
SLIPPIST descripts

Jun 10th, 2018
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  1. Slippist:
  2. %description = Slippist is the brightest object in the sky. Visible to half of the globe, Slippist gives heat and light to all of the planets in the sky. Despite its stationary appearance in the sky, all of the planets--including Echo--orbit in circular paths around it. Scientists have discovered that Slippist is actually a small star, very average among the stellar population but rare in the sky due to its dimness. Most of the stars in the sky are thousands of times brighter!
  4. Beta:
  5. %description = Beta is named after the Echoabal spirit of War. A fitting name, as its proximity to Slippist causes tidal interactions which develop serious volcanic activity on its surface. Tugged and pulled on by Slippist's terrible gravity and scorched by its heat, Beta is certainly not the place to call home.
  7. Charlie:
  8. %description = Charlie is named after the Echobal spirit of the Sky. Charlie's atmosphere covers its surface in a thick cloud cover, but if it's anything like Beta, you wouldn't want to settle there.
  10. Delta:
  11. %description = Delta, named for the Echobal spirit of Family, is the planet that is the most like Echo. Covered by desert on one side and ice on the other, and thought to have a ring of liquid water along the terminator line. Delta is, however, smaller and hotter than Echo, and as a result there has been no observed atmospheric oxygen.
  13. Echo:
  14. %description = Echo, the home of the Echobals. Only habitable around a temperate ring near the terminator line between the Day hemisphere and the Night hemisphere. It wasn't until the first expeditions to the Echoan far side that it was realized that Echo and Slippist weren't stationary objects. (The stars in the night sky moved in a circular path.) From there, all of modern physics pretty much fell into place naturally.
  16. Foxtrot:
  17. %description = Foxtrot, named for the Echobal spirit of Observation, is the first of the Eyeball planets. Its iris, opened wide, represents a willingness to intake information. We now know that the iris is actually a massive ocean of liquid water. A cap of ice covers the rest of the planet, but it is suspected that there may be landmasses on it.
  19. Golf:
  20. %description = Golf, named for the Echobal spirit of Conscience, and the second of the Eyeball planets. Its iris is closed, in self-reflection rather than outwards inspection. In reality, the white is more ice and the iris is yet another ocean. But there's also a massive purple landmass coating much of the "iris." Golf is the biggest planet, and you might have trouble walking on it if you wanted to try due to the higher gravity.
  22. Hotel:
  23. %description = Hotel is the final planet of the system. The smallest and dimmest, usually visible only from darker latitudes. It is a dry, cold iceball, and is named for the Echobal spirit of distance. It may once have been an eyeball planet like Golf and Foxtrot.
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