fluffies
  473. >Near your head, on top the garbage on your chest
  474. >Even your little orange pegasus friend draws close, whimpering and sniffling
  475. >The quiet guy bends down and grabs the chin of your mask
  476. >You struggle vainly as he rips away your disguise
  477. >The fluffies collectively shit themselves in shock
  478. >They never saw this coming
  480. >The quiet guy begins to speak in feigned shock
  481. >'Wook! Dis no fwuffy! Dis not fwuffy at aww! Him Hooman!'
  482. >Muffled whispers of 'hooman' and 'whewe smawty go?' filter through to your ears
  483. >White hot with rage
  484. >The quiet guy begins to speak again
  485. >'Dis hooman wie to fwuffies! He huwt wots a fwuffies, get specia' huggies fwom aww da fiwwies!'
  486. >You wish you could hate this fuck dead
  487. >He continues
  488. >'Dis hooman, him name 'toywet'! Make big poopies on Toywet!'
  489. >Your rage turns to fear
  490. >What is he saying? Does he really mean to kill you?
  491. >You watch as he unfolds a sheet of paper, unnoticed by the now angry fluffies that seem to be crowding in around your head
  492. >It's a note
  493. >'I'm so sorry. I have been waiting for Diablo 3 for almost four years now. I had saved some money to take a small vacation, but the foreman wouldn't give me my time off. That's when you appeared. I realized that if some idiot got himself hurt or killed out here, that they would have to shut down for a couple of weeks. I'm sorry man. I need this.'
  494. >WAT
  495. >This bastard is going to murder you so he can play a fucking video game?!
  496. >WHY
  497. >You notice that the fluffies have turned their smelly asses to you
  498. >You turn to see your orange pegasus still sobbing in disbelief
  499. >You were his only friend
  500. >You still are
  501. >You want to end him so badly
  502. >You strain to try and free an arm, only to see the quiet guy casually grab the orange pegasus by the scruff and begin walking away
  503. >He's taken everything from you
  504. >You can't even hear yourself scream over the sounds of 70+ fluffies shitting and screaming as one
  507. >Epilogue
  508. >Be the quiet guy
  509. >Sitting in your chair at home
  510. >Life is good
  511. >Work shut down pending investigation
  512. >Overheard police bemoaning toxic environment in dump
  513. >Impossible to gather evidence
  514. >You smile
  515. >They'll never know
  516. >You gently stroke the sleeping orange fluffy in your lap
  517. >You rescued the little fellow
  518. >You're a hero
  519. >Poor little guy was traumatized
  520. >Babbling about a giant fluffy who hurt his smawty fwend
  521. >He winces as you carefully caress the burn marks on his forehead from the stun gun
  522. >Taking away his memories was the only way to take away the pain
  523. >He yawns, and nuzzles deeper into your lap
  524. >dawwww
  525. >Foreman at work fired for endangering civilians
  526. >Talk of napalming entire dump to remove the danger of murderous fluffies
  527. >Police would never think to question them anyways
  528. >Owner spoke with you about promotion to foreman
  529. >You said you'd think about it
  530. >A prompt lets you know D3 is finished installing
  531. >Look at calender
  532. >3 paid EI weeks before you go back to work
  533. >Contemplate using your saved money for new computer at work
  534. >Never stop playing D3
  535. >Above your computer hang two dirty fluffy masks
  536. >Your orange pegasus sometimes stares at them and cries
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