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Jul 6th, 2015
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  1. Hey! Before I begin, I wanted to thank you guys for this entire update. You guys addressed many balance problems that existed with unlockable weapons, and you added some cool maps and features. It's great to know that you still care about the game after all these years.
  3. I really like the weapon pickup feature. There are a lot of fun things you can do by commandeering your victim's weapon, and changing your playstyle on the fly. My only gripe with this feature is the fact that medigun charges carry over.
  5. When you kill a medic, his Medigun drops to the ground and it retains the charge that the medic had. This is problematic for competitive TF2, which tends to revolve around carefully planning strategies around your ubercharge percentage relative to your opponents.
  7. In the new update, you can pick up an enemy medic's ubercharge after he died with a high charge percent. This would allow a team to effectively use two ubercharges before their opponents could even get one. In a competitive game of 5CP, this would mean certain defeat for the team that lost their medigun, when before the update, they would have a fighting chance to come back.
  9. I hope you understand the problems us competitive players are having with the update. These are some suggested changes that would alleviate the issue:
  10. -Mediguns drop but do not save their charge
  11. -Dropped mediguns quickly drain charge over time while they're on the ground.
  12. -Repeatedly swapping between two weapons will not prevent them from expiring
  14. Thank you for your consideration!
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