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- 2013-03-11 11:10:27,036 INFO faf.main >>> --------------------------- Application Launch
- 2013-03-11 11:10:27,783 DEBUG faf.fa.relayserver initializing...
- 2013-03-11 11:10:27,792 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: client/client.css
- 2013-03-11 11:10:27,888 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: stats/formatters/style.css
- 2013-03-11 11:10:27,937 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: tournaments/formatters/style.css
- 2013-03-11 11:10:27,937 DEBUG faf.vault Map Vault tab instantiating
- 2013-03-11 11:10:28,032 INFO faf.replays Replays Widget instantiated.
- 2013-03-11 11:10:28,038 INFO faf.tutorials Tutorials instantiated.
- 2013-03-11 11:10:28,115 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"action": "requestavatars", "command": "admin"}
- 2013-03-11 11:10:28,137 INFO faf.fa.replayserver listening on address
- 2013-03-11 11:10:28,137 INFO faf.fa.relayserver relay listening on address
- 2013-03-11 11:10:28,303 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "ask_session"}
- 2013-03-11 11:10:31,706 INFO faf.client Attempting to login as: Highlink
- 2013-03-11 11:10:31,706 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"version": 8, "command": "hello", "local_ip": "", "login": "Highlink", "password": "91a949d28516172866cc4e1060d926ce4f6a6cc6e40683568db2083d986e17a5", "unique_id": "DVJnOEQyOHVRK3cwVEZ3N0NyanVBcmc9PXIvSXFtZSttSC8weXQvMXJFVVI1OE1G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\nVDJXZU5ENmk5bThIV29xdk44SmVvYUE9PQ=="}
- 2013-03-11 11:10:31,851 WARNING faf.client Server says that Updating is needed.
- 2013-03-11 11:10:46,693 DEBUG faf.updater MSI download successful.
- 2013-03-11 11:10:46,694 DEBUG faf.updater Running command: msiexec /i "c:\users\highl_~1\appdata\local\temp\tmpvtxqnc.msi" & del "c:\users\highl_~1\appdata\local\temp\tmpvtxqnc.msi"
- 2013-03-11 11:10:46,778 WARNING faf.client Login aborted by user.
- 2013-03-11 11:10:46,778 INFO faf.main <<< --------------------------- Application Shutdown
- 2013-03-11 11:11:28,036 INFO faf.main >>> --------------------------- Application Launch
- 2013-03-11 11:11:29,555 DEBUG faf.fa.relayserver initializing...
- 2013-03-11 11:11:29,562 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: client/client.css
- 2013-03-11 11:11:29,657 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: stats/formatters/style.css
- 2013-03-11 11:11:29,680 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: tournaments/formatters/style.css
- 2013-03-11 11:11:29,680 DEBUG faf.vault Map Vault tab instantiating
- 2013-03-11 11:11:29,709 INFO faf.replays Replays Widget instantiated.
- 2013-03-11 11:11:29,714 INFO faf.tutorials Tutorials instantiated.
- 2013-03-11 11:11:29,740 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"action": "requestavatars", "command": "admin"}
- 2013-03-11 11:11:29,743 INFO faf.fa.replayserver listening on address
- 2013-03-11 11:11:29,743 INFO faf.fa.relayserver relay listening on address
- 2013-03-11 11:11:29,903 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "ask_session"}
- 2013-03-11 11:11:33,183 INFO faf.client Attempting to login as: Highlink
- 2013-03-11 11:11:33,184 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"version": 11, "command": "hello", "local_ip": "", "login": "Highlink", "password": "91a949d28516172866cc4e1060d926ce4f6a6cc6e40683568db2083d986e17a5", "unique_id": "DWwwRFdsYXhuUHdUbEpmREorN0o5SVE9PWVxN0tCODlyMkU5bGpOWFloN1hwOHBO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\nU1RTZlNyb1VzcUgwdGYraUhHalYzMlE9PQ=="}
- 2013-03-11 11:11:33,380 INFO faf.client Login accepted.
- 2013-03-11 11:11:33,401 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "get_tournaments"}
- 2013-03-11 11:11:33,401 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "get_tournaments"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:11:33,403 INFO faf.client The game port is now set to 6112
- 2013-03-11 11:11:33,403 INFO faf.client sending packet to
- 2013-03-11 11:11:35,374 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"data": {}, "command": "tournaments_info"}
- 2013-03-11 11:12:01,028 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:12:01,028 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:12:01,028 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:12:32,028 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:12:32,028 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:12:32,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:13:03,028 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:13:03,028 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:13:03,028 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:13:34,028 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:13:34,028 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:13:34,028 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:13:52,594 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"player": "Highlink", "type": "global_90_days", "command": "stats"}
- 2013-03-11 11:13:53,891 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"player": "Highlink", "type": "global_forever", "command": "stats"}
- 2013-03-11 11:14:05,028 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:14:05,028 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:14:05,028 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:14:36,028 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:14:36,028 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:14:36,028 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:15:07,028 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:15:07,028 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:15:07,028 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:15:38,028 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:15:38,028 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:15:38,028 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:15:43,698 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "get_tournaments"}
- 2013-03-11 11:15:43,698 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "get_tournaments"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:15:43,852 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"data": {}, "command": "tournaments_info"}
- 2013-03-11 11:15:51,694 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"type": "ladder_maps", "command": "stats"}
- 2013-03-11 11:16:09,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:16:09,029 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:16:09,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:16:40,028 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:16:40,029 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:16:40,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:16:43,296 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"type": "ladder_maps", "command": "stats"}
- 2013-03-11 11:16:47,042 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"league": 2, "type": "league_table", "command": "stats"}
- 2013-03-11 11:16:47,759 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"league": 2, "type": "divisions", "command": "stats"}
- 2013-03-11 11:16:47,993 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"division": 0, "type": "division_table", "command": "stats", "league": 2}
- 2013-03-11 11:16:48,055 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"division": 0, "type": "division_table", "command": "stats", "league": 2}
- 2013-03-11 11:17:05,469 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"division": 16, "type": "division_table", "command": "stats", "league": 2}
- 2013-03-11 11:17:11,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:17:11,029 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:17:11,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:17:42,028 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:17:42,028 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:17:42,028 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:18:13,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:18:13,029 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:18:13,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:18:44,431 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:18:44,431 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:18:44,431 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:19:15,851 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:19:15,851 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:19:15,851 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:19:46,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:19:46,029 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:19:46,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:20:17,028 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:20:17,029 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:20:17,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:20:48,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:20:48,029 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:20:48,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:21:19,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:21:19,029 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:21:19,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:21:29,674 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "get_tournaments"}
- 2013-03-11 11:21:29,674 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "get_tournaments"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:21:29,815 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"data": {}, "command": "tournaments_info"}
- 2013-03-11 11:21:50,076 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:21:50,076 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:21:50,076 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:22:21,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:22:21,029 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:22:21,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:22:52,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:22:52,029 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:22:52,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:23:23,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:23:23,029 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:23:23,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:23:54,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:23:54,029 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:23:54,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:24:25,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:24:25,063 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:24:25,063 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:24:56,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:24:56,029 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:24:56,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:25:27,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:25:27,029 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:25:27,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:25:58,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:25:58,029 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:25:58,030 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:26:29,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:26:29,029 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:26:29,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:27:00,974 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:27:00,974 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:27:00,974 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:27:31,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:27:31,029 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:27:31,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:28:02,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:28:02,029 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:28:02,030 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:28:33,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:28:33,029 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:28:33,030 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:29:04,030 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:29:04,032 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:29:04,032 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:29:35,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:29:35,029 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:29:35,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:30:06,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:30:06,029 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:30:06,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:30:37,029 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:30:37,030 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:30:37,030 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:31:08,059 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:31:08,059 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:31:08,059 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:31:29,673 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "get_tournaments"}
- 2013-03-11 11:31:29,673 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "get_tournaments"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:31:29,809 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"data": {}, "command": "tournaments_info"}
- 2013-03-11 11:31:39,030 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:31:39,032 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:31:39,032 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:32:12,055 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:32:12,055 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:32:12,055 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:32:41,030 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-11 11:32:41,030 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-11 11:32:41,030 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-11 11:32:54,882 INFO faf.client Close Event for Application Main Window
- 2013-03-11 11:32:54,891 WARNING faf.client Disconnected from lobby server.
- 2013-03-11 11:32:54,891 INFO faf.tourneys Disconnected from server
- 2013-03-11 11:32:54,898 INFO faf.main <<< --------------------------- Application Shutdown
- 2013-03-14 09:46:24,315 INFO faf.main >>> --------------------------- Application Launch
- 2013-03-14 09:46:25,046 DEBUG faf.fa.relayserver initializing...
- 2013-03-14 09:46:25,055 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: client/client.css
- 2013-03-14 09:46:25,153 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: stats/formatters/style.css
- 2013-03-14 09:46:25,184 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: tournaments/formatters/style.css
- 2013-03-14 09:46:25,184 DEBUG faf.vault Map Vault tab instantiating
- 2013-03-14 09:46:25,263 INFO faf.replays Replays Widget instantiated.
- 2013-03-14 09:46:25,269 INFO faf.tutorials Tutorials instantiated.
- 2013-03-14 09:46:25,384 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"action": "requestavatars", "command": "admin"}
- 2013-03-14 09:46:25,394 INFO faf.fa.replayserver listening on address
- 2013-03-14 09:46:25,395 INFO faf.fa.relayserver relay listening on address
- 2013-03-14 09:46:25,581 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "ask_session"}
- 2013-03-14 09:46:28,874 INFO faf.client Attempting to login as: Highlink
- 2013-03-14 09:46:28,874 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"version": 11, "command": "hello", "local_ip": "", "login": "Highlink", "password": "91a949d28516172866cc4e1060d926ce4f6a6cc6e40683568db2083d986e17a5", "unique_id": "DVAxbkVFallLeXhqV3JCV2FLMHhPRUE9PWx4NGhOUnFtUGhqYUczSUNOUG5oYk1D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\naXJSdG1VNlZBNDczSFF5SXFLYkRnUEE9PQ=="}
- 2013-03-14 09:46:29,055 INFO faf.client Login accepted.
- 2013-03-14 09:46:29,078 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "get_tournaments"}
- 2013-03-14 09:46:29,078 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "get_tournaments"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:46:29,079 INFO faf.client The game port is now set to 6112
- 2013-03-14 09:46:29,079 INFO faf.client sending packet to
- 2013-03-14 09:46:29,221 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"data": {"408165": {"name": "2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament", "url": "", "participants": [{"id": 6452002, "name": "TAG_ZaphodX"}], "state": "open", "progress": 0, "type": "double elimination", "description": "<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> </span></div><p><br></p><p><img src=\"\" style=\"cursor: nw-resize;\"><br></p><p>Are you an Oceanic Legend? Fight on the seas to win a </p><p>custom-made<span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> avatar in this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">2v2 tourny played on </span></p><p><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">water-based maps.</span></p><div><br></div><div>Entry is for >1700 rating only.</div><div><br></div><div>The winners will both receive a custom-made avatar.</div><div><br></div><div>The tournament will be casted on my YouTube channel:</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> </a> <br></div><div><br></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">Get a partner and sign up early to guarantee your place! </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">All </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">players </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">should join this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny here inside FAF to be </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">automatically added to the</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> tournament </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">chatroom when </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">the </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny starts. Double click to join.</span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"><br></span></div><div><div>For full details, rules, maps, prizes and sign-up details please</div><div>check the thread in the tournament forum:</div><div>FAF forums>Tournaments>2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"outline: 0px; text-decoration: underline !important;\"></a></div></div><div><br></div><div>TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.<br></div><p></p>\n"}}, "command": "tournaments_info"}
- 2013-03-14 09:46:56,704 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:46:56,704 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:46:56,706 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:47:27,704 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:47:27,704 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:47:27,704 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:47:58,704 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:47:58,704 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:47:58,704 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:48:29,704 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:48:29,704 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:48:29,704 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:49:00,704 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:49:00,704 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:49:00,704 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:49:31,714 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:49:31,714 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:49:31,716 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:50:02,704 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:50:02,704 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:50:02,706 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:50:33,706 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:50:33,706 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:50:33,706 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:51:04,704 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:51:04,706 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:51:04,706 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:51:35,706 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:51:35,706 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:51:35,706 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:52:06,714 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:52:06,714 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:52:06,714 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:52:37,706 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:52:37,706 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:52:37,706 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:53:08,706 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:53:08,707 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:53:08,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:53:39,706 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:53:39,706 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:53:39,706 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:54:10,706 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:54:10,707 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:54:10,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:54:41,706 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:54:41,707 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:54:41,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:55:12,706 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:55:12,707 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:55:12,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:55:43,706 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:55:43,706 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:55:43,706 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:56:14,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:56:14,707 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:56:14,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:56:25,184 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "get_tournaments"}
- 2013-03-14 09:56:25,184 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "get_tournaments"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:56:25,312 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"data": {"408165": {"name": "2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament", "url": "", "participants": [{"id": 6452002, "name": "TAG_ZaphodX"}], "state": "open", "progress": 0, "type": "double elimination", "description": "<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> </span></div><p><br></p><p><img src=\"\" style=\"cursor: nw-resize;\"><br></p><p>Are you an Oceanic Legend? Fight on the seas to win a </p><p>custom-made<span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> avatar in this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">2v2 tourny played on </span></p><p><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">water-based maps.</span></p><div><br></div><div>Entry is for >1700 rating only.</div><div><br></div><div>The winners will both receive a custom-made avatar.</div><div><br></div><div>The tournament will be casted on my YouTube channel:</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> </a> <br></div><div><br></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">Get a partner and sign up early to guarantee your place! </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">All </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">players </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">should join this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny here inside FAF to be </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">automatically added to the</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> tournament </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">chatroom when </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">the </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny starts. Double click to join.</span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"><br></span></div><div><div>For full details, rules, maps, prizes and sign-up details please</div><div>check the thread in the tournament forum:</div><div>FAF forums>Tournaments>2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"outline: 0px; text-decoration: underline !important;\"></a></div></div><div><br></div><div>TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.<br></div><p></p>\n"}}, "command": "tournaments_info"}
- 2013-03-14 09:56:45,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:56:45,707 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:56:45,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:57:18,155 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:57:18,155 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:57:18,157 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:57:47,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:57:47,707 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:57:47,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:58:18,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:58:18,707 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:58:18,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:58:49,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:58:49,707 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:58:49,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:59:20,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:59:20,709 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:59:20,709 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 09:59:52,392 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 09:59:52,394 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 09:59:52,394 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:00:23,354 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:00:23,354 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:00:23,354 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:00:53,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:00:53,707 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:00:53,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:01:24,724 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:01:24,724 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:01:24,724 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:01:55,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:01:55,707 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:01:55,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:02:26,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:02:26,707 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:02:26,709 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:02:57,709 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:02:57,710 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:02:57,710 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:03:28,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:03:28,707 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:03:28,709 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:03:59,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:03:59,707 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:03:59,709 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:04:30,709 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:04:30,710 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:04:30,710 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:05:01,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:05:01,707 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:05:01,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:05:32,709 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:05:32,709 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:05:32,709 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:06:03,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:06:03,709 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:06:03,709 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:06:25,664 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "get_tournaments"}
- 2013-03-14 10:06:25,664 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "get_tournaments"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:06:26,279 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"data": {"408165": {"name": "2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament", "url": "", "participants": [{"id": 6452002, "name": "TAG_ZaphodX"}], "state": "open", "progress": 0, "type": "double elimination", "description": "<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> </span></div><p><br></p><p><img src=\"\" style=\"cursor: nw-resize;\"><br></p><p>Are you an Oceanic Legend? Fight on the seas to win a </p><p>custom-made<span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> avatar in this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">2v2 tourny played on </span></p><p><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">water-based maps.</span></p><div><br></div><div>Entry is for >1700 rating only.</div><div><br></div><div>The winners will both receive a custom-made avatar.</div><div><br></div><div>The tournament will be casted on my YouTube channel:</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> </a> <br></div><div><br></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">Get a partner and sign up early to guarantee your place! </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">All </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">players </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">should join this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny here inside FAF to be </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">automatically added to the</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> tournament </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">chatroom when </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">the </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny starts. Double click to join.</span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"><br></span></div><div><div>For full details, rules, maps, prizes and sign-up details please</div><div>check the thread in the tournament forum:</div><div>FAF forums>Tournaments>2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"outline: 0px; text-decoration: underline !important;\"></a></div></div><div><br></div><div>TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.<br></div><p></p>\n"}}, "command": "tournaments_info"}
- 2013-03-14 10:06:34,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:06:34,707 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:06:34,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:07:05,707 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:07:05,709 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:07:05,709 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:07:37,878 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:07:37,880 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:07:37,880 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:08:07,709 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:08:07,709 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:08:07,709 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:08:41,848 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:08:41,848 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:08:41,848 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:09:13,161 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:09:13,163 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:09:13,163 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:09:16,328 INFO faf.client Close Event for Application Main Window
- 2013-03-14 10:09:16,339 WARNING faf.client Disconnected from lobby server.
- 2013-03-14 10:09:16,339 INFO faf.tourneys Disconnected from server
- 2013-03-14 10:09:16,365 INFO faf.main <<< --------------------------- Application Shutdown
- 2013-03-14 10:09:18,234 INFO faf.main >>> --------------------------- Application Launch
- 2013-03-14 10:09:19,000 DEBUG faf.fa.relayserver initializing...
- 2013-03-14 10:09:19,009 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: client/client.css
- 2013-03-14 10:09:19,111 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: stats/formatters/style.css
- 2013-03-14 10:09:19,134 INFO faf.util Read common stylesheet: tournaments/formatters/style.css
- 2013-03-14 10:09:19,134 DEBUG faf.vault Map Vault tab instantiating
- 2013-03-14 10:09:19,160 INFO faf.replays Replays Widget instantiated.
- 2013-03-14 10:09:19,165 INFO faf.tutorials Tutorials instantiated.
- 2013-03-14 10:09:19,194 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"action": "requestavatars", "command": "admin"}
- 2013-03-14 10:09:19,197 INFO faf.fa.replayserver listening on address
- 2013-03-14 10:09:19,198 INFO faf.fa.relayserver relay listening on address
- 2013-03-14 10:09:19,365 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "ask_session"}
- 2013-03-14 10:09:22,660 INFO faf.client Attempting to login as: Highlink
- 2013-03-14 10:09:22,661 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"version": 11, "command": "hello", "local_ip": "", "login": "Highlink", "password": "91a949d28516172866cc4e1060d926ce4f6a6cc6e40683568db2083d986e17a5", "unique_id": "DUpzdjZpQzFQMjZmNno4S3dxczB5VUE9PUZhdnAxekx6SGtaZGNydDJWY3pIMjVo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\nNC94Y2R1UUV5cjZCLzJWeXlrRmtUSFE9PQ=="}
- 2013-03-14 10:09:22,872 INFO faf.client Login accepted.
- 2013-03-14 10:09:22,894 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "get_tournaments"}
- 2013-03-14 10:09:22,894 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "get_tournaments"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:09:22,894 INFO faf.client The game port is now set to 6112
- 2013-03-14 10:09:22,894 INFO faf.client sending packet to
- 2013-03-14 10:09:23,039 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"data": {"408165": {"name": "2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament", "url": "", "participants": [{"id": 6452002, "name": "TAG_ZaphodX"}], "state": "open", "progress": 0, "type": "double elimination", "description": "<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> </span></div><p><br></p><p><img src=\"\" style=\"cursor: nw-resize;\"><br></p><p>Are you an Oceanic Legend? Fight on the seas to win a </p><p>custom-made<span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> avatar in this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">2v2 tourny played on </span></p><p><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">water-based maps.</span></p><div><br></div><div>Entry is for >1700 rating only.</div><div><br></div><div>The winners will both receive a custom-made avatar.</div><div><br></div><div>The tournament will be casted on my YouTube channel:</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> </a> <br></div><div><br></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">Get a partner and sign up early to guarantee your place! </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">All </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">players </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">should join this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny here inside FAF to be </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">automatically added to the</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> tournament </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">chatroom when </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">the </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny starts. Double click to join.</span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"><br></span></div><div><div>For full details, rules, maps, prizes and sign-up details please</div><div>check the thread in the tournament forum:</div><div>FAF forums>Tournaments>2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"outline: 0px; text-decoration: underline !important;\"></a></div></div><div><br></div><div>TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.<br></div><p></p>\n"}}, "command": "tournaments_info"}
- 2013-03-14 10:09:50,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:09:50,480 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:09:50,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:10:21,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:10:21,480 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:10:21,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:10:52,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:10:52,480 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:10:52,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:11:23,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:11:23,480 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:11:23,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:11:54,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:11:54,480 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:11:54,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:12:25,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:12:25,480 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:12:25,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:12:56,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:12:56,480 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:12:56,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:13:27,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:13:27,480 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:13:27,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:13:58,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:13:58,480 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:13:58,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:14:29,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:14:29,480 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:14:29,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:15:00,503 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:15:00,503 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:15:00,503 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:15:31,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:15:31,480 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:15:31,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:16:02,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:16:02,482 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:16:02,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:16:33,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:16:33,482 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:16:33,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:17:04,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:17:04,482 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:17:04,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:17:35,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:17:35,480 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:17:35,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:18:06,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:18:06,480 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:18:06,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:18:37,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:18:37,480 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:18:37,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:19:08,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:19:08,480 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:19:08,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:19:19,130 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "get_tournaments"}
- 2013-03-14 10:19:19,130 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "get_tournaments"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:19:19,253 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"data": {"408165": {"name": "2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament", "url": "", "participants": [{"id": 6452002, "name": "TAG_ZaphodX"}], "state": "open", "progress": 0, "type": "double elimination", "description": "<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> </span></div><p><br></p><p><img src=\"\" style=\"cursor: nw-resize;\"><br></p><p>Are you an Oceanic Legend? Fight on the seas to win a </p><p>custom-made<span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> avatar in this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">2v2 tourny played on </span></p><p><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">water-based maps.</span></p><div><br></div><div>Entry is for >1700 rating only.</div><div><br></div><div>The winners will both receive a custom-made avatar.</div><div><br></div><div>The tournament will be casted on my YouTube channel:</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> </a> <br></div><div><br></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">Get a partner and sign up early to guarantee your place! </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">All </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">players </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">should join this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny here inside FAF to be </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">automatically added to the</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> tournament </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">chatroom when </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">the </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny starts. Double click to join.</span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"><br></span></div><div><div>For full details, rules, maps, prizes and sign-up details please</div><div>check the thread in the tournament forum:</div><div>FAF forums>Tournaments>2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"outline: 0px; text-decoration: underline !important;\"></a></div></div><div><br></div><div>TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.<br></div><p></p>\n"}}, "command": "tournaments_info"}
- 2013-03-14 10:19:39,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:19:39,482 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:19:39,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:20:10,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:20:10,480 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:20:10,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:20:16,551 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"action": "list", "command": "replay_vault"}
- 2013-03-14 10:20:41,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:20:41,480 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:20:41,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:21:12,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:21:12,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:21:12,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:21:16,951 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"action": "list", "command": "replay_vault"}
- 2013-03-14 10:21:43,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:21:43,482 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:21:43,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:22:14,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:22:14,480 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:22:14,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:22:45,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:22:45,480 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:22:45,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:23:16,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:23:16,480 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:23:16,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:23:47,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:23:47,482 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:23:47,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:24:18,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:24:18,480 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:24:18,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:24:49,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:24:49,482 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:24:49,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:25:20,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:25:20,482 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:25:20,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:25:51,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:25:51,565 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:25:51,565 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:26:18,937 INFO faf.fa fa.exe.replay(PyQt4.QtCore.QUrl(u'faflive:// firev2&mod=engyredesign'), detach = False
- 2013-03-14 10:26:18,937 INFO faf.fa Checking FA for: engyredesign and map white firev2
- 2013-03-14 10:26:18,947 INFO faf.fa Updating FA for mod: engyredesign, version None
- 2013-03-14 10:26:18,948 DEBUG faf.updater Update started at 2013-03-14 10:26:18
- 2013-03-14 10:26:18,950 DEBUG faf.updater Using game path: C:\Program Files (x86)\THQ\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance
- 2013-03-14 10:26:18,950 DEBUG faf.updater Using appdata: C:\ProgramData\FAForever
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,190 DEBUG faf.updater Connected to update server at 2013-03-14 10:26:19
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,253 DEBUG faf.updater lua.scd digest is 5cdd99bddafa38f0873bd11dd353055a
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,259 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAF])
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,390 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 238 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,390 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [ForgedAlliance.exe, init_faf.lua, init_ladder1v1.lua, GDFBinary.dll, SupComDataPath.lua]
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,414 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_faf.lua, 16da7063ae3309c154a2c544f559b3a9])
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,421 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, SupComDataPath.lua, 55ac1ef97845f2291da64b830299331e])
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,423 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_ladder1v1.lua, ea96ac9cec88af29c08556c96465acfe])
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,513 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, ForgedAlliance.exe, 5babeaec3b8efa0f24801eae044e38a0])
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,526 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, GDFBinary.dll, 3fc9e7684d150da5c51db71d2399f316])
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,651 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 52 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,651 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_faf.lua
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,651 DEBUG faf.updater init_faf.lua is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,823 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,823 DEBUG faf.updater file : SupComDataPath.lua
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,823 DEBUG faf.updater SupComDataPath.lua is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,825 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,825 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_ladder1v1.lua
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,825 DEBUG faf.updater init_ladder1v1.lua is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,825 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,826 DEBUG faf.updater file : ForgedAlliance.exe
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,826 DEBUG faf.updater ForgedAlliance.exe is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,828 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,828 DEBUG faf.updater file : GDFBinary.dll
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,828 DEBUG faf.updater GDFBinary.dll is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,828 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,828 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAFGAMEDATA])
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,950 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 74 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,950 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [faforever.faf]
- 2013-03-14 10:26:19,970 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, faforever.faf, 1e730c4979623a34ba046435b31075cb])
- 2013-03-14 10:26:20,101 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:26:20,101 DEBUG faf.updater file : faforever.faf
- 2013-03-14 10:26:20,101 DEBUG faf.updater faforever.faf is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 10:26:20,101 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-03-14 10:26:20,102 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [engyredesign])
- 2013-03-14 10:26:20,229 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 90 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:26:20,230 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [init_engyredesign.lua]
- 2013-03-14 10:26:20,243 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_engyredesign.lua, 60b9e6affa3c42e7462aa2ce64c71693])
- 2013-03-14 10:26:20,368 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 70 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:26:20,368 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_engyredesign.lua
- 2013-03-14 10:26:20,368 DEBUG faf.updater init_engyredesign.lua is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 10:26:20,368 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-03-14 10:26:20,369 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [engyredesignGamedata])
- 2013-03-14 10:26:20,493 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 80 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:26:20,493 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [engyredesign.erd]
- 2013-03-14 10:26:20,520 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, engyredesign.erd, f019d597672cc874d1e454dcdfb813a7])
- 2013-03-14 10:26:20,645 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(PATCH_NOT_FOUND) - 70 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:26:20,645 DEBUG faf.updater Error: Patch not found for engyredesign.erd.
- 2013-03-14 10:26:20,645 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(REQUEST, [gamedata, engyredesign.erd])
- 2013-03-14 10:26:20,769 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(SEND_FILE_PATH) - 274 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:26:22,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:26:22,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:26:22,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:26:32,923 DEBUG faf.updater File downloaded successfully.
- 2013-03-14 10:26:32,930 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-03-14 10:26:32,930 DEBUG faf.updater Disconnected from server at 2013-03-14 10:26:32
- 2013-03-14 10:26:32,948 DEBUG faf.updater Update finished at 2013-03-14 10:26:32
- 2013-03-14 10:26:32,948 INFO faf.fa Writing fa_path.lua config file.
- 2013-03-14 10:26:33,010 INFO faf.fa Updating FA for map: white firev2
- 2013-03-14 10:26:38,033 INFO faf.fa Running FA with info: None
- 2013-03-14 10:26:38,033 INFO faf.fa Running FA via command: "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe" /replay gpgnet:// /init init_engyredesign.lua /nobugreport /log "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\logs\replay.log"
- 2013-03-14 10:26:38,082 INFO faf.client FA has launched in an attached process.
- 2013-03-14 10:26:38,082 INFO faf.fa Viewing Replay.
- 2013-03-14 10:26:53,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:26:53,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:26:53,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:27:24,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:27:24,482 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:27:24,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:27:55,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:27:55,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:27:55,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:28:26,480 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:28:26,480 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:28:26,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:28:57,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:28:57,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:28:57,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:29:19,130 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "get_tournaments"}
- 2013-03-14 10:29:19,130 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "get_tournaments"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:29:19,266 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"data": {"408165": {"name": "2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament", "url": "", "participants": [{"id": 6452002, "name": "TAG_ZaphodX"}], "state": "open", "progress": 0, "type": "double elimination", "description": "<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> </span></div><p><br></p><p><img src=\"\" style=\"cursor: nw-resize;\"><br></p><p>Are you an Oceanic Legend? Fight on the seas to win a </p><p>custom-made<span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> avatar in this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">2v2 tourny played on </span></p><p><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">water-based maps.</span></p><div><br></div><div>Entry is for >1700 rating only.</div><div><br></div><div>The winners will both receive a custom-made avatar.</div><div><br></div><div>The tournament will be casted on my YouTube channel:</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> </a> <br></div><div><br></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">Get a partner and sign up early to guarantee your place! </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">All </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">players </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">should join this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny here inside FAF to be </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">automatically added to the</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> tournament </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">chatroom when </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">the </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny starts. Double click to join.</span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"><br></span></div><div><div>For full details, rules, maps, prizes and sign-up details please</div><div>check the thread in the tournament forum:</div><div>FAF forums>Tournaments>2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"outline: 0px; text-decoration: underline !important;\"></a></div></div><div><br></div><div>TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.<br></div><p></p>\n"}}, "command": "tournaments_info"}
- 2013-03-14 10:29:28,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:29:28,482 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:29:28,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:29:59,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:29:59,482 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:29:59,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:30:30,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:30:30,482 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:30:30,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:31:01,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:31:01,482 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:31:01,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:31:32,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:31:32,482 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:31:32,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:32:03,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:32:03,482 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:32:03,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:32:34,494 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:32:34,496 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:32:34,496 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:33:05,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:33:05,482 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:33:05,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:33:36,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:33:36,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:33:36,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:34:07,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:34:07,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:34:07,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:34:38,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:34:38,482 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:34:38,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:35:09,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:35:09,482 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:35:09,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:35:40,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:35:40,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:35:40,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:36:11,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:36:11,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:36:11,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:36:42,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:36:42,484 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:36:42,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:37:13,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:37:13,482 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:37:13,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:37:44,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:37:44,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:37:44,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:38:15,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:38:15,482 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:38:15,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:38:46,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:38:46,482 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:38:46,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:39:17,482 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:39:17,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:39:17,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:39:19,130 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "get_tournaments"}
- 2013-03-14 10:39:19,130 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "get_tournaments"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:39:19,266 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"data": {"408165": {"name": "2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament", "url": "", "participants": [{"id": 6452002, "name": "TAG_ZaphodX"}], "state": "open", "progress": 0, "type": "double elimination", "description": "<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> </span></div><p><br></p><p><img src=\"\" style=\"cursor: nw-resize;\"><br></p><p>Are you an Oceanic Legend? Fight on the seas to win a </p><p>custom-made<span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> avatar in this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">2v2 tourny played on </span></p><p><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">water-based maps.</span></p><div><br></div><div>Entry is for >1700 rating only.</div><div><br></div><div>The winners will both receive a custom-made avatar.</div><div><br></div><div>The tournament will be casted on my YouTube channel:</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> </a> <br></div><div><br></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">Get a partner and sign up early to guarantee your place! </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">All </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">players </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">should join this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny here inside FAF to be </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">automatically added to the</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> tournament </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">chatroom when </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">the </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny starts. Double click to join.</span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"><br></span></div><div><div>For full details, rules, maps, prizes and sign-up details please</div><div>check the thread in the tournament forum:</div><div>FAF forums>Tournaments>2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"outline: 0px; text-decoration: underline !important;\"></a></div></div><div><br></div><div>TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.<br></div><p></p>\n"}}, "command": "tournaments_info"}
- 2013-03-14 10:39:48,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:39:48,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:39:48,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:40:19,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:40:19,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:40:19,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:40:50,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:40:50,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:40:50,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:40:59,759 INFO faf.client FA has finished with exit code: 0
- 2013-03-14 10:41:21,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:41:21,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:41:21,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:41:52,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:41:52,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:41:52,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:42:23,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:42:23,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:42:23,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:42:49,875 INFO faf.fa Checking FA for: faf and map scmp_di_509.v0001
- 2013-03-14 10:42:49,877 INFO faf.fa Updating FA for mod: faf, version None
- 2013-03-14 10:42:49,878 DEBUG faf.updater Update started at 2013-03-14 10:42:49
- 2013-03-14 10:42:49,880 DEBUG faf.updater Using game path: C:\Program Files (x86)\THQ\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance
- 2013-03-14 10:42:49,880 DEBUG faf.updater Using appdata: C:\ProgramData\FAForever
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,160 DEBUG faf.updater Connected to update server at 2013-03-14 10:42:50
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,174 DEBUG faf.updater lua.scd digest is 5cdd99bddafa38f0873bd11dd353055a
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,198 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAF])
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,326 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 238 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,328 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [ForgedAlliance.exe, init_faf.lua, init_ladder1v1.lua, GDFBinary.dll, SupComDataPath.lua]
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,328 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_faf.lua, 16da7063ae3309c154a2c544f559b3a9])
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,328 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, SupComDataPath.lua, 55ac1ef97845f2291da64b830299331e])
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,329 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_ladder1v1.lua, ea96ac9cec88af29c08556c96465acfe])
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,352 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, ForgedAlliance.exe, 5babeaec3b8efa0f24801eae044e38a0])
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,354 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, GDFBinary.dll, 3fc9e7684d150da5c51db71d2399f316])
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,480 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 52 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,480 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_faf.lua
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,480 DEBUG faf.updater init_faf.lua is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,650 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,650 DEBUG faf.updater file : SupComDataPath.lua
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,650 DEBUG faf.updater SupComDataPath.lua is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,651 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,651 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_ladder1v1.lua
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,651 DEBUG faf.updater init_ladder1v1.lua is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,651 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,651 DEBUG faf.updater file : ForgedAlliance.exe
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,653 DEBUG faf.updater ForgedAlliance.exe is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,654 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,654 DEBUG faf.updater file : GDFBinary.dll
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,654 DEBUG faf.updater GDFBinary.dll is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,654 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,654 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAFGAMEDATA])
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,778 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 74 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,779 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [faforever.faf]
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,782 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, faforever.faf, 1e730c4979623a34ba046435b31075cb])
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,908 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,908 DEBUG faf.updater file : faforever.faf
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,908 DEBUG faf.updater faforever.faf is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,908 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,910 DEBUG faf.updater Disconnected from server at 2013-03-14 10:42:50
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,936 DEBUG faf.updater Update finished at 2013-03-14 10:42:50
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,937 INFO faf.fa Writing fa_path.lua config file.
- 2013-03-14 10:42:50,983 INFO faf.fa Updating FA for map: scmp_di_509.v0001
- 2013-03-14 10:42:54,519 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:42:54,519 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:42:54,519 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:42:55,378 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "game_join", "uid": 717798, "gameport": 6112}
- 2013-03-14 10:42:55,578 INFO faf.client Handling game_launch via JSON {u'args': [u'/ratingcolor c6c6c6c6', u'/numgames 38'], u'command': u'game_launch', u'uid': 717798, u'mod': u'faf'}
- 2013-03-14 10:42:55,578 INFO faf.fa Running FA with info: {'recorder': u'Highlink', 'game_time': 1363272175.579, 'uid': 717798, 'version_info': {'lobby': '0.8.11'}, 'featured_mod': u'faf'}
- 2013-03-14 10:42:55,578 INFO faf.fa Running FA via command: "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe" /ratingcolor c6c6c6c6 /numgames 38 /mean 1473.88 /deviation 88.4803 /init init_faf.lua /savereplay gpgnet://localhost/717798/Highlink.SCFAreplay /nobugreport /gpgnet
- 2013-03-14 10:42:55,605 INFO faf.client FA has launched in an attached process.
- 2013-03-14 10:43:03,088 DEBUG faf.fa.relayserver incoming connection to relay server...
- 2013-03-14 10:43:03,118 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA connected locally.
- 2013-03-14 10:43:03,118 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA will use local port 60251
- 2013-03-14 10:43:03,118 INFO faf.fa.relayer UDP relay port 6112
- 2013-03-14 10:43:03,335 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer faf server
- 2013-03-14 10:43:03,335 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer Initializing ping timer
- 2013-03-14 10:43:03,335 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 10:43:03,335 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Idle"]}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:03,483 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [0, 6112, "Highlink", 27033, 1], "key": "CreateLobby"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:03,483 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:03,545 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 10:43:03,545 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Lobby"]}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:03,891 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 10:43:03,891 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "PACKET_RECEIVED 6112"]}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:03,894 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:04,023 INFO faf.client port used : 6112
- 2013-03-14 10:43:04,279 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:04,279 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:04,358 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 10:43:04,358 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/PLAYERID 20519 BC_Blackheart"]}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:04,380 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 10:43:04,380 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/ASKREPLY BC_Blackheart"]}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:04,490 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 10:43:04,492 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/PLAYERID 20519 BC_Blackheart"]}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:04,641 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:04,724 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 10:43:04,724 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/PLAYERID 20519 BC_Blackheart"]}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:04,746 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 10:43:04,746 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/ASKREPLY BC_Blackheart"]}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:04,813 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:04,813 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:05,079 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:05,079 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "BC_Blackheart", 20519], "key": "JoinGame"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:05,480 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:05,881 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:05,881 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:05,881 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:05,881 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:05,881 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:06,282 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:06,282 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:06,282 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:06,282 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:06,282 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:06,349 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 10:43:06,349 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/PLAYERID 22559 Gwinfarid"]}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:06,349 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/ASKREPLY Gwinfarid"]}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:06,385 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 10:43:06,387 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/PLAYERID 27884 Geminus"]}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:06,387 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/ASKREPLY Geminus"]}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:06,586 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 10:43:06,588 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/PLAYERID 27884 Geminus"]}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:06,588 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/PLAYERID 22559 Gwinfarid"]}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:06,683 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:06,683 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "Geminus", 27884], "key": "ConnectToPeer"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:07,082 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:07,082 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "Gwinfarid", 22559], "key": "ConnectToPeer"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:07,483 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:25,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:25,484 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:25,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:43:49,256 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:49,256 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:49,684 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:49,684 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:50,058 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:50,059 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:50,460 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:50,460 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:50,858 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:50,859 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:51,259 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:51,259 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:51,660 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:51,660 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:52,062 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:52,062 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:52,461 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:52,461 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:52,862 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:52,862 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:53,263 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:53,263 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:53,664 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:53,664 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:54,065 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:54,065 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:54,466 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:54,466 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:54,867 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:54,867 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:55,266 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:55,266 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:55,667 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:55,667 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:56,069 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:56,069 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:56,469 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:56,470 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:56,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:56,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:56,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:43:56,869 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:56,871 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:57,269 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:57,270 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:57,677 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:57,677 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:58,072 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:58,072 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:58,473 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:58,473 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:58,874 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:58,874 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:59,276 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:59,276 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:59,700 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "NAT_PACKET 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:59,700 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "NAT_PACKET Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:43:59,701 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "westbroma", 21257], "key": "ConnectToPeer"}
- 2013-03-14 10:44:07,507 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [21257], "key": "DisconnectFromPeer"}
- 2013-03-14 10:44:17,665 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA disconnected locally.
- 2013-03-14 10:44:17,667 INFO faf.fa.relayer remove relay
- 2013-03-14 10:44:17,667 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer destructor called
- 2013-03-14 10:44:17,680 WARNING faf.client FA has finished with exit code: -1073741819
- 2013-03-14 10:44:27,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:44:27,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:44:27,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:44:53,483 INFO faf.fa Checking FA for: ladder1v1 and map None
- 2013-03-14 10:44:53,483 INFO faf.fa Updating FA for mod: ladder1v1, version None
- 2013-03-14 10:44:53,484 DEBUG faf.updater Update started at 2013-03-14 10:44:53
- 2013-03-14 10:44:53,484 DEBUG faf.updater Using game path: C:\Program Files (x86)\THQ\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance
- 2013-03-14 10:44:53,486 DEBUG faf.updater Using appdata: C:\ProgramData\FAForever
- 2013-03-14 10:44:53,684 DEBUG faf.updater Connected to update server at 2013-03-14 10:44:53
- 2013-03-14 10:44:53,700 DEBUG faf.updater lua.scd digest is 5cdd99bddafa38f0873bd11dd353055a
- 2013-03-14 10:44:53,703 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAF])
- 2013-03-14 10:44:53,839 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 238 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:44:53,841 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [ForgedAlliance.exe, init_faf.lua, init_ladder1v1.lua, GDFBinary.dll, SupComDataPath.lua]
- 2013-03-14 10:44:53,842 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_faf.lua, 16da7063ae3309c154a2c544f559b3a9])
- 2013-03-14 10:44:53,842 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, SupComDataPath.lua, 55ac1ef97845f2291da64b830299331e])
- 2013-03-14 10:44:53,842 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_ladder1v1.lua, ea96ac9cec88af29c08556c96465acfe])
- 2013-03-14 10:44:53,865 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, ForgedAlliance.exe, 5babeaec3b8efa0f24801eae044e38a0])
- 2013-03-14 10:44:53,867 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, GDFBinary.dll, 3fc9e7684d150da5c51db71d2399f316])
- 2013-03-14 10:44:53,993 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 52 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:44:53,993 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_faf.lua
- 2013-03-14 10:44:53,993 DEBUG faf.updater init_faf.lua is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,165 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,165 DEBUG faf.updater file : SupComDataPath.lua
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,165 DEBUG faf.updater SupComDataPath.lua is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,167 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,167 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_ladder1v1.lua
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,167 DEBUG faf.updater init_ladder1v1.lua is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,167 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,167 DEBUG faf.updater file : ForgedAlliance.exe
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,168 DEBUG faf.updater ForgedAlliance.exe is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,170 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,170 DEBUG faf.updater file : GDFBinary.dll
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,170 DEBUG faf.updater GDFBinary.dll is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,170 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,170 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAFGAMEDATA])
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,295 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 74 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,296 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [faforever.faf]
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,299 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, faforever.faf, 1e730c4979623a34ba046435b31075cb])
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,424 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,424 DEBUG faf.updater file : faforever.faf
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,424 DEBUG faf.updater faforever.faf is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,424 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,424 DEBUG faf.updater Disconnected from server at 2013-03-14 10:44:54
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,450 DEBUG faf.updater Update finished at 2013-03-14 10:44:54
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,450 INFO faf.fa Writing fa_path.lua config file.
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,500 INFO Starting Ranked Search as /cybran, port: 6112
- 2013-03-14 10:44:54,502 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"state": "start", "mod": "ladder1v1", "command": "game_matchmaking", "faction": "/cybran", "gameport": 6112}
- 2013-03-14 10:44:58,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:44:58,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:44:58,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:45:00,611 INFO faf.client Handling game_launch via JSON {u'uid': 717808, u'args': [u'/players 2', u'/team 2'], u'mapname': u'scmp_017', u'reason': u'ranked', u'command': u'game_launch', u'mod': u'ladder1v1'}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:00,611 INFO faf.fa Updating FA for map: scmp_017
- 2013-03-14 10:45:00,611 INFO faf.fa Map is available.
- 2013-03-14 10:45:00,611 INFO faf.fa Running FA with info: {'recorder': u'Highlink', 'game_time': 1363272300.611, 'uid': 717808, 'version_info': {'lobby': '0.8.11'}, 'featured_mod': u'ladder1v1'}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:00,611 INFO faf.fa Running FA via command: "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe" /players 2 /team 2 /cybran /mean 1473.88 /deviation 88.4803 /init init_ladder1v1.lua /savereplay gpgnet://localhost/717808/Highlink.SCFAreplay /nobugreport /gpgnet
- 2013-03-14 10:45:00,635 INFO faf.client FA has launched in an attached process.
- 2013-03-14 10:45:00,635 DEBUG Stopping Ranked Search
- 2013-03-14 10:45:00,635 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"state": "stop", "command": "game_matchmaking", "mod": "ladder1v1"}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:08,063 DEBUG faf.fa.relayserver incoming connection to relay server...
- 2013-03-14 10:45:08,063 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA connected locally.
- 2013-03-14 10:45:08,065 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA will use local port 63115
- 2013-03-14 10:45:08,065 INFO faf.fa.relayer UDP relay port 6112
- 2013-03-14 10:45:08,187 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer faf server
- 2013-03-14 10:45:08,187 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer Initializing ping timer
- 2013-03-14 10:45:08,187 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 10:45:08,188 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Idle"]}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:08,334 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [1, 6112, "Highlink", 27033, 1], "key": "CreateLobby"}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:08,335 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:08,428 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 10:45:08,428 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Lobby"]}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:08,717 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:08,727 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 10:45:08,729 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "PACKET_RECEIVED 6112"]}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:09,349 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:09,349 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:09,362 INFO faf.client port used : 6112
- 2013-03-14 10:45:09,388 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 10:45:09,388 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/PLAYERID 14458 Tausney"]}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:09,430 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 10:45:09,431 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/ASKREPLY Tausney"]}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:09,585 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 10:45:09,585 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/PLAYERID 14458 Tausney"]}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:09,687 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:09,855 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 10:45:09,855 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/PLAYERID 14458 Tausney"]}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:09,855 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/ASKREPLY Tausney"]}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:09,855 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:09,855 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:10,151 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:10,153 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "Tausney", 14458], "key": "JoinGame"}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:10,552 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:10,953 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:11,352 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:11,759 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:12,153 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:12,555 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:13,680 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 10:45:13,680 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Launching"]}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:18,240 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder FA connected locally.
- 2013-03-14 10:45:18,361 DEBUG faf.fa.replayrecorder internet replay server
- 2013-03-14 10:45:18,378 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder Stripping prefix 'P/717808/Highlink.SCFAreplay ' from replay.
- 2013-03-14 10:45:24,657 INFO faf.fa Game Info Complete: {u'num_players': 2, u'mapname': u'scmp_017', 'uid': 717808, 'version_info': {'lobby': '0.8.11'}, 'game_time': 1363272317.563641, u'game_type': 0, u'host': u'Tausney', u'teams': {u'1': [u'Tausney'], u'2': [u'Highlink']}, u'access': u'public', u'state': u'playing', u'options': [], u'command': u'game_info', 'featured_mod': u'ladder1v1', u'title': u'Tausney Vs Highlink', 'recorder': u'Highlink', u'quality': 0.36177634060529834, u'max_players': 12, 'complete': True}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:29,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:29,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:45:29,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:46:00,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:46:00,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:46:00,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:46:31,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:46:31,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:46:31,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:47:02,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:47:02,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:47:02,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:47:33,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:47:33,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:47:33,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:48:04,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:48:04,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:48:04,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:48:35,503 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:48:35,503 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:48:35,503 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:49:06,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:49:06,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:49:06,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:49:19,131 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "get_tournaments"}
- 2013-03-14 10:49:19,131 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "get_tournaments"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:49:19,276 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"data": {"408165": {"name": "2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament", "url": "", "participants": [{"id": 6452002, "name": "TAG_ZaphodX"}], "state": "open", "progress": 0, "type": "double elimination", "description": "<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> </span></div><p><br></p><p><img src=\"\" style=\"cursor: nw-resize;\"><br></p><p>Are you an Oceanic Legend? Fight on the seas to win a </p><p>custom-made<span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> avatar in this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">2v2 tourny played on </span></p><p><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">water-based maps.</span></p><div><br></div><div>Entry is for >1700 rating only.</div><div><br></div><div>The winners will both receive a custom-made avatar.</div><div><br></div><div>The tournament will be casted on my YouTube channel:</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> </a> <br></div><div><br></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">Get a partner and sign up early to guarantee your place! </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">All </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">players </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">should join this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny here inside FAF to be </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">automatically added to the</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> tournament </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">chatroom when </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">the </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny starts. Double click to join.</span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"><br></span></div><div><div>For full details, rules, maps, prizes and sign-up details please</div><div>check the thread in the tournament forum:</div><div>FAF forums>Tournaments>2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"outline: 0px; text-decoration: underline !important;\"></a></div></div><div><br></div><div>TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.<br></div><p></p>\n"}}, "command": "tournaments_info"}
- 2013-03-14 10:49:37,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:49:37,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:49:37,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:50:08,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:50:08,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:50:08,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:50:39,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:50:39,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:50:39,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:51:10,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:51:10,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:51:10,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:51:41,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:51:41,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:51:41,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:52:12,493 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:52:12,493 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:52:12,493 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:52:43,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:52:43,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:52:43,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:53:14,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:53:14,484 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:53:14,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:53:45,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:53:45,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:53:45,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:54:16,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:54:16,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:54:16,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:54:47,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:54:47,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:54:47,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:55:18,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:55:18,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:55:18,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:55:49,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:55:49,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:55:49,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:56:20,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:56:20,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:56:20,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:56:51,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:56:51,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:56:51,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:57:22,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:57:22,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:57:22,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:57:53,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:57:53,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:57:53,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:58:24,496 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:58:24,496 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:58:24,496 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:58:55,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:58:55,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:58:55,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:59:19,130 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "get_tournaments"}
- 2013-03-14 10:59:19,130 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "get_tournaments"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:59:19,269 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"data": {"408165": {"name": "2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament", "url": "", "participants": [{"id": 6452002, "name": "TAG_ZaphodX"}], "state": "open", "progress": 0, "type": "double elimination", "description": "<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> </span></div><p><br></p><p><img src=\"\" style=\"cursor: nw-resize;\"><br></p><p>Are you an Oceanic Legend? Fight on the seas to win a </p><p>custom-made<span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> avatar in this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">2v2 tourny played on </span></p><p><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">water-based maps.</span></p><div><br></div><div>Entry is for >1700 rating only.</div><div><br></div><div>The winners will both receive a custom-made avatar.</div><div><br></div><div>The tournament will be casted on my YouTube channel:</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> </a> <br></div><div><br></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">Get a partner and sign up early to guarantee your place! </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">All </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">players </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">should join this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny here inside FAF to be </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">automatically added to the</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> tournament </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">chatroom when </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">the </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny starts. Double click to join.</span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"><br></span></div><div><div>For full details, rules, maps, prizes and sign-up details please</div><div>check the thread in the tournament forum:</div><div>FAF forums>Tournaments>2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"outline: 0px; text-decoration: underline !important;\"></a></div></div><div><br></div><div>TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.<br></div><p></p>\n"}}, "command": "tournaments_info"}
- 2013-03-14 10:59:26,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:59:26,489 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:59:26,489 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 10:59:57,503 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 10:59:57,503 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 10:59:57,503 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:00:28,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:00:28,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:00:28,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:00:35,676 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:00:35,676 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [1, "score 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:00:35,676 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:00:35,676 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [2, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:00:35,676 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [3, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:00:35,676 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [4, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:00:39,293 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:00:39,293 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [2, "defeat -1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:00:39,388 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:00:39,388 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [1, "score 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:00:39,388 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [3, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:00:39,388 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:00:39,388 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [4, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:00:39,390 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:00:39,390 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:00:39,390 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Stats", "chuncks": ["<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n<GameStats xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\">\n <Army index=\"0\" name=\"Tausney\">\n <UnitStats>\n <Unit id=\"ueb0102\" type=\"<LOC ueb0102_desc>Air Factory\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"210.00\" energycost=\"2400.00\" buildtime=\"300.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ueb0101\" type=\"<LOC ueb0101_desc>Land Factory\" built=\"24\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"240.00\" energycost=\"2100.00\" buildtime=\"300.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uea0103\" type=\"<LOC uea0103_desc>Attack Bomber\" built=\"2\" lost=\"5\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"32756.00\" damagereceived=\"5853.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uea0102\" type=\"<LOC uea0102_desc>Interceptor\" built=\"10\" lost=\"7\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"5400.00\" damagereceived=\"3355.00\" masscost=\"50.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uea0101\" type=\"<LOC uea0101_desc>Air Scout\" built=\"0\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"40.00\" masscost=\"40.00\" energycost=\"420.00\" buildtime=\"145.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ueb1101\" type=\"<LOC ueb1101_desc>Power Generator\" built=\"57\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"75.00\" energycost=\"750.00\" buildtime=\"125.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ueb1102\" type=\"<LOC ueb1102_desc>Hydrocarbon Power Plant\" built=\"2\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"160.00\" masscost=\"160.00\" energycost=\"800.00\" buildtime=\"400.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ueb1103\" type=\"<LOC ueb1103_desc>Mass Extractor\" built=\"15\" lost=\"6\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"3803.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"360.00\" buildtime=\"60.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ueb1105\" type=\"<LOC ueb1105_desc>Energy Storage\" built=\"2\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"250.00\" energycost=\"1200.00\" buildtime=\"200.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ueb1202\" type=\"<LOC ueb1202_desc>Mass Extractor\" built=\"4\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"900.00\" energycost=\"5400.00\" buildtime=\"900.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ueb3101\" type=\"<LOC ueb3101_desc>Radar System\" built=\"3\" lost=\"2\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"30.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"720.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0106\" type=\"<LOC uel0106_desc>Light Assault Bot\" built=\"0\" lost=\"2\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"189.00\" damagereceived=\"158.00\" masscost=\"35.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0105\" type=\"<LOC uel0105_desc>Engineer\" built=\"44\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"260.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0104\" type=\"<LOC uel0104_desc>Mobile Anti-Air Gun\" built=\"2\" lost=\"10\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"1008.00\" damagereceived=\"4461.00\" masscost=\"28.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0103\" type=\"<LOC uel0103_desc>Mobile Light Artillery\" built=\"29\" lost=\"33\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"42120.00\" damagereceived=\"24236.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"180.00\" buildtime=\"180.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0101\" type=\"<LOC uel0101_desc>Land Scout\" built=\"0\" lost=\"2\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"96.00\" damagereceived=\"67.00\" masscost=\"12.00\" energycost=\"80.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0001\" type=\"<LOC uel0001_desc>Armored Command Unit\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"51999.98\" damagereceived=\"3525.00\" masscost=\"18000.00\" energycost=\"5000000.00\" buildtime=\"6000000.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0201\" type=\"<LOC uel0201_desc>Medium Tank\" built=\"87\" lost=\"136\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"51192.00\" damagereceived=\"190604.00\" masscost=\"56.00\" energycost=\"266.00\" buildtime=\"280.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb0101\" type=\"<LOC urb0101_desc>Land Factory\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"1\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"240.00\" energycost=\"2100.00\" buildtime=\"300.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ura0102\" type=\"<LOC ura0102_desc>Interceptor\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"19\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"50.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ura0101\" type=\"<LOC ura0101_desc>Air Scout\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"6\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"40.00\" energycost=\"420.00\" buildtime=\"145.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1103\" type=\"<LOC urb1103_desc>Mass Extractor\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"13\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"360.00\" buildtime=\"60.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb3101\" type=\"<LOC urb3101_desc>Radar System\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"3\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"720.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb2301\" type=\"<LOC urb2301_desc>Point Defense\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"2\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"480.00\" energycost=\"3400.00\" buildtime=\"400.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0104\" type=\"<LOC url0104_desc>Mobile Anti-Air Gun\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"7\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"28.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0103\" type=\"<LOC url0103_desc>Mobile Light Artillery\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"18\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"180.00\" buildtime=\"180.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0001\" type=\"<LOC url0001_desc>Armored Command Unit\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"1\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"18000.00\" energycost=\"5000000.00\" buildtime=\"6000000.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0105\" type=\"<LOC url0105_desc>Engineer\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"9\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"260.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0106\" type=\"<LOC url0106_desc>Light Assault Bot\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"1\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"35.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0107\" type=\"<LOC url0107_desc>Assault Bot\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"134\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"273.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0202\" type=\"<LOC url0202_desc>Heavy Tank\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"4\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"198.00\" energycost=\"990.00\" buildtime=\"880.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0208\" type=\"<LOC url0208_desc>Engineer\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"1\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"160.00\" energycost=\"840.00\" buildtime=\"800.00\"/>\n </UnitStats>\n <SummaryStats>\n <Category type=\"AIR\" built=\"13\" killed=\"25\"/>\n <Category type=\"LAND\" built=\"187\" killed=\"176\"/>\n <Category type=\"NAVAL\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENGINEER\" built=\"45\" killed=\"11\"/>\n <Category type=\"ARTILLERY\" built=\"29\" killed=\"18\"/>\n <Category type=\"ANTIAIR\" built=\"12\" killed=\"26\"/>\n <Category type=\"TRANSPORTATION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"STRUCTURE\" built=\"108\" killed=\"19\"/>\n <Category type=\"FACTORY\" built=\"25\" killed=\"1\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENERGYPRODUCTION\" built=\"60\" killed=\"1\"/>\n <Category type=\"MASSPRODUCTION\" built=\"20\" killed=\"14\"/>\n <Category type=\"DEFENSE\" built=\"0\" killed=\"2\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH1\" built=\"278\" killed=\"211\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH2\" built=\"4\" killed=\"7\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH3\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n </SummaryStats>\n <EconomyStats>\n <Energy produced=\"499255.16\" consumed=\"368273.41\" storage=\"14000.00\"/>\n <Mass produced=\"37805.15\" consumed=\"36216.04\" storage=\"3090.00\"/>\n </EconomyStats>\n </Army>\n <Army index=\"1\" name=\"Highlink\">\n <UnitStats>\n <Unit id=\"dra0202\" type=\"<LOC dra0202_desc>Fighter/Bomber\" built=\"1\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"1580.00\" damagereceived=\"980.00\" masscost=\"420.00\" energycost=\"8400.00\" buildtime=\"2400.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uab0304\" type=\"<LOC uab0304_desc>Quantum Gateway\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"1\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"3000.00\" energycost=\"30000.00\" buildtime=\"3000.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uab1101\" type=\"<LOC uab1101_desc>Power Generator\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"1\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"75.00\" energycost=\"750.00\" buildtime=\"125.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uab3101\" type=\"<LOC uab3101_desc>Radar System\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"1\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"720.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uab2204\" type=\"<LOC uab2204_desc>Anti-Air Flak Artillery\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"1\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"392.00\" energycost=\"3920.00\" buildtime=\"700.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uab2101\" type=\"<LOC uab2101_desc>Point Defense\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"2\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"250.00\" energycost=\"2000.00\" buildtime=\"250.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uea0103\" type=\"<LOC uea0103_desc>Attack Bomber\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"5\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uea0102\" type=\"<LOC uea0102_desc>Interceptor\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"7\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"50.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uea0101\" type=\"<LOC uea0101_desc>Air Scout\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"1\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"40.00\" energycost=\"420.00\" buildtime=\"145.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ueb1103\" type=\"<LOC ueb1103_desc>Mass Extractor\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"6\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"360.00\" buildtime=\"60.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ueb3101\" type=\"<LOC ueb3101_desc>Radar System\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"2\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"720.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0106\" type=\"<LOC uel0106_desc>Light Assault Bot\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"2\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"35.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0104\" type=\"<LOC uel0104_desc>Mobile Anti-Air Gun\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"10\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"28.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0103\" type=\"<LOC uel0103_desc>Mobile Light Artillery\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"33\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"180.00\" buildtime=\"180.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0101\" type=\"<LOC uel0101_desc>Land Scout\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"2\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"12.00\" energycost=\"80.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0201\" type=\"<LOC uel0201_desc>Medium Tank\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"134\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"56.00\" energycost=\"266.00\" buildtime=\"280.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb0101\" type=\"<LOC urb0101_desc>Land Factory\" built=\"4\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"4576.00\" masscost=\"240.00\" energycost=\"2100.00\" buildtime=\"300.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ura0102\" type=\"<LOC ura0102_desc>Interceptor\" built=\"0\" lost=\"19\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"3059.00\" damagereceived=\"5800.00\" masscost=\"50.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ura0101\" type=\"<LOC ura0101_desc>Air Scout\" built=\"0\" lost=\"6\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"264.00\" masscost=\"40.00\" energycost=\"420.00\" buildtime=\"145.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb0102\" type=\"<LOC urb0102_desc>Air Factory\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"210.00\" energycost=\"2400.00\" buildtime=\"300.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb0201\" type=\"<LOC urb0201_desc>Land Factory\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"16.00\" masscost=\"800.00\" energycost=\"7200.00\" buildtime=\"1600.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb0202\" type=\"<LOC urb0202_desc>Air Factory\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"16.00\" masscost=\"630.00\" energycost=\"11700.00\" buildtime=\"1800.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1101\" type=\"<LOC urb1101_desc>Power Generator\" built=\"31\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"392.00\" masscost=\"75.00\" energycost=\"750.00\" buildtime=\"125.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1102\" type=\"<LOC urb1102_desc>Hydrocarbon Power Plant\" built=\"2\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"384.00\" masscost=\"160.00\" energycost=\"800.00\" buildtime=\"400.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1103\" type=\"<LOC urb1103_desc>Mass Extractor\" built=\"11\" lost=\"13\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"9768.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"360.00\" buildtime=\"60.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1105\" type=\"<LOC urb1105_desc>Energy Storage\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"250.00\" energycost=\"1200.00\" buildtime=\"200.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1201\" type=\"<LOC urb1201_desc>Power Generator\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"1200.00\" energycost=\"12000.00\" buildtime=\"2000.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb3101\" type=\"<LOC urb3101_desc>Radar System\" built=\"0\" lost=\"4\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"148.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"720.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb2301\" type=\"<LOC urb2301_desc>Point Defense\" built=\"0\" lost=\"2\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"4238.00\" damagereceived=\"3855.99\" masscost=\"480.00\" energycost=\"3400.00\" buildtime=\"400.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1202\" type=\"<LOC urb1202_desc>Mass Extractor\" built=\"5\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"1368.00\" masscost=\"900.00\" energycost=\"5400.00\" buildtime=\"900.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0104\" type=\"<LOC url0104_desc>Mobile Anti-Air Gun\" built=\"0\" lost=\"7\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"592.00\" damagereceived=\"1144.00\" masscost=\"28.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0103\" type=\"<LOC url0103_desc>Mobile Light Artillery\" built=\"0\" lost=\"19\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"32175.00\" damagereceived=\"5128.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"180.00\" buildtime=\"180.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0101\" type=\"<LOC url0101_desc>Land Scout\" built=\"0\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"50.00\" masscost=\"8.00\" energycost=\"80.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0001\" type=\"<LOC url0001_desc>Armored Command Unit\" built=\"0\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"555472.00\" damagereceived=\"16079.99\" masscost=\"18000.00\" energycost=\"5000000.00\" buildtime=\"6000000.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0105\" type=\"<LOC url0105_desc>Engineer\" built=\"12\" lost=\"18\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"10325.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"260.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0106\" type=\"<LOC url0106_desc>Light Assault Bot\" built=\"0\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"1414.00\" damagereceived=\"95.00\" masscost=\"35.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0107\" type=\"<LOC url0107_desc>Assault Bot\" built=\"1\" lost=\"141\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"29952.00\" damagereceived=\"64394.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"273.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0202\" type=\"<LOC url0202_desc>Heavy Tank\" built=\"0\" lost=\"10\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"3312.00\" damagereceived=\"20108.00\" masscost=\"198.00\" energycost=\"990.00\" buildtime=\"880.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0205\" type=\"<LOC url0205_desc>Mobile AA Flak Artillery\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"504.00\" masscost=\"160.00\" energycost=\"800.00\" buildtime=\"800.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0208\" type=\"<LOC url0208_desc>Engineer\" built=\"1\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"720.00\" masscost=\"160.00\" energycost=\"840.00\" buildtime=\"800.00\"/>\n </UnitStats>\n <SummaryStats>\n <Category type=\"AIR\" built=\"2\" killed=\"13\"/>\n <Category type=\"LAND\" built=\"20\" killed=\"181\"/>\n <Category type=\"NAVAL\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENGINEER\" built=\"13\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ARTILLERY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"33\"/>\n <Category type=\"ANTIAIR\" built=\"2\" killed=\"18\"/>\n <Category type=\"TRANSPORTATION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"STRUCTURE\" built=\"57\" killed=\"14\"/>\n <Category type=\"FACTORY\" built=\"6\" killed=\"1\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENERGYPRODUCTION\" built=\"34\" killed=\"1\"/>\n <Category type=\"MASSPRODUCTION\" built=\"16\" killed=\"6\"/>\n <Category type=\"DEFENSE\" built=\"0\" killed=\"3\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH1\" built=\"62\" killed=\"206\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH2\" built=\"11\" killed=\"1\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH3\" built=\"0\" killed=\"1\"/>\n </SummaryStats>\n <EconomyStats>\n <Energy produced=\"390774.63\" consumed=\"296390.88\" storage=\"5000.00\"/>\n <Mass produced=\"30353.88\" consumed=\"28020.63\" storage=\"780.00\"/>\n </EconomyStats>\n </Army>\n <Army index=\"2\" name=\"civilian\">\n <UnitStats>\n <Unit id=\"uab0304\" type=\"<LOC uab0304_desc>Quantum Gateway\" built=\"0\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"9525.00\" masscost=\"3000.00\" energycost=\"30000.00\" buildtime=\"3000.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uab1101\" type=\"<LOC uab1101_desc>Power Generator\" built=\"0\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"695.00\" masscost=\"75.00\" energycost=\"750.00\" buildtime=\"125.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uab3101\" type=\"<LOC uab3101_desc>Radar System\" built=\"0\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"195.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"720.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uab2204\" type=\"<LOC uab2204_desc>Anti-Air Flak Artillery\" built=\"0\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"2555.00\" masscost=\"392.00\" energycost=\"3920.00\" buildtime=\"700.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uab2101\" type=\"<LOC uab2101_desc>Point Defense\" built=\"0\" lost=\"2\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"50.00\" damagereceived=\"2925.00\" masscost=\"250.00\" energycost=\"2000.00\" buildtime=\"250.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0101\" type=\"<LOC url0101_desc>Land Scout\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"1\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"8.00\" energycost=\"80.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n </UnitStats>\n <SummaryStats>\n <Category type=\"AIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"LAND\" built=\"0\" killed=\"1\"/>\n <Category type=\"NAVAL\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENGINEER\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ARTILLERY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ANTIAIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TRANSPORTATION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"STRUCTURE\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"FACTORY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENERGYPRODUCTION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"MASSPRODUCTION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"DEFENSE\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH1\" built=\"0\" killed=\"1\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH2\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH3\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n </SummaryStats>\n <EconomyStats>\n <Energy produced=\"12232.00\" consumed=\"11422.63\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n <Mass produced=\"0.00\" consumed=\"0.00\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n </EconomyStats>\n </Army>\n <Army index=\"3\" name=\"civilian\">\n <UnitStats>\n <Unit id=\"uab5101\" type=\"<LOC uab5101_desc>Wall Section\" built=\"139\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"1108.00\" masscost=\"2.00\" energycost=\"10.00\" buildtime=\"10.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uac1101\" type=\"<LOC uac1101_desc>Aeon Residential Structure\" built=\"3\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"5.00\" energycost=\"50.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uac1201\" type=\"<LOC uac1201_desc>Aeon Science Lab\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"555.00\" masscost=\"5.00\" energycost=\"50.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uac1401\" type=\"<LOC uac1401_desc>Aeon Agricultural Center\" built=\"3\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"150.00\" energycost=\"0.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uac1501\" type=\"<LOC uac1501_desc>Aeon Manufacturing Center\" built=\"3\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"12000.00\" masscost=\"5.00\" energycost=\"50.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n </UnitStats>\n <SummaryStats>\n <Category type=\"AIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"LAND\" built=\"9\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"NAVAL\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENGINEER\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ARTILLERY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ANTIAIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TRANSPORTATION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"STRUCTURE\" built=\"148\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"FACTORY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENERGYPRODUCTION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"MASSPRODUCTION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"DEFENSE\" built=\"139\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH1\" built=\"139\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH2\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH3\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n </SummaryStats>\n <EconomyStats>\n <Energy produced=\"0.00\" consumed=\"0.00\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n <Mass produced=\"0.00\" consumed=\"0.00\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n </EconomyStats>\n </Army>\n</GameStats>\n"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:00:45,282 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:00:45,282 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [1, "victory 6"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:00:45,298 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:00:45,298 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [1, "score 6"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:00:45,298 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [3, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:00:45,298 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [4, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:00:45,298 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:00:45,299 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:00:45,299 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Stats", "chuncks": ["<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n<GameStats xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\">\n <Army index=\"0\" name=\"Tausney\">\n <UnitStats>\n <Unit id=\"dra0202\" type=\"<LOC dra0202_desc>Fighter/Bomber\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"1\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"420.00\" energycost=\"8400.00\" buildtime=\"2400.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ueb0102\" type=\"<LOC ueb0102_desc>Air Factory\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"210.00\" energycost=\"2400.00\" buildtime=\"300.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ueb0101\" type=\"<LOC ueb0101_desc>Land Factory\" built=\"24\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"240.00\" energycost=\"2100.00\" buildtime=\"300.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uea0103\" type=\"<LOC uea0103_desc>Attack Bomber\" built=\"1\" lost=\"5\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"32756.00\" damagereceived=\"5853.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uea0102\" type=\"<LOC uea0102_desc>Interceptor\" built=\"10\" lost=\"7\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"6050.00\" damagereceived=\"3355.00\" masscost=\"50.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uea0101\" type=\"<LOC uea0101_desc>Air Scout\" built=\"0\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"40.00\" masscost=\"40.00\" energycost=\"420.00\" buildtime=\"145.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ueb1101\" type=\"<LOC ueb1101_desc>Power Generator\" built=\"57\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"75.00\" energycost=\"750.00\" buildtime=\"125.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ueb1102\" type=\"<LOC ueb1102_desc>Hydrocarbon Power Plant\" built=\"2\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"160.00\" masscost=\"160.00\" energycost=\"800.00\" buildtime=\"400.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ueb1103\" type=\"<LOC ueb1103_desc>Mass Extractor\" built=\"15\" lost=\"6\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"3803.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"360.00\" buildtime=\"60.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ueb1105\" type=\"<LOC ueb1105_desc>Energy Storage\" built=\"2\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"250.00\" energycost=\"1200.00\" buildtime=\"200.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ueb1202\" type=\"<LOC ueb1202_desc>Mass Extractor\" built=\"4\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"900.00\" energycost=\"5400.00\" buildtime=\"900.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ueb3101\" type=\"<LOC ueb3101_desc>Radar System\" built=\"3\" lost=\"2\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"30.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"720.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0106\" type=\"<LOC uel0106_desc>Light Assault Bot\" built=\"0\" lost=\"2\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"189.00\" damagereceived=\"158.00\" masscost=\"35.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0105\" type=\"<LOC uel0105_desc>Engineer\" built=\"45\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"260.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0104\" type=\"<LOC uel0104_desc>Mobile Anti-Air Gun\" built=\"2\" lost=\"10\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"1008.00\" damagereceived=\"4461.00\" masscost=\"28.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0103\" type=\"<LOC uel0103_desc>Mobile Light Artillery\" built=\"30\" lost=\"33\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"42120.00\" damagereceived=\"24236.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"180.00\" buildtime=\"180.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0101\" type=\"<LOC uel0101_desc>Land Scout\" built=\"0\" lost=\"2\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"96.00\" damagereceived=\"67.00\" masscost=\"12.00\" energycost=\"80.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0001\" type=\"<LOC uel0001_desc>Armored Command Unit\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"53199.98\" damagereceived=\"3525.00\" masscost=\"18000.00\" energycost=\"5000000.00\" buildtime=\"6000000.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0201\" type=\"<LOC uel0201_desc>Medium Tank\" built=\"88\" lost=\"136\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"51624.00\" damagereceived=\"190604.00\" masscost=\"56.00\" energycost=\"266.00\" buildtime=\"280.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb0101\" type=\"<LOC urb0101_desc>Land Factory\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"1\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"240.00\" energycost=\"2100.00\" buildtime=\"300.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ura0102\" type=\"<LOC ura0102_desc>Interceptor\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"19\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"50.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ura0101\" type=\"<LOC ura0101_desc>Air Scout\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"6\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"40.00\" energycost=\"420.00\" buildtime=\"145.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1103\" type=\"<LOC urb1103_desc>Mass Extractor\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"14\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"360.00\" buildtime=\"60.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb3101\" type=\"<LOC urb3101_desc>Radar System\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"3\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"720.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb2301\" type=\"<LOC urb2301_desc>Point Defense\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"2\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"480.00\" energycost=\"3400.00\" buildtime=\"400.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0104\" type=\"<LOC url0104_desc>Mobile Anti-Air Gun\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"7\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"28.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0103\" type=\"<LOC url0103_desc>Mobile Light Artillery\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"18\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"180.00\" buildtime=\"180.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0001\" type=\"<LOC url0001_desc>Armored Command Unit\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"1\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"18000.00\" energycost=\"5000000.00\" buildtime=\"6000000.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0105\" type=\"<LOC url0105_desc>Engineer\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"9\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"260.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0106\" type=\"<LOC url0106_desc>Light Assault Bot\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"1\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"35.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0107\" type=\"<LOC url0107_desc>Assault Bot\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"134\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"273.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0202\" type=\"<LOC url0202_desc>Heavy Tank\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"4\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"198.00\" energycost=\"990.00\" buildtime=\"880.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0208\" type=\"<LOC url0208_desc>Engineer\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"1\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"160.00\" energycost=\"840.00\" buildtime=\"800.00\"/>\n </UnitStats>\n <SummaryStats>\n <Category type=\"AIR\" built=\"12\" killed=\"26\"/>\n <Category type=\"LAND\" built=\"190\" killed=\"176\"/>\n <Category type=\"NAVAL\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENGINEER\" built=\"46\" killed=\"11\"/>\n <Category type=\"ARTILLERY\" built=\"30\" killed=\"18\"/>\n <Category type=\"ANTIAIR\" built=\"12\" killed=\"27\"/>\n <Category type=\"TRANSPORTATION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"STRUCTURE\" built=\"108\" killed=\"20\"/>\n <Category type=\"FACTORY\" built=\"25\" killed=\"1\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENERGYPRODUCTION\" built=\"60\" killed=\"1\"/>\n <Category type=\"MASSPRODUCTION\" built=\"20\" killed=\"15\"/>\n <Category type=\"DEFENSE\" built=\"0\" killed=\"2\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH1\" built=\"280\" killed=\"212\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH2\" built=\"4\" killed=\"8\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH3\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n </SummaryStats>\n <EconomyStats>\n <Energy produced=\"507160.94\" consumed=\"371403.50\" storage=\"14000.00\"/>\n <Mass produced=\"38204.17\" consumed=\"36615.08\" storage=\"3100.00\"/>\n </EconomyStats>\n </Army>\n <Army index=\"1\" name=\"Highlink\">\n <UnitStats>\n <Unit id=\"dra0202\" type=\"<LOC dra0202_desc>Fighter/Bomber\" built=\"1\" lost=\"2\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"1580.00\" damagereceived=\"1630.00\" masscost=\"420.00\" energycost=\"8400.00\" buildtime=\"2400.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uab0304\" type=\"<LOC uab0304_desc>Quantum Gateway\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"1\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"3000.00\" energycost=\"30000.00\" buildtime=\"3000.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uab1101\" type=\"<LOC uab1101_desc>Power Generator\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"1\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"75.00\" energycost=\"750.00\" buildtime=\"125.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uab3101\" type=\"<LOC uab3101_desc>Radar System\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"1\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"720.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uab2204\" type=\"<LOC uab2204_desc>Anti-Air Flak Artillery\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"1\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"392.00\" energycost=\"3920.00\" buildtime=\"700.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uab2101\" type=\"<LOC uab2101_desc>Point Defense\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"2\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"250.00\" energycost=\"2000.00\" buildtime=\"250.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uea0103\" type=\"<LOC uea0103_desc>Attack Bomber\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"5\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uea0102\" type=\"<LOC uea0102_desc>Interceptor\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"7\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"50.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uea0101\" type=\"<LOC uea0101_desc>Air Scout\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"1\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"40.00\" energycost=\"420.00\" buildtime=\"145.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ueb1103\" type=\"<LOC ueb1103_desc>Mass Extractor\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"6\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"360.00\" buildtime=\"60.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ueb3101\" type=\"<LOC ueb3101_desc>Radar System\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"2\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"720.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0106\" type=\"<LOC uel0106_desc>Light Assault Bot\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"2\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"35.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0104\" type=\"<LOC uel0104_desc>Mobile Anti-Air Gun\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"10\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"28.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0103\" type=\"<LOC uel0103_desc>Mobile Light Artillery\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"33\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"180.00\" buildtime=\"180.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0101\" type=\"<LOC uel0101_desc>Land Scout\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"2\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"12.00\" energycost=\"80.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uel0201\" type=\"<LOC uel0201_desc>Medium Tank\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"134\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"56.00\" energycost=\"266.00\" buildtime=\"280.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb0101\" type=\"<LOC urb0101_desc>Land Factory\" built=\"4\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"4576.00\" masscost=\"240.00\" energycost=\"2100.00\" buildtime=\"300.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ura0102\" type=\"<LOC ura0102_desc>Interceptor\" built=\"0\" lost=\"19\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"3059.00\" damagereceived=\"5800.00\" masscost=\"50.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ura0101\" type=\"<LOC ura0101_desc>Air Scout\" built=\"0\" lost=\"6\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"264.00\" masscost=\"40.00\" energycost=\"420.00\" buildtime=\"145.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb0102\" type=\"<LOC urb0102_desc>Air Factory\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"210.00\" energycost=\"2400.00\" buildtime=\"300.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb0201\" type=\"<LOC urb0201_desc>Land Factory\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"16.00\" masscost=\"800.00\" energycost=\"7200.00\" buildtime=\"1600.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb0202\" type=\"<LOC urb0202_desc>Air Factory\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"16.00\" masscost=\"630.00\" energycost=\"11700.00\" buildtime=\"1800.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1101\" type=\"<LOC urb1101_desc>Power Generator\" built=\"31\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"392.00\" masscost=\"75.00\" energycost=\"750.00\" buildtime=\"125.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1102\" type=\"<LOC urb1102_desc>Hydrocarbon Power Plant\" built=\"2\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"384.00\" masscost=\"160.00\" energycost=\"800.00\" buildtime=\"400.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1103\" type=\"<LOC urb1103_desc>Mass Extractor\" built=\"10\" lost=\"14\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"10128.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"360.00\" buildtime=\"60.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1105\" type=\"<LOC urb1105_desc>Energy Storage\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"250.00\" energycost=\"1200.00\" buildtime=\"200.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1201\" type=\"<LOC urb1201_desc>Power Generator\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"1200.00\" energycost=\"12000.00\" buildtime=\"2000.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb3101\" type=\"<LOC urb3101_desc>Radar System\" built=\"0\" lost=\"4\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"148.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"720.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb2301\" type=\"<LOC urb2301_desc>Point Defense\" built=\"0\" lost=\"2\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"4238.00\" damagereceived=\"3855.99\" masscost=\"480.00\" energycost=\"3400.00\" buildtime=\"400.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1202\" type=\"<LOC urb1202_desc>Mass Extractor\" built=\"5\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"2640.00\" masscost=\"900.00\" energycost=\"5400.00\" buildtime=\"900.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0104\" type=\"<LOC url0104_desc>Mobile Anti-Air Gun\" built=\"0\" lost=\"7\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"592.00\" damagereceived=\"1144.00\" masscost=\"28.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0103\" type=\"<LOC url0103_desc>Mobile Light Artillery\" built=\"0\" lost=\"19\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"32175.00\" damagereceived=\"5128.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"180.00\" buildtime=\"180.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0101\" type=\"<LOC url0101_desc>Land Scout\" built=\"0\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"50.00\" masscost=\"8.00\" energycost=\"80.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0001\" type=\"<LOC url0001_desc>Armored Command Unit\" built=\"0\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"555472.00\" damagereceived=\"16079.99\" masscost=\"18000.00\" energycost=\"5000000.00\" buildtime=\"6000000.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0105\" type=\"<LOC url0105_desc>Engineer\" built=\"12\" lost=\"18\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"10325.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"260.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0106\" type=\"<LOC url0106_desc>Light Assault Bot\" built=\"0\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"1414.00\" damagereceived=\"95.00\" masscost=\"35.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0107\" type=\"<LOC url0107_desc>Assault Bot\" built=\"2\" lost=\"141\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"29952.00\" damagereceived=\"64394.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"273.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0202\" type=\"<LOC url0202_desc>Heavy Tank\" built=\"1\" lost=\"10\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"3312.00\" damagereceived=\"20108.00\" masscost=\"198.00\" energycost=\"990.00\" buildtime=\"880.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0205\" type=\"<LOC url0205_desc>Mobile AA Flak Artillery\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"504.00\" masscost=\"160.00\" energycost=\"800.00\" buildtime=\"800.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0208\" type=\"<LOC url0208_desc>Engineer\" built=\"1\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"720.00\" masscost=\"160.00\" energycost=\"840.00\" buildtime=\"800.00\"/>\n </UnitStats>\n <SummaryStats>\n <Category type=\"AIR\" built=\"2\" killed=\"13\"/>\n <Category type=\"LAND\" built=\"22\" killed=\"181\"/>\n <Category type=\"NAVAL\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENGINEER\" built=\"13\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ARTILLERY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"33\"/>\n <Category type=\"ANTIAIR\" built=\"2\" killed=\"18\"/>\n <Category type=\"TRANSPORTATION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"STRUCTURE\" built=\"56\" killed=\"14\"/>\n <Category type=\"FACTORY\" built=\"6\" killed=\"1\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENERGYPRODUCTION\" built=\"34\" killed=\"1\"/>\n <Category type=\"MASSPRODUCTION\" built=\"15\" killed=\"6\"/>\n <Category type=\"DEFENSE\" built=\"0\" killed=\"3\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH1\" built=\"62\" killed=\"206\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH2\" built=\"12\" killed=\"1\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH3\" built=\"0\" killed=\"1\"/>\n </SummaryStats>\n <EconomyStats>\n <Energy produced=\"398454.63\" consumed=\"298167.78\" storage=\"5000.00\"/>\n <Mass produced=\"30651.52\" consumed=\"28172.75\" storage=\"780.00\"/>\n </EconomyStats>\n </Army>\n <Army index=\"2\" name=\"civilian\">\n <UnitStats>\n <Unit id=\"uab0304\" type=\"<LOC uab0304_desc>Quantum Gateway\" built=\"0\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"9525.00\" masscost=\"3000.00\" energycost=\"30000.00\" buildtime=\"3000.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uab1101\" type=\"<LOC uab1101_desc>Power Generator\" built=\"0\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"695.00\" masscost=\"75.00\" energycost=\"750.00\" buildtime=\"125.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uab3101\" type=\"<LOC uab3101_desc>Radar System\" built=\"0\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"195.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"720.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uab2204\" type=\"<LOC uab2204_desc>Anti-Air Flak Artillery\" built=\"0\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"2555.00\" masscost=\"392.00\" energycost=\"3920.00\" buildtime=\"700.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uab2101\" type=\"<LOC uab2101_desc>Point Defense\" built=\"0\" lost=\"2\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"50.00\" damagereceived=\"2925.00\" masscost=\"250.00\" energycost=\"2000.00\" buildtime=\"250.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0101\" type=\"<LOC url0101_desc>Land Scout\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"1\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"8.00\" energycost=\"80.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n </UnitStats>\n <SummaryStats>\n <Category type=\"AIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"LAND\" built=\"0\" killed=\"1\"/>\n <Category type=\"NAVAL\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENGINEER\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ARTILLERY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ANTIAIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TRANSPORTATION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"STRUCTURE\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"FACTORY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENERGYPRODUCTION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"MASSPRODUCTION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"DEFENSE\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH1\" built=\"0\" killed=\"1\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH2\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH3\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n </SummaryStats>\n <EconomyStats>\n <Energy produced=\"12232.00\" consumed=\"11422.63\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n <Mass produced=\"0.00\" consumed=\"0.00\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n </EconomyStats>\n </Army>\n <Army index=\"3\" name=\"civilian\">\n <UnitStats>\n <Unit id=\"uab5101\" type=\"<LOC uab5101_desc>Wall Section\" built=\"139\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"1108.00\" masscost=\"2.00\" energycost=\"10.00\" buildtime=\"10.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uac1101\" type=\"<LOC uac1101_desc>Aeon Residential Structure\" built=\"3\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"5.00\" energycost=\"50.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uac1201\" type=\"<LOC uac1201_desc>Aeon Science Lab\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"555.00\" masscost=\"5.00\" energycost=\"50.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uac1401\" type=\"<LOC uac1401_desc>Aeon Agricultural Center\" built=\"3\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"150.00\" energycost=\"0.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uac1501\" type=\"<LOC uac1501_desc>Aeon Manufacturing Center\" built=\"3\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"12000.00\" masscost=\"5.00\" energycost=\"50.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n </UnitStats>\n <SummaryStats>\n <Category type=\"AIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"LAND\" built=\"9\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"NAVAL\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENGINEER\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ARTILLERY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ANTIAIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TRANSPORTATION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"STRUCTURE\" built=\"148\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"FACTORY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENERGYPRODUCTION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"MASSPRODUCTION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"DEFENSE\" built=\"139\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH1\" built=\"139\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH2\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH3\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n </SummaryStats>\n <EconomyStats>\n <Energy produced=\"0.00\" consumed=\"0.00\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n <Mass produced=\"0.00\" consumed=\"0.00\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n </EconomyStats>\n </Army>\n</GameStats>\n"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:00:49,983 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder FA disconnected locally.
- 2013-03-14 11:00:49,983 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder Waiting for replay transmission to finish: 14 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:00:49,990 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder Found Complete Replay Info
- 2013-03-14 11:00:49,990 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder Writing local replay as C:\ProgramData\FAForever\replays\717808-Highlink.fafreplay, containing 249480 bytes of replay data.
- 2013-03-14 11:00:50,013 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder closing replay file
- 2013-03-14 11:00:50,015 DEBUG faf.fa.replayrecorder destructor entered
- 2013-03-14 11:00:52,319 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA disconnected locally.
- 2013-03-14 11:00:52,319 INFO faf.fa.relayer remove relay
- 2013-03-14 11:00:52,319 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer destructor called
- 2013-03-14 11:00:53,851 INFO faf.client FA has finished with exit code: 0
- 2013-03-14 11:00:59,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:00:59,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:00:59,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,045 INFO faf.fa Checking FA for: ladder1v1 and map None
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,045 INFO faf.fa Updating FA for mod: ladder1v1, version None
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,046 DEBUG faf.updater Update started at 2013-03-14 11:01:29
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,046 DEBUG faf.updater Using game path: C:\Program Files (x86)\THQ\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,046 DEBUG faf.updater Using appdata: C:\ProgramData\FAForever
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,253 DEBUG faf.updater Connected to update server at 2013-03-14 11:01:29
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,267 DEBUG faf.updater lua.scd digest is 5cdd99bddafa38f0873bd11dd353055a
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,328 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAF])
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,471 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 238 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,471 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [ForgedAlliance.exe, init_faf.lua, init_ladder1v1.lua, GDFBinary.dll, SupComDataPath.lua]
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,473 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_faf.lua, 16da7063ae3309c154a2c544f559b3a9])
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,473 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, SupComDataPath.lua, 55ac1ef97845f2291da64b830299331e])
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,473 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_ladder1v1.lua, ea96ac9cec88af29c08556c96465acfe])
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,497 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, ForgedAlliance.exe, 5babeaec3b8efa0f24801eae044e38a0])
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,499 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, GDFBinary.dll, 3fc9e7684d150da5c51db71d2399f316])
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,622 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 52 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,622 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_faf.lua
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,622 DEBUG faf.updater init_faf.lua is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,795 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,795 DEBUG faf.updater file : SupComDataPath.lua
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,795 DEBUG faf.updater SupComDataPath.lua is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,796 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,796 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_ladder1v1.lua
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,796 DEBUG faf.updater init_ladder1v1.lua is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,796 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,796 DEBUG faf.updater file : ForgedAlliance.exe
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,798 DEBUG faf.updater ForgedAlliance.exe is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,799 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,799 DEBUG faf.updater file : GDFBinary.dll
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,799 DEBUG faf.updater GDFBinary.dll is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,799 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,799 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAFGAMEDATA])
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,921 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 74 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,921 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [faforever.faf]
- 2013-03-14 11:01:29,926 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, faforever.faf, 1e730c4979623a34ba046435b31075cb])
- 2013-03-14 11:01:30,063 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:01:30,063 DEBUG faf.updater file : faforever.faf
- 2013-03-14 11:01:30,063 DEBUG faf.updater faforever.faf is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:01:30,065 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-03-14 11:01:30,065 DEBUG faf.updater Disconnected from server at 2013-03-14 11:01:30
- 2013-03-14 11:01:30,091 DEBUG faf.updater Update finished at 2013-03-14 11:01:30
- 2013-03-14 11:01:30,092 INFO faf.fa Writing fa_path.lua config file.
- 2013-03-14 11:01:30,131 INFO Starting Ranked Search as /cybran, port: 6112
- 2013-03-14 11:01:30,131 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"state": "start", "mod": "ladder1v1", "command": "game_matchmaking", "faction": "/cybran", "gameport": 6112}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:30,430 INFO faf.client Handling game_launch via JSON {u'uid': 717848, u'args': [u'/players 2', u'/team 1'], u'mapname': u'scmp_031', u'reason': u'ranked', u'command': u'game_launch', u'mod': u'ladder1v1'}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:30,430 INFO faf.fa Updating FA for map: scmp_031
- 2013-03-14 11:01:30,430 INFO faf.fa Map is available.
- 2013-03-14 11:01:30,430 INFO faf.fa Running FA with info: {'recorder': u'Highlink', 'game_time': 1363273290.43, 'uid': 717848, 'version_info': {'lobby': '0.8.11'}, 'featured_mod': u'ladder1v1'}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:30,430 INFO faf.fa Running FA via command: "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe" /players 2 /team 1 /cybran /mean 1473.88 /deviation 88.4803 /init init_ladder1v1.lua /savereplay gpgnet://localhost/717848/Highlink.SCFAreplay /nobugreport /gpgnet
- 2013-03-14 11:01:30,457 INFO faf.client FA has launched in an attached process.
- 2013-03-14 11:01:30,457 DEBUG Stopping Ranked Search
- 2013-03-14 11:01:30,457 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"state": "stop", "command": "game_matchmaking", "mod": "ladder1v1"}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:30,553 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:30,553 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:30,553 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:01:37,910 DEBUG faf.fa.relayserver incoming connection to relay server...
- 2013-03-14 11:01:37,910 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA connected locally.
- 2013-03-14 11:01:37,910 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA will use local port 50993
- 2013-03-14 11:01:37,910 INFO faf.fa.relayer UDP relay port 6112
- 2013-03-14 11:01:38,165 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer faf server
- 2013-03-14 11:01:38,165 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer Initializing ping timer
- 2013-03-14 11:01:38,165 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:01:38,165 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Idle"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:38,391 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [1, 6112, "Highlink", 27033, 1], "key": "CreateLobby"}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:38,391 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:38,454 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:01:38,456 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Lobby"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:38,585 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["scmp_031"], "key": "HostGame"}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:38,730 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:01:38,730 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "PACKET_RECEIVED 6112"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:38,759 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:38,854 INFO faf.client port used : 6112
- 2013-03-14 11:01:39,099 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:39,500 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:39,900 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:40,301 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:40,700 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:41,101 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:41,502 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:41,901 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:42,302 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:55,938 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:55,938 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:56,121 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:01:56,121 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/ASKREPLY DarkSide19"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:56,187 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:01:56,187 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/PLAYERID 17483 DarkSide19"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:56,256 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:56,421 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:56,421 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:56,739 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "DarkSide19", 17483], "key": "ConnectToPeer"}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:57,398 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:01:57,398 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Launching"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:01:59,809 INFO faf.fa Game Info Complete: {u'num_players': 2, u'mapname': u'scmp_031', 'uid': 717848, 'version_info': {'lobby': '0.8.11'}, 'game_time': 1363273320.985095, u'game_type': 0, u'host': u'Highlink', u'teams': {u'1': [u'Highlink'], u'2': [u'DarkSide19']}, u'access': u'public', u'state': u'playing', u'options': [], u'command': u'game_info', 'featured_mod': u'ladder1v1', u'title': u'Highlink Vs DarkSide19', 'recorder': u'Highlink', u'quality': 0.9091426471049319, u'max_players': 12, 'complete': True}
- 2013-03-14 11:02:01,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:02:01,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:02:01,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:02:01,740 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder FA connected locally.
- 2013-03-14 11:02:01,862 DEBUG faf.fa.replayrecorder internet replay server
- 2013-03-14 11:02:01,864 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder Stripping prefix 'P/717848/Highlink.SCFAreplay ' from replay.
- 2013-03-14 11:02:09,427 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:02:09,427 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["readiness", "1", "17483", "5002.9"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:02:14,871 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:02:14,871 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Bottleneck", "chuncks": ["readiness", "1", "17483", "10426.9"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:02:17,381 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:02:17,381 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "BottleneckCleared", "chuncks": []}
- 2013-03-14 11:02:32,492 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:02:32,492 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:02:32,492 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:03:03,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:03:03,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:03:03,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:03:34,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:03:34,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:03:34,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:04:05,490 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:04:05,490 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:04:05,490 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:04:36,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:04:36,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:04:36,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:05:07,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:05:07,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:05:07,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:05:38,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:05:38,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:05:38,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:06:09,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:06:09,484 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:06:09,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:06:40,500 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:06:40,500 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:06:40,500 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:06:47,276 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:06:47,276 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [1, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:06:47,278 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:06:47,278 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [2, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:06:47,278 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [3, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:06:47,278 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [4, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:06:52,551 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:06:52,551 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [2, "defeat -1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:06:52,601 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:06:52,601 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [1, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:06:52,601 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [3, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:06:52,601 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [4, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:06:52,601 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:06:52,601 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Stats", "chuncks": ["<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n<GameStats xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\">\n <Army index=\"0\" name=\"Highlink\">\n <UnitStats>\n <Unit id=\"urb0101\" type=\"<LOC urb0101_desc>Land Factory\" built=\"2\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"240.00\" energycost=\"2100.00\" buildtime=\"300.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1101\" type=\"<LOC urb1101_desc>Power Generator\" built=\"5\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"75.00\" energycost=\"750.00\" buildtime=\"125.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1102\" type=\"<LOC urb1102_desc>Hydrocarbon Power Plant\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"160.00\" energycost=\"800.00\" buildtime=\"400.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1103\" type=\"<LOC urb1103_desc>Mass Extractor\" built=\"7\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"360.00\" buildtime=\"60.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0101\" type=\"<LOC url0101_desc>Land Scout\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"8.00\" energycost=\"80.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0001\" type=\"<LOC url0001_desc>Armored Command Unit\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"18000.00\" energycost=\"5000000.00\" buildtime=\"6000000.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0105\" type=\"<LOC url0105_desc>Engineer\" built=\"6\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"260.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0106\" type=\"<LOC url0106_desc>Light Assault Bot\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"63.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"35.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0107\" type=\"<LOC url0107_desc>Assault Bot\" built=\"5\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"273.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n </UnitStats>\n <SummaryStats>\n <Category type=\"AIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"LAND\" built=\"16\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"NAVAL\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENGINEER\" built=\"7\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ARTILLERY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ANTIAIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TRANSPORTATION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"STRUCTURE\" built=\"15\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"FACTORY\" built=\"2\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENERGYPRODUCTION\" built=\"7\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"MASSPRODUCTION\" built=\"8\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"DEFENSE\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH1\" built=\"28\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH2\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH3\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n </SummaryStats>\n <EconomyStats>\n <Energy produced=\"31671.05\" consumed=\"20480.81\" storage=\"4000.00\"/>\n <Mass produced=\"2328.37\" consumed=\"2318.17\" storage=\"870.00\"/>\n </EconomyStats>\n </Army>\n <Army index=\"1\" name=\"DarkSide19\">\n <UnitStats>\n <Unit id=\"xsb0101\" type=\"<LOC xsb0101_desc>Land Factory\" built=\"2\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"240.00\" energycost=\"2100.00\" buildtime=\"300.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsb1103\" type=\"<LOC xsb1103_desc>Mass Extractor\" built=\"6\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"63.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"360.00\" buildtime=\"60.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsb1101\" type=\"<LOC xsb1101_desc>Power Generator\" built=\"4\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"75.00\" energycost=\"750.00\" buildtime=\"125.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsb1102\" type=\"<LOC xsb1102_desc>Hydrocarbon Power Plant\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"160.00\" energycost=\"800.00\" buildtime=\"400.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsl0001\" type=\"<LOC xsl0001_desc>Armored Command Unit\" built=\"0\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"780000.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"18000.00\" energycost=\"5000000.00\" buildtime=\"6000000.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsl0105\" type=\"<LOC xsl0105_desc>Engineer\" built=\"12\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"260.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n </UnitStats>\n <SummaryStats>\n <Category type=\"AIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"LAND\" built=\"14\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"NAVAL\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENGINEER\" built=\"12\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ARTILLERY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ANTIAIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TRANSPORTATION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"STRUCTURE\" built=\"13\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"FACTORY\" built=\"2\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENERGYPRODUCTION\" built=\"5\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"MASSPRODUCTION\" built=\"6\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"DEFENSE\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH1\" built=\"25\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH2\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH3\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n </SummaryStats>\n <EconomyStats>\n <Energy produced=\"27105.75\" consumed=\"16828.17\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n <Mass produced=\"2992.81\" consumed=\"2224.65\" storage=\"280.00\"/>\n </EconomyStats>\n </Army>\n <Army index=\"2\" name=\"civilian\">\n <UnitStats>\n </UnitStats>\n <SummaryStats>\n <Category type=\"AIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"LAND\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"NAVAL\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENGINEER\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ARTILLERY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ANTIAIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TRANSPORTATION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"STRUCTURE\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"FACTORY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENERGYPRODUCTION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"MASSPRODUCTION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"DEFENSE\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH1\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH2\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH3\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n </SummaryStats>\n <EconomyStats>\n <Energy produced=\"0.00\" consumed=\"0.00\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n <Mass produced=\"0.00\" consumed=\"0.00\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n </EconomyStats>\n </Army>\n <Army index=\"3\" name=\"civilian\">\n <UnitStats>\n <Unit id=\"urb5101\" type=\"<LOC urb5101_desc>Wall Section\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"2.00\" energycost=\"10.00\" buildtime=\"10.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urc1501\" type=\"<LOC urc1501_desc>Cybran Manufacturing Center\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"250.00\" energycost=\"0.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urc1401\" type=\"<LOC urc1401_desc>Cybran Agricultural Center\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"5.00\" energycost=\"50.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urc1301\" type=\"<LOC urc1301_desc>Cybran Administrative Structure\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"5.00\" energycost=\"50.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urc1201\" type=\"<LOC urc1201_desc>Cybran Science Lab\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"125.00\" energycost=\"0.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urc1101\" type=\"<LOC urc1101_desc>Cybran Residential Structure\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"5.00\" energycost=\"50.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n </UnitStats>\n <SummaryStats>\n <Category type=\"AIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"LAND\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"NAVAL\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENGINEER\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ARTILLERY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ANTIAIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TRANSPORTATION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"STRUCTURE\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"FACTORY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENERGYPRODUCTION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"MASSPRODUCTION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"DEFENSE\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH1\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH2\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH3\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n </SummaryStats>\n <EconomyStats>\n <Energy produced=\"0.00\" consumed=\"0.00\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n <Mass produced=\"0.00\" consumed=\"0.00\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n </EconomyStats>\n </Army>\n</GameStats>\n"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:06:59,407 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:06:59,407 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [1, "victory 5"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:06:59,427 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:06:59,427 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [1, "score 5"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:06:59,427 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [3, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:06:59,427 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:06:59,427 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [4, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:06:59,428 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:06:59,428 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Stats", "chuncks": ["<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n<GameStats xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\">\n <Army index=\"0\" name=\"Highlink\">\n <UnitStats>\n <Unit id=\"urb0101\" type=\"<LOC urb0101_desc>Land Factory\" built=\"3\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"240.00\" energycost=\"2100.00\" buildtime=\"300.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1101\" type=\"<LOC urb1101_desc>Power Generator\" built=\"6\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"75.00\" energycost=\"750.00\" buildtime=\"125.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1102\" type=\"<LOC urb1102_desc>Hydrocarbon Power Plant\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"160.00\" energycost=\"800.00\" buildtime=\"400.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1103\" type=\"<LOC urb1103_desc>Mass Extractor\" built=\"7\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"360.00\" buildtime=\"60.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0101\" type=\"<LOC url0101_desc>Land Scout\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"8.00\" energycost=\"80.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0001\" type=\"<LOC url0001_desc>Armored Command Unit\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"18000.00\" energycost=\"5000000.00\" buildtime=\"6000000.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0105\" type=\"<LOC url0105_desc>Engineer\" built=\"6\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"260.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0106\" type=\"<LOC url0106_desc>Light Assault Bot\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"189.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"35.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0107\" type=\"<LOC url0107_desc>Assault Bot\" built=\"5\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"273.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n </UnitStats>\n <SummaryStats>\n <Category type=\"AIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"LAND\" built=\"17\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"NAVAL\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENGINEER\" built=\"7\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ARTILLERY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ANTIAIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TRANSPORTATION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"STRUCTURE\" built=\"17\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"FACTORY\" built=\"3\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENERGYPRODUCTION\" built=\"8\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"MASSPRODUCTION\" built=\"8\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"DEFENSE\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH1\" built=\"30\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH2\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH3\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n </SummaryStats>\n <EconomyStats>\n <Energy produced=\"33051.60\" consumed=\"21253.81\" storage=\"4000.00\"/>\n <Mass produced=\"2416.91\" consumed=\"2411.52\" storage=\"950.00\"/>\n </EconomyStats>\n </Army>\n <Army index=\"1\" name=\"DarkSide19\">\n <UnitStats>\n <Unit id=\"xsb0101\" type=\"<LOC xsb0101_desc>Land Factory\" built=\"2\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"240.00\" energycost=\"2100.00\" buildtime=\"300.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsb1103\" type=\"<LOC xsb1103_desc>Mass Extractor\" built=\"6\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"189.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"360.00\" buildtime=\"60.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsb1101\" type=\"<LOC xsb1101_desc>Power Generator\" built=\"5\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"75.00\" energycost=\"750.00\" buildtime=\"125.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsb1102\" type=\"<LOC xsb1102_desc>Hydrocarbon Power Plant\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"160.00\" energycost=\"800.00\" buildtime=\"400.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsl0001\" type=\"<LOC xsl0001_desc>Armored Command Unit\" built=\"0\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"780000.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"18000.00\" energycost=\"5000000.00\" buildtime=\"6000000.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsl0105\" type=\"<LOC xsl0105_desc>Engineer\" built=\"13\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"260.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n </UnitStats>\n <SummaryStats>\n <Category type=\"AIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"LAND\" built=\"15\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"NAVAL\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENGINEER\" built=\"13\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ARTILLERY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ANTIAIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TRANSPORTATION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"STRUCTURE\" built=\"14\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"FACTORY\" built=\"2\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENERGYPRODUCTION\" built=\"6\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"MASSPRODUCTION\" built=\"6\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"DEFENSE\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH1\" built=\"27\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH2\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH3\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n </SummaryStats>\n <EconomyStats>\n <Energy produced=\"28303.93\" consumed=\"17934.30\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n <Mass produced=\"3071.92\" consumed=\"2369.29\" storage=\"290.00\"/>\n </EconomyStats>\n </Army>\n <Army index=\"2\" name=\"civilian\">\n <UnitStats>\n </UnitStats>\n <SummaryStats>\n <Category type=\"AIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"LAND\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"NAVAL\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENGINEER\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ARTILLERY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ANTIAIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TRANSPORTATION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"STRUCTURE\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"FACTORY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENERGYPRODUCTION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"MASSPRODUCTION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"DEFENSE\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH1\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH2\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH3\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n </SummaryStats>\n <EconomyStats>\n <Energy produced=\"0.00\" consumed=\"0.00\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n <Mass produced=\"0.00\" consumed=\"0.00\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n </EconomyStats>\n </Army>\n <Army index=\"3\" name=\"civilian\">\n <UnitStats>\n <Unit id=\"urb5101\" type=\"<LOC urb5101_desc>Wall Section\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"2.00\" energycost=\"10.00\" buildtime=\"10.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urc1501\" type=\"<LOC urc1501_desc>Cybran Manufacturing Center\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"250.00\" energycost=\"0.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urc1401\" type=\"<LOC urc1401_desc>Cybran Agricultural Center\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"5.00\" energycost=\"50.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urc1301\" type=\"<LOC urc1301_desc>Cybran Administrative Structure\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"5.00\" energycost=\"50.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urc1201\" type=\"<LOC urc1201_desc>Cybran Science Lab\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"125.00\" energycost=\"0.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urc1101\" type=\"<LOC urc1101_desc>Cybran Residential Structure\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"5.00\" energycost=\"50.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n </UnitStats>\n <SummaryStats>\n <Category type=\"AIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"LAND\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"NAVAL\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENGINEER\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ARTILLERY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ANTIAIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TRANSPORTATION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"STRUCTURE\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"FACTORY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENERGYPRODUCTION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"MASSPRODUCTION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"DEFENSE\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH1\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH2\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH3\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n </SummaryStats>\n <EconomyStats>\n <Energy produced=\"0.00\" consumed=\"0.00\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n <Mass produced=\"0.00\" consumed=\"0.00\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n </EconomyStats>\n </Army>\n</GameStats>\n"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:07:01,513 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder FA disconnected locally.
- 2013-03-14 11:07:01,513 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder Waiting for replay transmission to finish: 3 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:07:01,519 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder Found Complete Replay Info
- 2013-03-14 11:07:01,519 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder Writing local replay as C:\ProgramData\FAForever\replays\717848-Highlink.fafreplay, containing 64724 bytes of replay data.
- 2013-03-14 11:07:01,522 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder closing replay file
- 2013-03-14 11:07:01,523 DEBUG faf.fa.replayrecorder destructor entered
- 2013-03-14 11:07:01,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:07:01,900 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [2, "defeat -1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:07:01,900 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [1, "score 5"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:07:01,900 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:07:01,900 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [3, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:07:01,900 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [4, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:07:11,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:07:11,484 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:07:11,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:07:22,628 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA disconnected locally.
- 2013-03-14 11:07:22,628 INFO faf.fa.relayer remove relay
- 2013-03-14 11:07:22,628 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer destructor called
- 2013-03-14 11:07:25,214 INFO faf.client FA has finished with exit code: 0
- 2013-03-14 11:07:42,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:07:42,484 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:07:42,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:08:13,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:08:13,484 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:08:13,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:08:44,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:08:44,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:08:44,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:09:15,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:09:15,484 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:09:15,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:09:19,130 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "get_tournaments"}
- 2013-03-14 11:09:19,130 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "get_tournaments"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:09:19,262 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"data": {"408165": {"name": "2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament", "url": "", "participants": [{"id": 6452002, "name": "TAG_ZaphodX"}], "state": "open", "progress": 0, "type": "double elimination", "description": "<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> </span></div><p><br></p><p><img src=\"\" style=\"cursor: nw-resize;\"><br></p><p>Are you an Oceanic Legend? Fight on the seas to win a </p><p>custom-made<span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> avatar in this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">2v2 tourny played on </span></p><p><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">water-based maps.</span></p><div><br></div><div>Entry is for >1700 rating only.</div><div><br></div><div>The winners will both receive a custom-made avatar.</div><div><br></div><div>The tournament will be casted on my YouTube channel:</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> </a> <br></div><div><br></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">Get a partner and sign up early to guarantee your place! </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">All </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">players </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">should join this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny here inside FAF to be </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">automatically added to the</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> tournament </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">chatroom when </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">the </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny starts. Double click to join.</span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"><br></span></div><div><div>For full details, rules, maps, prizes and sign-up details please</div><div>check the thread in the tournament forum:</div><div>FAF forums>Tournaments>2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"outline: 0px; text-decoration: underline !important;\"></a></div></div><div><br></div><div>TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.<br></div><p></p>\n"}}, "command": "tournaments_info"}
- 2013-03-14 11:09:46,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:09:46,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:09:46,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,266 INFO faf.fa Checking FA for: ladder1v1 and map None
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,266 INFO faf.fa Updating FA for mod: ladder1v1, version None
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,267 DEBUG faf.updater Update started at 2013-03-14 11:10:00
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,267 DEBUG faf.updater Using game path: C:\Program Files (x86)\THQ\Gas Powered Games\Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,267 DEBUG faf.updater Using appdata: C:\ProgramData\FAForever
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,500 DEBUG faf.updater Connected to update server at 2013-03-14 11:10:00
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,513 DEBUG faf.updater lua.scd digest is 5cdd99bddafa38f0873bd11dd353055a
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,519 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAF])
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,660 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 238 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,661 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [ForgedAlliance.exe, init_faf.lua, init_ladder1v1.lua, GDFBinary.dll, SupComDataPath.lua]
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,661 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_faf.lua, 16da7063ae3309c154a2c544f559b3a9])
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,661 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, SupComDataPath.lua, 55ac1ef97845f2291da64b830299331e])
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,663 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_ladder1v1.lua, ea96ac9cec88af29c08556c96465acfe])
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,686 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, ForgedAlliance.exe, 5babeaec3b8efa0f24801eae044e38a0])
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,687 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, GDFBinary.dll, 3fc9e7684d150da5c51db71d2399f316])
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,811 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 52 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,811 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_faf.lua
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,811 DEBUG faf.updater init_faf.lua is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,986 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,986 DEBUG faf.updater file : SupComDataPath.lua
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,986 DEBUG faf.updater SupComDataPath.lua is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,986 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,986 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_ladder1v1.lua
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,986 DEBUG faf.updater init_ladder1v1.lua is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,987 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,987 DEBUG faf.updater file : ForgedAlliance.exe
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,989 DEBUG faf.updater ForgedAlliance.exe is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,990 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,990 DEBUG faf.updater file : GDFBinary.dll
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,990 DEBUG faf.updater GDFBinary.dll is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,990 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-03-14 11:10:00,990 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAFGAMEDATA])
- 2013-03-14 11:10:01,128 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 74 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:10:01,128 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [faforever.faf]
- 2013-03-14 11:10:01,132 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, faforever.faf, 1e730c4979623a34ba046435b31075cb])
- 2013-03-14 11:10:01,269 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:10:01,269 DEBUG faf.updater file : faforever.faf
- 2013-03-14 11:10:01,269 DEBUG faf.updater faforever.faf is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:10:01,269 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-03-14 11:10:01,269 DEBUG faf.updater Disconnected from server at 2013-03-14 11:10:01
- 2013-03-14 11:10:01,298 DEBUG faf.updater Update finished at 2013-03-14 11:10:01
- 2013-03-14 11:10:01,299 INFO faf.fa Writing fa_path.lua config file.
- 2013-03-14 11:10:01,345 INFO Starting Ranked Search as /cybran, port: 6112
- 2013-03-14 11:10:01,346 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"state": "start", "mod": "ladder1v1", "command": "game_matchmaking", "faction": "/cybran", "gameport": 6112}
- 2013-03-14 11:10:11,332 DEBUG Expanding search to 0.05
- 2013-03-14 11:10:11,332 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"rate": 0.05, "command": "game_matchmaking", "state": "expand", "mod": "ladder1v1"}
- 2013-03-14 11:10:17,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:10:17,484 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:10:17,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:10:19,538 DEBUG Stopping Ranked Search
- 2013-03-14 11:10:19,538 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"state": "stop", "command": "game_matchmaking", "mod": "ladder1v1"}
- 2013-03-14 11:10:48,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:10:48,484 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:10:48,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:11:19,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:11:19,483 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:11:19,483 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:11:50,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:11:50,484 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:11:50,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:12:21,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:12:21,484 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:12:21,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:12:52,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:12:52,484 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:12:52,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:13:23,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:23,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:23,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:13:34,713 INFO faf.fa Checking FA for: ladder1v1 and map None
- 2013-03-14 11:13:34,713 INFO faf.fa Updating FA for mod: ladder1v1, version None
- 2013-03-14 11:13:34,713 DEBUG faf.updater Update started at 2013-03-14 11:13:34
- 2013-03-14 11:13:34,714 DEBUG faf.updater Using game path: C:/Program Files (x86)/THQ/Gas Powered Games/Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance
- 2013-03-14 11:13:34,714 DEBUG faf.updater Using appdata: C:\ProgramData\FAForever
- 2013-03-14 11:13:34,936 DEBUG faf.updater Connected to update server at 2013-03-14 11:13:34
- 2013-03-14 11:13:34,950 DEBUG faf.updater lua.scd digest is 5cdd99bddafa38f0873bd11dd353055a
- 2013-03-14 11:13:34,954 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAF])
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,088 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 238 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,088 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [ForgedAlliance.exe, init_faf.lua, init_ladder1v1.lua, GDFBinary.dll, SupComDataPath.lua]
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,088 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_faf.lua, 16da7063ae3309c154a2c544f559b3a9])
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,089 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, SupComDataPath.lua, 55ac1ef97845f2291da64b830299331e])
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,091 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_ladder1v1.lua, ea96ac9cec88af29c08556c96465acfe])
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,114 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, ForgedAlliance.exe, 5babeaec3b8efa0f24801eae044e38a0])
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,115 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, GDFBinary.dll, 3fc9e7684d150da5c51db71d2399f316])
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,240 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 52 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,240 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_faf.lua
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,240 DEBUG faf.updater init_faf.lua is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,434 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,434 DEBUG faf.updater file : SupComDataPath.lua
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,434 DEBUG faf.updater SupComDataPath.lua is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,436 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,436 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_ladder1v1.lua
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,436 DEBUG faf.updater init_ladder1v1.lua is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,437 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,437 DEBUG faf.updater file : ForgedAlliance.exe
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,437 DEBUG faf.updater ForgedAlliance.exe is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,437 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,437 DEBUG faf.updater file : GDFBinary.dll
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,437 DEBUG faf.updater GDFBinary.dll is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,437 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,438 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAFGAMEDATA])
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,561 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 74 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,561 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [faforever.faf]
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,565 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, faforever.faf, 1e730c4979623a34ba046435b31075cb])
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,697 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,697 DEBUG faf.updater file : faforever.faf
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,697 DEBUG faf.updater faforever.faf is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,697 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,697 DEBUG faf.updater Disconnected from server at 2013-03-14 11:13:35
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,724 DEBUG faf.updater Update finished at 2013-03-14 11:13:35
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,724 INFO faf.fa Writing fa_path.lua config file.
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,773 INFO Starting Ranked Search as /cybran, port: 6112
- 2013-03-14 11:13:35,773 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"state": "start", "mod": "ladder1v1", "command": "game_matchmaking", "faction": "/cybran", "gameport": 6112}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:36,036 INFO faf.client Handling game_launch via JSON {u'uid': 717872, u'args': [u'/players 2', u'/team 1'], u'mapname': u'loki.v0003', u'reason': u'ranked', u'command': u'game_launch', u'mod': u'ladder1v1'}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:36,036 INFO faf.fa Updating FA for map: loki.v0003
- 2013-03-14 11:13:36,036 INFO faf.fa Map is available.
- 2013-03-14 11:13:36,036 INFO faf.fa Running FA with info: {'recorder': u'Highlink', 'game_time': 1363274016.037, 'uid': 717872, 'version_info': {'lobby': '0.8.11'}, 'featured_mod': u'ladder1v1'}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:36,036 INFO faf.fa Running FA via command: "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe" /players 2 /team 1 /cybran /mean 1473.88 /deviation 88.4803 /init init_ladder1v1.lua /savereplay gpgnet://localhost/717872/Highlink.SCFAreplay /nobugreport /gpgnet
- 2013-03-14 11:13:36,063 INFO faf.client FA has launched in an attached process.
- 2013-03-14 11:13:36,063 DEBUG Stopping Ranked Search
- 2013-03-14 11:13:36,063 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"state": "stop", "command": "game_matchmaking", "mod": "ladder1v1"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:43,562 DEBUG faf.fa.relayserver incoming connection to relay server...
- 2013-03-14 11:13:43,562 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA connected locally.
- 2013-03-14 11:13:43,562 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA will use local port 52179
- 2013-03-14 11:13:43,562 INFO faf.fa.relayer UDP relay port 6112
- 2013-03-14 11:13:43,709 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer faf server
- 2013-03-14 11:13:43,709 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer Initializing ping timer
- 2013-03-14 11:13:43,710 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:13:43,710 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Idle"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:43,845 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [1, 6112, "Highlink", 27033, 1], "key": "CreateLobby"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:43,845 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:43,913 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:13:43,914 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Lobby"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:44,048 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["loki.v0003"], "key": "HostGame"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:44,244 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:44,273 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:13:44,273 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "PACKET_RECEIVED 6112"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:44,398 INFO faf.client port used : 6112
- 2013-03-14 11:13:44,645 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:45,046 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:45,447 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:45,846 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:46,246 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:46,648 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:47,048 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:47,447 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:47,848 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:49,665 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:49,665 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:49,990 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:13:49,990 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/ASKREPLY quit"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:50,066 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:50,066 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/ASKREPLY Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:50,237 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:50,306 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:13:50,306 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/PLAYERID 13931 quit"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:50,467 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "quit", 13931], "key": "ConnectToPeer"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:54,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:54,484 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:54,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:13:55,144 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:13:55,145 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "/ASKREPLY quit"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:55,773 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:13:55,773 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Launching"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:13:59,927 INFO faf.fa Game Info Complete: {u'num_players': 2, u'mapname': u'loki.v0003', 'uid': 717872, 'version_info': {'lobby': '0.8.11'}, 'game_time': 1363274040.123559, u'game_type': 0, u'host': u'Highlink', u'teams': {u'1': [u'Highlink'], u'2': [u'quit']}, u'access': u'public', u'state': u'playing', u'options': [], u'command': u'game_info', 'featured_mod': u'ladder1v1', u'title': u'Highlink Vs quit', 'recorder': u'Highlink', u'quality': 0.8666612688909802, u'max_players': 12, 'complete': True}
- 2013-03-14 11:14:00,331 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder FA connected locally.
- 2013-03-14 11:14:00,454 DEBUG faf.fa.replayrecorder internet replay server
- 2013-03-14 11:14:00,454 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder Stripping prefix 'P/717872/Highlink.SCFAreplay ' from replay.
- 2013-03-14 11:14:25,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:14:25,484 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:14:25,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:14:56,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:14:56,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:14:56,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:15:27,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:15:27,484 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:15:27,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:15:58,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:15:58,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:15:58,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:16:29,490 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:16:29,490 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:16:29,490 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:17:00,496 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:17:00,496 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:17:00,496 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:17:31,502 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:17:31,502 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:17:31,502 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:18:02,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:18:02,484 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:18:02,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:18:33,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:18:33,487 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:18:33,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:19:04,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:19:04,484 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:19:04,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:19:19,131 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "get_tournaments"}
- 2013-03-14 11:19:19,131 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "get_tournaments"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:19:19,273 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"data": {"408165": {"name": "2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament", "url": "", "participants": [{"id": 6452002, "name": "TAG_ZaphodX"}, {"id": 6458343, "name": "Ave_Satan"}], "state": "open", "progress": 0, "type": "double elimination", "description": "<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> </span></div><p><br></p><p><img src=\"\" style=\"cursor: nw-resize;\"><br></p><p>Are you an Oceanic Legend? Fight on the seas to win a </p><p>custom-made<span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> avatar in this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">2v2 tourny played on </span></p><p><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">water-based maps.</span></p><div><br></div><div>Entry is for >1700 rating only.</div><div><br></div><div>The winners will both receive a custom-made avatar.</div><div><br></div><div>The tournament will be casted on my YouTube channel:</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> </a> <br></div><div><br></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">Get a partner and sign up early to guarantee your place! </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">All </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">players </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">should join this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny here inside FAF to be </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">automatically added to the</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> tournament </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">chatroom when </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">the </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny starts. Double click to join.</span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"><br></span></div><div><div>For full details, rules, maps, prizes and sign-up details please</div><div>check the thread in the tournament forum:</div><div>FAF forums>Tournaments>2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"outline: 0px; text-decoration: underline !important;\"></a></div></div><div><br></div><div>TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.<br></div><p></p>\n"}}, "command": "tournaments_info"}
- 2013-03-14 11:19:35,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:19:35,484 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:19:35,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:20:06,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:20:06,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:20:06,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:20:37,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:20:37,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:20:37,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:21:08,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:21:08,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:21:08,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:21:39,500 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:21:39,500 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:21:39,500 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:22:10,505 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:22:10,505 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:22:10,505 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:22:41,492 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:22:41,492 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:22:41,492 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:23:12,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:23:12,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:23:12,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:23:43,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:23:43,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:23:43,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:24:06,992 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:24:06,992 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [1, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:24:06,992 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:24:06,993 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [2, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:24:06,993 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [3, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:24:11,954 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:24:11,954 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [2, "defeat -1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:24:11,994 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:24:11,996 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [1, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:24:11,996 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [3, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:24:11,996 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:24:11,996 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:24:11,996 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Stats", "chuncks": ["<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n<GameStats xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\">\n <Army index=\"0\" name=\"Highlink\">\n <UnitStats>\n <Unit id=\"xsa0103\" type=\"<LOC xsa0103_desc>Attack Bomber\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"17\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb0101\" type=\"<LOC urb0101_desc>Land Factory\" built=\"7\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"750.00\" masscost=\"240.00\" energycost=\"2100.00\" buildtime=\"300.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ura0103\" type=\"<LOC ura0103_desc>Attack Bomber\" built=\"2\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ura0102\" type=\"<LOC ura0102_desc>Interceptor\" built=\"4\" lost=\"3\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"1657.00\" damagereceived=\"901.00\" masscost=\"50.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ura0101\" type=\"<LOC ura0101_desc>Air Scout\" built=\"1\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"34.00\" masscost=\"40.00\" energycost=\"420.00\" buildtime=\"145.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb0102\" type=\"<LOC urb0102_desc>Air Factory\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"210.00\" energycost=\"2400.00\" buildtime=\"300.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1101\" type=\"<LOC urb1101_desc>Power Generator\" built=\"27\" lost=\"11\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"4500.00\" damagereceived=\"11500.00\" masscost=\"75.00\" energycost=\"750.00\" buildtime=\"125.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1103\" type=\"<LOC urb1103_desc>Mass Extractor\" built=\"16\" lost=\"2\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"1750.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"360.00\" buildtime=\"60.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb3101\" type=\"<LOC urb3101_desc>Radar System\" built=\"3\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"720.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb2104\" type=\"<LOC urb2104_desc>Anti-Air Turret\" built=\"1\" lost=\"2\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"1106.00\" damagereceived=\"2750.00\" masscost=\"150.00\" energycost=\"1500.00\" buildtime=\"188.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0104\" type=\"<LOC url0104_desc>Mobile Anti-Air Gun\" built=\"5\" lost=\"2\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"1768.00\" damagereceived=\"500.00\" masscost=\"28.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0103\" type=\"<LOC url0103_desc>Mobile Light Artillery\" built=\"5\" lost=\"2\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"500.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"180.00\" buildtime=\"180.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0101\" type=\"<LOC url0101_desc>Land Scout\" built=\"3\" lost=\"2\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"750.00\" masscost=\"8.00\" energycost=\"80.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0001\" type=\"<LOC url0001_desc>Armored Command Unit\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"2250.00\" masscost=\"18000.00\" energycost=\"5000000.00\" buildtime=\"6000000.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0105\" type=\"<LOC url0105_desc>Engineer\" built=\"20\" lost=\"6\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"3000.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"260.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0106\" type=\"<LOC url0106_desc>Light Assault Bot\" built=\"2\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"35.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0107\" type=\"<LOC url0107_desc>Assault Bot\" built=\"24\" lost=\"7\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"4000.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"273.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n </UnitStats>\n <SummaryStats>\n <Category type=\"AIR\" built=\"8\" killed=\"17\"/>\n <Category type=\"LAND\" built=\"67\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"NAVAL\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENGINEER\" built=\"21\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ARTILLERY\" built=\"5\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ANTIAIR\" built=\"10\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TRANSPORTATION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"STRUCTURE\" built=\"55\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"FACTORY\" built=\"8\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENERGYPRODUCTION\" built=\"28\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"MASSPRODUCTION\" built=\"17\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"DEFENSE\" built=\"1\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH1\" built=\"121\" killed=\"17\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH2\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH3\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n </SummaryStats>\n <EconomyStats>\n <Energy produced=\"152696.73\" consumed=\"127755.89\" storage=\"4000.00\"/>\n <Mass produced=\"12392.30\" consumed=\"10466.87\" storage=\"1490.00\"/>\n </EconomyStats>\n </Army>\n <Army index=\"1\" name=\"quit\">\n <UnitStats>\n <Unit id=\"xsb0202\" type=\"<LOC xsb0202_desc>Air Factory\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"630.00\" energycost=\"11700.00\" buildtime=\"1800.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsb1101\" type=\"<LOC xsb1101_desc>Power Generator\" built=\"16\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"75.00\" energycost=\"750.00\" buildtime=\"125.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsa0101\" type=\"<LOC xsa0101_desc>Air Scout\" built=\"2\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"40.00\" energycost=\"420.00\" buildtime=\"145.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsa0102\" type=\"<LOC xsa0102_desc>Interceptor\" built=\"5\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"935.00\" damagereceived=\"296.00\" masscost=\"50.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsa0103\" type=\"<LOC xsa0103_desc>Attack Bomber\" built=\"5\" lost=\"17\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"54700.00\" damagereceived=\"4122.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsl0001\" type=\"<LOC xsl0001_desc>Armored Command Unit\" built=\"0\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"702500.00\" damagereceived=\"12000.00\" masscost=\"18000.00\" energycost=\"5000000.00\" buildtime=\"6000000.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsl0105\" type=\"<LOC xsl0105_desc>Engineer\" built=\"13\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"260.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsl0208\" type=\"<LOC xsl0208_desc>Engineer\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"160.00\" energycost=\"840.00\" buildtime=\"800.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsb3101\" type=\"<LOC xsb3101_desc>Radar System\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"720.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsb0102\" type=\"<LOC xsb0102_desc>Air Factory\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"210.00\" energycost=\"2400.00\" buildtime=\"300.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsb5101\" type=\"<LOC xsb5101_desc>Wall Section\" built=\"4\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"2.00\" energycost=\"10.00\" buildtime=\"10.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsb1103\" type=\"<LOC xsb1103_desc>Mass Extractor\" built=\"6\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"360.00\" buildtime=\"60.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsb2101\" type=\"<LOC xsb2101_desc>Point Defense\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"250.00\" energycost=\"2000.00\" buildtime=\"250.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsb2104\" type=\"<LOC xsb2104_desc>Anti-Air Defense\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"150.00\" energycost=\"1500.00\" buildtime=\"188.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsb2108\" type=\"<LOC xsb2108_desc>Tactical Missile Launcher\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"96000.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"825.00\" energycost=\"4500.00\" buildtime=\"700.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ura0102\" type=\"<LOC ura0102_desc>Interceptor\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"3\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"50.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ura0101\" type=\"<LOC ura0101_desc>Air Scout\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"1\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"40.00\" energycost=\"420.00\" buildtime=\"145.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1101\" type=\"<LOC urb1101_desc>Power Generator\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"8\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"75.00\" energycost=\"750.00\" buildtime=\"125.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1103\" type=\"<LOC urb1103_desc>Mass Extractor\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"2\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"360.00\" buildtime=\"60.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb2104\" type=\"<LOC urb2104_desc>Anti-Air Turret\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"2\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"150.00\" energycost=\"1500.00\" buildtime=\"188.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0104\" type=\"<LOC url0104_desc>Mobile Anti-Air Gun\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"2\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"28.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0103\" type=\"<LOC url0103_desc>Mobile Light Artillery\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"2\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"180.00\" buildtime=\"180.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0101\" type=\"<LOC url0101_desc>Land Scout\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"2\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"8.00\" energycost=\"80.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0105\" type=\"<LOC url0105_desc>Engineer\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"6\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"260.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0107\" type=\"<LOC url0107_desc>Assault Bot\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"7\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"273.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n </UnitStats>\n <SummaryStats>\n <Category type=\"AIR\" built=\"13\" killed=\"4\"/>\n <Category type=\"LAND\" built=\"14\" killed=\"19\"/>\n <Category type=\"NAVAL\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENGINEER\" built=\"14\" killed=\"6\"/>\n <Category type=\"ARTILLERY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"2\"/>\n <Category type=\"ANTIAIR\" built=\"6\" killed=\"7\"/>\n <Category type=\"TRANSPORTATION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"STRUCTURE\" built=\"31\" killed=\"12\"/>\n <Category type=\"FACTORY\" built=\"1\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENERGYPRODUCTION\" built=\"16\" killed=\"8\"/>\n <Category type=\"MASSPRODUCTION\" built=\"6\" killed=\"2\"/>\n <Category type=\"DEFENSE\" built=\"6\" killed=\"2\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH1\" built=\"54\" killed=\"35\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH2\" built=\"3\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH3\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n </SummaryStats>\n <EconomyStats>\n <Energy produced=\"143750.30\" consumed=\"124348.34\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n <Mass produced=\"7344.47\" consumed=\"7079.85\" storage=\"310.00\"/>\n </EconomyStats>\n </Army>\n <Army index=\"2\" name=\"civilian\">\n <UnitStats>\n <Unit id=\"ueb5101\" type=\"<LOC ueb5101_desc>Wall Section\" built=\"144\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"1000.00\" masscost=\"2.00\" energycost=\"10.00\" buildtime=\"10.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uec0001\" type=\"<LOC uec0001_desc>UEF Civilian Truck\" built=\"12\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"250.00\" masscost=\"158.00\" energycost=\"0.00\" buildtime=\"0.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uec1101\" type=\"<LOC uec1101_desc>UEF Residential Building\" built=\"44\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"548.00\" masscost=\"200.00\" energycost=\"0.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uec1201\" type=\"<LOC uec1201_desc>UEF Science Lab\" built=\"9\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"16.00\" masscost=\"5.00\" energycost=\"50.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uec1301\" type=\"<LOC uec1301_desc>UEF Administrative Building\" built=\"15\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"5.00\" energycost=\"50.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uec1501\" type=\"<LOC uec1501_desc>UEF Manufacturing Facility\" built=\"4\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"5.00\" energycost=\"50.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uec1401\" type=\"<LOC uec1401_desc>UEF Agricultural Center\" built=\"8\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"100.00\" energycost=\"0.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xec8001\" type=\"<LOC xec8001_desc>UEF Wall Segment\" built=\"46\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"500.00\" masscost=\"5.00\" energycost=\"50.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xec1301\" type=\"<LOC xec1301_desc>UEF Administration Building\" built=\"4\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"40.00\" masscost=\"634.00\" energycost=\"6100.00\" buildtime=\"490.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xec8011\" type=\"<LOC xec8011_desc>UEF Wall Segment\" built=\"2\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"5.00\" energycost=\"50.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n </UnitStats>\n <SummaryStats>\n <Category type=\"AIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"LAND\" built=\"144\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"NAVAL\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENGINEER\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ARTILLERY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ANTIAIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TRANSPORTATION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"STRUCTURE\" built=\"276\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"FACTORY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENERGYPRODUCTION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"MASSPRODUCTION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"DEFENSE\" built=\"144\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH1\" built=\"156\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH2\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH3\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n </SummaryStats>\n <EconomyStats>\n <Energy produced=\"0.00\" consumed=\"0.00\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n <Mass produced=\"0.00\" consumed=\"0.00\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n </EconomyStats>\n </Army>\n</GameStats>\n"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:24:14,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:24:14,484 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:24:14,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:24:18,076 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:24:18,076 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [1, "victory 5"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:24:18,099 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:24:18,099 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [1, "score 5"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:24:18,099 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [3, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:24:18,101 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:24:18,101 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:24:18,101 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "Stats", "chuncks": ["<?xml version=\"1.0\" ?>\n<GameStats xmlns:xsi=\"\" xmlns:xsd=\"\">\n <Army index=\"0\" name=\"Highlink\">\n <UnitStats>\n <Unit id=\"xsa0103\" type=\"<LOC xsa0103_desc>Attack Bomber\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"17\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb0101\" type=\"<LOC urb0101_desc>Land Factory\" built=\"7\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"750.00\" masscost=\"240.00\" energycost=\"2100.00\" buildtime=\"300.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ura0103\" type=\"<LOC ura0103_desc>Attack Bomber\" built=\"2\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ura0102\" type=\"<LOC ura0102_desc>Interceptor\" built=\"4\" lost=\"3\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"1657.00\" damagereceived=\"901.00\" masscost=\"50.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ura0101\" type=\"<LOC ura0101_desc>Air Scout\" built=\"1\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"34.00\" masscost=\"40.00\" energycost=\"420.00\" buildtime=\"145.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb0102\" type=\"<LOC urb0102_desc>Air Factory\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"210.00\" energycost=\"2400.00\" buildtime=\"300.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1101\" type=\"<LOC urb1101_desc>Power Generator\" built=\"27\" lost=\"11\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"4500.00\" damagereceived=\"11500.00\" masscost=\"75.00\" energycost=\"750.00\" buildtime=\"125.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1103\" type=\"<LOC urb1103_desc>Mass Extractor\" built=\"17\" lost=\"2\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"1750.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"360.00\" buildtime=\"60.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb3101\" type=\"<LOC urb3101_desc>Radar System\" built=\"3\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"720.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb2104\" type=\"<LOC urb2104_desc>Anti-Air Turret\" built=\"1\" lost=\"2\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"1106.00\" damagereceived=\"2750.00\" masscost=\"150.00\" energycost=\"1500.00\" buildtime=\"188.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0104\" type=\"<LOC url0104_desc>Mobile Anti-Air Gun\" built=\"5\" lost=\"2\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"1768.00\" damagereceived=\"500.00\" masscost=\"28.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0103\" type=\"<LOC url0103_desc>Mobile Light Artillery\" built=\"5\" lost=\"2\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"500.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"180.00\" buildtime=\"180.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0101\" type=\"<LOC url0101_desc>Land Scout\" built=\"3\" lost=\"2\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"750.00\" masscost=\"8.00\" energycost=\"80.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0001\" type=\"<LOC url0001_desc>Armored Command Unit\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"2250.00\" masscost=\"18000.00\" energycost=\"5000000.00\" buildtime=\"6000000.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0105\" type=\"<LOC url0105_desc>Engineer\" built=\"20\" lost=\"6\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"3000.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"260.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0106\" type=\"<LOC url0106_desc>Light Assault Bot\" built=\"2\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"35.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0107\" type=\"<LOC url0107_desc>Assault Bot\" built=\"25\" lost=\"7\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"4000.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"273.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n </UnitStats>\n <SummaryStats>\n <Category type=\"AIR\" built=\"8\" killed=\"17\"/>\n <Category type=\"LAND\" built=\"68\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"NAVAL\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENGINEER\" built=\"21\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ARTILLERY\" built=\"5\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ANTIAIR\" built=\"10\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TRANSPORTATION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"STRUCTURE\" built=\"56\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"FACTORY\" built=\"8\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENERGYPRODUCTION\" built=\"28\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"MASSPRODUCTION\" built=\"18\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"DEFENSE\" built=\"1\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH1\" built=\"123\" killed=\"17\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH2\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH3\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n </SummaryStats>\n <EconomyStats>\n <Energy produced=\"155949.83\" consumed=\"130677.94\" storage=\"4000.00\"/>\n <Mass produced=\"12587.39\" consumed=\"10666.69\" storage=\"1490.00\"/>\n </EconomyStats>\n </Army>\n <Army index=\"1\" name=\"quit\">\n <UnitStats>\n <Unit id=\"xsb0202\" type=\"<LOC xsb0202_desc>Air Factory\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"630.00\" energycost=\"11700.00\" buildtime=\"1800.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsb1101\" type=\"<LOC xsb1101_desc>Power Generator\" built=\"16\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"75.00\" energycost=\"750.00\" buildtime=\"125.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsa0101\" type=\"<LOC xsa0101_desc>Air Scout\" built=\"2\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"40.00\" energycost=\"420.00\" buildtime=\"145.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsa0102\" type=\"<LOC xsa0102_desc>Interceptor\" built=\"5\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"935.00\" damagereceived=\"296.00\" masscost=\"50.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsa0103\" type=\"<LOC xsa0103_desc>Attack Bomber\" built=\"5\" lost=\"17\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"54700.00\" damagereceived=\"4122.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsl0001\" type=\"<LOC xsl0001_desc>Armored Command Unit\" built=\"0\" lost=\"1\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"702500.00\" damagereceived=\"12000.00\" masscost=\"18000.00\" energycost=\"5000000.00\" buildtime=\"6000000.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsl0105\" type=\"<LOC xsl0105_desc>Engineer\" built=\"13\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"260.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsl0208\" type=\"<LOC xsl0208_desc>Engineer\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"160.00\" energycost=\"840.00\" buildtime=\"800.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsb3101\" type=\"<LOC xsb3101_desc>Radar System\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"80.00\" energycost=\"720.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsb0102\" type=\"<LOC xsb0102_desc>Air Factory\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"210.00\" energycost=\"2400.00\" buildtime=\"300.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsb5101\" type=\"<LOC xsb5101_desc>Wall Section\" built=\"4\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"2.00\" energycost=\"10.00\" buildtime=\"10.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsb1103\" type=\"<LOC xsb1103_desc>Mass Extractor\" built=\"6\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"360.00\" buildtime=\"60.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsb2101\" type=\"<LOC xsb2101_desc>Point Defense\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"250.00\" energycost=\"2000.00\" buildtime=\"250.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsb2104\" type=\"<LOC xsb2104_desc>Anti-Air Defense\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"150.00\" energycost=\"1500.00\" buildtime=\"188.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xsb2108\" type=\"<LOC xsb2108_desc>Tactical Missile Launcher\" built=\"1\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"96000.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"825.00\" energycost=\"4500.00\" buildtime=\"700.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ura0102\" type=\"<LOC ura0102_desc>Interceptor\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"3\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"50.00\" energycost=\"2250.00\" buildtime=\"500.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"ura0101\" type=\"<LOC ura0101_desc>Air Scout\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"1\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"40.00\" energycost=\"420.00\" buildtime=\"145.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1101\" type=\"<LOC urb1101_desc>Power Generator\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"8\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"75.00\" energycost=\"750.00\" buildtime=\"125.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb1103\" type=\"<LOC urb1103_desc>Mass Extractor\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"2\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"360.00\" buildtime=\"60.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"urb2104\" type=\"<LOC urb2104_desc>Anti-Air Turret\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"2\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"150.00\" energycost=\"1500.00\" buildtime=\"188.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0104\" type=\"<LOC url0104_desc>Mobile Anti-Air Gun\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"2\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"28.00\" energycost=\"140.00\" buildtime=\"140.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0103\" type=\"<LOC url0103_desc>Mobile Light Artillery\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"2\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"36.00\" energycost=\"180.00\" buildtime=\"180.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0101\" type=\"<LOC url0101_desc>Land Scout\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"2\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"8.00\" energycost=\"80.00\" buildtime=\"80.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0105\" type=\"<LOC url0105_desc>Engineer\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"6\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"260.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"url0107\" type=\"<LOC url0107_desc>Assault Bot\" built=\"0\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"7\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"52.00\" energycost=\"273.00\" buildtime=\"260.00\"/>\n </UnitStats>\n <SummaryStats>\n <Category type=\"AIR\" built=\"13\" killed=\"4\"/>\n <Category type=\"LAND\" built=\"14\" killed=\"19\"/>\n <Category type=\"NAVAL\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENGINEER\" built=\"14\" killed=\"6\"/>\n <Category type=\"ARTILLERY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"2\"/>\n <Category type=\"ANTIAIR\" built=\"6\" killed=\"7\"/>\n <Category type=\"TRANSPORTATION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"STRUCTURE\" built=\"31\" killed=\"12\"/>\n <Category type=\"FACTORY\" built=\"1\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENERGYPRODUCTION\" built=\"16\" killed=\"8\"/>\n <Category type=\"MASSPRODUCTION\" built=\"6\" killed=\"2\"/>\n <Category type=\"DEFENSE\" built=\"6\" killed=\"2\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH1\" built=\"54\" killed=\"35\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH2\" built=\"3\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH3\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n </SummaryStats>\n <EconomyStats>\n <Energy produced=\"145764.55\" consumed=\"125558.12\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n <Mass produced=\"7429.50\" consumed=\"7131.42\" storage=\"310.00\"/>\n </EconomyStats>\n </Army>\n <Army index=\"2\" name=\"civilian\">\n <UnitStats>\n <Unit id=\"ueb5101\" type=\"<LOC ueb5101_desc>Wall Section\" built=\"144\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"1000.00\" masscost=\"2.00\" energycost=\"10.00\" buildtime=\"10.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uec0001\" type=\"<LOC uec0001_desc>UEF Civilian Truck\" built=\"12\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"250.00\" masscost=\"158.00\" energycost=\"0.00\" buildtime=\"0.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uec1101\" type=\"<LOC uec1101_desc>UEF Residential Building\" built=\"44\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"548.00\" masscost=\"200.00\" energycost=\"0.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uec1201\" type=\"<LOC uec1201_desc>UEF Science Lab\" built=\"9\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"16.00\" masscost=\"5.00\" energycost=\"50.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uec1301\" type=\"<LOC uec1301_desc>UEF Administrative Building\" built=\"15\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"5.00\" energycost=\"50.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uec1501\" type=\"<LOC uec1501_desc>UEF Manufacturing Facility\" built=\"4\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"5.00\" energycost=\"50.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"uec1401\" type=\"<LOC uec1401_desc>UEF Agricultural Center\" built=\"8\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"100.00\" energycost=\"0.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xec8001\" type=\"<LOC xec8001_desc>UEF Wall Segment\" built=\"46\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"500.00\" masscost=\"5.00\" energycost=\"50.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xec1301\" type=\"<LOC xec1301_desc>UEF Administration Building\" built=\"4\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"40.00\" masscost=\"634.00\" energycost=\"6100.00\" buildtime=\"490.00\"/>\n <Unit id=\"xec8011\" type=\"<LOC xec8011_desc>UEF Wall Segment\" built=\"2\" lost=\"0\" killed=\"0\" damagedealt=\"0.00\" damagereceived=\"0.00\" masscost=\"5.00\" energycost=\"50.00\" buildtime=\"50.00\"/>\n </UnitStats>\n <SummaryStats>\n <Category type=\"AIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"LAND\" built=\"144\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"NAVAL\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENGINEER\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ARTILLERY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ANTIAIR\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TRANSPORTATION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"STRUCTURE\" built=\"276\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"FACTORY\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"ENERGYPRODUCTION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"MASSPRODUCTION\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"DEFENSE\" built=\"144\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH1\" built=\"156\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH2\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n <Category type=\"TECH3\" built=\"0\" killed=\"0\"/>\n </SummaryStats>\n <EconomyStats>\n <Energy produced=\"0.00\" consumed=\"0.00\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n <Mass produced=\"0.00\" consumed=\"0.00\" storage=\"0.00\"/>\n </EconomyStats>\n </Army>\n</GameStats>\n"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:24:20,312 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:24:20,312 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [2, "defeat -1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:24:20,312 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:24:20,312 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [1, "score 5"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:24:20,312 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameResult", "chuncks": [3, "score 0"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:24:22,188 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder FA disconnected locally.
- 2013-03-14 11:24:22,188 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder Waiting for replay transmission to finish: 3 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:24:22,194 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder Found Complete Replay Info
- 2013-03-14 11:24:22,196 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder Writing local replay as C:\ProgramData\FAForever\replays\717872-Highlink.fafreplay, containing 142355 bytes of replay data.
- 2013-03-14 11:24:22,198 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder closing replay file
- 2013-03-14 11:24:22,200 DEBUG faf.fa.replayrecorder destructor entered
- 2013-03-14 11:24:29,503 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA disconnected locally.
- 2013-03-14 11:24:29,503 INFO faf.fa.relayer remove relay
- 2013-03-14 11:24:29,503 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer destructor called
- 2013-03-14 11:24:32,095 INFO faf.client FA has finished with exit code: 0
- 2013-03-14 11:24:45,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:24:45,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:24:45,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:25:16,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:25:16,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:25:16,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:25:47,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:25:47,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:25:47,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:26:18,484 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:26:18,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:26:18,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:26:49,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:26:49,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:26:49,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:27:20,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:27:20,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:27:20,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:27:51,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:27:51,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:27:51,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:28:22,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:28:22,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:28:22,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:28:53,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:28:53,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:28:53,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:29:19,130 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "get_tournaments"}
- 2013-03-14 11:29:19,130 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "get_tournaments"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:29:19,266 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"data": {"408165": {"name": "2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament", "url": "", "participants": [{"id": 6452002, "name": "TAG_ZaphodX"}, {"id": 6458343, "name": "Ave_Satan"}], "state": "open", "progress": 0, "type": "double elimination", "description": "<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> </span></div><p><br></p><p><img src=\"\" style=\"cursor: nw-resize;\"><br></p><p>Are you an Oceanic Legend? Fight on the seas to win a </p><p>custom-made<span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> avatar in this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">2v2 tourny played on </span></p><p><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">water-based maps.</span></p><div><br></div><div>Entry is for >1700 rating only.</div><div><br></div><div>The winners will both receive a custom-made avatar.</div><div><br></div><div>The tournament will be casted on my YouTube channel:</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> </a> <br></div><div><br></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">Get a partner and sign up early to guarantee your place! </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">All </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">players </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">should join this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny here inside FAF to be </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">automatically added to the</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> tournament </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">chatroom when </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">the </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny starts. Double click to join.</span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"><br></span></div><div><div>For full details, rules, maps, prizes and sign-up details please</div><div>check the thread in the tournament forum:</div><div>FAF forums>Tournaments>2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"outline: 0px; text-decoration: underline !important;\"></a></div></div><div><br></div><div>TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.<br></div><p></p>\n"}}, "command": "tournaments_info"}
- 2013-03-14 11:29:24,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:29:24,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:29:24,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:29:55,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:29:55,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:29:55,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:30:25,658 INFO faf.fa Checking FA for: faf and map None
- 2013-03-14 11:30:25,660 INFO faf.fa Updating FA for mod: faf, version None
- 2013-03-14 11:30:25,661 DEBUG faf.updater Update started at 2013-03-14 11:30:25
- 2013-03-14 11:30:25,661 DEBUG faf.updater Using game path: C:/Program Files (x86)/THQ/Gas Powered Games/Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance
- 2013-03-14 11:30:25,661 DEBUG faf.updater Using appdata: C:\ProgramData\FAForever
- 2013-03-14 11:30:25,910 DEBUG faf.updater Connected to update server at 2013-03-14 11:30:25
- 2013-03-14 11:30:25,924 DEBUG faf.updater lua.scd digest is 5cdd99bddafa38f0873bd11dd353055a
- 2013-03-14 11:30:25,930 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAF])
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,072 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 238 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,072 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [ForgedAlliance.exe, init_faf.lua, init_ladder1v1.lua, GDFBinary.dll, SupComDataPath.lua]
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,073 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_faf.lua, 16da7063ae3309c154a2c544f559b3a9])
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,075 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, SupComDataPath.lua, 55ac1ef97845f2291da64b830299331e])
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,075 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, init_ladder1v1.lua, ea96ac9cec88af29c08556c96465acfe])
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,098 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, ForgedAlliance.exe, 5babeaec3b8efa0f24801eae044e38a0])
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,099 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [bin, GDFBinary.dll, 3fc9e7684d150da5c51db71d2399f316])
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,223 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 52 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,223 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_faf.lua
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,223 DEBUG faf.updater init_faf.lua is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,398 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,398 DEBUG faf.updater file : SupComDataPath.lua
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,398 DEBUG faf.updater SupComDataPath.lua is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,398 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,398 DEBUG faf.updater file : init_ladder1v1.lua
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,398 DEBUG faf.updater init_ladder1v1.lua is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,401 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 64 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,401 DEBUG faf.updater file : ForgedAlliance.exe
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,401 DEBUG faf.updater ForgedAlliance.exe is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,401 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,401 DEBUG faf.updater file : GDFBinary.dll
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,401 DEBUG faf.updater GDFBinary.dll is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,401 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,401 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(GET_FILES_TO_UPDATE, [FAFGAMEDATA])
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,526 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(LIST_FILES_TO_UP) - 74 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,526 DEBUG faf.updater Files to update: [faforever.faf]
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,532 DEBUG faf.updater writeToServer(UPDATE, [gamedata, faforever.faf, 1e730c4979623a34ba046435b31075cb])
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,657 DEBUG faf.updater handleAction(UP_TO_DATE) - 54 bytes
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,657 DEBUG faf.updater file : faforever.faf
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,657 DEBUG faf.updater faforever.faf is up to date.
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,657 DEBUG faf.updater Updates applied successfully.
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,657 DEBUG faf.updater Disconnected from server at 2013-03-14 11:30:26
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,684 DEBUG faf.updater Update finished at 2013-03-14 11:30:26
- 2013-03-14 11:30:26,684 INFO faf.fa Writing fa_path.lua config file.
- 2013-03-14 11:30:57,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:30:57,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:30:57,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:31:11,359 INFO faf.client Outgoing JSON Message: {"mapname": "scmp_025", "title": "Sound Bug Test", "access": "password", "command": "game_host", "gameport": 6112, "password": "video4ever", "options": [], "mod": "faf"}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:11,624 INFO faf.client Handling game_launch via JSON {u'args': [u'/ratingcolor c8c8c8c8', u'/numgames 38'], u'command': u'game_launch', u'uid': 717907, u'mod': u'faf'}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:11,625 INFO faf.fa Running FA with info: {'recorder': u'Highlink', 'game_time': 1363275071.625, 'uid': 717907, 'version_info': {'lobby': '0.8.11'}, 'featured_mod': u'faf'}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:11,625 INFO faf.fa Running FA via command: "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\bin\ForgedAlliance.exe" /ratingcolor c8c8c8c8 /numgames 38 /mean 1473.88 /deviation 88.4803 /init init_faf.lua /log "C:\ProgramData\FAForever\logs\game.log" /savereplay gpgnet://localhost/717907/Highlink.SCFAreplay /nobugreport /gpgnet
- 2013-03-14 11:31:11,651 INFO faf.client FA has launched in an attached process.
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,217 DEBUG faf.fa.relayserver incoming connection to relay server...
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,217 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA connected locally.
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,217 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA will use local port 50289
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,217 INFO faf.fa.relayer UDP relay port 6112
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,365 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer faf server
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,365 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer Initializing ping timer
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,365 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,365 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Idle"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,506 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": [0, 6112, "Highlink", 27033, 1], "key": "CreateLobby"}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,506 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,572 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,572 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Lobby"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,707 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["scmp_025"], "key": "HostGame"}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,740 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,740 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameMods", "chuncks": ["activated", 1]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,740 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameMods", "chuncks": ["uids", "74A9EAB2-E851-11DB-A1F1-F2C755D89593"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,742 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,742 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["TeamSpawn", "fixed"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,742 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,742 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["TeamLock", "locked"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,742 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,742 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["AutoTeams", "none"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,742 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,742 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["UnitCap", "1000"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,742 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,743 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["FogOfWar", "none"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,743 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,743 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Victory", "sandbox"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,743 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Timeouts", "-1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,743 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,743 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["GameSpeed", "adjustable"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,743 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,743 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["CheatsEnabled", "false"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,743 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["CivilianAlliance", "enemy"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,743 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,743 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["PrebuiltUnits", "Off"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,743 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["NoRushOption", "Off"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,743 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["RandomMap", "Off"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,743 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,743 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Score", "yes"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,744 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Share", "no"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,744 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,744 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["CheatMult", "1.5"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,744 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["BuildMult", "1.5"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,744 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,744 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["OmniCheat", "off"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,744 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["LandExpansionsAllowed", "6"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,744 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,744 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["NavalExpansionsAllowed", "4"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,746 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,746 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["TMLRandom", "20"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,746 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,746 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["ScenarioFile", "/maps/scmp_025/scmp_025_scenario.lua"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,772 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,772 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Slots", 6]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:19,898 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:20,221 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:20,221 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["RandomMap", "Off"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:20,223 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:20,223 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["RankedGame", "Off"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:20,224 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:20,224 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["AllowObservers", 0]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:20,276 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:20,278 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:20,278 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Highlink 1 13"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:20,278 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:20,278 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:20,299 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:20,374 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:20,374 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:20,374 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Highlink 1 13"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:20,374 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:20,374 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:20,375 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:20,375 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "ProcessNatPacket", "chuncks": ["", "PACKET_RECEIVED 6112"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:20,700 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:20,713 INFO faf.client port used : 6112
- 2013-03-14 11:31:21,099 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:21,500 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:21,900 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:22,301 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:22,700 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:23,101 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:23,502 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command received from server : {"commands": ["", "/PLAYERID 27033 Highlink"], "key": "SendNatPacket"}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:25,293 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:25,293 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:25,293 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Highlink 1 13"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:25,293 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:25,293 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:25,299 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:25,299 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction AI: Easy 2 5"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:25,299 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:25,299 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:25,299 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:25,299 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot AI: Easy 2 2"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:25,323 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:25,323 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:25,323 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Highlink 1 13"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:25,323 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:25,323 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:25,328 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:25,328 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction AI: Easy 2 5"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:25,328 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:25,328 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:25,329 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:25,329 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot AI: Easy 2 2"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:28,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:28,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:28,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,276 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,276 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameMods", "chuncks": ["activated", 0]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,279 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,279 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,279 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Highlink 1 13"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,279 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,279 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,279 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,283 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,283 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction AI: Easy 2 5"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,283 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,283 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,283 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,283 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot AI: Easy 2 2"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,308 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,309 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,309 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Highlink 1 13"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,309 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,309 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,309 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,312 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,312 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction AI: Easy 2 5"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,312 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,312 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,312 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:49,313 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot AI: Easy 2 2"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,086 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,088 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["ScenarioFile", "/maps/scmp_025/scmp_025_scenario.lua"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,088 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,088 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["Slots", 6]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,091 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,091 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,091 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Highlink 1 13"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,092 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,092 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,092 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,095 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,095 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction AI: Easy 2 5"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,095 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,095 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,095 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot AI: Easy 2 2"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,119 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,119 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,119 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Highlink 1 13"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,121 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,121 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,124 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,125 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction AI: Easy 2 5"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,125 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,125 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,125 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot AI: Easy 2 2"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,125 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,125 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameOption", "chuncks": ["RestrictedCategories", 0]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,128 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,128 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,128 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Highlink 1 13"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,128 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,128 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,128 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,131 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,131 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction AI: Easy 2 5"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,131 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,131 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,131 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot AI: Easy 2 2"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,155 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,157 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,157 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Highlink 1 13"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,157 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,157 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,157 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,161 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,161 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction AI: Easy 2 5"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,161 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,161 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,161 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot AI: Easy 2 2"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,164 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,164 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,164 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Highlink 1 13"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,164 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,164 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,167 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,167 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction AI: Easy 2 5"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,167 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,167 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,167 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,167 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot AI: Easy 2 2"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,190 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,191 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,191 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Highlink 1 13"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,191 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,191 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,196 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,196 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction AI: Easy 2 5"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,196 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,196 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:53,196 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot AI: Easy 2 2"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:55,558 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:55,558 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:55,558 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Highlink 1 13"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:55,559 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:55,559 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:55,568 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:55,568 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction AI: Easy 2 5"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:55,568 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:55,568 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:55,569 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:55,569 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot AI: Easy 2 2"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:55,599 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:55,599 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:55,601 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Highlink 1 13"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:55,601 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:55,601 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:55,604 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:55,604 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction AI: Easy 2 5"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:55,605 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:55,605 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:55,605 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:55,605 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot AI: Easy 2 2"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:57,417 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:57,417 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:57,417 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color Highlink 1 13"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:57,417 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:57,418 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot Highlink 1 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:57,421 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:57,423 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["faction AI: Easy 2 2"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:57,423 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["color AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:57,423 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["team AI: Easy 2 1"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:57,423 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "PlayerOption", "chuncks": ["startspot AI: Easy 2 2"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:57,424 INFO faf.fa.relayer reading socket from FA
- 2013-03-14 11:31:57,424 INFO faf.fa.relayer Command transmitted from FA to server : {"action": "GameState", "chuncks": ["Launching"]}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:57,621 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder FA connected locally.
- 2013-03-14 11:31:57,743 DEBUG faf.fa.replayrecorder internet replay server
- 2013-03-14 11:31:57,743 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder Stripping prefix 'P/717907/Highlink.SCFAreplay ' from replay.
- 2013-03-14 11:31:59,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:59,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:31:59,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:32:05,510 INFO faf.fa Game Info Complete: {u'num_players': 1, u'mapname': u'scmp_025', 'uid': 717907, 'version_info': {'lobby': '0.8.11'}, 'game_time': 1363275121.241653, u'game_type': 3, u'host': u'Highlink', u'teams': {u'0': [u'Highlink']}, u'access': u'password', u'state': u'playing', u'options': [], u'command': u'game_info', 'featured_mod': u'faf', u'title': u'Sound Bug Test', 'recorder': u'Highlink', u'max_players': 6, 'complete': True}
- 2013-03-14 11:32:30,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:32:30,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:32:30,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:33:01,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:33:01,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:33:01,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:33:32,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:33:32,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:33:32,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:34:03,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:34:03,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:34:03,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:34:34,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:34:34,487 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:34:34,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:35:05,489 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:35:05,489 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:35:05,489 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:35:36,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:35:36,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:35:36,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:35:52,572 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder FA disconnected locally.
- 2013-03-14 11:35:52,572 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder Found Complete Replay Info
- 2013-03-14 11:35:52,572 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder Writing local replay as C:\ProgramData\FAForever\replays\717907-Highlink.fafreplay, containing 28452 bytes of replay data.
- 2013-03-14 11:35:52,572 INFO faf.fa.replayrecorder closing replay file
- 2013-03-14 11:35:52,573 DEBUG faf.fa.replayrecorder destructor entered
- 2013-03-14 11:35:52,573 INFO faf.fa.relayer FA disconnected locally.
- 2013-03-14 11:35:52,573 INFO faf.fa.relayer remove relay
- 2013-03-14 11:35:52,573 DEBUG faf.fa.relayer destructor called
- 2013-03-14 11:35:53,697 INFO faf.client FA has finished with exit code: 0
- 2013-03-14 11:36:07,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:36:07,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:36:07,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:36:38,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:36:38,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:36:38,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:37:09,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:37:09,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:37:09,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:37:40,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:37:40,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:37:40,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:38:11,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:38:11,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:38:11,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:38:42,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:38:42,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:38:42,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:39:13,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:39:13,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:39:13,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:39:19,130 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "get_tournaments"}
- 2013-03-14 11:39:19,131 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "get_tournaments"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:39:19,267 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"data": {"408165": {"name": "2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament", "url": "", "participants": [{"id": 6452002, "name": "TAG_ZaphodX"}, {"id": 6458343, "name": "Ave_Satan"}], "state": "open", "progress": 0, "type": "double elimination", "description": "<p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><p></p><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> </span></div><p><br></p><p><img src=\"\" style=\"cursor: nw-resize;\"><br></p><p>Are you an Oceanic Legend? Fight on the seas to win a </p><p>custom-made<span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> avatar in this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">2v2 tourny played on </span></p><p><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">water-based maps.</span></p><div><br></div><div>Entry is for >1700 rating only.</div><div><br></div><div>The winners will both receive a custom-made avatar.</div><div><br></div><div>The tournament will be casted on my YouTube channel:</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"> </a> <br></div><div><br></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">Get a partner and sign up early to guarantee your place! </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">All </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">players </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">should join this </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny here inside FAF to be </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">automatically added to the</span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"> tournament </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">chatroom when </span><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">the </span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\">tourny starts. Double click to join.</span></div><div><span style=\"line-height: 1.5em;\"><br></span></div><div><div>For full details, rules, maps, prizes and sign-up details please</div><div>check the thread in the tournament forum:</div><div>FAF forums>Tournaments>2v2 Oceanic Legends Tournament</div><div><a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" style=\"outline: 0px; text-decoration: underline !important;\"></a></div></div><div><br></div><div>TO ENTER YOU MUST SIGNUP YOUR TEAM ON THE FORUMS.<br></div><p></p>\n"}}, "command": "tournaments_info"}
- 2013-03-14 11:39:44,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:39:44,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:39:44,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:40:15,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:40:15,487 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:40:15,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:40:46,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:40:46,487 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:40:46,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:41:17,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:41:17,487 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:41:17,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:41:48,486 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:41:48,486 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:41:48,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:42:19,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:42:19,487 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:42:19,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:42:50,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:42:50,487 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:42:50,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:43:21,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:43:21,487 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:43:21,489 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:43:52,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:43:52,489 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:43:52,489 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:44:25,404 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:44:25,404 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:44:25,404 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:44:54,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:44:54,487 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:44:54,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:45:25,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:45:25,489 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:45:25,489 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:45:58,033 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:45:58,035 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:45:58,035 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:46:27,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:46:27,487 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:46:27,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:47:00,463 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:47:00,463 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:47:00,463 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
- 2013-03-14 11:47:29,487 DEBUG faf.tourneys Tournament Server: {"command": "ping"}
- 2013-03-14 11:47:29,489 INFO faf.tourneys Outgoing JSON Message: {"command": "pong"}
- 2013-03-14 11:47:29,489 DEBUG faf.tourneys writeToServer({"command": "pong"}, [])
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