
Anon's Glorious Quest

Jul 28th, 2015
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  1. *Note: Thread died so I'll finish this story one day*
  3. >Darkness surrounds you.
  4. >Time has seemed to halt for unaccountable years as you enjoy your everlasting peace...
  5. >That is, until you are called for again.
  6. >"Rise Anonymous, rise! Equestria needs you once again"
  7. >You recognize the voice as clear as day. She gives the day, in fact.
  8. >Your peaceful world breaks apart as you begin to awake and regain consciousness.
  9. >"Please Anonymous, we need you."
  10. >Four lights shine around you. Wait, four?!
  11. >But that can only mean...
  12. >Your eyes open as you sit up, battle armor already encompassing your otherwise naked body.
  13. >The beautiful land of equestria shines onto you. Green pastures to your left and right, in the peaceful Everfree Forest.
  14. >"It's a pleasure to see you once again."
  15. "Likewise, Celestia."
  16. >You turn to your right and are greeted by the princess of the sun standing gracefully near your head. Her younger sister, Luna, is placed near your feet.
  17. >"This is most unusual. They are normally placed at my feet. Why are they..." your thought is cut off as your head turns to the left.
  18. >A pink princess stands next to your head and a shorter purple one at your feet.
  19. >Your head leans back in confusion, but you retain your tongue.
  20. >As you stand, you ask Celestia the all too familiar question.
  21. "How long was I out?"
  22. >You are quite curious about many things. It's nearly a ritual to ask the Sun goddess this question upon waking up.
  23. >"Twelve hundred thirty six years, eight months, ten days."
  24. "I'm glad to hear that Equestria has been safe for such a long time. It's unusual for you to wake me longer than a millennium," you state, smiling at your old friend.
  25. >"U-uhm, hello, I mean, hi."
  26. >You turn to hear a nervous, almost nasily, voice attempt to make conversation with you.
  27. >It's the purple one.
  28. "Who are you Madam?"
  29. >She shows to be slightly choked up.
  30. >"Allow me to introduce these two," Princess Celestia interjects. "This is Princess Twilight Sparkle, home to Ponyville..."
  31. >You kneel down and bow to her, a little unsure of what to make of this sudden surprise.
  32. "It's an honor."
  33. >"And this is Princess Le Amo-"
  34. >"Princess Cadance will do fine." the Pink alicorn chuckles nervously.
  35. "Right. It's an honor," you kneel and bow to both once again.
  36. >'What has happened?!' you think to yourself. 'Why would anyone except a god or goddess be allowed alicorn nobility? Surely I'm still seeing things.'
  37. >"Oh sweetie, you don't need to kneel for us. It's an honor to be in YOUR presence." Princess Cadance lowers her head in respect.
  38. >You look at her completely confused, almost in disgust.
  39. >'Did she say "sweetie"? What kind of language is that?! Preposterous!' your mind goes on again.
  40. >"It is time that we speak of royal decree. Time is of the essence." is shouted behind you loudly, startling some birds to fly from their trees.
  41. >'Well, at least someone has some sense of royalty around here!' you think to yourself, almost shouting aloud but holding respect for Celestia and Luna.
  42. >And, perhaps these other princesses if you indeed to call them such.
  43. "Indeed Luna. What would you have your Knight do?"
  44. >They look at each other worriedly.
  46. >The four bring you to Canterlot.
  47. >Much has changed. Most notably, the respect the ponies have for a royal knight, and likely each other.
  48. >No one smiles anymore. Something has gone terribly wrong.
  49. >You climb the steps into the Princess' noble home, shining with a luxury of gold lining and robes atop of it all.
  50. >"Noble Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Princess Cadance, and Princess Sparkle enter into the palace!" a guard at the front shouts, and immediately all of his fellow guardsmen kneel to honor the royals.
  51. >You enter after them, covered in your armor, and atop of that a layer of dirt and smudge from battles before.
  52. >The guards whisper to one another in confusion. You can hear mutters and mention of your unusual figure.
  53. >You feel a hoof gently come into contact with your metal armor.
  54. >"Sir, by order of the Princess, we must ask you to dep-"
  55. >You unsheathe your sword quickly, startled by the touch and words.
  56. >Many guards around you do the same and begin charging at you.
  57. >You attempt to make a lunge at one of them but you are stopped in motion before harm can come to anyone.
  58. >"He is with me." Celestia speaks to all, her horn lighting up giving an indication that she has frozen you and your thought-to-be enemies around you.
  59. >"Figures, asswipe." one guard mumbles, the rest of the guards following in a laugh as they are released and return to their previous duties.
  60. "How dare you! You never speak such language in front of the Noble hierarchs!" you yell violently, attempting to make chase but alas, Celestia still holds a grasp of you.
  61. >"Calm down, Anon."
  62. "Calm down?! Your own servants attempt to make a foolery of you!"
  63. >She sighs, unsure of how to explain the apparent wrongness of your actions.
  64. >You're released, and dust off your armor, turning around and snarling to yourself.
  65. >You continue to walk down hallway after hallway, ending up in the Diplomacy room. You remember time after time of being here.
  66. >King Sombra's reign of terror on the land, Discord's chaotic rule over Equestria...
  67. >The purple pony whispers something to that other pink one, and the two giggle.
  68. >You have a few questions about how they came to rule.
  69. >'Can anyone be a princess nowadays? Can I be a princess?' you joke to yourself.
  70. >All of you take a seat, the door being shut and notably locked behind you.
  71. >"Alright, now that we are in a disclosed area, I suppose we can discuss important matters." Celestia begins.
  72. >Luna continues on "Anon, I'm sure you recall the Elements of Harmony, correct?"
  73. "Of course." you speak as if the answer were obvious.
  74. >"Well, to put it very shortly, we have lost them..."
  75. >You could not be more confused, and your upset face is a clear indication of this.
  76. >"... to the changelings..." Luna states uneasily.
  77. "When did you lo- HOW did you lose them? The elements are intended to be locked behind a door that no one could open but Princess Celestia!"
  78. >"Anon..." Celestia speaks "... They are no longer kept behind locked doors."
  79. >You lean towards the table and place your hands on it.
  80. "Are you placing them up your arse and singing them a lullaby?!"
  81. >"Anon, please."
  82. >After a few seconds, you sit back in your seat. You've come to realize that you've frightened the younger princesses.
  83. "I apologize. Please proceed." you are still as unsure and upset as before, but you don't speak.
  84. >'The princess must have her reasons.' you think to yourself... Or rather, you hope.
  85. >"Right then."
  86. "So... Please, I ask respectfully, how have the Elements of Harmony been lost?"
  87. >"Well, as far as we are aware, Changelings had morphed themselves into the holders of the elements and took them for their own." the Sun goddess states.
  88. "Who are..." you let out a frustrated sigh, as if a Father had been disapointed in his children.
  89. >But these are rulers, alive for thousands of years!
  90. >Well, at least two of them have been.
  91. "Who are the holders of the elements?"
  92. >Finally, the Purple one moves her mouth again "there's Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy, and uh, myself." her sentenced is followed with a nervous chuckle.
  93. >Staying calm is proving to be a challenge.
  94. "Who are you exactly then?"
  95. >"Again, my name is-"
  96. "Oh save me the introduction. I mean who ARE you? Why are you holding the elements with these other peasants."
  97. >"Those 'peasants' are my friends." she speaks defensively.
  98. "Okay, look madam, I truthfully am unconcerned with their relationship with you. I beg of you, just answer the question."
  99. >"Well, my friends and I have become the elements through understanding friendship."
  100. >'What?! No one deserves powerful jewelry with friendship!' your mind screams.
  101. >Celestia speaks up, understanding where your loyalty lies "I assure your Anon that these ponies have rightfully earned these placeholders of honor."
  102. "Doesn't seem like they can hold that honor very well" you huff and mumble to yourself, being quiet enough to ensure no one else is able to decipher your words.
  103. >"Excuse me, Anon?"
  104. You clear your throat "nothing. Continuing on, may I speak to these ponies to understand more about where our enemies have taken them?"
  105. >"Most certainly Anon. I will have our youngest princess guide you through your quest."
  106. "Luna?" you ask excitedly.
  107. >The regal sisters shake their heads.
  108. "Ah! Princess Cadance, a ple-" you began standing up to shake her hoof but vocally, you're interrupted.
  109. >"One step lower, sir." the Pink Alicorn smiles to you.
  110. >Your eyes shift towards the right and down a little, disapointed.
  111. >She is almost shaking in anticipation, somehow forgetting your previous transgressions.
  112. "Ahem, a privilege your highness." the lack of enthusiasm doesn't seem to be noticed by the princesses.
  113. >"This is fantastic! I get to ask you questions along the way about your race and heritage and history! And what your previous battles were like."
  114. >She shuffles in her seat, giddy at thought of what she'll learn.
  115. >'May the gods be gentle on my soul.'
  116. >Luna gives you your quest "Now sir, ride onward to Ponyville and discover what you can about the location of the elements."
  117. "As you wish." you bow down to the regal sisters, hiding your frustration out of respect.
  118. >"Let's go Ano- I mean, sir!" Twilight giggles.
  119. >You walk out of the door and down the long hallways again, towards the exit.
  120. >Twilight begins speaking but you're too focused on other matters to give her the time of day.
  121. >Your eyes are fixed about the wall to your right, noticing the artwork on the windows showing your heroic attitude in the times of need.
  122. >You focus on one in particular, noting the times of Discord's reign.
  124. >You ran as fast as you could to the citizens of a distraught Manehatten.
  125. >It was a small town, but Discord's magic had made it seem endlessly large and wide.
  126. >The sisters were preparing something to use against the beast, but time was of the essence for the lives of many.
  127. >You challenged him to a deal, to which he decline.
  128. >"I simply am not feeling energized at the moment friend. Would you mind coming back after I'm done with business?"
  129. >You lead many ponies into an abandoned warehouse, leading them from shop to shop, from home to home, being sure to stay out of his eyes.
  130. >Discord got bored with this as well.
  131. >"Well what fun is chaos if there's no one around with me to enjoy it?"
  132. >He rolled his eyes, and flew away as you took the ponies with you and marched to a Canterlot safe haven.
  133. >Upon your consciousness returning to present times, you find yourself near an oddly shaped contraption with a stallion yelling from the front of it.
  134. >"Anon? You alright?"
  135. "Fine as ever, happy as clovers, shined full of a sun's heat!" you are a little startled.
  136. >"Right. Well, come on! We've got to get to Ponyville as soon as possible."
  137. "Of course! Now, where is my ride?"
  138. >"It's right over there?" she points over to the contraption.
  139. "Ha ha! Oh dear." you laugh audibly and jovially.
  140. >"That's a train. Trains take us from place to place. We go on the train from here, we end up in Ponyville."
  141. "Your highness, I've been asleep for some time, but I'm not fooled by modern tricks. Come now, we need to find our ride. I presume your wings shall suite you fine."
  142. >"What ride are you planning on taking? This is the only ride!" the purple pony begins to grow impatient.
  143. "Enough with the jokes. I've grown weary of them. This is a serious time."
  144. >"Right..."
  145. You begin to yell out to the masses in Canterlot "is there anyone willing to let me ride their flank to Ponyville? I'm willing to pay handsomely."
  146. >"ANON! What are you doing?!" she whispers as loudly as her voice will let her.
  147. "I'm simply asking of these nice folk to give a knight a ride on his quest." you turn back to the hundreds of faces staring at you "oh please! Surely someone here is willing to show how strong and fit they are!"
  148. >You face one stallion in particular who begins backing away nervously.
  149. "You there!" your voice freezes him in place "how would you like for a knight to give you the privilege of carrying him far away?"
  150. >His face shines with a red blush.
  151. "Oh come on now! Don't be a coward! We're all unique, and I guarantee that our eyes locking means this is destiny."
  152. >Twilight covers her face with her wings as the stallion slowly walks over.
  153. "Yes, please, I want you!"
  154. >"A-are you sure? You're so... Willing and ready."
  155. "I'm ready for anything. I'm a knight you know." you smile towards him.
  156. >"You're positive you wouldn't rather have a mare for this occasion?" he speaks nervously.
  157. "Do forgive me but I am quite chivalrous. I prefer having a strong stallion to do this job. Come on now."
  158. >"O-okay..." he smiles and hugs you warmly.
  159. "Oh, well that's a bit too enthusiastic, but it'll do I suppose. Come Twilight!"
  160. >"Wait, Ano-" she turns around to see the train departing, and lowers her head and ears at her last desperate attempt of a convenient ride. "Fine..."
  161. "That's the spirit Twilight! Come along you two."
  162. >After walking for a few minutes, you come along a familiar corner of Canterlot, but it is different in a noticeable way.
  163. "Where is the flight pad?" you ask as you look around only to see pillars of the top of the walls.
  164. >"What flight pad?" Twilight questions you.
  165. >You begin to argue back but shrug it off. It's not a vital necessity.
  166. "Never mind then."
  167. >You hop on the stallion's back and hold on tightly as he spreads his wings.
  168. "Let's ride!" you yell boldly as the stallion hovers into the air with no expression on his face but excitement.
  169. >The purple pony rolls her eyes and points in the direction of Ponyville.
  170. "Right then. That away friend!"
  171. >Twilight follows suite, and the two of you head off to Ponyville.
  173. >Upon arrival, you look around in the small town. Lovely homes are built into place near a large farm and a castle. It gives the reminder of how you grew up.
  174. >'Finally! Now this looks like my kind of place.' you think.
  175. "Where to?" you ask your Alicorn... Acquaintance.
  176. >"Who do you want to talk to first?" all of Twilight's enthusiasm for learning of your history is drained.
  177. "Well, the only name the I can give recollection to is Ponko Pee. Where is she?"
  178. >"Pinkie Pie?"
  179. "Same difference."
  180. >"Well, she's likely at Sugar Cube Corner."
  181. "Lead the way madam!" you point towards the town.
  182. >"Uh, sir?" the stallion behinds you speaks, "Where are you going?"
  183. "I have matters to attend to good sir."
  184. >"B-but, what about my.... Services?"
  185. "Oh yes, do forgive me." you hand him 100 bits, a little extra for being so quick and enthusiastic.
  186. >"B-but, I though... I..."
  187. "I do wish I could stay and chat, but I am a busy man. I do hope that we can discuss matters in the future."
  188. >You walk away and Twilight soon follows your steps.
  189. >"I'll wait for you! Come back whenever! I need to see you again! You're the- oven I tights!"
  190. >The last bit was a little inaudible but it was surely nothing.
  191. "Now Twilight, do tell, what does Patto Pear do?"
  192. >"Pinkie Pie..." she stresses "... Is a baker."
  193. "Oh well that is lovely, isn't it?"
  194. >"Yes, it is. Now, Anon, would you mind answering a few questions for me please?"
  195. "Well, it is only fair since you are assisting me."
  196. >"Fantastic!" her previous excitement has returned "Alright, question one!"
  197. "WE HAVE ARRIVED!" you proclaim as if the world were your audience, looking up at the sign on the building reading "Sugar Cube Corner!"
  198. >Twilight rubs her nose after a whine of pain from falling over.
  199. "Oh, are you alright Princess?" you lean a hand to her.
  200. >"I guess" she snarls at you and takes your hand as you start lifting her up.
  201. >"Hellllloooooo Twilight!!!" A ink pony with an unusual hair dress up jumps from her front door.
  202. >Out of shock, your hand loosens its grip and the Princess falls once more, unbeknownst to you.
  203. >"Anon Anon Anon Anon!!!" she tumbles to the ground, picking herself up this time.
  204. >"Oh, hi there! Come on in! First round is on me!" this pony, presumably the Panty Poor you've heard of as of recent, drags you into the store with an unbelievable amount of force.
  205. >By the time you can come into focus, you sit on a pink stool with a cake in front of you. On the other side of the table, Pink stands, awaiting your approval.
  206. >You take a bite from the cake and upon tasting it, your face crumples up.
  207. >After struggling to swallow, Pinkie shows a lack of facial recognition. "Soooooo! Do you like it?!"
  208. "Goodness! Could you add any more sugar to it?" you nearly spit out the remains of the sweet treat
  209. >"Oh definitely! How much do you want?" she jumps in her seat and begins heading for the kitchen.
  210. >"Pinkie, I think that he was being sarcastic." Twilight points out.
  211. >"Oh, he already told me it's fantastic! I just need more sugar."
  212. >"Pinkie!" but before she could stop her the pink pony was already in the kitchen preparing the batter.
  213. "Well, I say this is an outrage!" you slam your hand on the table, remaining stern.
  214. >Twilight lets out an uneasy chuckle, backing up slowly to the kitchen.
  215. >"Sorry, I'll see if I can't get her to focus."
  216. "Please, don't let me stop you." You say with sword drawn, inspecting and cleaning it over to entertain yourself.
  217. >After a few minutes of yelling from one pony and giggling from the other, the two come out of the kitchen with another freshly baked cake.
  218. >"Here you are Anon!" Pinkie giggles joyfully once again, placing a heavily decorated cake onto your table.
  219. "I appreciate the insistence of pleasing me but really, there's no need."
  220. >"Oh no no! I insist!"
  221. "Again," you make an attempt of being as direct as possible "there's no need to insist."
  222. >"But I insist."
  223. >Your challenged glare meets up with her innocent smile.
  224. "Very well then. I accept your cake eating competition."
  225. >Pinkie places silverware in front of you, as you begin observing the desert.
  226. >Atop of it lays 12 drops of frosting in a circular pattern, the entire cake covered in vanilla and some white sprinkles.
  227. >A lot of white sprinkles.
  228. "How long do I have to consume your treat?"
  229. >"Oh! Uh, how about 15 minutes?! I bet you can do it!"
  230. "I have no need for your fake humor. I am aware of what I'm capable of and I know I can eat this cake."
  231. >"Okie dokie loki!" she closes her eyes and smiles, holding up a timer and setting it to 15 minutes."
  232. >Twilight decides to be a diplomat once more "Anon, we don't have time for fun and games."
  233. "Now now purple pony, a knight never backs down from a challenge. I shall show this Ponko what I'm made of. Please, give a countdown for me madam."
  234. >Reluctantly, and in a frustrated manner, Twilight counts down from 5. "Five, four, three, two, one, go."
  235. >You begin consuming the cake, destined to show your stomach.
  236. >The treat is unbelievably sweet. It almost hurts your jaw to chew because of the large bite you took, but you wouldn't dare give up.
  237. "Oh my Panko, you have made quite a disastrously brutal cake here."
  238. >Your mouth cringes with displeasure, but yet you remain determined.
  239. >"Thanks! It's an old recipe the Cakes taught me! Most ponies tend to think it's a bit too sweet because of all of the sugar."
  240. "Well it ISN'T too sweet for me missy!" you say, finishing off your first bite.
  241. >Twilight gives an audible sigh from your side, waiting for you to finish.
  243. >After time passes, you show the valor of your stomach by finishing off the last bite a full minute before the timer reaches zero.
  244. "Ha ha! Now what have you? I have proven to contain the strongest of appetites in all of the land of equestria."
  245. >"ANON!!!" your Alicorned assailant screams, attempting to finally get your attention."
  246. "Hmm?" you show that your attention has been grabbed.
  247. >"We are here for business, not to eat cakes."
  248. "Ah, right. Well, Pento, I do need to discuss matters of unfortunate events with you."
  249. >"What about? Is this about the flower pots?! I told Cheerilee I'd pay her back, I swear!"
  250. "What? No, listen. What can you tell me about your element?"
  251. >"Calcium? Aluminum? Carbon? Iron?"
  252. "Your element of harmony."
  253. >"Oh, right then. Well, let's see... I was running home to grab it and use it against some big bad Changeling dude, that was like, REALLY big! Like, super DUPER big! And then I came back and it was gone! I looked all around but couldn't find it."
  254. >"Did you see it anywhere at all?"
  255. >"I thought I saw it on me but I know that's impossible because I'm me!"
  256. "Anything else?"
  257. >"Nopity!"
  258. >You turn to Twilight who returns your facial expression: disappointment.
  259. "Well, fantastic. This has been purposeful."
  260. >"Glad I could help!"
  261. "Yes, yes, thank you Piss leaf."
  262. >You stand up from your seat and proceed to the door.
  263. "We ride Twilight! To the next barer of the elements!"
  264. >The alicorn follows you out the door.
  265. >"Wait!" Pinkie calls out to you, "Do you want anything to go?"
  266. "No no madam, I am filled quite well. Thank you, Perry."
  267. >And like so you were out of the door, and on your way to... who exactly?
  268. "Where do you take me to next?" your march on besides Twilight.
  269. >"Well, I suppose Applejack is closest to here."
  270. "Fantastic."
  272. >After a short walk that takes you through a gate and down a long road, you find yourself towered by a glowing maroon red barn.
  273. >"Well, we're here Anon."
  274. "Thank you, Twilight."
  275. >"It's Twilight, Anon." her sentenced is followed by an eye roll.
  276. "I am aware." and your sentence is followed with a confused glare.
  277. >She ponders for a moment, realizing that you actually stated her name correctly.
  278. >"Oh, uh, my bad, sorry for-"
  279. "Silence!" your words do as they're intended, and the only sound that is heard is a chewing from behind the two of you.
  280. >Upon turning around you find an Orange mare, seeming to be a peasantry farmer, chewing upon her own cultivation.
  281. >An apple.
  282. >"Well, heylow they're pardner!" she waves to you and looks down at your ally. "Hi Twilight!"
  283. >'That accent is horrendous!' you think.
  284. >"Hey Applejack. We were hoping you could help us out with the elements problem. This is An-"
  285. "I am Anonymous! Home to Canterlot, knight of the elder sisters! Know who you speak to!"
  286. >After a elongated pause, she responds with "Alrighty then. Well, anythang ah can do tah help return the elements of harmony."
  287. "Thank you peasant for your cooperation in this hour of need! Now, I have some questions to ask of you."
  288. >"Shoot."
  289. "Well, I have as of recent talked to Pussy Dye."
  290. >Twilight freezes in place, for whatever reason.
  291. >"Oh, I know her. She runs a certain 'shop' in Manehatten. I hear she's got something in the oven as of now though."
  292. "Well, I hope so. That IS her job. What comes from her oven doesn't always too good though."
  293. >"How would you know what that taste like?" the mare takes off her southern style hat and looks upon you with slight disgust.
  294. "She let me try some of her creations earlier today."
  295. >"What?!"
  296. "Oh yes. I understand your concern. They were a little bit sweet for my taste, but it wasn't too much of a problem to chug them down."
  297. >"Are ya tryin' to tell me you ate a foal Mr. Anon?"
  298. "Well, I wouldn't use such a metaphor, I prefer to consider it as testing the waters of her shop."
  299. >"Oh dear Celestia." Twilight rubs her forehead.
  300. "So, anyways, regarding this, Party Poe, I spoke to her earlier about the elements of Harmony."
  301. >"Why would'ya do that?"
  302. "Well, she's one of the barer's of their powers, correct?"
  303. >"I don't believe so. I've never heard of a 'Party Poe'."
  304. "Preposterous! We just spoke of her."
  305. >"He means Pinkie Pie, Applejack."
  306. >"But Pinkie Pie isn't a prostitute in Manehatten. At least I hope not."
  307. "Who is Pinkie Pie, dear?"
  308. >"Never mind!" Twilight has lost her patience yet again. "Look, Applejack, what can you tell us about what happened to your element?"
  309. >"Weird change of subject, but alrighty Twilight. Ah was over here farmin' when ah heard this giant black bug like creature roarin' through the skies over Ponyville. Ah called for my Brother to get mai element from inside, and when he threw it over to me ah saw a changeling grab it out of the air and fly off!"
  310. "Where did this creature fly off to, farmer?"
  311. >"It wen't over to the mountains in the West." she points to the northwest of Ponyville and at a set of mountains with caves that were barely visible over the horizon and trees.
  312. "Rightly so. Thank you peasant. You may return to your hoof work duties."
  313. >"Look buddy, ah know when and where to farm. Ah don't need your permission."
  314. >You were just beginning to turn around and continue your quest until her words came to your ears.
  315. "Well excuse me, but I do believe you need to show some respect for my position in equestria."
  316. >Applejack puts her apple down and glares at you, unimpressed. This is followed by a mockery of your attitude.
  317. >"Oh! Look at me! I am the fanciest of soldiers. Hipi dipi flippin' do."
  318. "Excuse me?!?!"
  319. >"Do y'all know how to work the lands, pardner? Do ya?"
  320. "Well, I'll be!"
  321. >"-Going? Y'all head on out now. I've got important food to manage. I know it's a bit much for your knightly hands."
  322. >Just as you thought you have heard the last of her heretic-covered words, she continues to spout.
  323. >"It's a good season for crops. Bet'cha didn't even know that."
  324. >Out of loyalty for the crown and necessity for time, you ignore her words and continue on with your day.
  325. >The purple pony attempts to make conversation with you.
  326. >"Are you alright, Anon?" her intentions are of sympathy.
  327. "I am fine madam! I wasn't even the least bit worried of such a pathetic career owning mud pony!"
  328. >"Alright then." she still worries for you, but you're fine.
  329. >She was just a stupid pony. You could totally work that land.
  330. "So, where do we ride off to next?"
  331. >"Well, Rainbow Dash is probably taking a n-"
  332. "Take point, purple!"
  333. >She hasn't words to combat you anymore, only duties to remain true to.
  335. >After yet another short travel, you find yourself in the middle of nowhere.
  336. >You look around to see nothing but grass and fields, a little bit outside of the town you just held yourself in.
  337. >"I'll go get her."
  338. >She flies straight up into a cloud and have lost her trace.
  339. "Have you taken me for a fool Twilight?! Where do you hide?"
  340. >You grow impatient after a minute.
  341. >Fortunately, just as you began to lose hope and perhaps head back to Porri's home for more information, you are nearly assaulted by a beam of light.
  342. >Oh, rather six beams, as a rainbow flies next to your head and suddenly a light blue pony stands in front of you.
  343. "Twilight? I don't have you guide me to a hair salon for your petty makeovers. And where in the Lord's good name is your horn?"
  344. >"M-make overs?" the pony speaks. Where she lacks in her usual nasily voice, it is made up for in vocals cracks.
  345. "What happened to your voice, princess?"
  346. >This only signals more confusion from her face.
  347. >Suddenly, another pony comes down, who you recognize as Princess Twilight.
  348. "Dear heavens! Where have you obtained cloning technology along with vocal modifications?!"
  349. >Your hands place themselves upon your helm, stunned by this technological revelation.
  350. >"Your... 'friend', is weird Twilight." the cyan clone speaks.
  351. >"Anon, this is Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash, Anon. Acquaint each other."
  352. >The clone reveals itself to simply be another pony, by the name of Rayn-bao-Dawsh.
  353. "Hello, madam."
  354. >"'Sup?"
  355. "Wh-wh... What?!" you respond, being sure to add emphasis on your "Hs"
  356. >"What's wrong?" she mocks you by adding the same emphasis on the consonant.
  357. "What is this word, 'sup', that you use? It's quite unheard of."
  358. >"And who do you think you are exact-"
  359. >You speak, just barely taking the opportunity to cut off the sentence of the peasant.
  360. "I am Anonymous, home to Canterlot, knight of the elder sisters! Know who you speak to!"
  361. >"Never heard of you." she crosses her arms and looks away, unimpressed with your stature.
  362. "And just who are you exactly?!"
  363. >She mocks you once more, "I am Rainbow Dash, home to Cloudsdale!"
  364. >There is a short pause, but you interrupt it.
  365. "Aaaaaaaand?"
  366. >"Aaaaaaaaaand, what?"
  367. "Well, what do you do?"
  368. >"I'm a... Weather pony..." she mumbles, but just loud enough for your ears to make the words intelligible.
  369. "HA! A weather pony?"
  370. >"Hey! It's not like that. One day, I'm going to be flying with the Wonderbolts!"
  371. "Oh fantastic, from a peasantry worker to a show pony. Isn't that quite exciting?"
  372. >Twilight attempts to calm the situation down...
  373. >"Wait, Anon, stop."
  374. "And what will you do then? Captain of the show ponies? Just made for other ponies's entertainment."
  375. >But she fails.
  376. >"H-hey... Stop." her head turns around, afraid to face you.
  377. "And then what? You'll go and show how fast you can fly through hoops? Oh, top show, really, top show."
  378. >She doesn't respond. Tears well up in her eyes and she lowers her head to the floor.
  379. "And that's all you'll ever be. Made for entertainment, so everyone can tell you what to do and then you'll do it. Made to be pushed around."
  380. >"Anon, shut the hell up!" the Alicorn yet again makes a desperate attempt.
  381. >Rainbow's facial expression turns to one of anger, and she flies up towards the large overhanging cloud once more.
  382. "Oh pity, isn't that a shame?"
  383. >Twilight's anger turns directly to you, "Anonymous, social status isn't everything."
  384. "What do you mean it isn't everything?"
  385. >"You can't go around expecting ponies to admire you and then go and piss them off if they don't abide by your rules. Maybe YOU should be the one to change your way of thinking."
  386. >You attempt to rebuttal, but Twilight already flies up to the sky to presumably calm her friend, and you're left alone.
  387. >Well then, back to Porto's home to continue my quest.
  389. >On your way, you openly monologue to yourself, with no one beside you to help on your quest.
  390. "Stupid Alicorn princess, what does she know? She doesn't deserve her noble title. What is she the princess of anyways? Friendship?!"
  391. >You chuckle to yourself, but your mood soon turns to be sour as you rethink your previous actions.
  392. "Why should I change my way of thinking. Why has everything changed so much? Where is the respect for a Knight?"
  393. >Your head lowers to face the ground as you knock upon the door of Sugar Cube Corner.
  394. "I showed respect to them, did I not?"
  395. >The door knocks loudly three times as your fist comes into contact with it.
  396. >"Hellooooooooooooo!" the pink mare opens the door quickly and with anticipation.
  397. >"Aw, Anon, why are you so sad?" her expression quickly turns to one of mourning.
  398. >You wipe the disappointment with yourself off your face in a quickly shiver.
  399. >You're a soldier, you don't have time for sadness.
  400. "I have no feelings of sorrow young lady! Now, do tell me, who all bares the magic elements we discussed earlier?"
  401. >"Well, there's me, Fluttershy, Twilight, Dashie, Rarity, and Applejack."
  402. "Who is Dashie, madam?"
  403. >"One of my friends!"
  404. "But, doesn't Rainbow Dash own an element?"
  405. >"Of course, silly!" she giggles.
  406. "So, who is Dashie?"
  407. >"The element of loyalty!"
  408. "And what about Rainbow Dash?"
  409. >"The element.... of loyalty!"
  410. "They own the same element? Well that's simply out of this world."
  411. >"Who is they? There is only one owner of the the loyalty element."
  412. "So who owns it?"
  413. >"Dashie!"
  414. >You begin to speak but decide to handle the situation later.
  415. "Look, never mind this, could you point me in the direction of uh, Rarity?"
  416. >"Sure thing! She's over at the Carousel Boutique."
  417. "Many thanks Porlie."
  418. >"Who?"
  419. >You are far out of ear shot already to hear her question, let alone answer it.
  421. >You arrive minutes later at the Carousel Boutique, ready to put aside previous meddling and continue your quest.
  422. >Once again, you knock, ignoring the commotion from inside.
  423. >A few seconds pass.
  424. >"Sweetie Belle!...... No, over there!..... Oh, heavens!"
  425. >Suddenly, the door opens.
  426. >"Hello! Sorry, we were simply having a disagreement." her eyes turn inside and glare to, presumably, another pony. "What may I do for you?"
  427. >You're stunned though. Absolutely stunned at her beauty!
  428. >'What do I make of this?!' you think to yourself.
  429. >Perhaps you were staring a little longer than you had thought you were. "Uh, hello? W-who, are you?"
  430. >You clear your throat, putting on a show.
  431. "Hello madam! I am Anonymous! Home to Canterlot, knight of the Elder sisters." you bend down to give her hoof a kiss.
  432. >Her head backs away, almost in disgust of your dirty armor and appearance.
  433. >"R-right, mighty chivalrous of you." after your lips make contact with her hoof, she immediately slams it on the ground to release your grip.
  434. "But of course! I am quite chivalrous."
  435. >She turns around and heads into her shop.
  436. >"So, what may I do for you today? Are you hoping for a massage? A new outfit..." she pauses for a moment, glancing your body from head to toe "... a makeover?"
  437. "No time! I am far too busy working on a quest." You posture yourself in a glorious stance, hoping to gather the young lady's attention.
  438. >"Right then. Well, enjoy your stay in Ponyville." she smiles and waves to you, returning to her work on a counter top with a mirror attached to the wall the counter sits against.
  439. "Wait!" your call to her turns her head to give you her attention "Don't you have any concern as to what my journey consist of?"
  440. >"Uh, what does your journey consis-"
  441. "I HAVE FOUGHT THROUGH THICK AND THIN! I am a knight, of the highest honor. And today, I need you! Yes, yes, I know, quite amazing. But please, hold your excitement."
  442. >She remains emotionless, in the same posture, unaffected by your words. "What do you ne-"
  443. "Glad you asked!"
  444. >You pull up a chair and stair her in the eyes. At this point, she has turned her body to you now.
  445. "You have lovely eyes. Didn't you know that?"
  446. >"Sir. Anon, was it? Could you hurry up with your great journey? I'm a little busy at the moment."
  447. "But of course! Now, what can you tell me about your element of harmony?"
  448. >"What about it?"
  449. "Well, where did it go?"
  450. >"Why should I tell you?"
  451. "Because I'm a knight and I have been called to duty by the elder sisters,"
  452. "and two other princesses" you shrug off.
  453. "to find the elements!"
  454. >She is yet again, not impressed.
  455. >"How do I know I can trust you?"
  456. "Well, because I'm a knight! Haven't you any respect?"
  457. >"Well, not really, darling."
  458. >You are unsure of where to go from here. Your status isn't going to convince her, and it seems Twilight Sparkle is off in some other land.
  459. >Feeling defeated, you move the chair out of the way and kneel down before her.
  460. "Madam, please, I only with to do the right thing and help return all of your elements."
  461. >You lift your head from your humbled position to appeal to her eyes.
  462. >After a moment of pondering, she rolls her eyes and sighs.
  463. >"Fine. I will tell you."
  464. >In your head, you thank her once for each star hanging in the night sky.
  465. >But you shut your mouth and let her speak.
  466. >"I was sleeping in the night when I heard a loud buzz, followed by an outrageous roar. It was certainly something to be amazed by." you nod your head to assure her of your attention "I grabbed my element, prepared to meet with my friends and deal with a drastic situation. 'Maybe,' I thought 'Maybe Discord has come once again to rain havoc.'"
  467. >'That's an odd thought. Discord couldn't escape his stoned statue.' you thought.
  468. >"But I come outside and there was nothing to be found! I began to retreat into my home, assuming that I must have been hearing things or something of the matter, and then this terrifying creature, larger than sun, came through and landed in front of my door step. I yelped, and screamed, but alas, there was little I could do. It picked me up from my torso and shook me until my element fell off! Then it just took it and left, leaving me on the ground."
  469. "Interesting. Is there anything else you can tell me about what happened?"
  470. >"Nothing note worthy, no. Although, I did notice the other elements were in the beast's hoof, in one of the hooves to be exact."
  471. "IN you do say?"
  472. >"Yes, yes."
  473. >You looked down, noticing your knee pads still made contact with her floor, and that you were still kneeling for her.
  474. >"Is that all, sir?"
  475. >Your eyes meet hers once again and you stand.
  476. "Yes, I believe that is all. I appreciate your help."
  477. >"You're welcome."
  478. "Oh! Wait, could you please direct me to uh... Oh, what was her name?"
  479. >She has already turned around and returned to her work, but she stop all motion to listen to your words.
  480. "It was like, Butter Free, or Matt And Tie?"
  481. >"Pinkie Pie?"
  482. "Who?"
  483. >She turns to face you once again, and observes you for a moment, before shaking her head.
  484. "Alright, who bares the elements?"
  485. >"Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, myself clearly, Twilight, Fluttersh-"
  486. "That one! There!"
  487. >"F-fluttershy?"
  488. "Yes, her. Or him. Where could I find this "Fluttershy"?
  489. >"She lives in a cottage towards the end of town."
  490. "You say 'she', huh?" you rub your chin and ponder over this thought for a moment.
  491. >"Yes?" there's a slight delay before she finishes her thought "is that a problem?"
  492. "No no, just... Why are there so many females with power nowadays? Are you all boyish now?"
  493. >"Excuse me?" she seems a little offended by this, so to be safe you decide to begin leaving.
  494. >Just before opening the door, you turn back around real quick.
  495. "Cottage, right?"
  496. >"Right." Rarity does her best to alleviate the tension. Mainly by having you leave.
  497. >You exit out, closing the door on your way out.
  498. "Now, onto Fluttershy's cottage." you proclaim, though no one gives an ear to your declaration. Regardless, you begin marching to find this home.
  500. >After a few hours of playing hide and seek with a building, you come across a long road that has led you to said cottage.
  501. "This should be one of the last holders of the elements. Well, except for this 'Dashie' character I'm going to have to look into."
  502. >You knock three times on the wooden door, hearing the pit-pat sound of many figures scattering away from the door.
  503. >A creek sounds on the door, and with it you are able to peak into a hut-like living quarters.
  504. >After a few minutes of inspecting the crack of the open door, you call out for someone.
  505. "Um, hello?! Madam? Is there someone by the name of Fluttershy here?"
  506. >"Y-yes..." the voice draws your attention to the floor.
  507. >Upon turning your head towards the ground you find a cowering yellow mare, hair coated with a beautiful pink.
  508. >"My name is Fluttershy. Who are you?" she ask, a little uneasily and intimidated by your armor.
  509. "Ah yes," you begin to shout, without realizing the fear you put into her "I am Anonymous! Home to Canterlot, knight of the elder sisters. And I am on a quest."
  510. >Fluttershy hides behind her hair.
  511. "What is the matter madam?"
  512. >After a little stuttering, you manages to speak up. "Could you please keep your voice down, I mean, if that's okay with you, that is?"
  513. "Like so?" you speak a little louder unintentionally.
  514. >You can see her eyes begin to water with tears, likely out of fear.
  515. >Genuinely, it is a little heart wrenching to see such an innocent pony cry. After all, she is the first one in Ponyville to give you proper respect.
  516. >Or, at least the respect you thought you deserved.
  517. >Recalling the moments earlier where you dealt with Rainbow Dash, you'd rather not upset another element barer
  518. >You sit down in front of her door, crossing your legs, and begin to whisper.
  519. "Like so?" it's nearly inaudible to you, but based on her nodding it will do for her.
  520. >"So, um, hello. Heh, what can I do for you sir?" she begins to lay down on the floor with you, opening the door more so her entire figure can now be seen.
  521. "Well, madam, I have a few questions regarding your element of harmony."
  522. >"What did you want to know?"
  523. >Much more willing that the previous mare.
  524. "What happened to it?"
  525. >"Do you mean, when the giant monster came and took it?"
  526. >You nod in agreement.
  527. >"Oh, it was horrible! I was watering my garden when suddenly I saw..." she gulps out of fear "Changelings... And they um, came and ruined my garden and woke up all of my pets."
  528. >'How many pets could she possibly have? Such an odd thing to mention.' you think.
  529. >"I didn't really know what to do, but before I could even think they stormed into my house, making a huge mess, and I saw them flying out with my element."
  530. >One again, you nod, but out of understanding this time.
  531. "I see. Well, I appreciate your assistance. Is there anyt-" as you spoke, you were interrupted by a rabbit, hurdling itself into your face. "Bah! What the devil?"
  532. >You turn to see the bunny running towards the main part of town, away from the cottage.
  533. >After a gasp, Fluttershy raised her voice a bit, but it was still notably under normal speaking levels, "Angle! Where are you going?!"
  534. >She turns her head to you, "I'm so sorry, he's been getting out all day."
  535. >Before she even finishes her sentence, you stand up and begin chasing the bunny.
  536. >'Odd' you ponder 'I usually never help peasants. Even more odd that that word has begun to lose its meaning.'
  537. >You just barely manage to grab onto it, if not a little tightly, and hold it in your grasp.
  538. "Ha ha! Got'cha!" you proclaim, holding the animal in your hand.
  539. >It begins to shiver and raises its hand to try and push you off.
  540. >Wait, no, it's not struggling, it's pointing. Where to?
  541. >You follow the bunny's finger, turning around a facing up to find...
  542. >Bugs! Holes layered all along their hooves and body, flying through the sky in a particularly large pact. You recognize this enemy - changelings.
  543. "Why am I not surprised?!" you scream to the sky.
  544. >You attempt to put down the rabbit but it has already jumped out of your arms and ran back to its owner for comfort.
  545. >Held by two separate groups of changelings are Rainbow Dash and Twilight, and shortly behind them on the ground, giving chase are three ponies you've spoken with earlier today.
  546. >Pyzee, the farmer, and Rarity.
  547. "They could be harmed!" you yell, drawing out your sword and running through grass to join them.
  548. >They are too fast for you to catch up to but it is redundant anyways. Before you can meet up with the ponies, they are also taken in the sky.
  549. >You can hear their struggles in the background as you slow your pace and watch them fly away to the mountains.
  550. >Before you begin making your journey, you take a deep exhale to prepare yourself.
  551. >"A-Anonymous? Sir?" the gentle voice flutters from behind you.
  552. >You head turns to face her while your body remains in the direction of the mountains.
  553. "Yes, madam?"
  554. >"Are you okay?"
  555. "Well as ever. I just need to get over there" you point to the mountains "and save the bearers of the elements, and the jewels themselves."
  556. >There's a few moments of silence before the mare speaks once again "are you sure you can handle getting up there?"
  557. "Do you take me for a joker?"
  558. >"N-no."
  559. "Well, that's good. Because I am not. I will easily take on this challenge. For the princess!"
  560. >"So, you'll save my friends?"
  561. "But of course. I am a knight of the highest regards. Anonymous!"
  562. >"Yeah, I got that." she mumbles under her breath, following with an eye roll.
  563. >You begin to walk off, heading straight into a forest, until you halt your motion when Fluttershy calls out for you once again.
  564. >"W-wait! Could I come with you?"
  565. "Oh ho ho!" you laugh a mighty laugh "I don't know if this is a quest for you."
  566. >"I am going to save my friends. I need to, whether you like it or not."
  567. >You are a taken back a little by her sudden stubborn nature.
  568. >After a sigh, you speak up.
  569. "Fine, I won't stop you if you so well choose to accompany me. But I do tell you that such travels will not be easy."
  570. >She nods, determination layered through her facial expression. Maybe a touch of fear was in there as well.
  571. "Well then, come along. Stay safe." your hand moves to signal her to move with you.
  572. >She quickly catches up, walking besides you, ready to beside you in your quest.
  573. >So you went on your way with a peasant by your side now to return to elements and their bearers.
  574. >Well, with the exception of this yellow Fluttershy.
  575. >In order to get there though, you must travel through the White Tail Woods to get to... Uh...
  576. "Say, madam, what are those mountains called?" you point over to the towering triangular rocks that stand proudly over the forest you travel through.
  577. >"Oh, there? Those are the Smokey Mountains. The tallest of them is the most difficult to climb in Equestria! They are really spookey too, or, so I hear."
  578. "Well, 'tis a shame it is where we head to."
  579. >"W-what?"
  580. "Well, that is where the bug creatures took your.... "allies" if you will, to. Not to mention, the elements have been taken there as well."
  581. >Your head looks down to her after finishing your sentence, but she must have been too scared to listen to all of what you had to say.
  582. >"Oh, goodness, that isn't safe. I don't know if we should-"
  583. >You rub your head, a little impatient with her fears.
  584. "Madam, I don't have time to quarrel and convince you to assist me in my travels. Leave now or silence yourself."
  585. >You have stopped your movement, and she followed in suite, but has begun tearing up again.
  586. >'Goodness gracious! I don't have time for this.' your mind goes off on its own rant, but regardless you kneel down to encourage her.
  587. >She looks up to you and you pet her mane as she does so.
  588. >Fortunately, you may have just needed to be patient.
  589. >"Okay. I think I can handle this." she nods to you and continues walking ahead of you, leaving you to play catch up this time.
  590. >You stand from your kneeling position, dusting off your palms with each other and walk a little faster until you meet up with her.
  591. >She was clearly mentally weak, and didn't fair much better physically, but you've seen more surprising things in your days than a timid mare walking up a mountain.
  592. "Now that we have that settled, we need to get you some equipment."
  593. >You take a quick look around, already knowing preemptively that you would fail.
  594. >"Oh no, that's okay, I think I will be fine." she shyly declines.
  595. "What? You'll be 'fine'? I think you underestimate the conditions we shall be encumbered in."
  596. >"Oh, I hope not."
  597. "Perhaps we will be able to find something of use eventually."
  598. >She nods and the two of you for a noticeable amount of time walk in silence.
  600. >Hours pass, and you begin to notice the sun's descent.
  601. >'Celestia, you can't hold back the time for once?' your mind shouts.
  602. >"It's starting to get late..." Fluttershy speaks, in hopes to instigate you to look for shelter.
  603. "I have noticed." and you deny her of sovereignty.
  604. >"Uhm, well, there are certainly bound to be many scary creatures in these woods."
  605. "And a glorious battle that shall be."
  606. >For a few moments, silence once again takes hold.
  607. >"Do you think we should find some shelter?"
  608. "Shelter? For what purpose?"
  609. >"Well, to sleep, and stay warm?"
  610. "Nonsense! We ride on."
  611. >"Uh, okay then."
  612. >For a second time in the conversation, neither of you speak. This time however, the silence is interrupted by a loud roar towards the East, and not very far away.
  613. >Fluttershy jumps in the air quickly with the help of her wings, then leaching onto your back.
  614. >Her shivers nearly shake you off balance.
  615. >"A-a-a-are you s-s-sure we shouldn't get some shelter?"
  616. "I can guarantee your safety madam!"
  617. >"But the-" you cut her off mid-sentence, raising your volume just a touch.
  618. "I can, and will, guarantee the safety of those under the princess' rule!"
  619. >Before she can mutter out a response, you find four antagonist flying through from the shadows layered between trees.
  620. >You draw your sword and hold it in front of you with two hands, watching their movement and keeping in mind your own.
  621. >One makes a lunge towards you, heading straight for the left side of the frightened mare holding on for dear life to your back.
  622. >You turn and your sword is able to cleave it's neck in one fatal swing.
  623. >Upon having a closer distance to make out details, you can see the enemy you face is a changeling.
  624. >Two of them take the opportunity while your back is turned and attempt to snatch the sixth bearer of the elements, but you'd never dare fail.
  625. >One flies above you, attempt to loosen Fluttershy's grip, and you lunge your sword above your head to give a deadly strike through its eye.
  626. >Upon seeing the failure of their friends, the other two changelings back away and reform, still remaining in the arena.
  627. >Before they can work out an attack, you lunge for one of them, ultimately missing though and nearly hitting your head against a tree.
  628. >You turn around to find that they are not to be seen.
  629. "Oh well come on then! Playing chicken won't do you any good."
  630. >Silence is all you receive as a response, but you allow your sword to remain unsheathed.
  631. >You stand still to listen, and don't let your guard down as you can hear the faint sound of bushes rustling and buzzes from their wings.
  632. >They make another attempt, and naturally you turn, expecting them to make another leap for the mare on your back.
  633. >One does come as you expected, now towards your chest since you have turned, but the other ruins your balance by lashing for the back of your calves.
  634. >You effectively lash your sword at the one heading for your front side and just barely cut their stomach open as you begin a decent to the ground.
  635. >Once on the ground, you find yourself to have landed rather easily, Fluttershy breaking your fall.
  636. >Of the two that remain, one bleeds out of their stomach and slowly meets their fate, while the other has returned to the trees.
  637. "I'll take you on, I'll take you all on! Show yourself you foul bug!"
  638. >Quicker than last time, you have managed to lower the changelings patience, and they immediately come towards your person, slamming your right hand but failing to remove the grasp you have on weapon.
  639. >It drives a kick at your now open set of ribs.
  640. >Your armor gives enough padding to keep you afoot, but not enough to prevent pain.
  641. >It goes for another drive with its hind leg, but you manage to hold a grip to it and swipe straight down on its neck.
  642. >Four are dead... Well, three are, and one is close to such a title.
  643. >You begin making way to the agonizing changeling laying on the floor.
  644. >You kneel down and take off your helm, knowing that the bug has already been defeated.
  645. "I wish you peace in your next life."
  646. >"Oh fuck off."
  647. "Well, that was rather rude."
  648. >"I've got more issues to worry about over being 'friendly'." it gestures towards its open stomach.
  649. "Any last words?"
  650. >"Oh, I guess it is that time already, huh?" coughing and hacking come from the hissed voice.
  651. "Well?"
  652. >"Eat shit."
  653. "That'll do." you stand and deliver a final blow unto its neck, freeing your enemy of further pain.
  654. >You walk over to a nearby boulder, planted into the ground, and clean your sword of the green mush it is covered in.
  655. "That was a little worry some. Always love a good fight though."
  656. >You laugh heartily, but are interrupted upon hearing the sound of tear drops land on your armor.
  657. >Fluttershy lowers herself off of your back and awaits your movement to follow.
  658. "Dear, dear lady please."
  659. >You have her attention and she looks up at you, her hair a mess with leaves rustled inside of it, dirt atop of her flank, and sad eyes.
  660. "Please, I ask of you... Don't remove the stains from my armor with liquid." you turn around and begin moving where she follows "I only like to clean off once I return to my slumber."
  661. >"How did you do that?" her voice is slightly trembling.
  662. "What, the fight? Years of practice in the Canterlot arena."
  663. >"No, I uh, I mean HOW did you do that? Without feeling any remorse?"
  664. >You ponder the question for a moment. It isn't one you answer on a common basis.
  665. "Well... I do feel some remorse madam, but I respect my enemy's will of fighting. When you are used as a tool of war you haven't time for sadness."
  667. *Note: Thread died so I'll finish this story one day*
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