
Marshmallows & OOC Shenanigans

Aug 18th, 2013
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  1. [17:41] <Aoyin> !roll d100 tackle Hearth
  2. [17:41] <GameServ> 16 == 16
  3. [17:41] * Aoyin sails past, "FFFUUUUuuuu...."
  4. [17:41] <Aoyin> !roll d100 try again
  5. [17:41] * Hearth watches Aoyin as he flies by "Eh?"
  6. [17:41] <GameServ> 88 == 88
  7. [17:41] * Aoyin tackles Hearth, entirely non-sexually
  8. [17:42] * Hearth falls to the ground "Ah! Aoyin! What was that about!?"
  9. [17:42] <Aoyin> "Iunno. Stuff?"
  10. [17:42] <Aoyin> !roll d100 have "stuff"
  11. [17:42] <GameServ> 70 == 70
  12. [17:43] * Hearth raises an eyebrow "Stuff? Well could you please get off of me?"
  13. [17:43] * Aoyin reaches into his saddlebags, pulling out a bag of marshmallows. "Want some?"
  14. [17:44] * Aoyin starts to open the bag with his teeth, "Buh shuh cumfy, Hursh!"
  15. [17:45] <Al_Dente> !roll d100 for bubbles
  16. [17:45] <GameServ> 44 == 44
  17. [17:45] * Al_Dente whips out the dubbles
  18. [17:45] <Hearth> "M-Marshmallows?...well sure, I guess...but if you wouldn't mind...could you please just get off?"
  19. [17:47] * Aoyin gets the bag open and lays down against Hearth, his head on her chest, giving her the most whiney voice he could as he rolled his head from side to side. "But you're soooo coooomfyyy~!"
  20. [17:48] <Al_Dente> !roll d100 for Hearth Couch Chair
  21. [17:48] <GameServ> 79 == 79
  22. [17:48] * Hearth rolls her eyes and looks away, blushing a little "F-Fine..."
  23. [17:51] <Aoyin> "Yaaay!" He lays the bag on her neck and pulls out a marshmallow, popping it into his mouth. "Mmm... Yummy." He pulls another out and hovers it just before her lips. "Waaant one?"
  24. [17:52] * Hearth looks back at Aoyin, reluctantly saying "...sure"
  25. [17:54] <Aoyin> "Well go on, take it!" He pokes at her lips with the soft treat, "It's taasty!"
  26. [17:57] * Hearth stares at him for a moment, scanning his face, before biting a small piece of the marshmallow and pulling it away from Aoyin. She then opens her mouth to take in the marshmallow and start chewing it.
  27. [17:57] <Al_Dente> "How lewd."
  28. [17:58] * Hearth calls out with half eaten marshmallow still in her mouth making her speech a bit muffled "A-Al!"
  29. [17:59] * Aoyin is just smiling innocently, lettting her take it. "See? In'it good?" He takes another for himself, snickering when Hearth speaks, mimicking her, "A-awl, pluz!"
  30. [18:00] * Hearth looks back at Ayoin and glares as she finishes the marshmallow and swallows
  31. [18:01] * Aoyin gives Hearth a silly grin and winks. "Ooo, I wonder! Can you make a fire? We might be able to make smores!"
  32. [18:01] * Al_Dente puts a face of mock concern and puts his hooves to his waist, shooting them both a commanding look. "You better plan to share those smores."
  33. [18:01] * Hearth huffs, obviously not amused "Aoyin...please"
  34. [18:03] <Aoyin> "Hearth, please!" He puts his hooves on her chest and lifts his front half up, grinning wide, "Smores! Come ooon, you know you like them! The hard, crunchy cracker, with a sweet, smooooth chocolate, and to top it all off, the hot, white, gooey mess of a mallow to top it all off!"
  35. [18:08] * Hearth scrunches her face as she looks at him, still suspicious of Aoyin's actions "Ehhhh...I guess..."
  36. [18:09] * Aoyin grins and sits on her belly. "See, I told you!" Turns to look at Al, "Oi, do me a favor, get a fire started pleeease?" He turns back and in a whim starts poking at Hearth's upper belly and sides.
  37. [18:11] * Hearth has a bit of trouble breathing at Aoyin sits on her belly "Ah...Ayoin...could you-...?" *starts to squirm a little as Aoyin pokes at her sides* "A-Aoyin, c-could you stop...please?"
  38. [18:11] * Al_Dente starts to gather branches and tinder, making a pile in the center of an open space and doucing it with lighter fluid. Pulling out his fire starter and looking right at the fire. "Fire is fun!" Striking the starter as the entire area is basked in a flash of light.
  39. [18:12] <Al_Dente> !roll d100 for fire being fun
  40. [18:12] <GameServ> 51 == 51
  41. [18:12] * Al_Dente just looks at Aoyin and Hearth with his mane slightly singed, reaching up and putting out a stray strand of hair on fire. "Fire."
  42. [18:15] <Aoyin> "Oh, yeah, sure." He changes position, going to his knees, weight off of the mare but still holding her down that way, and he'd go right back to poking her all over, purposefully trying to tickle her, looking for any spots that made her jump,
  43. [18:18] <Aoyin> "But tickles!" He strokes his hooves all over her sides, under her forelegs, and gently across her neck. "Wheere~ are~ your~ ticklish~ spots~?"
  44. [18:20] * Hearth starts to laugh as she closes her eyes and squirms around trying to get out from under Ayoin "S-Stop! Please! A-Aoyin~!"
  45. [18:21] <Aoyin> "Nope! No breaks on the tickle train~!" He tosses the bag of marshmallows to Dente and goes back to his business, focusing on those spots that got Hearth all giggly.
  46. [18:22] * Al_Dente catches the bag of marshmallows and spears one on a stick, holding it over the fire as it starts to roast nicely.
  47. [18:22] <Al_Dente> "Muh marshmallows."
  48. [18:22] * Hearth laughs uncontrolably and starts to thrash about, yelling in between her laughing and airy breaths "A-AOYIN~! STAHP~!"
  49. [18:24] <Aoyin> "BUT IT'S FUUN~!" He leans in and picks one of the spots, nibbling at it while his hooves attack the other spots. He pulls back after a few moments, grinning wide and gently pinning Hearth by her chest. "Ya got nommed."
  50. [18:25] * Hearth yelps a bit as Aoyin bites "Eeep! Ah-ah...AOYIN~!" *continues to laugh and thrash about* "C-CMON~!"
  51. [18:26] * Al_Dente looks at his marshmallow and eats it, putting the stick down and swapping it for a bubble gun. Going upwind of Aoyin and Hearth and releasing a barrage of bubbles. Dubble bubbles.
  52. [18:27] <Aoyin> "I aaamm~ Oh wait... Oh, you want MORE tickles! Okay!" Leans back down, picking a different ticklish spot to nibble at while his hooves explore the others, but he loses concentration when the bubbles float past. "Wha-... What is- OHMYGODBUBBLES~!"
  53. [18:29] * Al_Dente trots with the bubble gun past the two, still shooting out a massive barrage of bubbles and gently float down wind. The bubbles nearly hypnotic with the waves and path they take.
  54. [18:30] * Hearth wriggles about with her eyes closed as laughing intensifies "I-I CAN'T BREATHE! S-STAHP~!..." *opens her eyes as Aoyin starts to lose his concentration "...buh-bubbles...?"
  55. [18:32] <Aoyin> "BUBBLES!" He clops his hooves together in the air, trying and failing to catch the floating spheres. "Aww, I can't get any-" -clop- "With these damned hooves!" -clop, clopclop-
  56. [18:33] * Hearth just stares at the bubbles as she regains her breath, smiling lightly.
  57. [18:33] * Al_Dente smiles and reloads his bubble gun, making his way towards hearth and shooting them next to her head. Bubbles brushing against her cheek as they start to disperse down wind. The light making a mystical reflection on the soapy spheres
  58. [18:34] <Hearth> "Ah!" *laughs a little, closes her eyes and tries to use her hooves to disperse the bubbles* "Wh-Why is this happening?!"
  59. [18:37] <Aoyin> "Ooo~!" He tries to lick them in the air. "Maybe I can get 'em like this!" He licks madly at the bubbles, following the path the gun made toward Hearth. -lick- -licklicklick- -lick, li- He accidentally licks Hearth on the cheek trying to get one of the bubbles, then the ear as he goes for another one. "Ah, I can't hit any!"
  60. [18:38] * Hearth is startled by Aoyin's tongue against her cheek "Ah! A-AOYIN?! WH-WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?""
  61. [18:39] <Aoyin> "I'm tryin'a get the bubbles, wha'da'ya think!?" He frowns down at her, sitting back up "I'm not allowed to get bubbles?"
  62. [18:40] * Al_Dente hands Hearth the bubble gun and offers her another bottle of soap.
  63. [18:46] * Hearth pouts at Aoyin "I...I gues that's fine..." *notices Al handing her the bubble gun a soap and looks at them for a moment before taking them and reloading the gun* "You said you wanted bubbles, Aoyin~?"
  64. [18:48] * Aoyin nods enthusiastically, grinning silly, almost like a foal. "Yeah, yeah!"
  65. [18:48] * Hearth giggles a bit "Well..." *starts to fire a stream of bubbles into the air above Aoyin's head* "Here you go~"
  66. [18:50] * Aoyin 's face lights up, throwing his head back as Hearth shoots the bubbles. "Yaay!" He reaches up, trying to catch them with his hooves, mouth, and tongue, making funny little noises all the while.
  67. [18:51] * Hearth giggles at Aoyin's antics and continues to fire the bubbles, starting to angle to gun so the bubbles shoot off to the side and away from herself.
  68. [18:53] * Aoyin follows the stream, leaning waaaay to the side until he tumbles over, yelping as he hits the ground. "Oww! That hurt... Meany..."
  69. [18:54] <Hearth> "AH! Sorry...didn't think you'd fall over." *Rolls off of her back and starts to stand back up* "...finally"
  70. [18:57] * Aoyin sits up, pouting. "And I just wanted to share marshmallows and smores with you..."
  71. [18:59] * Hearth stands there with an apologetic look on her face "Well...ah...I-I'm sorry Aoyin...we can still do so if you want"
  72. [19:02] * Aoyin sniffs and nods. "Sure. The fire's lit anyways, so... May as well not let it go to waste."
  73. [19:06] * Hearth smiles and nods back at Aoyin "Right!" *trots over to the fire and skewers a marshmallow on a stick, the holding it out to Aoyin* "Here ya go~"
  74. [19:06] <Hearth> then holding it*
  75. [19:07] * Aoyin follows, smiling when Hearth offers the stick'd marshmallow. "Thanks!" He takes it and holds it over the fire, rotating it slowly.
  76. [19:10] <Hearth> "No problem!" *picks up another sitck and sticks a marshmallow on it, then begins to roast it over the fire.*
  77. [19:12] * Aoyin licks his lips. "Mmm... Love smores. Especially the chocolate and gooey mallow part. I could do away with the graham cracker if there was a way!"
  78. [19:15] * Hearth smiles as she continues to roast her marshmallow "Ehhhh...I feel like it wouldn't be the same without the graham cracker, but hey, to each his own"
  79. [19:22] <Aoyin> "Eh, yeah." He looks up above Hearth's head, pupils dialating a little, and if Hearth were to look up she'd see a lone bubble drift down towards her... And he'd dart forward to try and get that bubble and would end up licking Hearth on the cheek again, "Gooot iiit~!"
  80. [19:24] <Hearth> "Ah!" *flails a bit and gets flustered* "AOYIN~!"
  81. [19:24] <Aoyin> "Heeearth~! I got the bubble, see?" He sticks his tongue out, looking down at it proudly, but he frowns. "Ey, ish nod there..."
  82. [19:26] * Hearth sighs "Aoyin...just..." *sighs again and goes back to roasting the marshmallow* "Whatever"
  83. [19:32] <Hearth> "Oh! Looks like its done" *pulls the now golden brown marshmallow out from above the fire* "...where are the rest of the smores stuff, Aoyin?"
  84. [19:46] * Aoyin snaps back from being half asleep, looking down at his marshmallow. "Oh! It's ready!" Looks back up at Hearth. "Umm... What did you ask?"
  85. [19:49] <Hearth> "I uhhh...I wanted to know where the rest of smores stuff was"
  86. [19:50] <Aoyin> "Oh! It's..." He looks around, "It's over... Ah, there it is." He drags a bag over, holding it out to her. "The chocolate and graham crackers."
  87. [19:53] <Hearth> "Oh! Thanks, but uhhhh...Quick kinda..." *looks the bare stick she's holding* "Yeah..."
  88. [19:54] <Aoyin> "Oh! Well then... Here!" He grabs another marshmallow and hoofs it to her. "Thar!"
  89. [19:55] * Hearth takes it and sticks it on the stick "Thanks!" *gets back to roasting marshamallows, focusing on evenly roasting it and not burning it*
  90. [19:59] * Aoyin thinks about how good Hearth is spitroasting things that get gooey, and makes a mental rimshot. "He... hehe..." He reaches into the bag and grabs a graham cracker and a piece of chocolate, making himself a smore
  91. [20:02] * Hearth smiles as she finished the second marshmallow and carefully navigates it onto a grahm cracker. She then places a piece of chocolate and another grahm cracker on top.
  92. [20:06] * Hearth takes a bite of the smore, getting some of the marshmallow on the side of her mouth and grimacing. "Ehh..." *licks at the side of her mouth trying to get it off her face*
  93. [20:10] * Aoyin giggles, grinning as he watches. "Oh, oh, I bet -I- can eat mine super fast without doin' that! Lookie!" He stuffs his smore into his mouth, crunching loudly, getting a little bit on his lips. "Shee, shee!?" He looks down, "Oh ya, you made a mess on yourself. Lemme just-" He goes forward and licks at the marshmallow that she got on herself.
  94. [20:12] * Hearth gets flustered and flails a hoof towards Aoyin "A-AOYIN! Stop licking me!" *huffs*
  95. [20:15] * Aoyin dodges and laughs a little. "But you're messy, and I can see you're having trouble! So don't worry, I'll just-" Goes back to licking again, trying to get all the marshmallow off.
  96. [20:18] * Hearth pushes Aoyin with both of her front hooves "N-No! I can take care of it...myself" *pouts*
  97. [20:22] * Aoyin lets himself be pushed back, grinning wide, "No you can't! You couldn't a second agoo!"
  98. [20:25] * Hearth glares at Aoyin, still pouting as she tries to wipe the mallow off her face with a hoof
  99. [20:31] * Aoyin giggles. "See, you can't get it! Hold still." He gently grabs her chin and licks at the mallow
  100. [20:32] * Hearth pouts "F-Fine..." *lets Aoyin lick the marshmallow off*
  101. [20:36] * Aoyin smiles and cleans her off, pulling back with a smile. "Success!"
  102. [20:42] * Aoyin grins, some marshmallow on his own lips. "Here, -I'll- get that for you!" Does just that, lapping at the marshmallow.
  103. [20:43] * Hearth just pouts and lets Aoyin clean her up "..."
  104. [20:45] * Aoyin chuckles. "Mmm, yummy! It's almost better off your cheeks! Wonder why..."
  105. [20:47] * Hearth glares at Aoyin, her cheeks reddening a bit
  106. [20:50] <Aoyin> "Ohoo~ Somebody mad!" Grins and licks at her a little more. "Omnomnom~."
  107. [20:51] * Hearth gets flustered and pushes Aoyin back "A-AH! A-Aoyin! Please!"
  108. [20:56] <Aoyin> "Whaaat? I'm cleaning you! Yer all marshmellowed up!"
  109. [20:59] * Hearth continues to pout at Aoyin, cheeks still reddening " already-...already cleaned it up." *huffs in frustration* "...gosh..."
  110. [21:01] <Aoyin> "Noo~ I didn't! There's a little right... Hmm... Right -there-." He pokes her lip and starts licking right there.
  111. [21:02] * Hearth turns beat red and falls backwards "AH! D-Don't...wh-what are you doing!?"
  112. [21:04] * Aoyin frowns. "Wha'd'ya mean? I'm cleaning the marshmellow off!"
  113. [21:12] * Hearth continues to pout at Aoyin and crosses her front legs, still lying on the ground looking up at him
  114. [21:16] * Aoyin just continues licking, going from one corner of her lips to the other, smiling and giggling softly. "You're silly, Hearth."
  115. [21:20] * Hearth 's eyes widen as she stares at Aoyin, frozen in place
  116. [21:22] * Aoyin pulls back and tilts his head. "Y'allright?"
  117. [21:28] <Aoyin> "Do you not like being clean? Oh, I'm sorry... Umm..." He looks around, "Oh! Here-" He grabs another marshmallow and gives it a quick baking, pulling it off when it was warm and soft, to smear it on her cheek and across the front of her muzzle. "There!"
  118. [21:37] <Hearth> "Ah! Nononono...I don't want..." *sighs, realizing where this is going* "Aoyin...why?"
  119. [21:41] <Aoyin> "Why what? You want to be all messy, right? So I, you know, fixed it for you!" He licks his hoof clean, smiling, "Or... Did I misunderstand?"
  120. [21:43] <Hearth> "Uhh...ahh...yes, you misunderstood...I-" *blushes and looks away, mumbling a bit* "...I don't want to be messy..."
  121. [21:52] <Aoyin> "What? Then whyy?" He puts his hooves on the sides of his head, "I'M SO CONFUSED!"
  122. [21:55] * Hearth huffs and puffs, having trouble articulating her words "Ughh... Aoyin, I-...uhhh...ehhhhhhh..."
  123. [21:56] * Aoyin whines, very remenisce of a child, "Wha-a-aaaat? I just wanted to get you clean an' happy!"
  124. [21:59] * Hearth continues to fumble over her words, her face a deep red "Uhhhhh...I-I............F-Fine..."
  125. [22:01] * Aoyin clops his hooves together. "Yay!" He leans in and start to happily lap Hearth's cheek clean again.
  126. [22:04] * Hearth lies frozen in place as Aoyin gets to work. She closes her eyes and can feel the heat coming off of her flushed face
  127. [22:12] * Aoyin frowns curiously, but keeps on licking at Hearth, moving up towards the end of her snout, stopping for a moment to lick his lips. "Mmm... What IS it about this? You make the marshmallow taste better, that's so weird!" He licks a bit more, lapping her lips clean.
  128. [22:13] * Hearth 's eyes widen and she shudders a bit as Aoyin continue to lick. She holds her lips tightly shut.
  129. [22:20] * Aoyin finishes cleaning Hearth off, his tongue making a few more wide strokes before he pulled back with a smile. "There! All better! ... Hey, what's wrong? You look like someone's trying to give you a shot!" He gives her a peck on the nose.
  130. [22:23] <Hearth> "I-I..." *closes her eyes and takes a deep breath* ""
  131. [22:27] * Aoyin tilts his head. "Are you okay? You look like you need some... TICKLES!" He picks one of her ticklish spots and starts nibbling at it.
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